blob: 0b14a57e0a07989d44f75d44b477ec2f482ae93d [file] [log] [blame]
* 26.template.mask.array.cpp - tests exercising class template
* mask_array
* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* permissions and limitations under the License.
#include <cstdlib> // for strtol(), size_t
#include <valarray> // for mask_array, valarray
#include <rw_driver.h>
// returns a valarray constructed from a string of comma-separated values
// if there are fewer than n values in the string the remaining values are
// taken to be the same as the last one, i.e., the call
// make_array("1,2,3", 5) returns valarray({1,2,3,3})
template <class T>
make_array (const char *s, std::size_t n = 0)
if (0 == s || '\0' == *s)
return n ? std::valarray<T>(T (), n) : std::valarray<T>();
T buf [256];
for (std::size_t i = 0; ; ++i) {
char *end;
long val = std::strtol (s, &end, 0);
RW_ASSERT (s < end);
RW_ASSERT ('\0' == *end || ',' == *end);
buf [i] = T (val);
if ('\0' == *end) {
while (++i < n)
buf [i] = buf [i - 1];
return std::valarray<T>(buf, i);
s = end + 1;
make_bool_array (const char *s, std::size_t n = 0)
typedef std::valarray<bool> BoolArray;
if (0 == s || '\0' == *s)
return n ? BoolArray(false, n) : BoolArray ();
bool buf [256];
for (std::size_t i = 0; ; ++i) {
RW_ASSERT ('0' == *s || '1' == *s);
buf [i] = '1' == *s++;
if ('\0' == *s) {
while (++i < n)
buf [i] = buf [i - 1];
return BoolArray (buf, i);
static void
test_mask_array (int line,
const char *array,
const char *mask,
const char *opname,
const char *args,
const char *result,
int nmatch)
typedef int T;
const char tname[] = "int";
/* */ std::valarray<T> asrc (make_array<int>(array));
const std::valarray<bool> amask (make_bool_array (mask));
const std::valarray<T> aarg (make_array<int>(args));
if (0 == opname)
opname = "";
// construct the expected result
const std::valarray<T> expect =
make_array<int>(result, *opname ? 0 : asrc.size ());
// create an mask array object from the source array
// and the array of indices
const std::mask_array<T> ia (asrc [amask]);
// iterate over the series of assignment operators, invoking
// each in sequence on the source array, modifying it in place
for (const char *op = opname; *op; ) {
// skip optional whitespace
for ( ; ' ' == *op; ++op);
switch (*op) {
// invoke fill assignment embedded within a series
// of compound assignments, e.g., "*=,,+=" meaning
// ia *= aarg; ia = aarg [0]; ia += aarg
case ',': ia = aarg.size () ? aarg [0] : 0; break;
// invoke ordinary assignment
case '=': ia = aarg; op += 1; break;
// invoke computed assignment
case '*': ia *= aarg; RW_ASSERT ('=' == op [1]); op += 2; break;
case '/': ia /= aarg; RW_ASSERT ('=' == op [1]); op += 2; break;
case '%': ia %= aarg; RW_ASSERT ('=' == op [1]); op += 2; break;
case '+': ia += aarg; RW_ASSERT ('=' == op [1]); op += 2; break;
case '-': ia -= aarg; RW_ASSERT ('=' == op [1]); op += 2; break;
case '^': ia ^= aarg; RW_ASSERT ('=' == op [1]); op += 2; break;
case '&': ia &= aarg; RW_ASSERT ('=' == op [1]); op += 2; break;
case '|': ia |= aarg; RW_ASSERT ('=' == op [1]); op += 2; break;
case '<': ia <<= aarg; RW_ASSERT ('=' == op [2]); op += 3; break;
case '>': ia >>= aarg; RW_ASSERT ('=' == op [2]); op += 3; break;
RW_ASSERT (!"unknown operator");
// skip optional whitespace
for ( ; ' ' == *op; ++op);
// assignment operators are separated by commas
