blob: 51898e65af290dcfa2b5a927da0e6ed15eebfe36 [file] [log] [blame]
* 23.bitset.cons.cpp - test exercising [lib.bitset.cons]
* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
* Copyright 2004-2006 Rogue Wave Software.
#include <bitset> // for bitset
#include <stdexcept> // for invalid_argument, out_of_range
#include <string> // for basic_string
#include <cstddef> // for size_t
#include <rw_char.h> // for UserChar, UserTraits
#include <rw_driver.h> // for rw_test(), ...
int opt_char; // for --no-char
int opt_wchar; // for --no-wchar_t
int opt_userchar; // for --no-UserChar
int opt_no_exceptions; // for --no-exceptions
template <std::size_t N>
int bcmp (const std::bitset<N> &bset,
const char *str)
RW_ASSERT (0 != str);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i != N; ++i) {
const char bit = bset [i] ? '1' : '0';
if (bit != str [N - i - 1])
return -1;
return 0;
// equivalent to the result of std::bitset<bits>(val).to_string<char>()
const char*
ulong_to_bitstring (unsigned long val, std::size_t bits)
const std::size_t ulongbits = sizeof (unsigned long) * 8;
static char bitstr [1024];
for (std::size_t i = 0; i != bits; ++i) {
if (i < ulongbits)
bitstr [bits - i - 1] = val & (1UL << i) ? '1' : '0';
bitstr [bits - i - 1] = '0';
bitstr [bits] = '\0';
return bitstr;
// exercises the effects of the default bitset ctor
template <std::size_t N>
void test_default_ctor (std::bitset<N>*)
rw_info (0, 0, __LINE__, "std::bitset<%u>::bitset()", N);
const std::bitset<N> bset;
char all_zeros [N + 1];
for (std::size_t i = 0; i != N; ++i) all_zeros [i] = '0';
all_zeros [N] = '\0';
rw_assert (!bcmp (bset, all_zeros), 0, __LINE__,
"bitset<%u>::bitset() expected 0, got { %.*b }",
N, int (N), &bset);
// exercises the effects of bitset<N>::bitset(unsigned long)
template <std::size_t N>
void test_long_ctor (std::bitset<N>*)
rw_info (0, 0, __LINE__, "std::bitset<%u>::bitset(unsigned long)", N);
#undef DO_TEST
#define DO_TEST(T, val) \
do { \
const T v = val; \
const std::bitset<N> bset (v); \
const char* const bstr = ulong_to_bitstring (val, N); \
rw_assert (!bcmp (bset, (const char*)bstr), 0, __LINE__, \
"bitset<%u>::bitset(%zu) == { %{.*b} }, " \
"got { %{.*b} }", N, val, bstr, int (N), &bset); \
} while (0)
DO_TEST (unsigned long, 0);
DO_TEST (unsigned long, 1);
DO_TEST (unsigned long, 2);
DO_TEST (unsigned long, 3);
DO_TEST (unsigned long, 4);
DO_TEST (unsigned long, 5);
DO_TEST (unsigned long, 6);
DO_TEST (unsigned long, 7);
DO_TEST (unsigned long, 8);
DO_TEST (unsigned long, 9);
DO_TEST (unsigned long, 10);
DO_TEST (unsigned long, 11);
DO_TEST (unsigned long, 12);
DO_TEST (unsigned long, 13);
DO_TEST (unsigned long, 14);
DO_TEST (unsigned long, 15);
DO_TEST (unsigned long, _RWSTD_LONG_MAX / 16);
DO_TEST (unsigned long, _RWSTD_LONG_MAX / 8);
DO_TEST (unsigned long, _RWSTD_LONG_MAX / 4);
DO_TEST (unsigned long, _RWSTD_LONG_MAX / 2);
