blob: ba6b4c28ac985fa8dd63c5c1046468ed4b018bb8 [file] [log] [blame]
* 20.function.objects.cpp - test exercising [lib.std.function_objects]
* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
* Copyright 2000-2006 Rogue Wave Software.
#include <functional>
#include <driver.h>
#if defined (__HP_aCC) && _RWSTD_HP_aCC_MAJOR < 6
// working around an HP aCC bug (see PR #25378)
# include <string>
// working around an HP aCC bug (see PR #24417)
_USING (namespace std);
#endif // HP aCC < 6
#ifdef _MSC_VER
// shut up the idiotic MSVC 6.0 warning C4099:
// type name first seen using 'struct' now seen using 'class'
# pragma warning (disable: 4099)
// another bogus warning C4700:
// local variable used without having been initialized
# pragma warning (disable: 4700)
# if _MSC_VER <= 1300
// work around a bug where the compiler thinks that what's a struct
// is really a class with all private members (PR #23795)
# define class struct
# endif
// explicitly instantiate
# if !defined (_RWSTD_NO_NAMESPACE) && !defined (_RWSTD_NO_HONOR_STD) \
&& (!defined (_COMPILER_VERSION) || _COMPILER_VERSION > 730) \
&& (!defined (__EDG_VERSION__) || __EDG_VERSION__ > 244)
// work around an EDG front end bug (see, for example, PR #25292)
// verify that names are declared [only] in namespace std
# define TEST_CLASS_DEF(name, Tparam) \
template class std::name Tparam; \
void name (void *name)
# define TEST_CLASS_DEF_2(name, Tparam1, Tparam2) \
template class std::name Tparam1, Tparam2; \
void name (void *name)
# define TEST_CLASS_DEF_3(name, Tparam1, Tparam2, Tparam3) \
template class std::name Tparam1, Tparam2, Tparam3; \
void name (void *name)
# else // if defined (_RWSTD_NO_NAMESPACE) || defined (_RWSTD_NO_HONOR_STD)
// verify that names do not collide with function argument names
# define TEST_CLASS_DEF(name, Tparam) \
template class std::name Tparam; \
void foo (void *name)
# define TEST_CLASS_DEF_2(name, Tparam1, Tparam2) \
template class std::name Tparam1, Tparam2; \
void foo (void *name)
# define TEST_CLASS_DEF_3(name, Tparam1, Tparam2, Tparam3) \
template class std::name Tparam1, Tparam2, Tparam3; \
void foo (void *name)
# if defined __GNUG__ && __GNUG__ < 3 && __GNU_MINOR__ < 96
// working around a bug in g++ 2.95.2 (PR #23151)
# define TEST_FUNCTION_DEF(decl) \
template decl; \
} /* namespace std */ \
typedef void unused_typedef
# else
# define TEST_FUNCTION_DEF(decl) template decl
# endif
// classes will implicitly instantiated below
# if !defined (_RWSTD_NO_NAMESPACE) && !defined (_RWSTD_NO_HONOR_STD)
// verify that names are declared [only[ in namespace std
# define TEST_CLASS_DEF(name, ignore) void name (void *name)
# define TEST_CLASS_DEF_2(name, ign1, ign2) void name (void *name)
# define TEST_CLASS_DEF_3(name, ign1, ign2, ign3) void name (void *name)
# else // if defined (_RWSTD_NO_NAMESPACE) || defined (_RWSTD_NO_HONOR_STD)
# define TEST_CLASS_DEF(name, ignore) void foo (void *name)
# define TEST_CLASS_DEF_2(name, ign1, ign2) void foo (void *name)
# define TEST_CLASS_DEF_3(name, ign1, ign2, ign3) void foo (void *name)
# define TEST_FUNCTION_DEF(ignore) void unused_typedef
TEST_CLASS_DEF_2 (unary_function, <int, int>);