if (',' == *op)
if ('\0' == *opname) {
// fill assignment
ia = aarg.size () ? aarg [0] : 0;
int nequal = 0;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i != asrc.size (); ++i, ++nequal) {
if (asrc [i] != expect [i])
if (-1 == nmatch)
nmatch = int (asrc.size ());
const int* const expect_begin = expect.size () ? &expect [0] : 0;
const int* const actual_begin = asrc.size () ? &asrc [0] : 0;
if ('=' == opname [0] && '\0' == opname [1]) {
rw_assert (nequal == nmatch, 0, line,
"valarray<%s>({%s})[valarray<bool>({%s})] %s "
"%d %c= {%{*.*Ad}}, got {%{*.*Ad}}",
tname, array, mask, opname,
aarg.size () ? aarg [0] : 0,
nmatch == int (asrc.size ()) ? '=' : '!',
int (sizeof (int)), int (expect.size ()), expect_begin,
int (sizeof (int)), int (asrc.size ()), actual_begin);
else {
rw_assert (nequal == nmatch, 0, line,
"valarray<%s>({%s})[valarray<bool>({%s})] %s "
"valarray<%1$s>({%s}) %c= {%{*.*Ad}}, got {%{*.*Ad}}",
tname, array, mask, opname, result,
nmatch == int (asrc.size ()) ? '=' : '!',
int (sizeof (int)), int (expect.size ()), expect_begin,
int (sizeof (int)), int (asrc.size ()), actual_begin);
static int
run_test (int, char**)
#define TEST(array, mask, op, arg, res) \
test_mask_array (__LINE__, array, mask, op, arg, res, -1)
// exercise mask_array<T>::operator=(T), fill assignment
rw_info (0, 0, __LINE__,
// +-- source array
// | +-- mask array (bitset of 0's and 1's)
// | | +-- zero for fill assignment
// | | | +-- argument of fill assignment
// | | | | +-- expected result
// | | | | |
// | | | | |
// V V V V V
TEST ("", "", 0, "0", "");
TEST ("1", "", 0, "0", "1");
TEST ("1", "1", 0, "2", "2");
TEST ("1,2", "10", 0, "3", "3,2");
TEST ("1,2,3", "100", 0, "4", "4,2,3");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "1000", 0, "5", "5,2,3,4");
TEST ("1,2,3,4,5", "10000", 0, "6", "6,2,3,4,5");
TEST ("1,2,3,4,5", "11000", 0, "6", "6,6,3,4,5");
TEST ("1,2,3,4,5", "10100", 0, "6", "6,2,6,4,5");
TEST ("1,2,3,4,5", "10010", 0, "6", "6,2,3,6,5");
TEST ("1,2,3,4,5", "10001", 0, "6", "6,2,3,4,6");
TEST ("1,2,3,4,5", "11100", 0, "6", "6,6,6,4,5");
TEST ("1,2,3,4,5", "11010", 0, "6", "6,6,3,6,5");
TEST ("1,2,3,4,5", "11001", 0, "6", "6,6,3,4,6");
TEST ("1,2,3,4,5", "10110", 0, "6", "6,2,6,6,5");
TEST ("1,2,3,4,5", "10101", 0, "6", "6,2,6,4,6");
TEST ("1,2,3,4,5", "11010", 0, "6", "6,6,3,6,5");
TEST ("1,2,3,4,5", "10110", 0, "6", "6,2,6,6,5");
TEST ("1,2,3,4,5", "10011", 0, "6", "6,2,3,6,6");
#define INFO(op) \
rw_info (0, 0, __LINE__, \
"std::mask_array<int>::operator%s(std::valarray<int>)", op);
INFO ("=");
// +-- source array
// | +-- array of indices (mask_array ctor argument)
// | | +-- assignment operators to test (0 for none)
// | | | +-- argument of assignment (0 for none)
// | | | | +-- expected result
// | | | | |
// | | | | |
// V V V V V
TEST ("", "", "=", "", "");
TEST ("1", "", "=", "", "1");
TEST ("1", "1", "=", "2", "2");
TEST ("1", "1", "=", "3", "3");
TEST ("2", "1", "=", "4", "4");
TEST ("1,2", "", "=", "", "1,2");
TEST ("1,2", "01", "=", "3", "1,3");
TEST ("1,2", "10", "=", "3", "3,2");
TEST ("1,2", "11", "=", "3,4", "3,4");
TEST ("1,2,3", "", "=", "", "1,2,3");
TEST ("1,2,3", "000", "=", "", "1,2,3");
TEST ("1,2,3", "001", "=", "6", "1,2,6");
TEST ("1,2,3", "010", "=", "6", "1,6,3");
TEST ("1,2,3", "011", "=", "6,5", "1,6,5");
TEST ("1,2,3", "100", "=", "6", "6,2,3");
