blob: df0cdde567e1b3552b0dc302e12f5a29ac31b325 [file] [log] [blame]
// checking the type of va_list
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
* Copyright 1999-2007 Rogue Wave Software, Inc.
#include "config.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
// determine the underlying pointer type of a typedef
#define GET_TYPE_NAME(T) \
const char* get_type_name (T) { return # T; } \
const char* get_type_name (T*) { return # T "*"; } \
typedef void unused_type
GET_TYPE_NAME (signed char);
GET_TYPE_NAME (unsigned char);
GET_TYPE_NAME (short);
GET_TYPE_NAME (unsigned short);
GET_TYPE_NAME (unsigned int);
GET_TYPE_NAME (unsigned long);
GET_TYPE_NAME (long long);
GET_TYPE_NAME (unsigned long long);
#elif defined (_MSC_VER)
GET_TYPE_NAME (__int64);
GET_TYPE_NAME (unsigned __int64);
GET_TYPE_NAME (float);
GET_TYPE_NAME (double);
GET_TYPE_NAME (long double);
GET_TYPE_NAME (void*);
const char* get_type_name (...) { return 0; }
template <class T>
struct Type {
enum { array_size = 0 };
static const char* type_name () { return get_type_name (T ()); }
template <class T, int N>
struct Type<T [N]> {
enum { array_size = N };
static const char* type_name () { return get_type_name (T ()); }
int va_list_array_size (va_list)
return Type<va_list>::array_size;
const char* va_list_type_name (va_list)
return Type<va_list>::type_name ();
#else // if defined (_RWSTD_NO_CLASS_PARTIAL_SPEC)
template <class T>
int va_list_array_size_imp (T *va)
return 0;
template <class T>
int va_list_array_size_imp (T **va)
return sizeof (va_list) / sizeof **va;
int va_list_array_size (va_list va)
return va_list_array_size_imp (&va);
#else // if defined (_RWSTD_NO_PART_SPEC_OVERLOAD)
template <class T>
class is_array
class yes {};
class no { yes yes_ [2]; };
template <class U> struct Type {};
template <class U, size_t N>
static yes test (Type<U[N]>);
static no test (...);
enum { value = sizeof (test (Type<T> ())) == sizeof (yes) };
template <class T>
int va_list_array_size_imp (T **va)
return sizeof (va_list) / sizeof **va;
int va_list_array_size (va_list va)
return is_array<va_list>::value ? va_list_array_size_imp (&va) : 0;
template <class T>
const char* va_list_type (T *va)
return get_type_name (*va);
const char* va_list_type_name (va_list va)
va_list va2;
memset (&va2, 0, sizeof va2);
const int array_size = va_list_array_size (va2);
return array_size ? va_list_type (va2) : get_type_name (va);
int main ()
#if defined (va_copy)
// comment out the macro #defined below when va_copy() exists
printf ("%s ", "//");
#endif // va_copy
printf ("#define _RWSTD_NO_VA_COPY\n");
va_list va;
memset (&va, 0, sizeof va);
const int array_size = va_list_array_size (va);
const char* type_name = va_list_type_name (va);
if (0 == type_name) {
puts ("typedef struct {");
int elem_size = sizeof va;
if (array_size)
elem_size /= array_size;
if (1 < elem_size / sizeof (void*))
printf (" void* _C_data [%u];\n", elem_size / sizeof (void*));
else if (1 == elem_size / sizeof (void*))
puts (" void* _C_data;");
else if (1 < elem_size % sizeof (void*))
printf (" char _C_data [%u]\n", elem_size % sizeof (void*));
else if (1 == elem_size % sizeof (void*))
puts (" char _C_data;");
puts ("} __rw_va_elem;");
type_name = "__rw_va_elem";
if (array_size) {
printf ("typedef %s __rw_va_list [%d];\n"
"// #define _RWSTD_NO_VA_LIST_ARRAY // va_list is an array\n",
type_name, array_size);
else {
printf ("typedef %s __rw_va_list;\n"
"#define _RWSTD_NO_VA_LIST_ARRAY // va_list is object type\n",
puts ("#define _RWSTD_VA_LIST __rw_va_list");
return 0;