TEST_CLASS_DEF_3 (binary_function, <int, int, int>);
TEST_CLASS_DEF (plus, <int>);
TEST_CLASS_DEF (minus, <int>);
TEST_CLASS_DEF (multiplies, <int>);
TEST_CLASS_DEF (divides, <int>);
TEST_CLASS_DEF (modulus, <int>);
TEST_CLASS_DEF (negate, <int>);
TEST_CLASS_DEF (equal_to, <int>);
TEST_CLASS_DEF (not_equal_to, <int>);
TEST_CLASS_DEF (greater, <int>);
TEST_CLASS_DEF (less, <int>);
TEST_CLASS_DEF (greater_equal, <int>);
TEST_CLASS_DEF (less_equal, <int>);
TEST_CLASS_DEF (logical_and, <int>);
TEST_CLASS_DEF (logical_or, <int>);
TEST_CLASS_DEF (logical_not, <int>);
TEST_CLASS_DEF (unary_negate, <std::negate<int> >);
std::unary_negate<std::negate<int> >
std::not1 (const std::negate<int>&));
TEST_CLASS_DEF (binary_negate, <std::equal_to<int> >);
std::binary_negate<std::equal_to<int> >
std::not2 (const std::equal_to<int>&));
TEST_CLASS_DEF (binder1st, <std::plus<int> >);
std::binder1st<std::plus<int> >
std::bind1st (const std::plus<int>&, const int&));
TEST_CLASS_DEF (binder2nd , <std::plus<int> >);
std::binder2nd<std::plus<int> >
std::bind2nd (const std::plus<int>&, const int&));
// exercise 20.3.1 [lib.base]
static void
test_base ()
rw_info (0, 0, __LINE__, "[lib.base]");
// verify that member types really are of the correct types
std::unary_function<int, void>::argument_type *argument = (int*)0;
std::unary_function<int, void>::result_type *result = (void*)0;
std::binary_function<int, char, void>::first_argument_type *a1 = (int*)0;
std::binary_function<int, char, void>::second_argument_type *a2 = (char*)0;
std::binary_function<int, char, void>::result_type *res = (void*)0;
_RWSTD_UNUSED (argument);
_RWSTD_UNUSED (result);
#define TEST_UNARY_OP(fun, op, x) do { \
rw_info (0, 0, __LINE__, "std::" #fun); \
N::fun f CTOR_ARG_LIST; \
/* verify that fun is copy constructible and assignable */ \
const N::fun f_cpy1 (f); \
/* const to verify copy ctor const correctness */ \
const N::fun f_cpy2 = f; \
/* verify that fun publicly derives from unary_function */ \
const std::unary_function<N::fun::argument_type, \
N::fun::result_type> *pf = &f; \
/* verify member types and signature of operator () */ \
typedef N::fun fun_t; /* in case fun contains commas */ \
N::fun::result_type (N::fun::*pfun) \
UNARY_OP_ARG_LIST (fun_t) const = &N::fun::operator(); \
_RWSTD_UNUSED (pfun); \
/* exercise operator() */ \
rw_assert (f.operator() (x) == (op x), 0, __LINE__, \
#fun "().operator()(%i) == %i, got %i", \
x, (op x), f.operator()(x)); \
/* exercise operator() of the two copies */ \
rw_assert (f_cpy1.operator() (x) == (op x), 0, __LINE__, \
#fun "::" #fun "(const " #fun "&)"); \
rw_assert (f_cpy2.operator() (x) == (op x), 0, __LINE__, \
#fun "::operator=" #fun "(const " #fun "&)"); \
} while (0)
#define TEST_BINARY_OP(fun, op, x, y) do { \
rw_info (0, 0, __LINE__, "std::" #fun); \
N::fun f CTOR_ARG_LIST; \
/* verify that fun is copy constructible and assignable */ \