TEST ("1,2,3", "101", "=", "6,5", "6,2,5");
TEST ("1,2,3", "110", "=", "6,5", "6,5,3");
TEST ("1,2,3", "111", "=", "6,5,4", "6,5,4");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "", "=", "", "1,2,3,4");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "0", "=", "", "1,2,3,4");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "1", "=", "5", "5,2,3,4");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "00", "=", "", "1,2,3,4");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "01", "=", "5", "1,5,3,4");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "10", "=", "5", "5,2,3,4");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "11", "=", "5,6", "5,6,3,4");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "000", "=", "", "1,2,3,4");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "001", "=", "5", "1,2,5,4");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "010", "=", "5", "1,5,3,4");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "011", "=", "5,6", "1,5,6,4");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "100", "=", "5", "5,2,3,4");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "101", "=", "5,6", "5,2,6,4");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "110", "=", "5,6", "5,6,3,4");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "111", "=", "5,6,7", "5,6,7,4");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "0000", "=", "", "1,2,3,4");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "0001", "=", "5", "1,2,3,5");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "0010", "=", "5", "1,2,5,4");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "0011", "=", "5,6", "1,2,5,6");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "0100", "=", "5", "1,5,3,4");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "0101", "=", "5,6", "1,5,3,6");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "0110", "=", "5,6", "1,5,6,4");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "0111", "=", "5,6,7", "1,5,6,7");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "1000", "=", "5", "5,2,3,4");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "1001", "=", "5,6", "5,2,3,6");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "1010", "=", "5,6", "5,2,6,4");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "1011", "=", "5,6,7", "5,2,6,7");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "1100", "=", "5,6", "5,6,3,4");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "1101", "=", "5,6,7", "5,6,3,7");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "1110", "=", "5,6,7", "5,6,7,4");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "1111", "=", "5,6,7,8", "5,6,7,8");
// exercise mask_array::operator*=()
INFO ("*=");
TEST ("", "", "*=", "", "");
TEST ("1", "", "*=", "", "1");
TEST ("1", "0", "*=", "", "1");
TEST ("1", "0", "*=", "5", "1");
TEST ("1", "1", "*=", "5", "5");
TEST ("1,2", "", "*=", "", "1, 2");
TEST ("1,2", "0", "*=", "", "1, 2");
TEST ("1,2", "00", "*=", "", "1, 2");
TEST ("1,2", "01", "*=", "5", "1,10");
TEST ("1,2", "10", "*=", "5", "5, 2");
TEST ("1,2", "11", "*=", "5,6", "5,12");
TEST ("1,2,3", "", "*=", "", "1, 2, 3");
TEST ("1,2,3", "0", "*=", "", "1, 2, 3");
TEST ("1,2,3", "00", "*=", "", "1, 2, 3");
TEST ("1,2,3", "000", "*=", "", "1, 2, 3");
TEST ("1,2,3", "001", "*=", "5", "1, 2,15");