DO_TEST (unsigned long, _RWSTD_LONG_MAX - 2);
DO_TEST (unsigned long, _RWSTD_LONG_MAX - 1);
DO_TEST (unsigned long, _RWSTD_LONG_MAX);
// exercise calls to the ctor with arguments of other integer types
DO_TEST (char, 16);
DO_TEST (signed char, 17);
DO_TEST (unsigned char, 18);
DO_TEST (short, 19);
DO_TEST (unsigned short, 20);
DO_TEST (int, 21);
DO_TEST (unsigned int, 22);
DO_TEST (long, 23);
// invokes coverting bitset ctor from basic_string<char, ...>
template <std::size_t N, class Traits, class Allocator>
bitset_ctor (std::bitset<N>*,
const std::basic_string<char, Traits, Allocator> *bstr,
const char *str,
std::size_t pos, std::size_t n, const char bin_digits [2])
if (bstr) {
if (std::size_t (-1) == pos)
return std::bitset<N>(*bstr);
if (std::size_t (-1) == n)
return std::bitset<N>(*bstr, pos);
if (0 == bin_digits)
return std::bitset<N>(*bstr, pos, n);
if (Traits::eq (bin_digits [0], bin_digits [1]))
return std::bitset<N>(*bstr, pos, n, bin_digits [0]);
return std::bitset<N>(*bstr, pos, n, bin_digits [0], bin_digits [1]);
if (std::size_t (-1) == pos)
return std::bitset<N>(str);
if (std::size_t (-1) == n)
return std::bitset<N>(str, pos);
if (0 == bin_digits)
return std::bitset<N>(str, pos, n);
if (Traits::eq (bin_digits [0], bin_digits [1]))
return std::bitset<N>(str, pos, n, bin_digits [0]);
return std::bitset<N>(str, pos, n, bin_digits [0], bin_digits [1]);
RW_ASSERT (!"test logic error");
return std::bitset<N>();
// invokes coverting bitset ctor from basic_string<wchar_t, ...>
template <std::size_t N, class Traits, class Allocator>
bitset_ctor (std::bitset<N>*,
const std::basic_string<wchar_t, Traits, Allocator> *bstr,
const wchar_t *wstr,
std::size_t pos, std::size_t n, const wchar_t bin_digits [2])
if (bstr) {
if (std::size_t (-1) == pos)
return std::bitset<N>(*bstr);
if (std::size_t (-1) == n)
return std::bitset<N>(*bstr, pos);
if (0 == bin_digits)
return std::bitset<N>(*bstr, pos, n);
if (Traits::eq (bin_digits [0], bin_digits [1]))
return std::bitset<N>(*bstr, pos, n, bin_digits [0]);
return std::bitset<N>(*bstr, pos, n, bin_digits [0], bin_digits [1]);
if (std::size_t (-1) == pos)
return std::bitset<N>(wstr);
if (std::size_t (-1) == n)
return std::bitset<N>(wstr, pos);
if (0 == bin_digits)
return std::bitset<N>(wstr, pos, n);
if (Traits::eq (bin_digits [0], bin_digits [1]))
return std::bitset<N>(wstr, pos, n, bin_digits [0]);
return std::bitset<N>(wstr, pos, n, bin_digits [0], bin_digits [1]);
RW_ASSERT (!"test logic error");
return std::bitset<N>();
#endif // _RWSTD_NO_WCHAR_T
// invokes coverting bitset ctor from basic_string<UserChar, ...>
template <std::size_t N, class Traits, class Allocator>
bitset_ctor (std::bitset<N>*,
const std::basic_string<UserChar, Traits, Allocator> *bstr,
const UserChar* /* intentionally unused */,
std::size_t pos, std::size_t n, const UserChar bin_digits [2])