const N::fun f_cpy1 (f); \
/* const to verify copy ctor const correctness */ \
const N::fun f_cpy2 = f; \
/* verify that fun publicly derives from binary_function */ \
const std::binary_function<N::fun::first_argument_type, \
N::fun::second_argument_type, \
N::fun::result_type> *pf = &f; \
/* verify member types and signature of operator () */ \
typedef N::fun fun_t; /* in case fun contains commas */ \
N::fun::result_type (N::fun::*pfun) \
BINARY_OP_ARG_LIST (fun_t) const = &N::fun::operator(); \
_RWSTD_UNUSED (pfun); \
rw_assert (f.operator() (x, y) == (x op y), 0, __LINE__, \
#fun "().operator()(%i, %i) == %i, got %i", \
x, y, (x op y), f.operator()(x, y)); \
/* exercise operator() of the two copies */ \
rw_assert (f_cpy1.operator() (x, y) == (x op y), 0, __LINE__, \
#fun "::" #fun "(const " #fun "&)"); \
rw_assert (f_cpy2.operator() (x, y) == (x op y), 0, __LINE__, \
#fun "::operator=" #fun "(const " #fun "&)"); \
} while (0)
// tested fununctions are in namespace std
#define N std
// most but not all operator() take arguments by const reference
#define UNARY_OP_ARG_LIST(fun) (const fun::argument_type&)
#define BINARY_OP_ARG_LIST(fun) \
(const fun::first_argument_type&, const fun::second_argument_type&)
// use default ctor in tests below
// exercise 20.3.2 [lib.arithmetic.operations]
static void
test_arithmetic_operations ()
rw_info (0, 0, __LINE__, "[lib.arithmetic.operations]");
// 20.3.2, p2
TEST_BINARY_OP (plus<int>, +, 1, 2);
// 20.3.2, p3
TEST_BINARY_OP (minus<int>, -, 3, 2);
// 20.3.2, p4
TEST_BINARY_OP (multiplies<int>, *, 2, 3);
// 20.3.2, p5
TEST_BINARY_OP (divides<int>, /, 6, 3);
// 20.3.2, p6
TEST_BINARY_OP (modulus<int>, %, 7, 3);
// 20.3.2, p7
TEST_UNARY_OP (negate<int>, -, 1);
// exercise extensions
// tested fununctions are in a private namespace
#undef N
#define N _RW
TEST_UNARY_OP (identity<int>, +, 3);
TEST_UNARY_OP (unary_plus<int>, +, 4);
TEST_UNARY_OP (bitwise_complement<int>, ~, 5);
TEST_BINARY_OP (bitwise_and<int>, &, 0x0f, 0x05);
TEST_BINARY_OP (bitwise_or<int>, |, 0x0f, 0xf0);
TEST_BINARY_OP (exclusive_or<int>, ^, 0x0f, 0xf1);
TEST_BINARY_OP (shift_left<int>, <<, 3, 3);
TEST_BINARY_OP (shift_right<int>, >>, 15, 3);
// remaining tested fununctions are in namespace std
#undef N
#define N std
// exercise 20.3.3 [lib.comparisons]
static void
test_comparisons ()
rw_info (0, 0, __LINE__, "[lib.comparisons]");
// 20.3.3, p2
TEST_BINARY_OP (equal_to<int>, ==, 1, 1);
TEST_BINARY_OP (equal_to<double>, ==, 1.0, 2.0);
// 20.3.3, p3
TEST_BINARY_OP (not_equal_to<int>, !=, 1, 1);
TEST_BINARY_OP (not_equal_to<double>, !=, 1.0, 2.0);
// 20.3.3, p4
TEST_BINARY_OP (greater<int>, >, 1, 1);
TEST_BINARY_OP (greater<double>, >, 2.0, 1.0);
// 20.3.3, p5
TEST_BINARY_OP (less<int>, <, 1, 1);
TEST_BINARY_OP (less<double>, <, 1.0, 2.0);
// 20.3.3, p6
TEST_BINARY_OP (greater_equal<int>, >=, 1, 1);
TEST_BINARY_OP (greater_equal<double>, >=, 1.0, 2.0);
// 20.3.3, p7
TEST_BINARY_OP (less_equal<int>, <=, 1, 1);
TEST_BINARY_OP (less_equal<double>, <=, 2.0, 1.0);
// 20.3.3, p8
// ???