TEST ("1,2,3", "010", "*=", "5", "1,10, 3");
TEST ("1,2,3", "011", "*=", "5,6", "1,10,18");
TEST ("1,2,3", "100", "*=", "5", "5, 2, 3");
TEST ("1,2,3", "101", "*=", "5,6", "5, 2,18");
TEST ("1,2,3", "110", "*=", "5,6", "5,12, 3");
TEST ("1,2,3", "111", "*=", "5,6,7", "5,12,21");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "", "*=", "", "1, 2, 3, 4");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "0", "*=", "", "1, 2, 3, 4");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "00", "*=", "", "1, 2, 3, 4");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "000", "*=", "", "1, 2, 3, 4");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "0000", "*=", "", "1, 2, 3, 4");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "0001", "*=", "5", "1, 2, 3,20");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "0010", "*=", "5", "1, 2,15, 4");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "0011", "*=", "5,6", "1, 2,15,24");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "0100", "*=", "5", "1,10, 3, 4");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "0101", "*=", "5,6", "1,10, 3,24");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "0110", "*=", "5,6", "1,10,18, 4");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "0111", "*=", "5,6,7", "1,10,18,28");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "1001", "*=", "5,6", "5, 2, 3,24");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "1010", "*=", "5,6", "5, 2,18, 4");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "1011", "*=", "5,6,7", "5, 2,18,28");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "1100", "*=", "5,6", "5,12, 3, 4");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "1101", "*=", "5,6,7", "5,12, 3,28");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "1110", "*=", "5,6,7", "5,12,21, 4");
TEST ("1,2,3,4", "1111", "*=", "5,6,7,8", "5,12,21,32");
// exercise compound assignment, i.e.,
// ({1,2,3,4,5,6}[{0,1,0,1,0,1}] *= {0,1,2}) *= {0,1,2}
TEST ("1,2,3,4,5,6", "010101", "*=,*=", "0,1,2", "1,0,3,4,5,24");
// exercise mask_array::operator/=()
INFO ("/=");
TEST ("", "", "/=", "", "");
TEST ("10", "", "/=", "", "10");
TEST ("10", "0", "/=", "", "10");
TEST ("10", "0", "/=", "5", "10");
TEST ("10", "1", "/=", "5", " 2");
TEST ("10,20", "", "/=", "", "10,20");
TEST ("10,20", "0", "/=", "", "10,20");
TEST ("10,20", "00", "/=", "", "10,20");
TEST ("10,20", "01", "/=", "5", "10, 4");
TEST ("10,20", "10", "/=", "5", " 2,20");
TEST ("10,20", "11", "/=", "5,6", " 2, 3");
TEST ("10,20,30", "", "/=", "", "10,20,30");
TEST ("10,20,30", "0", "/=", "", "10,20,30");
TEST ("10,20,30", "00", "/=", "", "10,20,30");
TEST ("10,20,30", "000", "/=", "", "10,20,30");
TEST ("10,20,30", "001", "/=", "5", "10,20, 6");
TEST ("10,20,30", "010", "/=", "5", "10, 4,30");
TEST ("10,20,30", "011", "/=", "5,6", "10, 4, 5");
TEST ("10,20,30", "100", "/=", "5", " 2,20,30");
TEST ("10,20,30", "101", "/=", "5,6", " 2,20, 5");
TEST ("10,20,30", "110", "/=", "5,6", " 2, 3,30");
TEST ("10,20,30", "111", "/=", "5,6,7", " 2, 3, 4");
TEST ("10,20,30,40", "", "/=", "", "10,20,30,40");
TEST ("10,20,30,40", "0", "/=", "", "10,20,30,40");
TEST ("10,20,30,40", "00", "/=", "", "10,20,30,40");
TEST ("10,20,30,40", "000", "/=", "", "10,20,30,40");
TEST ("10,20,30,40", "0000", "/=", "", "10,20,30,40");
TEST ("10,20,30,40", "0001", "/=", "5", "10,20,30, 8");
