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* 20.tuple.h - framework for tuple tests
* $Id: 20.tuple.h 677985 2008-07-18 18:05:55Z elemings $
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
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* Copyright 2008 Rogue Wave Software, Inc.
#include <ostream> // for std::ostream
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits> // for std::decay
#include <utility> // for std::move
// user-defined class for tuple testing (similar to UserClass)
class UserDefined
int value_; // some arbitrary value
// types
typedef int value_type;
typedef unsigned size_type;
struct count_type // number of constructors/operators called
size_type dflt_ctor;
size_type copy_ctor;
size_type tmpl_ctor;
size_type move_ctor;
size_type copy_asgn;
size_type tmpl_asgn;
size_type move_asgn;
static count_type actual; // since last reset()
static count_type expect; // modified by expect()
// constructors
UserDefined ()
: value_ () { ++actual.dflt_ctor; }
UserDefined (const UserDefined& src)
: value_ (src.value_) { ++actual.copy_ctor; }
UserDefined (UserDefined&& src)
: value_ (std::move (src.value_))
{ ++actual.move_ctor; }
// Requires: U is convertible to `value_type'.
template <class U >
explicit UserDefined (U&& u)
: value_ (std::move (u)) { ++actual.tmpl_ctor; }
#endif // !defined _RWSTD_NO_RVALUE_REFERENCES
// assignment
UserDefined& operator= (const UserDefined& src)
value_ = src.value_;
return *this;
template <class U>
UserDefined& operator= (const U& src)
value_ = src;
return *this;
UserDefined& operator= (const UserDefined&& src)
value_ = std::move (src.value_);
return *this;
#endif // !defined _RWSTD_NO_RVALUE_REFERENCES
// accessors
value_type value () const { return value_; }
// testing
static void reset ()
actual.dflt_ctor = actual.copy_ctor = actual.tmpl_ctor =
actual.move_ctor = actual.copy_asgn = actual.move_asgn =
actual.tmpl_asgn = 0;
expect.dflt_ctor = expect.copy_ctor = expect.tmpl_ctor =
expect.move_ctor = expect.copy_asgn = expect.move_asgn =
expect.tmpl_asgn = 0;
// implicit value_type conversion?
UserDefined::actual = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
UserDefined::expect = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
inline bool
operator== (const UserDefined& lhs, const UserDefined& rhs)
return lhs.value () == rhs.value ();
inline bool
operator< (const UserDefined& lhs, const UserDefined& rhs)
return lhs.value () < rhs.value ();
// tuple names
template <class T>
struct type_name_ { static const char* value; };
#define TYPE_NAME(T) \
template <> const char* type_name_<T>::value = #T;
TYPE_NAME (std::tuple<>)
TYPE_NAME (std::tuple<int>)
TYPE_NAME (std::tuple<const int>)
TYPE_NAME (std::tuple<int&>)
TYPE_NAME (std::tuple<std::tuple<int> >)
TYPE_NAME (std::tuple<UserDefined>)
#undef TYPE_NAME
#define TYPE_NAME(T, S) \
template <> const char* type_name_<T>::value = S;
#undef TUPLE
#define TUPLE std::tuple<long, const char*>
TYPE_NAME (TUPLE, "std::tuple<long, const char*>")
#undef TUPLE
#define TUPLE \
std::tuple<bool, char, int, double, void*, UserDefined>
TYPE_NAME (TUPLE, "std::tuple<bool, char, int, double, void*, " \
#undef TUPLE
#undef TYPE_NAME
#define TYPE_NAME(T) type_name_<T>::value
// formatting specifiers
template <class T>
struct fmt_spec { static const char* value; };
#define FMT_SPEC(T, S) \
template <> const char* fmt_spec<T>::value = #S;
FMT_SPEC (bool, %b)
FMT_SPEC (char, %c)
FMT_SPEC (int, %d)
FMT_SPEC (unsigned, %u)
FMT_SPEC (long, %ld)
FMT_SPEC (float, %f)
FMT_SPEC (double, %f)
FMT_SPEC (char*, %s)
FMT_SPEC (char const*, %s)
FMT_SPEC (void*, %p)
FMT_SPEC (void const*, %p)
#undef DECAY
#define DECAY(T) typename std::decay<T>::type
// ignore cv-qualifiers and references
#undef FMT_SPEC
#define FMT_SPEC(T) fmt_spec<DECAY (T)>::value
#endif // define RW_20_TUPLE_H_INCLUDED