// exercise 20.3.4 [lib.logical.operations]
static void
test_logical_operations ()
rw_info (0, 0, __LINE__, "[lib.logical.operations]");
// 20.3.4, p2
TEST_BINARY_OP (logical_and<int>, &&, 0, 1);
TEST_BINARY_OP (logical_and<double>, &&, 1.0, 2.0);
// 20.3.4, p3
TEST_BINARY_OP (logical_or<char>, ||, '\0', '\0');
TEST_BINARY_OP (logical_or<int>, ||, 0, 1);
TEST_BINARY_OP (logical_or<double>, ||, 1.0, 2.0);
// 20.3.4, p4
TEST_UNARY_OP (logical_not<int>, !, 0);
TEST_UNARY_OP (logical_not<double>, !, 2.0);
// helpers to verify that each class' ctor is explicit
// not defined since they must not be referenced if test is successful
void is_explicit (const std::unary_negate<std::logical_not<int> >&);
void is_explicit (const std::binary_negate<std::equal_to<int> >&);
void is_explicit (const std::pointer_to_unary_function<int, int>&);
void is_explicit (const std::pointer_to_binary_function<int, int, int>&);
struct has_implicit_ctor
// NOT explicit
has_implicit_ctor (const std::logical_not<int>&) { }
has_implicit_ctor (const std::equal_to<int>&) { }
has_implicit_ctor (int (*)(int)) { }
has_implicit_ctor (int (*)(int, int)) { }
void is_explicit (const has_implicit_ctor&) { }
// exercise 20.3.5 [lib.negators]
static void
test_negators ()
rw_info (0, 0, __LINE__, "[lib.negators]");
// verify that std::unary_negate<>() and std::binary_negate<>()
// ctors are declared explicit
is_explicit (std::logical_not<int>());
// use std::negate<> as an argument in negator ctors
#define CTOR_ARG_LIST \
= std::unary_negate<std::logical_not<int> > (std::logical_not<int> ())
// 20.3.5, p2
TEST_UNARY_OP (unary_negate<std::logical_not<int> >, !!, 0);
TEST_UNARY_OP (unary_negate<std::logical_not<int> >, !!, 1);
// exercise the convenience function template std::not1()
#define CTOR_ARG_LIST = std::not1 (std::logical_not<char> ())
// 20.3.5, p3
TEST_UNARY_OP (unary_negate<std::logical_not<char> >, !!, '\0');
TEST_UNARY_OP (unary_negate<std::logical_not<char> >, !!, '1');
// use std::equal_to<> as an argument in negator ctors
#define CTOR_ARG_LIST \
= std::binary_negate<std::equal_to<double> > (std::equal_to<double> ())
// 20.3.5, p4
TEST_BINARY_OP (binary_negate<std::equal_to<double> >, !=, 0.0, 1.0);
TEST_BINARY_OP (binary_negate<std::equal_to<double> >, !=, 1.0, 2.0);
// use std::not_equal_to<> as an argument in negator ctors
#define CTOR_ARG_LIST \
= std::binary_negate<std::not_equal_to<int> > (std::not_equal_to<int> ())
TEST_BINARY_OP (binary_negate<std::not_equal_to<int> >, ==, 0, 1);
TEST_BINARY_OP (binary_negate<std::not_equal_to<int> >, ==, 1, 2);
// exercise the convenience function template std::not2()
#define CTOR_ARG_LIST = std::not2 (std::equal_to<int> ())
// 20.3.5, p5
TEST_BINARY_OP (binary_negate<std::equal_to<int> >, !=, 2, 2);
TEST_BINARY_OP (binary_negate<std::equal_to<int> >, !=, 3, 4);
// exercise 20.3.6 [lib.binders]
static void
test_binders ()
rw_info (0, 0, __LINE__, "[lib.binders]");
// make sure the protected names `op' and `value' are accessible
struct binder1st_derivative: std::binder1st<std::minus<int> > {