TEST ("10,20,30,40", "0010", "/=", "5", "10,20, 6,40");
TEST ("10,20,30,40", "0011", "/=", "5,6", "10,20, 6, 6");
TEST ("10,20,30,40", "0100", "/=", "5", "10, 4,30,40");
TEST ("10,20,30,40", "0101", "/=", "5,6", "10, 4,30, 6");
TEST ("10,20,30,40", "0110", "/=", "5,6", "10, 4, 5,40");
TEST ("10,20,30,40", "0111", "/=", "5,6,7", "10, 4, 5, 5");
TEST ("10,20,30,40", "1000", "/=", "5", " 2,20,30,40");
TEST ("10,20,30,40", "1001", "/=", "5,6", " 2,20,30, 6");
TEST ("10,20,30,40", "1010", "/=", "5,6", " 2,20, 5,40");
TEST ("10,20,30,40", "1011", "/=", "5,6,7", " 2,20, 5, 5");
TEST ("10,20,30,40", "1100", "/=", "5,6", " 2, 3,30,40");
TEST ("10,20,30,40", "1101", "/=", "5,6,7", " 2, 3,30, 5");
TEST ("10,20,30,40", "1110", "/=", "5,6,7", " 2, 3, 4,40");
TEST ("10,20,30,40", "1111", "/=", "5,6,7,8", " 2, 3, 4, 5");
// exercise compound assignment, i.e.,
// ({1,2,3,4,5,6}[{0,1,0,1,0,1}] *= {7,8,9}) /= {7,8,9}
TEST ("1,2,3,4,5,6", "010101", "*=,/=", "7,8,9", "1,2,3,4,5,6");
// ({1,20,3,40,5,60}[{0,1,0,1,0,1}] /= {7,8,9}) *= {7,8,9}
TEST ("1,20,3,40,5,60", "010101", "/=,*=", "7,8,9", "1,14,3,40,5,54");
// exercise mask_array::operator%=()
INFO ("%=");
TEST ("1, 2,3, 4,5, 6", "010101", "%=", "3,5,7", "1,2,3,4,5,6");
TEST ("1,11,2,13,4,15", "010101", "%=", "6,7,8", "1,5,2,6,4,7");
// exercise mask_array::operator+=()
INFO ("+=");
TEST ("1,2,3,4,5,6", "010101", "+=", "7,8,9", "1,9,3,12,5,15");
TEST ("1,2,3,4,5,6", "010101", "+=,+=", "1,2,3", "1,4,3, 8,5,12");
// exercise mask_array::operator-=()
INFO ("-=");
TEST ("9,8,7,6,5,4", "111000", "-=", "9,8,7", "0,0,0,6,5,4");
TEST ("9,8,7,6,5,4", "011100", "-=", "8,7,6", "9,0,0,0,5,4");
TEST ("9,8,7,6,5,4", "001110", "-=", "7,6,5", "9,8,0,0,0,4");
TEST ("9,8,7,6,5,4", "000111", "-=", "6,5,4", "9,8,7,0,0,0");
TEST ("9,8,7,6,5,4", "010101", "-=", "3,2,1", "9,5,7,4,5,3");
// exercise mask_array::operator^=()
INFO ("^=");
TEST ("1,3,5,7,9", "10101", "^=", "2,4,5", "3,3,1,7,12");
// exercise mask_array::operator&=()
INFO ("&=");
TEST ("1,3,5,7,9", "10101", "&=", "3,1,7", "1,3,1,7,1");
TEST ("1,2,3,4,5", "01010", "&=", "1,1", "1,0,3,0,5");
// exercise mask_array::operator|=()
INFO ("|=");
TEST ("1,3,5,7,9", "10101", "|=", "3,1,7", "3,3,5,7,15");
TEST ("1,2,3,4,5", "01010", "|=", "1,1", "1,3,3,5, 5");
// exercise mask_array::operator<<=()
INFO ("<<=");
TEST ("1,3,5,7,9", "11100", "<<=", "1,1,1", " 2, 6,10, 7, 9");
TEST ("1,3,5,7,9", "01110", "<<=", "1,1,1", " 1, 6,10,14, 9");
TEST ("1,3,5,7,9", "00111", "<<=", "1,1,1", " 1, 3,10,14,18");
TEST ("1,3,5,7,9", "11111", "<<=", "5,4,3,2,1", "32,48,40,28,18");
// exercise a compound assignment, i.e.,
// ({1,3,5,7,9}[{2,3,4}] <<= {1,1,1}) >>= {1,1,1}
TEST ("1,3,5,7,9", "00111", "<<=,>>=", "1,1,1", "1,3,5,7,9");
// exercise mask_array::operator>>=()
INFO (">>=");
TEST ("2,6,10, 7, 9", "11100", ">>=", "1,1,1", "1,3,5,7,9");
TEST ("1,6,10,14, 9", "01110", ">>=", "1,1,1", "1,3,5,7,9");
TEST ("1,3,10,14,18", "00111", ">>=", "1,1,1", "1,3,5,7,9");
// exercise a compound assignment, i.e.,
// ({10,20,30,40,50}[{1,3,5}] >>= {1,1,1}) <<= {1,1,1}
TEST ("10,11,12,13,14", "10101", ">>=,<<=", "1,2,3", "10,11,12,13,8");
return 0;
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
// FIXME: add command line options to enable/disable each operator
return rw_test (argc, argv, __FILE__,
0 /* no comment */,
(void*)0 /* sentinel */);