blob: 49ffb8d5bff18199a693c01019ba8c80d363c88f [file] [log] [blame]
* allocator.cpp - definitions of allocator testsuite helpers
* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
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// expand _TEST_EXPORT macros
#include <rw_allocator.h>
#include <rw_new.h> // for operator_new()
#include <rw_driver.h> // for rw_assert()
#include <rw_exception.h> // for rw_throw()
#include <new> // for bad_alloc, placement new
#include <stdarg.h> // for va_arg(), va_list
#include <string.h> // for memset()
static const char* const
_rw_func_names[] = {
"UserAlloc ()",
"UserAlloc (const UserAlloc&)",
"UserAlloc (const UserAlloc<U>&)",
"~UserAlloc ()",
"operator= (const UserAlloc&)",
"operator=<U>(const UserAlloc<U>&)",
"allocate (size_type, void*)",
"deallocate (pointer, size_type)",
"construct (pointer, const_reference)",
"destroy (pointer)",
"address (reference) const",
"max_size () const"
static int _rw_id_gen; // generates unique ids
SharedAlloc (size_t nbytes /* = MAX_SIZE */, size_t nblocks /* = MAX_SIZE */)
: max_bytes_ (nbytes), max_blocks_ (nblocks),
n_bytes_ (0), n_blocks_ (0), n_refs_ (0), id_ (0)
memset (n_calls_, 0, sizeof n_calls_);
memset (n_throws_, 0, sizeof n_throws_);
memset (throw_at_calls_, 0, sizeof throw_at_calls_);
/* virtual */ SharedAlloc::
~SharedAlloc ()
static size_t deadbeef = 0;
if (0 == deadbeef) {
deadbeef = size_t (0xdeadbeefU);
if (deadbeef < deadbeef << 1) {
// assume 64-bit size_t
deadbeef <<= 31;
deadbeef <<= 1;
deadbeef |= size_t (0xdeadbeefU);
// invalidate
size_t n = sizeof n_calls_ / sizeof *n_calls_;
for (size_t i = 0; i != n; ++i)
n_calls_ [i] = deadbeef;
n = sizeof n_throws_ / sizeof *n_throws_;
for (size_t i = 0; i != n; ++i)
n_throws_ [i] = deadbeef;
n = sizeof throw_at_calls_ / sizeof *throw_at_calls_;
for (size_t i = 0; i != n; ++i)
throw_at_calls_ [i] = deadbeef;
/* virtual */ void* SharedAlloc::
allocate (size_t nelems, size_t size, const void* /* = 0 */)
funcall (m_allocate);
const size_t nbytes = nelems * size;
if (max_blocks_ < n_blocks_ + nelems)
rw_throw (ex_bad_alloc, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0,
"allocate (%zu): reached block limit of %zu",
nbytes, max_blocks_);
if (max_bytes_ < n_bytes_ + nbytes)
rw_throw (ex_bad_alloc, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0,
"allocate (%zu): reached size limit of %zu",
nbytes, max_bytes_);
return operator_new (nbytes, false);
/* virtual */ void SharedAlloc::
deallocate (void *ptr, size_t /* nelems */, size_t /* size */)
funcall (m_deallocate);
return operator_delete (ptr, false);
/* virtual */ size_t SharedAlloc::
max_size (size_t size /* = 1 */)
funcall (m_max_size);
return max_blocks_ / size;
/* virtual */ void SharedAlloc::
funcall (MemFun mf, const SharedAlloc *other /* = 0 */)
// increment the number of calls regardless of success
++n_calls_ [mf];
if (m_ctor == mf) {
// ordinary (not a copy or converting) ctor
if (id_ <= 0) {
RW_ASSERT (0 == n_refs_);
id_ = ++_rw_id_gen;
// increment the number of references to this allocator
else if (m_cpy_ctor == mf || m_cvt_ctor == mf) {
// copy or converting ctor
RW_ASSERT (0 < id_);
RW_ASSERT (0 < n_refs_);
// increment the number of references to this allocator
else if (m_cpy_assign == mf || m_cvt_assign == mf) {
// assignment operator
RW_ASSERT (0 <= id_ && id_ <= _rw_id_gen);