binder1st_derivative ()
: std::binder1st<std::minus<int> >(std::minus<int> (), 0) {
// test protected access
rw_assert (0 == op (value, value), 0, __LINE__,
rw_assert (0 == operator()(value), 0, __LINE__,
value = 7;
rw_assert (-7 == op (0, value), 0, __LINE__,
rw_assert (7 == operator()(0), 0, __LINE__,
} b1st;
// make sure the protected names `op' and `value' are accessible
struct binder2nd_derivative: std::binder2nd<std::minus<int> > {
binder2nd_derivative ()
: std::binder2nd<std::minus<int> >(std::minus<int> (), 0) {
// test protected access
rw_assert (0 == op (value, value), 0, __LINE__,
rw_assert (0 == operator()(value), 0, __LINE__,
value = 7;
rw_assert (-7 == op (0, value), 0, __LINE__,
rw_assert (-7 == operator()(0), 0, __LINE__,
} b2nd;
// broken out of the macro definition to work around
// a bug in g++ 2.95.2 parser
std::minus<int> obj_minus;
// use std::negate<> as an argument in negator ctors
#define CTOR_ARG_LIST (obj_minus, 1)
//, p1 and p2
TEST_UNARY_OP (binder1st<std::minus<int> >, 1 -, 0);
TEST_UNARY_OP (binder1st<std::minus<int> >, 1 -, 1);
//, p1 and p2
TEST_UNARY_OP (binder2nd<std::minus<int> >, -1 +, 0);
TEST_UNARY_OP (binder2nd<std::minus<int> >, 1 -, 1);
// exercise the convenience function template std::bind1st<>()
#define CTOR_ARG_LIST = std::bind1st (std::divides<int>(), 6)
//, p1
TEST_UNARY_OP (binder1st<std::divides<int> >, 6 /, 3);
TEST_UNARY_OP (binder1st<std::divides<int> >, 6 /, 2);
// exercise the convenience function template std::bind2nd<>()
#define CTOR_ARG_LIST = std::bind2nd (std::plus<int>(), -2)
//, p1
TEST_UNARY_OP (binder2nd<std::plus<int> >, -2 +, 0);
TEST_UNARY_OP (binder2nd<std::plus<int> >, -2 +, 1);
// helpers to exercise pointer to function adapters
int square (int i) { return i * i; }
int shift (int i, int n) { return i << n; }
// exercise 20.3.7 [lib.function.pointer.adaptors]
static void
test_function_pointer_adaptors ()
rw_info (0, 0, __LINE__, "[lib.function.pointer.adaptors]");
// verify that the pointer to function adapters' ctors are explicit
is_explicit ((int (*)(int))0);
is_explicit ((int (*)(int, int))0);
// initialize pointer_to_unary_function with the address of square
#define CTOR_ARG_LIST (&::square)
// operator() takes a value (as opposed to const reference)
#define UNARY_OP_ARG_LIST(fun) (fun::argument_type)
#define pointer_to_unary_function_int pointer_to_unary_function<int, int>
// 20.3.7, p2
TEST_UNARY_OP (pointer_to_unary_function_int, 4 *, 4);
// exercise the convenience function template ptr_fun()
#define CTOR_ARG_LIST = std::ptr_fun (&::square)
// 20.3.7, p3
TEST_UNARY_OP (pointer_to_unary_function_int, 5 *, 5);
// initialize pointer_to_binary_function with the address of shift
#define CTOR_ARG_LIST (&::shift)
// operator() takes values (as opposed to const references)
#define BINARY_OP_ARG_LIST(fun) \
(fun::first_argument_type, fun::second_argument_type)
#define pointer_to_binary_function_int pointer_to_binary_function<int, int, int>
// 20.3.7, p4
TEST_BINARY_OP (pointer_to_binary_function_int, <<, 1, 4);
// exercise the convenience function template ptr_fun()
