blob: 5940939d4d8b49f30f6fe4134294bd50b76a57bd [file] [log] [blame]
* 18.numeric.special.float.cpp
* test to exercise floating point specializations of the numeric_limits
* class template
* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
* Copyright 2000-2008 Rogue Wave Software, Inc.
#include <rw/_defs.h>
#if defined (__IBMCPP__) && !defined (_RWSTD_NO_IMPLICIT_INCLUSION)
// disable implicit inclusion to work around
// a limitation in IBM's VisualAge (see PR#26959)
#include <limits>
#include <climits>
#include <cstdlib> // for atof
#include <cstdio> // for sprintf
#include <float.h> // for constants, MSVC _fpclass, _isinf, _isnan
#include <math.h> // for fpclassify, isinf, isnan
# include <ieeefp.h> // for fpclass, isnan
#endif // _RWSTD_NO_IEEEFP_H
#include <rw_driver.h>
// use FLT_ROUNDS if available, otherwise (e.g., when <ieeefp.h> must
// be #included to bring the macro in), fall back on our own macro
#ifndef FLT_ROUNDS
#endif // FLT_ROUNDS
// determine whether the architecture is little-endian or big-endian
static const int endian_test = 1;
// extern works around a SunPro 5.4 bug (PR #28124)
extern const bool big_endian = !*(const char*)&endian_test;
volatile float flt_zero = 0;
volatile double dbl_zero = 0;
volatile long double ldbl_zero = 0;
#if defined (_MSC_VER)
const char* fpclass_name (int fpc)
switch (fpc) {
case _FPCLASS_NN: return "_FPCLASS_NN";
case _FPCLASS_ND: return "_FPCLASS_ND";
case _FPCLASS_NZ: return "_FPCLASS_NZ";
case _FPCLASS_PZ: return "_FPCLASS_PZ";
case _FPCLASS_PD: return "_FPCLASS_PD";
case _FPCLASS_PN: return "_FPCLASS_PN";
static char buf [16];
std::sprintf (buf, "%#x", fpc);
return buf;
#elif defined (_RWSTD_OS_SUNOS)
const char* fpclass_name (fpclass_t fpc)
switch (fpc) {
case FP_SNAN: return "FP_SNAN";
case FP_QNAN: return "FP_QNAN";
case FP_NINF: return "FP_NINF";
case FP_PINF: return "FP_PINF";
case FP_NDENORM: return "FP_NDENORM";
case FP_PDENORM: return "FP_PDENORM";
case FP_NZERO: return "FP_NZERO";
case FP_PZERO: return "FP_PZERO";
case FP_NNORM: return "FP_NNORM";
case FP_PNORM: return "FP_PNORM";
static char buf [16];
std::sprintf (buf, "%#x", fpc);
return buf;
#elif defined (fpclassify) // C99 classification
const char* fpclass_name (int fpc)
switch (fpc) {
# endif
# ifdef FP_NAN
case FP_NAN: return "FP_NAN";
# endif
# ifdef FP_NORMAL
case FP_NORMAL: return "FP_NORMAL";
# endif
# endif
# ifdef FP_ZERO
case FP_ZERO: return "FP_ZERO";
# endif
default: break;
static char buf [16];
std::sprintf (buf, "%#x", fpc);
return buf;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
inline int _fpclass (float val)
long lval = *_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (long*, &val);
if (0 == (lval & 0x7FFFFFFF))
return lval ? _FPCLASS_NZ : _FPCLASS_PZ;
if (0 == (lval & 0x7F800000))
return (lval & 0x80000000) ? _FPCLASS_ND : _FPCLASS_PD;
if (0x7F800000 == (lval & 0x7FFFFFFF))
return (lval & 0x80000000) ? _FPCLASS_NINF : _FPCLASS_PINF;
if (0x7F800000 == (lval & 0x7F800000))
return (lval & 0x00400000) ? _FPCLASS_QNAN : _FPCLASS_SNAN;
return (lval & 0x80000000) ? _FPCLASS_NN : _FPCLASS_PN;