if (std::size_t (-1) == pos)
pos = 0;
if (0 == bin_digits) {
static const UserChar zero_one[] = { { 0.0, '0' }, { 0.0, '1' } };
bin_digits = zero_one;
if (bstr)
return std::bitset<N>(*bstr, pos, n, bin_digits [0], bin_digits [1]);
// cannot invoke std::bitset<N>(const UserChar*) without providing
// an explicit specialization of std::char_traits<UserChar> that
// implements eq() and length()
RW_ASSERT (!"test logic error");
return std::bitset<N>();
// constructs a bitset object by invoking one of the overloaded ctors
template <std::size_t N, class charT, class Traits, class Allocator>
bitset_ctor (std::bitset<N>*,
std::basic_string<charT, Traits, Allocator> *p,
const char *str, std::size_t pos, std::size_t n)
charT wstr [1024];
for (std::size_t i = 0; i != sizeof wstr / sizeof *wstr; ++i) {
if (str [i])
Traits::assign (wstr [i], make_char (str [i], (charT*)0));
else {
Traits::assign (wstr [i], charT ());
typedef std::bitset<N> Bitset;
typedef std::basic_string<charT, Traits, Allocator> String;
if (p) { // use one of the const basic_string& overloads
const String bstr (wstr);
return bitset_ctor ((Bitset*)0, &bstr, 0, pos, n, (charT*)0);
else { // invoke one of the const charT* overloads
return bitset_ctor ((Bitset*)0, (String*)0, wstr, pos, n, (charT*)0);
template <class charT>
const char* type_prefix (charT) { return ""; }
const char* type_prefix (wchar_t) { return "L"; }
#endif // _RWSTD_NO_WCHAR_T
enum { InvalidArgument = 1, OutOfRange };
template <std::size_t N, class charT, class Traits, class Allocator>
void test_string_ctor (std::bitset<N>*,
std::basic_string<charT, Traits, Allocator> *p,
int line,
const char *str, std::size_t pos, std::size_t n,
const char *bitstr)
static const char* const tpfx = type_prefix (charT ());
typedef std::bitset<N> Bitset;
typedef std::basic_string<charT, Traits, Allocator> String;
static const char* const exstr[] = {
"failed to throw",
"caught std::invalid_argument",
"caught std::out_of_range",
"caught unknown exception"
// compute which exception, if any, the ctor is expected to throw
const int except = int (bitstr - (char*)0) < 3 ?
int (bitstr - (char*)0) : 0;
if (except && opt_no_exceptions)
int caught = 0;
_TRY {
// invoke one of the overloads of the constructor
const Bitset bset = bitset_ctor ((Bitset*)0, p, str, pos, n);
if (!except)
rw_assert (!bcmp (bset, bitstr), 0, line,
"line %d: bitset<%u>::bitset(%s\"%s\""
"%{?}, %zu%{?}, %zu%{;}%{;}) "
"== { %s }, got { %{.*b} }",
__LINE__, N, tpfx, str,
pos != std::size_t (-1), pos,
n != std::size_t (-1), n,
bitstr, int (N), &bset);
catch (const std::out_of_range&) {
caught = OutOfRange;
catch (const std::invalid_argument&) {
caught = InvalidArgument;
catch (...) {
caught = 3;
rw_assert (except == caught, 0, line,
"line %d: bitset<%u>::bitset(%s\"%s\", %u, %u) "
"unexpectedly %s", __LINE__, N, tpfx, str, pos, n,
exstr [caught]);