RW_ASSERT (0 < n_refs_);
RW_ASSERT (0 != other);
if (this != other) {
// decrement the number of references and invalidate
// id if no object refers to *this
if (0 == --n_refs_)
id_ = -1;
SharedAlloc* const po = _RWSTD_CONST_CAST (SharedAlloc*, other);
if (other->id_ <= 0)
po->id_ = ++_rw_id_gen;
else if (m_dtor == mf) {
// dtor
RW_ASSERT (0 <= id_ && id_ <= _rw_id_gen);
RW_ASSERT (0 < n_refs_);
// decrement the number of references and invalidate
// id if no object refers to *this
if (0 == --n_refs_)
id_ = -1;
// check the number of calls and throw an exception
// if the specified limit has been reached
if (n_calls_ [mf] == throw_at_calls_ [mf]) {
// increment the exception counter for this function
++n_throws_ [mf];
rw_throw (ex_bad_alloc, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0,
"UserAlloc::%s: reached call limit of %zu",
_rw_func_names [mf], throw_at_calls_);
RW_ASSERT (!"logic error: should not reach");
/* static */ SharedAlloc* SharedAlloc::
instance (SharedAlloc *pinst /* = 0 */)
// get or a set a pointer to the global allocator object
static SharedAlloc* pglobal = 0;
if (0 == pglobal) {
// construct the global allocator object in the static buffer
static size_t instbuf [sizeof (SharedAlloc) / sizeof (size_t) + 1];
static SharedAlloc* const pbuf = new (instbuf) SharedAlloc ();
pglobal = pbuf;
if (pinst) {
// set the global allocator object and return a pointer
// to the previous one
SharedAlloc* const tmp = pglobal;
pglobal = pinst;
pinst = tmp;
pinst = pglobal;
RW_ASSERT (0 != pinst);
return pinst;
void SharedAlloc::
reset_call_counters ()
memset (n_calls_, 0, sizeof n_calls_);
/* static */ const char* SharedAlloc::
func_name (MemFun mf)
return _rw_func_names [mf];
static void
_rw_check_leaks (int line, size_t expect_blocks, size_t expect_bytes)
if (0 < line) {
// determine and report memory leaks since last checkpoint
/* const */ size_t nbytes;
const size_t nblocks = rwt_check_leaks (&nbytes, 0);
if (_RWSTD_SIZE_MAX == expect_blocks)
expect_blocks = nblocks;
if (_RWSTD_SIZE_MAX == expect_bytes)
expect_bytes = nbytes;
rw_assert (nblocks == expect_blocks && nbytes == expect_bytes,
0, line,
"line %d. %{$FUNCALL} operator new allocated "
"%zu bytes in %zu blocks, expected %zu bytes "
"in %zu blocks",
__LINE__, nbytes, nblocks,
expect_bytes, expect_blocks);
else {
// establish a checkpoint for memory leaks
rwt_check_leaks (0, 0);
rw_check_leaks (const SharedAlloc *palloc /* = 0 */,
int line /* = 0 */,
size_t expect_blocks /* = 0 */,
size_t expect_bytes /* = -1 */)
_rw_check_leaks (line, expect_blocks, expect_bytes);
if (0 == palloc)
static size_t nbytes;
static size_t nblocks;
if (0 < line) {
// determine and report memory leaks since last checkpoint
const size_t leaked_bytes = palloc->n_bytes_ - nbytes;
const size_t leaked_blocks = palloc->n_blocks_ - nblocks;
if (_RWSTD_SIZE_MAX == expect_blocks) // don't care
expect_blocks = leaked_blocks;
if (_RWSTD_SIZE_MAX == expect_bytes) // don't care
expect_bytes = nbytes;
rw_assert ( leaked_blocks == expect_blocks
&& leaked_bytes == expect_bytes, 0, line,
"line %d. %{$FUNCALL} UserAlloc allocated "
"%zu bytes in %zu blocks, expected %zu bytes "
"in %zu blocks",
__LINE__, leaked_bytes, leaked_blocks,
expect_bytes, expect_blocks);
else {
// establish a checkpoint for memory leaks
nbytes = palloc->n_bytes_;
nblocks = palloc->n_blocks_;