inline int _fpclass (long double val)
return _fpclass (double (val));
template <class FloatT>
void test_infinity (FloatT inf, FloatT max, const char *tname)
if (!std::numeric_limits<FloatT>::traps) {
// infinity must be even greater than the maximum value
rw_assert (inf > max, 0, __LINE__,
"numeric_limits<%s>::infinity() > "
"numeric_limits<%s>::max()", tname, tname);
// multiplying infinity by anything other than 0.0 yields infinity
rw_assert (inf == inf * inf, 0, __LINE__,
"numeric_limits<%s>::infinity()", tname);
#ifdef _MSC_VER
const int fpc = _fpclass (inf);
rw_assert (_FPCLASS_PINF == fpc, 0, __LINE__,
"_fpclass (numeric_limits<%s>::infinity()) == "
"%d (_FPCLASS_PINF), got %d (%s)",
tname, _FPCLASS_PINF, fpc, fpclass_name (fpc));
#elif defined (_RWSTD_OS_SUNOS)
rw_assert (!finite (inf), 0, __LINE__,
"finite (numeric_limits<%s>::infinity()) == 0, "
"got non-zero", tname);
const fpclass_t fpc = fpclass (inf);
rw_assert (FP_PINF == fpclass (inf), 0, __LINE__,
"fpclass (numeric_limits<%s>::infinity()) == %d (FP_PINF), "
"got %d (%s)", tname, FP_PINF, fpc, fpclass_name (fpc));
# ifdef isinf
rw_assert (isinf (inf), 0, __LINE__,
"isinf (numeric_limits<%s>::infinity()) != 0, got 0",
# endif // isinf
# ifdef fpclassify
const int fpc = fpclassify (inf);
rw_assert (FP_INFINITE == fpc, 0, __LINE__,
"fpclassify(numeric_limits<%s>::infinity()) == "
"%d (FP_INFINITE), got %d (%s)", tname,
FP_INFINITE, fpc, fpclass_name (fpc));
# endif // fpclassify
template <class FloatT>
void test_quiet_NaN (FloatT qnan, FloatT qnan2, const char *tname)
// NAN never compares equal to self or any other number
rw_assert (!(qnan == qnan2), 0, __LINE__,
"numeric_limits<%s>::quiet_NaN() != "
const FloatT inf = std::numeric_limits<FloatT>::infinity ();
rw_assert (!(qnan == inf), 0, __LINE__,
"numeric_limits<%s>::quiet_NaN() != "
rw_assert (!(qnan == -inf), 0, __LINE__,
"numeric_limits<%s>::quiet_NaN() != "
#ifdef _MSC_VER
rw_assert (0 != _isnan (qnan), 0, __LINE__,
"_isnan(numeric_limits<%s>::quiet_NaN()) != 0, got 0",
const int fpc = _fpclass (qnan);
rw_assert (_FPCLASS_QNAN == fpc, 0, __LINE__,
"_fpclass(numeric_limits<%s>::quiet_NaN()) == "
"%d (_FPCLASS_QNAN), got %d (%s)",
tname, _FPCLASS_QNAN, fpc, fpclass_name (fpc));
#elif defined (_RWSTD_OS_SUNOS)
rw_assert (!finite (qnan), 0, __LINE__,
"finite(numeric_limits<%s>::quiet_NaN()) == 0, "
"got non-zero", tname);
const fpclass_t fpc = fpclass (qnan);
rw_assert (FP_QNAN == fpc, 0, __LINE__,
"fpclass(numeric_limits<%s>::infinity()) == %d (FP_QNAN), "
"got %d (%s)", tname, FP_QNAN, fpc, fpclass_name (fpc));
# ifdef isnan
rw_assert (0 != isnan (qnan), 0, __LINE__,
"isnan(numeric_limits<%s>::quiet_NaN()) != 0, got 0",
# endif // isnan
# ifdef fpclassify
const int fpc = fpclassify (qnan);
rw_assert (FP_NAN == fpc, 0, __LINE__,
"fpclassify(numeric_limits<%s>::quiet_NaN()) == "
"%d (FP_NAN), got %d (%s)", tname,
FP_NAN, fpc, fpclass_name (fpc));
# endif // fpclassify
template <class FloatT>
void test_signaling_NaN (FloatT snan, FloatT snan2, const char *tname)