fillstr (const char *pfx, int bit, std::size_t count, const char *sfx)
std::string str (pfx);
str.append (count, char ('0' + bit));
str.append (sfx);
return str;
template <class charT, class Traits, class Allocator>
void test_string_ctor (std::basic_string<charT, Traits, Allocator> *p,
const char *cname)
#undef DO_TEST
#define DO_TEST(N, str, pos, n, except) \
test_string_ctor ((std::bitset<N>*)0, p, __LINE__, \
str, std::size_t (pos), std::size_t (n), \
(const char*)except)
#define CTOR_INFO(N) \
rw_info (0, 0, __LINE__, "std::bitset<%i>::bitset(const " \
"%{?}std::basic_string<%s>&%{:}%3$s%{;})", \
N, 0 != p, cname)
#define TEST_1(N, str, except) DO_TEST(N, str, -1, -1, except)
// +----------- bitset size
// | +-------- string argument
// | | +-- result or exception
// v v v
TEST_1 (0, "", "");
TEST_1 (0, "0", "");
TEST_1 (0, "1", "");
TEST_1 (0, "2", InvalidArgument);
TEST_1 (0, "00", "");
TEST_1 (0, "01", "");
TEST_1 (0, "02", InvalidArgument);
TEST_1 (1, "", "0");
TEST_1 (1, "0", "0");
TEST_1 (1, "1", "1");
TEST_1 (1, "2", InvalidArgument);
TEST_1 (1, "00", "0");
TEST_1 (1, "01", "0");
TEST_1 (1, "02", InvalidArgument);
TEST_1 (2, "", "00");
TEST_1 (2, "0", "00");
TEST_1 (2, "1", "01");
TEST_1 (2, "2", InvalidArgument);
TEST_1 (2, "00", "00");
TEST_1 (2, "01", "01");
TEST_1 (2, "02", InvalidArgument);
TEST_1 (2, "10", "10");
TEST_1 (2, "11", "11");
TEST_1 (2, "12", InvalidArgument);
TEST_1 (2, "20", InvalidArgument);
TEST_1 (2, "21", InvalidArgument);
TEST_1 (2, "22", InvalidArgument);
TEST_1 (2, "000", "00");
TEST_1 (2, "001", "00");
TEST_1 (2, "002", InvalidArgument);
TEST_1 (2, "010", "01");
TEST_1 (2, "011", "01");
TEST_1 (2, "012", InvalidArgument);
TEST_1 (2, "020", InvalidArgument);
TEST_1 (2, "100", "10");
TEST_1 (2, "101", "10");
TEST_1 (2, "110", "11");
TEST_1 (2, "111", "11");
TEST_1 (2, "112", InvalidArgument);
TEST_1 (2, "200", InvalidArgument);
TEST_1 (2, "201", InvalidArgument);
TEST_1 (2, "202", InvalidArgument);
TEST_1 (3, "", "000");
TEST_1 (3, "0", "000");
TEST_1 (3, "1", "001");
TEST_1 (3, "2", InvalidArgument);
TEST_1 (3, "00", "000");
TEST_1 (3, "01", "001");
TEST_1 (3, "02", InvalidArgument);
TEST_1 (3, "10", "010");
TEST_1 (3, "11", "011");
TEST_1 (3, "12", InvalidArgument);
TEST_1 (3, "000", "000");
TEST_1 (3, "001", "001");
TEST_1 (3, "002", InvalidArgument);
TEST_1 (3, "010", "010");
TEST_1 (3, "011", "011");
TEST_1 (3, "012", InvalidArgument);
TEST_1 (3, "100", "100");
TEST_1 (3, "101", "101");
TEST_1 (3, "102", InvalidArgument);
TEST_1 (3, "100", "100");
TEST_1 (3, "101", "101");
TEST_1 (3, "102", InvalidArgument);
TEST_1 (3, "0001", "000");
TEST_1 (3, "0010", "001");
TEST_1 (3, "0100", "010");
TEST_1 (3, "1000", "100");
TEST_1 (3, "1001", "100");
TEST_1 (3, "0001", "000");
TEST_1 (3, "0010", "001");
TEST_1 (3, "0100", "010");
TEST_1 (3, "1000", "100");
TEST_1 (3, "1001", "100");
