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* printf.h - declarations of the rw_printf family of functions
* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
* Copyright 1994-2006 Rogue Wave Software.
#include <rw_testdefs.h>
struct rw_file;
// the equivalent of stdout and stderr
extern _TEST_EXPORT rw_file* const rw_stdout;
extern _TEST_EXPORT rw_file* const rw_stderr;
* Formatted file output.
* Prints to rw_stdout.
rw_printf (const char*, ...);
* Prints to a file.
rw_fprintf (rw_file*, const char*, ...);
* Formatted string output.
* Prints to a character buffer.
rw_sprintf (char*, const char*, ...);
* Prints to a character buffer of given size.
rw_snprintf (char*, _RWSTD_SIZE_T, const char*, ...);
* Formatted string output into a dynamically allocated buffer.
* Prints to a dynamically allocated character buffer.
* @param fmt Format specifier. See rwtest-fmtspec page for details.
* @return On success, returns a pointer to the dynamically allocated
* character buffer. Otherwise, returns 0.
rw_sprintfa (const char* fmt, ...);
* Prints to a dynamically allocated character buffer.
* @param buf A pointer to character buffer where the function should
* store its output.
* @param bufise The size of the character buffer in bytes.
* @param fmt Format specifier. See rwtest-fmtspec page for details.
* @return On success, if the size of the supplied buffer was sufficient
* to format all characters including the terminating NUL, returns
* buf. Otherwise, if the size of the supplied buffer was not
* sufficient, returns a pointer to the newly allocated character
* buffer of sufficient size. Returns 0 on failure.
rw_snprintfa (char *buf, _RWSTD_SIZE_T bufsize, const char* fmt, ...);
* Prints to a dynamically allocated character buffer of sufficient size.
* Provided for portability with the BSD and GNU C libraries:
* @param pbuf Pointer to a pointer to character set by the caller to
* to address of the inital character buffer, or 0 of no such
* buffer exists. The function sets the pointer to a the address
* of the dynamically allocated character buffer, or leaves it
* unchanged if it doesn't allocate any buffer.
* @param pbufsize Pointer to a size_t set by the caller to the size of
* the inital character buffer. The function sets the value pointed
* to by this argument to the size of the dynamically allocated
* character buffer, or leaves it unchanged if it doesn't allocate
* any buffer.
* @param fmt Format specifier. See rwtest-fmtspec page for details.
* @return On success, returns the number of characters formatted into
* the buffer, otherwise -1.
rw_asnprintf (char** pbuf, _RWSTD_SIZE_T *pbufsize, const char *fmt, ...);
* @page rwtest-fmtspec Formated Output Directives and Conversion Specifiers
* The RWTest library supports all formatted output directives specified
* by the C99 standard as well as many other directive extensions. Only
* deviations, extensions, and other implmementation-defined behavior are
* described below. Consult your system and/or compiler documentation
* for specifications of the standard formatting output directives.
* Unless specified otherwise, the following caveats apply to all
* directives and conversions. Directives that accept a pointer argument
* will convert a null pointer into the string literal <tt>(null)</tt>.
* Specifiers within formatting directives are denoted by angle brackets.
* The specifiers are placeholders whose range of possible values are
* listed in the description of the directive.
* @section rwtest-fmtspec-c89 C89 Directives
* @subsection rwtest-fmtspec-c89-ptr Pointer \%p \%\#p
* The argument is a pointer to \c void. The value of the pointer is
* converted to a sequence of hexadecimal digits. The number of
* converted digits depends on the size of the \c void* type. The
* "alternate form" expressed by \c \%\#p immediately precedes converted
* digits with a \c 0x prefix.
* @section rwtest-fmtspec-c99 C99 Directives
* No known deviations or implementation-defined behavior.
* @section rwtest-fmtspec-ext RWTest Extensions
* @subsection rwtest-fmtspec-ext-bool Boolean \%b
* The argument is a value convertible to \c bool type. If the value
* of the argument is nonzero, the value is converted to the string
* literal \c true. Otherwise, the value converts to \c false.
* @subsection rwtest-fmtspec-ext-funptr Function Pointer \%{f}
* The argument is a pointer to a function. The conversion and formatting
* is performed as specified by the \c \%p directive.