// NAN never compares equal to self or any other number
rw_assert (!(snan == snan2), 0, __LINE__,
"numeric_limits<%s>::signaling_NaN() != "
const FloatT inf = std::numeric_limits<FloatT>::infinity ();
rw_assert (!(snan == inf), 0, __LINE__,
"numeric_limits<%s>::signaling_NaN() != "
rw_assert (!(snan == -inf), 0, __LINE__,
"numeric_limits<%s>::signaling_NaN() != "
#ifdef _MSC_VER
rw_assert (0 != _isnan (snan), 0, __LINE__,
"_isnan (numeric_limits<%s>::signaling_NaN()) != 0, got 0",
const int fpc = _fpclass (snan);
rw_assert (_FPCLASS_SNAN == fpc, 0, __LINE__,
"_fpclass(numeric_limits<%s>::signaling_NaN()) == "
"%d (_FPCLASS_SNAN), got %d (%s)",
tname, _FPCLASS_SNAN, fpc, fpclass_name (fpc));
#elif defined (_RWSTD_OS_SUNOS)
rw_assert (!finite (snan), 0, __LINE__,
"finite(numeric_limits<%s>::signaling_NaN()) == 0, "
"got non-zero", tname);
const fpclass_t fpc = fpclass (snan);
rw_assert (FP_SNAN == fpc, 0, __LINE__,
"fpclass(numeric_limits<%s>::signaling_NaN()) == %d "
"(FP_SNAN), got %d (%s)", tname,
FP_SNAN, fpc, fpclass_name (fpc));
# ifdef isnan
rw_assert (0 != isnan (snan), 0, __LINE__,
"isnan(numeric_limits<%s>::signaling_NaN()) != 0, got 0",
# endif // isnan
# ifdef fpclassify
const int fpc = fpclassify (snan);
rw_assert (FP_NAN == fpc, 0, __LINE__,
"fpclassify(numeric_limits<%s>::signaling_NaN()) == "
"%d (FP_NAN), got %d (%s)", tname,
FP_NAN, fpc, fpclass_name (fpc));
# endif // fpclassify
template <class T>
struct limits_values;
#if defined (__alpha) && !defined (__linux__) \
&& !defined (__VMS) && defined (__DECCXX) && defined (__PURE_CNAME)
extern "C" unsigned int read_rnd ();
#define read_rnd read_rnd
#endif // __alpha && !__linux__ && !__VMS && __DECCXX && __PURE_CNAME
struct limits_values<float>
static bool is_specialized () { return true; }
static float (min) () { return FLT_MIN; }
static float (max) () { return FLT_MAX; }
static int digits () { return FLT_MANT_DIG; }
static int digits10 () { return FLT_DIG; }
static bool is_signed () { return 0.0f - 1.0f < 0.0f; }
static bool is_integer () { return false; }
static bool is_exact () { return false; }
static int radix () { return FLT_RADIX; }
static float epsilon () { return FLT_EPSILON; }
static float round_error () {
#ifdef __osf__
int rounding = FLT_ROUNDS;
# ifdef read_rnd
if (rounding == std::round_indeterminate)
rounding = _RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (int, read_rnd ());
# endif // read_rnd
switch (rounding) {
case std::round_toward_zero:
case std::round_toward_infinity:
case std::round_toward_neg_infinity:
return 1.0f;
return 0.5f;
return 0.5f;
static int min_exponent () { return FLT_MIN_EXP; }
static int min_exponent10 () { return FLT_MIN_10_EXP; }
static int max_exponent () { return FLT_MAX_EXP; }
static int max_exponent10 () { return FLT_MAX_10_EXP; }
static bool has_infinity () {
return true;
static bool has_quiet_NaN () {
#if defined (NAN)
// 7.12, p5 of C99:
// The macro NAN is defined if and only if the implementation
// supports quiet NaNs for the float type. It expands to a
// constant expression of type float representing a quiet NaN.