TEST_1 (3, "1002", InvalidArgument);
TEST_1 (3, "2000", InvalidArgument);
TEST_1 (3, "10010", "100");
TEST_1 (3, "10011", "100");
TEST_1 (3, "10012", InvalidArgument);
TEST_1 (3, "100102", InvalidArgument);
// macro to insert N zeros or ones in between two string literals
#define FILL(pfx, bit, N, sfx) fillstr (pfx, bit, N, sfx).c_str ()
// +------------- preceded by these characters
// | +--------- binary digit (0 or 1)
// | | +------ repeated this many times
// | | | +-- followed by these characters
// | | | |
// v v v v
TEST_1 (33, "", FILL ("", 0, 33, ""));
TEST_1 (33, "0", FILL ("", 0, 33, ""));
TEST_1 (33, "1", FILL ("", 0, 32, "1"));
TEST_1 (33, "00", FILL ("", 0, 31, "00"));
TEST_1 (33, "01", FILL ("", 0, 31, "01"));
TEST_1 (33, "10", FILL ("", 0, 31, "10"));
TEST_1 (33, "11", FILL ("", 0, 31, "11"));
TEST_1 (33, "100", FILL ("", 0, 30, "100"));
TEST_1 (33, "101", FILL ("", 0, 30, "101"));
TEST_1 (33, FILL ("1", 0, 32, ""), FILL ("10", 0, 30, "0"));
TEST_1 (33, FILL ("1", 0, 31, "1"), FILL ("10", 0, 30, "1"));
TEST_1 (33, FILL ("1", 0, 31, "2"), InvalidArgument);
TEST_1 (33, FILL ("", 1, 33, ""), FILL ("", 1, 33, ""));
TEST_1 (33, FILL ("", 1, 32, "0"), FILL ("", 1, 32, "0"));
TEST_1 (33, FILL ("", 1, 31, "00"), FILL ("", 1, 31, "00"));
TEST_1 (33, FILL ("", 1, 30, "000"), FILL ("", 1, 30, "000"));
TEST_1 (33, FILL ("", 1, 29, "0000"), FILL ("", 1, 29, "0000"));
TEST_1 (33, FILL ("", 1, 28, "00000"), FILL ("", 1, 28, "00000"));
TEST_1 (33, FILL ("", 1, 28, "00001"), FILL ("", 1, 28, "00001"));
TEST_1 (33, FILL ("", 1, 28, "00010"), FILL ("", 1, 28, "00010"));
TEST_1 (33, FILL ("", 1, 28, "00100"), FILL ("", 1, 28, "00100"));
TEST_1 (33, FILL ("", 1, 28, "01000"), FILL ("", 1, 28, "01000"));
TEST_1 (33, FILL ("", 1, 28, "02000"), InvalidArgument);
TEST_1 (33, FILL ("", 1, 33, "0"), FILL ("", 1, 33, ""));
TEST_1 (33, FILL ("", 1, 33, "1"), FILL ("", 1, 33, ""));
TEST_1 (33, FILL ("", 1, 33, "2"), InvalidArgument);
TEST_1 (33, FILL ("2", 1, 33, ""), InvalidArgument);
TEST_1 (80, FILL ("" , 1, 80, ""), FILL ("" , 1, 80, ""));
TEST_1 (80, FILL ("1", 0, 78, "1"), FILL ("1" , 0, 78, "1"));
TEST_1 (80, FILL ("1", 0, 77, "10"), FILL ("1" , 0, 77, "10"));
TEST_1 (80, FILL ("1", 0, 77, "20"), InvalidArgument);
TEST_1 (80, FILL ("2", 0, 77, "00"), InvalidArgument);
TEST_1 (80, FILL ("02", 0, 76, "00"), InvalidArgument);
TEST_1 (80, FILL ("12", 0, 76, "00"), InvalidArgument);
#undef CTOR_INFO
#define CTOR_INFO(N) \
rw_info (0, 0, __LINE__, "std::bitset<%i>::bitset(const " \
"%{?}std::basic_string<%s>&%{:}%3$s%{;}, size_t)", \
N, 0 != p, cname)
#define TEST_2(N, str, pos, except) DO_TEST(N, str, pos, -1, except)
TEST_2 (0, "", 0, "");
TEST_2 (0, "", 1, OutOfRange);
TEST_2 (0, "0", 0, "");
TEST_2 (0, "1", 0, "");
TEST_2 (0, "2", 0, InvalidArgument);
TEST_2 (0, "0", 1, "");
TEST_2 (0, "1", 1, "");
TEST_2 (0, "2", 1, "");
