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* 27.istream.get.cpp - test exercising istream::get()
* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
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* permissions and limitations under the License.
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <rw_driver.h>
template <class CharT, class FileStream>
void test_get (FileStream &f, const char *type,
const CharT array [], std::size_t)
rw_assert (!!f, 0, __LINE__, "basic_ifstream<%s, Traits>", type);
const CharT delim = f.widen ('\xff');
CharT buf [5] = { 0 }; // 4 chars + terminating null
const std::size_t bufsize = sizeof buf / sizeof *buf;
std::size_t n = 0;
// read chars into character buffer, at most 4 at a time
while (f.get (buf, bufsize, delim)) {
rw_assert (f.good () && array [n] == *buf, 0, __LINE__,
"%d. basic_ifstream<%s>::get (%p, %d, '\\x%x')",
n, type, buf, bufsize, delim);
CharT ch;
f.get (ch);
rw_assert (f.good () && ch == array [n], 0, __LINE__,
"%d. basic_ifstream<%s>::get ('\\x%x'); expected '\\x%x'",
n, type, ch, array [n]);
// reached the end of stream
rw_assert ((std::ios::eofbit | std::ios::failbit) == f.rdstate (),
0, __LINE__, "basic_ifstream<%s>::get(...)", type);
template <class CharT>
void run_test (CharT, const char *tname)
typedef CharT char_type;
typedef std::char_traits<char_type> traits_type;
CharT array [256]; // array of chars
const std::size_t nelems = sizeof array / sizeof *array;
// use tmpname(buffer) instead of tmpnam(0) because HP-UX returns 0
// for tmpnam (0) on MT environments
char fname [L_tmpnam];
std::tmpnam (fname);
rw_fatal (0 != fname, 0, __LINE__, "tmpnam(%#p) != 0", fname);
if (1) {
std::basic_ofstream<char_type, traits_type> f (fname);
rw_assert (!!f, 0, __LINE__,
"basic_ofstream <%s>::basic_ofstream (#%s)",
tname, fname);
// populate array with some chars with '\xff' interspersed
CharT *p = array;
for (std::size_t i = 0; std::size_t (i) < nelems / 2; ++i) {
*p++ = char_type (i + 1);
// separate each character with a `\xff'
*p++ = f.widen ('\xff');
// write array to stream in one shot
f.write (array, nelems);
rw_assert (f.good (), 0, __LINE__,
"basic_ofstream<%s>::write (%p, %d)",
tname, array, nelems);
f.close ();
rw_assert (f.good (), 0, __LINE__,
"basic_ofstream<%s>::close()", tname);
if (1) {
std::basic_ifstream<char_type, traits_type> f (fname);
rw_assert (!!f, 0, __LINE__,
"basic_ifstream<%s>::basic_ifstream (%#s)",
tname, fname);
// see if we can read the whole thing in correctly
test_get (f, tname, array, nelems);
// should have reached EOF above
rw_assert ((std::ios::eofbit | std::ios::failbit) == f.rdstate (),
0, __LINE__,
"basic_ifstream<%s>::get(...)", tname);
f.close ();
// successful close should have no effect on rdstate
rw_assert ((std::ios::eofbit | std::ios::failbit) == f.rdstate (),
0, __LINE__,
"basic_ifstream<%s>::get(...)", tname);
std::remove (fname);
static int run_test (int, char**)
run_test (char (), "char");
run_test (wchar_t (), "wchar_t");
#endif // _RWSTD_NO_WCHAR_T
return 0;
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
return rw_test (argc, argv, __FILE__,
0 /* no comment */,
"", 0);