return true;
return true;
static bool has_signaling_NaN () {
#if defined (FLT_SNAN)
return true;
return true;
# else
return false;
static std::float_denorm_style has_denorm () {
#if defined (_AIX) \
|| defined (__hpux) \
|| defined (__osf__) \
|| defined (_MSC_VER)
return std::denorm_present;
return std::denorm_indeterminate;
static bool has_denorm_loss () { return false; }
static float infinity () {
#if defined (FLT_INFINITY)
#elif defined (_RWSTD_NO_DBL_TRAPS)
float inf = float (std::atof ("inf"));
if (inf > FLT_MAX)
return inf;
inf = 1.0f / flt_zero;
return inf;
const union {
char bits [sizeof (float)];
float val;
} val = {
return val.val;
static float quiet_NaN () {
#if defined (NAN)
return NAN;
#elif defined (FLT_QNAN)
return FLT_QNAN;
#elif defined (_RWSTD_NO_DBL_TRAPS)
float nan = float (std::atof ("nan"));
if (nan != float (std::atof ("nan")))
return nan;
nan = float (dbl_zero / flt_zero);
return nan;
const union {
char bits [sizeof (float)];
float val;
} val = {
return val.val;
static float signaling_NaN () {
#if defined (FLT_SNAN)
return FLT_SNAN;
#elif defined (_RWSTD_NO_DBL_TRAPS)
union {
float val;
char bits [sizeof (float)];
} snan;
snan.val = infinity ();
# ifdef __hpux
if (big_endian) {
snan.bits [sizeof snan.val - 2] = '\xc0';
else {
snan.bits [1] = '\xc0';
# else // if !defined (__hpux)
// convert infinity into a signaling NAN
// (toggle any bit in signifcand)
if (big_endian) {
snan.bits [sizeof snan.val - 1] |= 1;
else {
snan.bits [0] |= 1;
# endif // __hpux
return snan.val;
const union {
char bits [sizeof (float)];
float val;
} val = {
return val.val;
static float denorm_min () {
#if defined (__FLT_DENORM_MIN__)
// gcc 3.x predefined macro
return __FLT_DENORM_MIN__;
#elif defined (__osf__)
const unsigned short pos_denorm [] = { 0x0001, 0x0000 };
return *_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (const float*, pos_denorm);
// assume IEEE 754
static union {
float denorm_min;
char denorm_min_bits [sizeof (float)];
} u;
if (big_endian)
u.denorm_min_bits [sizeof (float) - 1] = '\001';
u.denorm_min_bits [0] = '\001';
return u.denorm_min;
static bool is_iec559 () {
#if defined (__osf__)
// Tru64 UNIX with Compaq C++: IEC 559 support is enabled
// by specifying the -ieee flag on the compiler command line
# ifdef _IEEE_FP
return true;
# else
return false;
# endif // _IEEE_FP
return true;
static bool is_bounded () { return true; }
static bool is_modulo () { return false; }
static bool traps () { return true; }
static bool tinyness_before () { return false; }
static std::float_round_style round_style () {
#if defined (_AIX)
return std::round_to_nearest;
return _RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (std::float_round_style, FLT_ROUNDS);
struct limits_values<double>
static bool is_specialized () { return true; }
static double (min)() { return DBL_MIN; }
static double (max)() { return DBL_MAX; }
static int digits () { return DBL_MANT_DIG; }
static int digits10 () { return DBL_DIG; }
static bool is_signed () { return 0.0 - 1.0 < 0.0; }
static bool is_integer () { return false; }
static bool is_exact () { return false; }
static int radix () { return FLT_RADIX; }
static double epsilon () { return DBL_EPSILON; }
static double round_error () {
#ifdef __osf__
int rounding = FLT_ROUNDS;
# ifdef read_rnd
if (rounding == std::round_indeterminate)