TEST_2 (1, "", 0, "0");
TEST_2 (1, "0", 0, "0");
TEST_2 (1, "1", 0, "1");
TEST_2 (1, "2", 0, InvalidArgument);
TEST_2 (1, "00", 0, "0");
TEST_2 (1, "01", 0, "0");
TEST_2 (1, "02", 0, InvalidArgument);
TEST_2 (1, "10", 0, "1");
TEST_2 (1, "11", 0, "1");
TEST_2 (1, "12", 0, InvalidArgument);
TEST_2 (1, "00", 1, "0");
TEST_2 (1, "01", 1, "1");
TEST_2 (1, "02", 1, InvalidArgument);
TEST_2 (1, "10", 1, "0");
TEST_2 (1, "11", 1, "1");
TEST_2 (1, "12", 1, InvalidArgument);
TEST_2 (1, "20", 1, "0");
TEST_2 (1, "21", 1, "1");
TEST_2 (1, "22", 1, InvalidArgument);
TEST_2 (1, "000", 1, "0");
TEST_2 (1, "001", 1, "0");
TEST_2 (1, "002", 1, InvalidArgument);
TEST_2 (1, "010", 1, "1");
TEST_2 (1, "011", 1, "1");
TEST_2 (1, "012", 1, InvalidArgument);
TEST_2 (1, "020", 1, InvalidArgument);
TEST_2 (1, "021", 1, InvalidArgument);
TEST_2 (1, "022", 1, InvalidArgument);
TEST_2 (1, "120", 1, InvalidArgument);
TEST_2 (1, "121", 1, InvalidArgument);
TEST_2 (1, "122", 1, InvalidArgument);
TEST_2 (1, "200", 1, "0");
TEST_2 (1, "201", 1, "0");
TEST_2 (1, "202", 1, InvalidArgument);
TEST_2 (1, "320", 2, "0");
TEST_2 (1, "321", 2, "1");
TEST_2 (1, "322", 2, InvalidArgument);
TEST_2 (1, "3200", 2, "0");
TEST_2 (1, "3201", 2, "0");
TEST_2 (1, "3202", 2, InvalidArgument);
TEST_2 (1, "3210", 2, "1");
TEST_2 (1, "3211", 2, "1");
TEST_2 (1, "3212", 2, InvalidArgument);
TEST_2 (1, "", 1, OutOfRange);
#undef CTOR_INFO
#define CTOR_INFO(N) \
rw_info (0, 0, __LINE__, "std::bitset<%i>::bitset(const " \
"%{?}std::basic_string<%s>&%{:}%3$s%{;}, size_t, size_t)", \
N, 0 != p, cname)
#define TEST_3(N, str, pos, n, except) DO_TEST(N, str, pos, n, except)
// +-------------------- bitset size
// | +----------------- string argument
// | | +---------- pos
// | | | +------ n
// | | | | +--- result or exception
// | | | | |
// v v v v v
TEST_3 (0, "", 0, 0, "");
TEST_3 (0, "", 1, 0, OutOfRange);
TEST_3 (0, "02", 0, 0, "");
TEST_3 (1, "012", 0, 1, "0");
TEST_3 (1, "012", 1, 1, "1");
TEST_3 (1, "012", 2, 1, InvalidArgument);
TEST_3 (1, "", 0, 0, "0");
TEST_3 (1, "", 1, 0, OutOfRange);
TEST_3 (8, "11111111", 0, 8, FILL ("", 1, 8, ""));
TEST_3 (8, "11111111", 1, 7, FILL ("0", 1, 7, ""));
TEST_3 (8, "11111111", 2, 6, FILL ("00", 1, 6, ""));
TEST_3 (8, "11111111", 3, 5, FILL ("000", 1, 5, ""));
TEST_3 (8, "11111111", 4, 4, FILL ("0000", 1, 4, ""));
TEST_3 (8, "11111111", 5, 3, FILL ("00000", 1, 3, ""));
TEST_3 (8, "11111111", 6, 2, FILL ("000000", 1, 2, ""));
TEST_3 (8, "11111111", 7, 1, FILL ("0000000", 1, 1, ""));
TEST_3 (8, "11111111", 8, 0, FILL ("00000000", 1, 0, ""));
TEST_3 (8, "11111111", 9, 0, OutOfRange);
TEST_3 (8, "11111111", 9, 1, OutOfRange);
TEST_3 (8, "111111112", 7, 1, FILL ("0000000", 1, 1, ""));
TEST_3 (8, "111111112", 7, 2, InvalidArgument);
TEST_3 (8, "211111112", 1, 7, FILL ("0", 1, 7, ""));
TEST_3 (8, "210111112", 1, 7, FILL ("010", 1, 5, ""));