* @subsection rwtest-fmtspec-ext-memptr Member Pointer \%{M}
* The argument is a pointer to a composite member. The conversion and
* formatting is performed as specified by the \c \%p directive.
* @subsection rwtest-fmtspec-ext-esc-c Escaped Character \%{c} \%{\#c}
* The argument is an integer value converted to <tt>unsigned char</tt>
* type. For non-printable characters, the resulting output is formatted
* as the corresponding escape sequence. (The value for a horizontal
* tab character for example is formatted as the string literal
* <tt>\\t</tt> and a zero value may be formatted as the string literal
* <tt>\\x00</tt>. In the alternate form, the resulting output is
* immediately surrounded with a single quotation mark <tt>'</tt>.
* @subsection rwtest-fmtspec-ext-esc-lc Escaped Wide Character \%{lc} \%{\#lc}
* Similar to the escaped character directive <tt>%{c}</tt> and quoted
* escaped character directive <tt>%{\#c}</tt> respectively, except
* that the argument is a value of <tt>wchar_t</tt> type.
* @subsection rwtest-fmtspec-ext-s Quoted Character String \%{\#s}
* Similar to the character string directive <tt>%s</tt> except that the
* resulting output is surrounded with a double quotation mark <tt>"</tt>.
* @subsection rwtest-fmtspec-ext-ls Quoted Wide Character String \%{\#ls}
* Similar to the quoted character string directive <tt>%{\#s}</tt>
* except that the argument is a pointer to a null-terminate sequence of
* <tt>wchar_t</tt> type.
* @subsection rwtest-fmtspec-ext-err Error Code \%m \%{\#m}
* The argument is an integer value representing a system-dependent error
* code. In the first form, the value is interpreted as an argument of
* the \c strerror() function. The formatted result is the return value
* of this function using this parameter value. In the second form, the
* formatted result is a character sequence representing the
* corresponding error name (e.g. \c ENOMEM) if applicable or equivalent
* numeric sequence in decimal notation otherwise.
* @subsection rwtest-fmtspec-ext-sig Signal \%K
* The argument is an integer value representing a system-dependent
* signal. The resulting output is a character sequence representing
* the name of corresponding signal (e.g. \c SIGABRT) if
* applicable or equivalent numeric sequence in decimal notation
* otherwise.
* @subsection rwtest-fmtspec-ext-bits Bitset \%{b}
* The argument is a pointer to an array of \c char. Each bit in the
* array, ordered from MSB of the first element to LSB of the last
* element is converted into a sequence of '0' or '1' characters.
* @subsection rwtest-fmtspec-ext-Ai Integer Array \%{Ac} \%{Ao} \%{Ad} \%{Ax}
* The argument is a pointer to an array of integer type. The resulting
* output is formatted as a string of comma-separated integer values.
* The notation of each integer value is specified by <tt>c</tt> for
* characters, <<tt>o</tt> for octal, <tt>d</tt> for decimal, or
* <tt>x</tt> for hexadcimal. An optional field width specifies the
* size of elements in the array (defaults to 1). An optional precision
* specifies the length of the array. In the alternate form, the
* resulting output for octal and hexidecimal integer values are
* prefixed with string literals <tt>0</tt> and <tt>0x</tt> respectively.
* @subsection rwtest-fmtspec-ext-I Fixed-Width Integers \%{I<wn>}
* The argument is a value of an integer type. The directive requires
* two specifiers: the <tt>w</tt> specifier is one of 8, 16, 32, or 64
* specifying the width of the integer value. The <tt>n</tt> specifier
* is one of \c d, \c o, \c x, or \c X specifying the notation of the
* resulting output.
* @subsection rwtest-fmtspec-ext-Is Stream State \%{Is} \%{\#Is}
* The argument is a value of type <tt>std::ios_base::iostate</tt>. In
* the plain form, the resulting ouput is formatted as a sequence of one
* or more unqualified names corresponding to the \c iostate enumerators,
* separated by the OR operator (<tt>|</tt>). In the extended form, the
* resulting output is prefixed with the string literal
* <tt>std::ios_base::</tt> indicating the qualfied namespace.