rounding = _RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (int, read_rnd ());
# endif // read_rnd
switch (rounding) {
case std::round_toward_zero:
case std::round_toward_infinity:
case std::round_toward_neg_infinity:
return 1.0;
return 0.5;
return 0.5;
static int min_exponent () { return DBL_MIN_EXP; }
static int min_exponent10 () { return DBL_MIN_10_EXP; }
static int max_exponent () { return DBL_MAX_EXP; }
static int max_exponent10 () { return DBL_MAX_10_EXP; }
static bool has_infinity () {
return true;
static bool has_quiet_NaN () {
return true;
static bool has_signaling_NaN () {
#if defined DBL_SNAN
return true;
return true;
# else
return false;
static std::float_denorm_style has_denorm () {
#if defined (_AIX) \
|| defined (__hpux) \
|| defined (__osf__) \
|| defined (_MSC_VER)
return std::denorm_present;
return std::denorm_indeterminate;
static bool has_denorm_loss () { return false; }
static double infinity () {
#if defined (DBL_INFINITY)
#elif defined (_RWSTD_NO_DBL_TRAPS)
double inf = std::atof ("inf");
if (inf > DBL_MAX)
return inf;
inf = 1.0 / dbl_zero;
return inf;
const union {
char bits [sizeof (double)];
double val;
} val = {
return val.val;
static double quiet_NaN () {
#if defined (NAN)
return NAN;
#elif defined (DBL_QNAN)
return DBL_QNAN;
#elif defined (_RWSTD_NO_DBL_TRAPS)
double nan = std::atof ("nan");
if (nan != std::atof ("nan"))
return nan;
nan = flt_zero / dbl_zero;
return nan;
const union {
char bits [sizeof (double)];
double val;
} val = {
return val.val;
static double signaling_NaN () {
#if defined (DBL_SNAN)
return DBL_SNAN;
#elif defined (_RWSTD_NO_DBL_TRAPS)
union {
double val;
char bits [sizeof (double)];
} snan;
snan.val = infinity ();
# ifdef __hpux
if (big_endian) {
snan.bits [sizeof snan.val - 2] = '\xf8';
else {
snan.bits [1] = '\xf8';
# else // if !defined (__hpux)
// convert infinity into a signaling NAN
// (toggle any bit in signifcand)
if (big_endian) {
snan.bits [sizeof snan.val - 1] |= 1;
else {
snan.bits [0] |= 1;
# endif // __hpux
return snan.val;
const union {
char bits [sizeof (double)];
double val;
} val = {
return val.val;
static double denorm_min () {
#if defined (__DBL_DENORM_MIN__)
// gcc 3.x predefined macro
return __DBL_DENORM_MIN__;
#elif defined (__osf__)
const unsigned short pos_denorm [] = { 0x0001, 0x0000 };
return *_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (const double*, pos_denorm);
// assume IEEE 754
static union {
double denorm_min;
char denorm_min_bits [sizeof (double)];
} u;
if (big_endian)
u.denorm_min_bits [sizeof (double) - 1] = '\001';
u.denorm_min_bits [0] = '\001';
return u.denorm_min;
static bool is_iec559 () {
#if defined (__osf__)
# ifdef _IEEE_FP
return true;
# else
return false;
# endif // _IEEE_FP
return true;
static bool is_bounded () { return true; }
static bool is_modulo () { return false; }
static bool traps () { return true; }
static bool tinyness_before () { return false; }
static std::float_round_style round_style () {
#if defined (_AIX)
return std::round_to_nearest;
return _RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (std::float_round_style, FLT_ROUNDS);
struct limits_values<long double>
static bool is_specialized () { return true; }
static long double (min)() { return LDBL_MIN; }
static long double (max)() { return LDBL_MAX; }
static int digits () { return LDBL_MANT_DIG; }