TEST_3 (8, "211111012", 1, 7, FILL ("0", 1, 5, "01"));
TEST_3 (40, FILL ("", 0, 40, ""), 0, 0, FILL ("", 0, 40, ""));
TEST_3 (40, FILL ("", 0, 40, "1"), 0, 40, FILL ("", 0, 40, ""));
TEST_3 (40, FILL ("", 0, 40, "1"), 0, 41, FILL ("", 0, 40, ""));
TEST_3 (40, FILL ("", 0, 39, "1"), 0, 39, FILL ("", 0, 40, ""));
TEST_3 (40, FILL ("", 0, 39, "1"), 0, 40, FILL ("", 0, 39, "1"));
TEST_3 (40, FILL ("1", 0, 40, "1"), 0, 0, FILL ("", 0, 40, ""));
TEST_3 (40, FILL ("1", 0, 38, "1"), 0, 40, FILL ("1", 0, 38, "1"));
TEST_3 (40, FILL ("1", 0, 38, "1"), 0, 40, FILL ("1", 0, 38, "1"));
TEST_3 (40, FILL ("2", 0, 40, "2"), 1, 40, FILL ("", 0, 40, ""));
template <std::size_t N>
void test_ctors (std::bitset<N>* pb)
test_default_ctor (pb);
test_long_ctor (pb);
template <class Traits>
void test_ctors (const Traits*, const char *cname)
typedef typename Traits::char_type char_type;
typedef std::allocator<char_type> Allocator;
typedef std::basic_string<char_type, Traits, Allocator> String;
// exercise const std::string& overloads
test_string_ctor ((String*)1, cname);
// exercise const char* and const wchar_t* extensions
// but avoid calling the bitset(const UserChar*) overload in order
if (sizeof (char_type) != sizeof (UserChar))
test_string_ctor ((String*)0, cname);
static int
run_test (int, char**)
opt_no_exceptions = 1;
if (opt_no_exceptions)
rw_note (0, 0, 0, "exception tests disabled");
#undef DO_TEST
#define DO_TEST(N) test_ctors ((std::bitset<N>*)0)
DO_TEST ( 0); // interesting case
DO_TEST ( 1); // interesting case
DO_TEST ( 2);
DO_TEST ( 31);
DO_TEST ( 32); // interesting case
DO_TEST ( 33); // interesting case
DO_TEST ( 34);
DO_TEST ( 63);
DO_TEST ( 64); // interesting case
DO_TEST ( 65); // interesting case
DO_TEST ( 66);
DO_TEST ( 123);
DO_TEST ( 127); // interesting case
DO_TEST ( 128); // interesting case
DO_TEST ( 129);
DO_TEST ( 130);
DO_TEST ( 255);
DO_TEST ( 256); // interesting case
#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER != 1300
// FIXME: MSVC can't compile bitset<257>!
DO_TEST ( 257); // interesting case
DO_TEST ( 258); // interesting case
DO_TEST ( 333);
if (0 <= opt_char) {
typedef std::char_traits<char> NarrowTraits;
test_ctors ((NarrowTraits*)0, "char");
else {
rw_note (0, 0, __LINE__, "tests of char specialization disabled");
if (0 <= opt_wchar) {
typedef std::char_traits<wchar_t> WideTraits;
test_ctors ((WideTraits*)0, "wchar_t");
else {
rw_note (0, 0, __LINE__, "tests of wchar_t specialization disabled");
#endif // _RWSTD_NO_WCHAR_T
if (0 <= opt_userchar) {
test_ctors ((UserTraits<UserChar>*)0, "UserChar");
else {
rw_note (0, 0, __LINE__, "tests of UserChar specialization disabled");
return 0;
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
return rw_test (argc, argv, __FILE__,
0 /* no comment */,
"|-char~ "
"|-wchar_t~ "
"|-UserChar~ "
"|-no-exceptions# ",
(void*)0 /* sentinel */);