#define CTOR_ARG_LIST = std::ptr_fun (&::shift)
// 20.3.7, p5
TEST_BINARY_OP (pointer_to_binary_function_int, <<, 2, 5);
struct Integer
int i_;
// for convenience
operator int () const { return i_; }
// non-const members
int square () { return i_ * i_; }
int div (short n) { return i_ / n; }
// const versions of the above members
int const_square () const { return i_ * i_; }
int const_div (short n) const { return i_ / n; }
// helper to verify that each class' ctor is explicit
// not defined since they must not be referenced if test is successful
void is_explicit (const std::mem_fun_t<int, Integer>&);
struct has_implicit_ctor_from_member
// NOT explicit
has_implicit_ctor_from_member (int (Integer::*)()) { }
has_implicit_ctor_from_member (int (Integer::*)(short)) { }
has_implicit_ctor_from_member (int (Integer::*)() const) { }
has_implicit_ctor_from_member (int (Integer::*)(short) const) { }
void is_explicit (const has_implicit_ctor_from_member&) { }
// exercise 20.3.8 [lib.member.pointer.adaptors]
static void
test_member_pointer_adaptors ()
rw_info (0, 0, __LINE__, "[lib.member.pointer.adaptors]");
// verify that the pointer to member adapters' ctors are explicit
is_explicit ((int (Integer::*)())0);
is_explicit ((int (Integer::*)(short))0);
is_explicit ((int (Integer::*)() const)0);
is_explicit ((int (Integer::*)(short) const)0);
#define CTOR_ARG_LIST (&Integer::square)
#define mem_fun_t_Integer_int mem_fun_t<int, Integer>
Integer int_obj = { 5 };
// 20.3.8, p2
TEST_UNARY_OP (mem_fun_t_Integer_int, 5 * (int)*, &int_obj);
#define CTOR_ARG_LIST = std::mem_fun (&Integer::square)
int_obj.i_ = 7;
// 20.3.8, p4
TEST_UNARY_OP (mem_fun_t_Integer_int, 7 * (int)*, &int_obj);
#define CTOR_ARG_LIST (&Integer::div)
#define mem_fun1_t_int_Integer_short mem_fun1_t<int, Integer, short>
// 20.3.8, p3
TEST_BINARY_OP (mem_fun1_t_int_Integer_short, ->operator int() /,
(&int_obj), 2);
#define CTOR_ARG_LIST = std::mem_fun (&Integer::div)
// 20.3.8, p4
TEST_BINARY_OP (mem_fun1_t_int_Integer_short, ->operator int() / ,
(&int_obj), -1);
#define CTOR_ARG_LIST (&Integer::square)
// operator() takes a reference (as opposed to const reference or value)
#define UNARY_OP_ARG_LIST(fun) (fun::argument_type&)
#define mem_fun_ref_t_Integer_int mem_fun_ref_t<int, Integer>
int_obj.i_ = -9;
// 20.3.8, p5
TEST_UNARY_OP (mem_fun_ref_t_Integer_int, -9 * (int), int_obj);
// exercise the convenience function template mem_fun_ref()
#define CTOR_ARG_LIST = std::mem_fun_ref (&Integer::square)
// 20.3.8, p7
TEST_UNARY_OP (mem_fun_ref_t_Integer_int, -9 * (int), int_obj);
#define CTOR_ARG_LIST (&Integer::div)
// operator() takes a reference and a value
#define BINARY_OP_ARG_LIST(fun) \
(fun::first_argument_type&, fun::second_argument_type)
#define mem_fun1_ref_t_int_Integer_short mem_fun1_ref_t<int, Integer, short>
// 20.3.8, p6
TEST_BINARY_OP (mem_fun1_ref_t_int_Integer_short, .operator int() /,
int_obj, 3);
// exercise the convenience function template mem_fun_ref()
#define CTOR_ARG_LIST = std::mem_fun_ref (&Integer::div)
// 20.3.8, p7