static int digits10 () { return LDBL_DIG; }
static bool is_signed () { return 0.0 - 1.0 < 0.0; }
static bool is_integer () { return false; }
static bool is_exact () { return false; }
static int radix () { return FLT_RADIX; }
static long double epsilon () { return LDBL_EPSILON; }
static long double round_error () {
#ifdef __osf__
int rounding = FLT_ROUNDS;
# ifdef read_rnd
if (rounding == std::round_indeterminate)
rounding = _RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (int, read_rnd ());
# endif // read_rnd
switch (rounding) {
case std::round_toward_zero:
case std::round_toward_infinity:
case std::round_toward_neg_infinity:
return 1.0;
return 0.5;
return 0.5;
static int min_exponent () { return LDBL_MIN_EXP; }
static int min_exponent10 () { return LDBL_MIN_10_EXP; }
static int max_exponent () { return LDBL_MAX_EXP; }
static int max_exponent10 () { return LDBL_MAX_10_EXP; }
static bool has_infinity () {
return true;
static bool has_quiet_NaN () {
return true;
static bool has_signaling_NaN () {
#if defined (LDBL_SNAN)
return true;
return true;
# else
return false;
static std::float_denorm_style has_denorm () {
#if defined (_AIX) \
|| defined (__hpux) \
|| defined (__osf__) \
|| defined (_MSC_VER)
return std::denorm_present;
return std::denorm_indeterminate;
static bool has_denorm_loss () { return false; }
static long double infinity () {
#if defined (LDBL_INFINITY)
#elif defined (_RWSTD_NO_DBL_TRAPS)
long double inf = std::atof ("inf");
if (inf > LDBL_MAX)
return inf;
inf = (long double)1.0 / ldbl_zero;
return inf;
const union {
char bits [sizeof (long double)];
long double val;
} val = {
return val.val;
static long double quiet_NaN () {
#if defined (NAN)
return NAN;
#elif defined (LDBL_QNAN)
return LDBL_QNAN;
#elif defined (_RWSTD_NO_DBL_TRAPS)
long double nan = std::atof ("nan");
if (nan != (long double)std::atof ("nan"))
return nan;
nan = ldbl_zero / ldbl_zero;
return nan;
const union {
char bits [sizeof (long double)];
long double val;
} val = {
return val.val;
static long double signaling_NaN () {
#if defined (LDBL_SNAN)
return LDBL_SNAN;
#elif defined (_RWSTD_NO_DBL_TRAPS)
union {
long double val;
char bits [sizeof (long double)];
} snan;
snan.val = infinity ();
# ifdef __hpux
if (big_endian) {
snan.bits [sizeof snan.val - 3] = '\x80';
else {
snan.bits [2] = '\x80';
# else // if !defined (__hpux)
// convert infinity into a signaling NAN
// (toggle any bit in signifcand)
if (big_endian) {
snan.bits [sizeof snan.val - 1] |= 1;
else {
snan.bits [0] |= 1;
# endif // __hpux
return snan.val;
const union {
char bits [sizeof (long double)];
long double val;
} val = {
return val.val;
static long double denorm_min () {
#if defined (__LDBL_DENORM_MIN__)
// gcc 3.x predefined macro
return __LDBL_DENORM_MIN__;
#elif defined (__osf__)
const unsigned short pos_denorm [] = { 0x0001, 0x0000 };
return *_RWSTD_REINTERPRET_CAST (const long double*, pos_denorm);
// assume IEEE 754
static union {
long double denorm_min;
char denorm_min_bits [sizeof (long double)];
} u;
if (big_endian)
u.denorm_min_bits [sizeof (long double) - 1] = '\001';
u.denorm_min_bits [0] = '\001';
return u.denorm_min;
static bool is_iec559 () {
#if defined (__osf__)
# ifdef _IEEE_FP
return true;
# else
return false;
# endif // _IEEE_FP
return true;
static bool is_bounded () { return true; }
