blob: 8cf79dc5ce12b5eb2b37cc01ebde019f6e663f2d [file] [log] [blame]
// checking partial template specialization
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// primary template
template <class T, class U>
struct PartiallySpecialized
enum { e = 0 };
// required by std::vector<bool>
template <class U>
struct PartiallySpecialized<int, U>
enum { f = 1 };
// required by std::iterator_traits
template <class U>
struct PartiallySpecialized<int, U*>
enum { g = 2 };
// required by std::iterator_traits
template <class U>
struct PartiallySpecialized<int, const U*>
enum { h = 3 };
// required by std::allocator<const T>
template <class T, class U>
struct PartiallySpecialized<const T, const U>
enum { i = 4 };
// required by __rw_is_same
// exercises bug 638 in SunPro 5.7, patch 117831-02 2005/03/30
template <class T>
struct PartiallySpecialized<T, T>
enum { j = 5 };
// compile only, do not link
int foo ()
#define PS PartiallySpecialized
return !( 0 == PS<char, int>::e
&& 1 == PS<int, char>::f
&& 2 == PS<int, char*>::g
&& 3 == PS<int, const char*>::h
&& 4 == PS<const int, const char>::i
&& 5 == PS<long, long>::j);