blob: ada1f9f48fa4b875ca24580e3854f4f838f39c25 [file] [log] [blame]
* 18.limits.stdcxx-436.cpp - test case from STDCXX-436 issue
* $Id$
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#include <assert.h> // for assert()
#include <limits.h> // for MB_LEN_MAX
// tell Compaq C++ we need the declaration of the POSIX popen() function
// that's guarded (not declared) in the compiler's pure C++ libc headers
#undef __PURE_CNAME
#include <stdio.h> // for popen(), fscanf(), pclose(), ...
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
# define popen _popen
# define pclose _pclose
#endif // defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
int main ()
// assumes getconf is in the path. on most unix systems it is in
// '/usr/bin' and it doesn't exist on most win32 configurations,
// yet somehow this appears to work on windows, but not sure how.
FILE* f = popen ("getconf MB_LEN_MAX", "r");
if (f) {
int mb_len_max = -1;
const bool failed = fscanf (f, "%d", &mb_len_max) != 1;
pclose (f);
// if getconf isn't available, or getconf doesn't know the limit
// the scan will fail, so we must handle both situations.
assert (failed || MB_LEN_MAX == mb_len_max);
return 0;