static bool is_modulo () { return false; }
static bool traps () { return true; }
static bool tinyness_before () { return false; }
static std::float_round_style round_style () {
#if defined (_AIX)
return std::round_to_nearest;
return _RWSTD_STATIC_CAST (std::float_round_style, FLT_ROUNDS);
template <class FloatT>
void test_limits (FloatT, const char *tname, const char *fmt)
typedef std::numeric_limits<FloatT> FLim;
typedef limits_values<FloatT> FVal;
// self-test: assert that endianness is correctly computed
#if defined (__alpha)
rw_warn (!big_endian, 0, __LINE__, "alpha is typically little-endian");
#elif defined (_AIX)
rw_warn (big_endian, 0, __LINE__, "AIX is big-endian");
#elif defined (__hpux) && defined (_BIG_ENDIAN)
rw_warn (big_endian, 0, __LINE__, "HP-UX is big-endian");
#elif defined (__i386__)
rw_warn (!big_endian, 0, __LINE__, "Intel x86 is little-endian");
#elif defined (__sparc)
rw_warn (big_endian, 0, __LINE__, "SPARC is big-endian");
#elif defined (_WIN64)
rw_warn (!big_endian, 0, __LINE__, "WIN64 is little-endian");
#elif defined (_WIN32)
rw_warn (!big_endian, 0, __LINE__, "WIN32 is little-endian");
# if !defined (__EDG__) || __EDG_VERSION__ > 245
# define CHECK_CONST(const_int) \
enum { e = const_int }; \
# else // if EDG eccp < 3.0
// working around an EDG eccp 2.4x ICE (not in 3.0)
# define CHECK_CONST(const_int) \
switch (const_int) { case const_int: break; }; \
# endif // __EDG__
// static const integral members must be usable
// as constant integral expressions
# define CHECK_CONST(const_int) enum { e = const_int }
// compare against a computed value
#define VERIFY_DATA(member) do { \
/* verify that member is a constant integral expression */ \
CHECK_CONST (FLim::member); \
/* verify value */ \
rw_assert (FLim::member == FVal::member (), 0, __LINE__, \
"numeric_limits<%s>::" #member " == %i, got %i", \
tname, FVal::member (), FLim::member); \
} while (0)
// compare against a constant
#define VERIFY_CONST(member, value) do { \
/* verify that member if a constant integral expression */ \
CHECK_CONST (FLim::member); \
/* verify value */ \
rw_assert (FLim::member == value, 0, __LINE__, \
"numeric_limits<%s>::" #member " == %i, got %i", \
tname, FVal::member (), value); \
} while (0)
// account for NaN != NaN
#define VERIFY_FUNCTION(member) do { \
/* verify function signature */ \
FloatT (*pf)() _PTR_THROWS(()) = &FLim::member; \
/* verify value */ \
rw_assert ( FLim::member () == FVal::member () \
|| FLim::member () != FLim::member () \
&& FVal::member () != FVal::member (), \
0, __LINE__, \
"numeric_limits<%s>::" #member "() == %{@}, got %{@}", \
tname, fmt, FVal::member (), fmt, FLim::member ()); \
} while (0)
#define VERIFY_SIGNATURE(member) do { \
/* verify function signature */ \
FloatT (*pf)() _PTR_THROWS(()) = &FLim::member; \
} while (0)
#undef min
#undef max
VERIFY_FUNCTION (min); //, p1
VERIFY_FUNCTION (max); // p4
VERIFY_DATA (digits); // p6
VERIFY_DATA (digits10); // p9
VERIFY_DATA (is_signed); // p11
VERIFY_DATA (is_integer); // p13
VERIFY_DATA (is_exact); // p15
VERIFY_DATA (radix); // p17
VERIFY_FUNCTION (epsilon); //, p19
VERIFY_FUNCTION (round_error); // p22
VERIFY_DATA (min_exponent); //, p23
VERIFY_DATA (min_exponent10); // p25
VERIFY_DATA (max_exponent); // p27
VERIFY_DATA (max_exponent10); // p29
VERIFY_FUNCTION (infinity); //, p42
if (FLim::has_infinity)