TEST_BINARY_OP (mem_fun1_ref_t_int_Integer_short, .operator int() /,
int_obj, 3);
#define CTOR_ARG_LIST (&Integer::const_square)
// operator() takes a const reference (as opposed to reference or value)
#define UNARY_OP_ARG_LIST(fun) (fun::argument_type)
#define const_mem_fun_t_Integer_int const_mem_fun_t<int, Integer>
int_obj.i_ = 5;
// verify const-correctness
const Integer &int_cref = int_obj;
// 20.3.8, p2
TEST_UNARY_OP (const_mem_fun_t_Integer_int, 5 * (int)*, &int_cref);
#define CTOR_ARG_LIST = std::mem_fun (&Integer::const_square)
int_obj.i_ = 7;
// 20.3.8, p4
TEST_UNARY_OP (const_mem_fun_t_Integer_int, 7 * (int)*, &int_cref);
#define CTOR_ARG_LIST (&Integer::const_div)
// operator() takes a const value and a value
#define BINARY_OP_ARG_LIST(fun) \
(fun::first_argument_type, fun::second_argument_type)
#define const_mem_fun1_t_int_Integer_short \
const_mem_fun1_t<int, Integer, short>
// 20.3.8, p3
TEST_BINARY_OP (const_mem_fun1_t_int_Integer_short, ->operator int() /,
(&int_cref), 2);
#define CTOR_ARG_LIST = std::mem_fun (&Integer::const_div)
// 20.3.8, p4
TEST_BINARY_OP (const_mem_fun1_t_int_Integer_short, ->operator int() / ,
(&int_cref), -1);
#define CTOR_ARG_LIST (&Integer::const_square)
// operator() takes a reference (as opposed to const reference or value)
#define UNARY_OP_ARG_LIST(fun) (const fun::argument_type&)
#define const_mem_fun_ref_t_Integer_int const_mem_fun_ref_t<int, Integer>
int_obj.i_ = -9;
// 20.3.8, p5
TEST_UNARY_OP (const_mem_fun_ref_t_Integer_int, -9 * (int), int_cref);
// exercise the convenience function template const_mem_fun_ref()
#define CTOR_ARG_LIST = std::mem_fun_ref (&Integer::const_square)
// 20.3.8, p7
TEST_UNARY_OP (const_mem_fun_ref_t_Integer_int, -9 * (int), int_cref);
#define CTOR_ARG_LIST (&Integer::const_div)
// operator() takes a const reference and a value
#define BINARY_OP_ARG_LIST(fun) \
(const fun::first_argument_type&, fun::second_argument_type)
#define const_mem_fun1_ref_t_int_Integer_short \
const_mem_fun1_ref_t<int, Integer, short>
// 20.3.8, p6
TEST_BINARY_OP (const_mem_fun1_ref_t_int_Integer_short, .operator int() /,
int_cref, 3);
// exercise the convenience function template const_mem_fun_ref()
#define CTOR_ARG_LIST = std::mem_fun_ref (&Integer::const_div)
// 20.3.8, p7
TEST_BINARY_OP (const_mem_fun1_ref_t_int_Integer_short, .operator int() /,
int_cref, 3);
static int
run_test (int, char**)
// exercise 20.3.1 [lib.base]
test_base ();
// exercise 20.3.2 [lib.arithmetic.operations]
test_arithmetic_operations ();
// exercise 20.3.3 [lib.comparisons]
test_comparisons ();
// exercise 20.3.4 [lib.logical.operations]
test_logical_operations ();
// exercise 20.3.5 [lib.negators]
test_negators ();
// exercise 20.3.6 [lib.binders]
test_binders ();
// exercise 20.3.7 [lib.function.pointer.adaptors]
test_function_pointer_adaptors ();
// exercise 20.3.8 [lib.member.pointer.adaptors]
test_member_pointer_adaptors ();
return 0;
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
return rw_test (argc, argv, __FILE__,
0 /* no comment */,
(void*)0 /* sentinel */);