* @subsection rwtest-fmtspec-ext-Io Open Mode \%{Io} \%{\#Io}
* Similar to the <tt>%{Is}</tt> directive except the argument is a
* value of the <tt>std::ios_base::openmode</tt> enumeration type and
* names in the resulting output correspond to enumerators of this type.
* @subsection rwtest-fmtspec-ext-Iw Seek Direction \%{Iw} \%{\#Iw}
* The argument is a value of type <tt>std::ios_base::seekdir</tt>. In
* the plain form, the resulting ouput is formatted as the unqualified
* name corresponding to one of the \c seekdir enumerators. In the
* extended form, the enumerator is qualified with the enclosing
* namespace.
* @subsection rwtest-fmtspec-ext-If Format Flag \%{If} \%{\#Iw}
* Similar to the <tt>%{Is}</tt> directive except the argument is a
* value of the <tt>std::ios_base::fmtflags</tt> enumeration type and
* names in the resulting output correspond to enumerators of this type.
* @subsection rwtest-fmtspec-ext-Lc Locate Category \%{Lc} \%{\#Lc}
* The argument is an integer type representing a constant defined by
* the C <tt>&lt;locale.h&gt;</tt> header (identified by an <tt>LC_</tt>
* prefix) or a <tt>std::locale::category</tt> constant defined by
* the C++ <tt>&lt;locale&gt;</tt> header. The resulting output is
* formatted as a character string representing the name of the C or C++
* constant enclosed in square brackets (<tt>[</tt>) and <tt>]</tt>).
* In the alternate form, the formatted output for C++ constants is
* prefixed with the string literal <tt>std::locale::</tt> indicating
* the qualified namespace.
* @subsection rwtest-fmtspec-ext-LC Character Classifiers \%{LC} \%{\#LC}
* The argument is an integer type representing enumerators of the
* <tt>std::ctype_base::mask</tt> enumeration. The resulting output is
* formatted as a character string representing the name of the
* enumerator enclosed in square brackets (<tt>[</tt>) and <tt>]</tt>).
* In the alternate form, the enumerator is prefixed with the string
* literal <tt>std::ctype_base::</tt> indicating the qualified
* namespace.
* @subsection rwtest-fmtspec-ext-pid Process Identifier \%{P}
* The argument is a value of the portable \c rw_pid_t type. The
* resulting output is formatted as a numeric sequence of digits
* representing the corresponding process identifier. The \c P
* specifier may be preceded by optional width, justification, and
* precision qualifiers.
* @subsection rwtest-fmtspec-ext-str String \%{S}
* The argument is a pointer to an object of the \c std::string class.
* Otherwise, the pointer \c P is converted by calling the \c P->c_str()
* function and the result is formatted identical to the <tt>%s</tt>
* character string directive.
* @subsection rwtest-fmtspec-ext-wstr Wide String \%{lS}
* The argument is a pointer to an object of the \c std::wstring class.
* Conversion and formatting is performed as stated for the \c \%{S}
* directive.
* @subsection rwtest-fmtspec-ext-tm Time Structure \%{t} \%{\#t}
* The argument is a pointer to a \c tm structure. If the pointer is
* null, the resulting output is the string literal \c (null). In the
* plain form, the resulting output for a valid pointer is formatted
* similar (but not necessarily identical) to the return value of the
* \c asctime() function. If the value of any structure member is
* outside its valid range, the resulting output is formatting using the
* alternate form. In the alternate form, the resulting output is
* formatted as a comma-separated sequence of members enclosed in braces
* where each member is of the format "name=value [range]". The
* "[range]" is only shown if the value is not in the valid range for
* the respective member.
* @subsection rwtest-fmtspec-ext-other Other Directives
* The following directives are also recognized by RWTest output
* functions but are heretofore undocumented.
* <ul>
* <li> \%{<n>} buffer size
* <li> \%{<n>$} positional parameter
* <li> \%{$<s>} environment variable
* <li> \%{?} \%{:} \%{;} conditionals
* <li> \%{@} nested format
* <li> \%{!} user-defined format
* </ul>