test_infinity (FLim::infinity (), FLim::max (), tname);
if (std::numeric_limits<FloatT>::traps) // p45
else {
if (FLim::has_quiet_NaN)
test_quiet_NaN (FLim::quiet_NaN (),
FLim::quiet_NaN (), tname);
if (std::numeric_limits<FloatT>::traps) // p47
else {
VERIFY_FUNCTION (signaling_NaN);
if (FLim::has_signaling_NaN)
test_signaling_NaN (FLim::signaling_NaN (),
FLim::signaling_NaN (), tname);
if (std::numeric_limits<FloatT>::traps) { // p49
// denorm min may trap (e.g., Tru64 UNIX on Alpha
// with Compaq C++ without the -ieee compiler flag)
VERIFY_SIGNATURE (denorm_min);
else {
VERIFY_FUNCTION (denorm_min);
#ifdef _MSC_VER
if (sizeof (FloatT) > sizeof (float)) {
// for doubles and long doubles only, verify that denorm_min
// is properly classified
const FloatT denorm_min = FLim::denorm_min ();
const int fpc = _fpclass (double (denorm_min));
rw_assert (_FPCLASS_PD == fpc, 0, __LINE__,
"_fpclass(numeric_limits<%s>::denorm_min()) == "
"%d (_FPCLASS_PD), got %d (%s)",
tname, _FPCLASS_PD, fpc, fpclass_name (fpc));
#endif // _MSC_VER
VERIFY_DATA (is_iec559); //, p52
VERIFY_DATA (is_bounded); // p54
VERIFY_DATA (is_modulo); // p56
VERIFY_DATA (tinyness_before); //, p61
VERIFY_DATA (round_style); // p63
if (!FLim::traps) { //, p59
// invalid floating point operations must not trap
// IEEE 754 specifies that the following operations
// return NaN unless they trap:
// 1. sqrt (n); n < 0
// 2. rem (x, 0.0), rem (inf, x)
// 3. 0 * inf
// 4. 0.0 / 0.0, inf / inf
// 5. inf - inf (when both inf have the same sign)
// use a variable (not a literal) to prevent warnings
volatile FloatT zero = 0;
// compute infinity (division may trap)
const FloatT inf = FLim::infinity ();
FloatT nan = zero * inf; // #3
nan = zero / zero; // #4a
nan = inf / inf; // #4b
nan = inf - inf; // #5
if (FLim::is_iec559) {
//, p33
VERIFY_CONST (has_infinity, true);
//, p36
VERIFY_CONST (has_quiet_NaN, true);
//, p39
VERIFY_CONST (has_signaling_NaN, true);
//, p40 - 42
VERIFY_DATA (has_denorm);
VERIFY_DATA (has_denorm_loss);
else {
//, p34 - 42
VERIFY_DATA (has_quiet_NaN);
VERIFY_DATA (has_signaling_NaN);
VERIFY_DATA (has_denorm);
VERIFY_DATA (has_denorm_loss);
static int
run_test (int, char**)
#define VERIFY_CONST(x, value) do { \
enum { e = x }; \
rw_assert (value == x, 0, __LINE__, \
#x " == %d, got %d", value, x); \
} while (0)
// verify values of constants in
VERIFY_CONST (std::round_indeterminate, -1);
VERIFY_CONST (std::round_toward_zero, 0);
VERIFY_CONST (std::round_to_nearest, 1);
VERIFY_CONST (std::round_toward_infinity, 2);
VERIFY_CONST (std::round_toward_neg_infinity, 3);
// verify values of constants in
VERIFY_CONST (std::denorm_indeterminate, std::float_denorm_style (-1));
VERIFY_CONST (std::denorm_absent, std::float_denorm_style (0));
VERIFY_CONST (std::denorm_present, std::float_denorm_style (1));
test_limits (float (), "float", "%g");
test_limits (double (), "double", "%g");
// working around a SunPro 5.3 ICE (PR #25968)
# if !defined (__SUNPRO_CC) || __SUNPRO_CC > 0x530
const char fmt[] = "%" _RWSTD_LDBL_PRINTF_PREFIX "g";
test_limits ((long double)0.0, "long double", fmt);
# endif // SunPro > 5.3
return 0;
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
// working around a bogus EDG eccp warning (see PR #25679)
_RWSTD_UNUSED (big_endian);
return rw_test (argc, argv, __FILE__,
"floating specializations",