blob: ccd1702b79a5fcc0cb713d235a974b54c8d4d9ba [file] [log] [blame]
* - tests exercising the std::money_put facet
* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
* Copyright 2001-2006 Rogue Wave Software.
#include <ios>
#include <locale>
#include <cstdio> // for sprintf()
#include <cmdopt.h> // for rw_enabled()
#include <driver.h> // for rw_assert(), rw_test(), ...
#include <valcmp.h> // for rw_strncmp()
// set to non-zero value when grouping shouldn't be exercised
static int no_grouping;
// set to non-zero value when the basic_string overloads
// of moneY-put::put() shouldn't be exercised
static int no_basic_string;
template <class charT, bool Intl>
struct Punct: std::moneypunct<charT, Intl>
typedef typename std::moneypunct<charT>::char_type char_type;
typedef typename std::moneypunct<charT>::string_type string_type;
static char_type decimal_point_;
static char_type thousands_sep_;
static const char *grouping_;
static const char_type *curr_symbol_;
static const char_type *positive_sign_;
static const char_type *negative_sign_;
static std::money_base::pattern pos_format_;
static std::money_base::pattern neg_format_;
static int frac_digits_;
static int n_thousands_sep_; // number of calls to do_thousands_sep()
Punct (): std::moneypunct<charT>(1) { }
char_type do_decimal_point () const {
return decimal_point_;
int do_frac_digits () const {
return frac_digits_;
virtual string_type do_curr_symbol () const {
return curr_symbol_ ? curr_symbol_ : string_type ();
virtual std::string do_grouping () const {
return grouping_;
virtual char_type do_thousands_sep () const {
return thousands_sep_;
virtual string_type do_positive_sign () const {
return positive_sign_ ? positive_sign_ : string_type ();
virtual string_type do_negative_sign () const {
return negative_sign_ ? negative_sign_ : string_type ();
virtual std::money_base::pattern do_pos_format () const {
return pos_format_;
virtual std::money_base::pattern do_neg_format () const {
return neg_format_;
template <class charT, bool Intl>
const char*
Punct<charT, Intl>::grouping_ = "";
template <class charT, bool Intl>
typename Punct<charT, Intl>::char_type
Punct<charT, Intl>::decimal_point_ = ':';
template <class charT, bool Intl>
typename Punct<charT, Intl>::char_type
Punct<charT, Intl>::thousands_sep_ = ';';
template <class charT, bool Intl>
const typename Punct<charT, Intl>::char_type*
Punct<charT, Intl>::curr_symbol_;
template <class charT, bool Intl>
const typename Punct<charT, Intl>::char_type*
Punct<charT, Intl>::positive_sign_;
template <class charT, bool Intl>
const typename Punct<charT, Intl>::char_type*
Punct<charT, Intl>::negative_sign_;
template <class charT, bool Intl>
Punct<charT, Intl>::pos_format_ = { {
} };
template <class charT, bool Intl>
Punct<charT, Intl>::neg_format_ = { {
} };
template <class charT, bool Intl>
Punct<charT, Intl>::n_thousands_sep_;
template <class charT, bool Intl>
Punct<charT, Intl>::frac_digits_;
template <class charT>
struct Ios: std::basic_ios<charT>
Ios () { this->init (0); }
template <class charT>
struct MoneyPut: std::money_put<charT, charT*>
// default ctor defined in order to make it possible
// to define const objects of the type w/o explictly
// initializing them
typedef std::money_put<charT, charT*> Base;
MoneyPut (): Base () { /* no-op */ }
bool test_neg_zero;
set_pattern (const char *format)
std::money_base::pattern pat;
for (unsigned i = 0; i != sizeof pat.field / sizeof *pat.field; ++i) {
switch (format [i]) {
case '\0': case '@': pat.field [i] = std::money_base::none; break;
case '\1': case ' ': pat.field [i] = std::money_base::space; break;
case '\2': case '$': pat.field [i] = std::money_base::symbol; break;
case '\3': case '-': pat.field [i] = std::money_base::sign; break;
case '\4': case '1': pat.field [i] = std::money_base::value; break;
_RWSTD_ASSERT (!!"bad format specifier");
return pat;
template <class charT>
int type_test (int lineno,
charT /* unused */,
long double val /* value to format */,
const char *str /* expected result */,
char fill = ' ',
int flags = 0,
int frac_digits = 0,
int width = 0,
const char *format = 0 /* pattern or printf() format */,
const char *grouping = 0)
if (!rw_enabled (lineno)) {
rw_note (0, __FILE__, __LINE__, "test on line %d disabled", lineno);
return 0;
static const char* const cname = 1 < sizeof (charT) ? "wchar_t" : "char";
static int i = 0; // assertion number per specialization of type_test()
if (!i) {
rw_info (0, 0, 0, "std::money_put<%s>::put(ostreambuf_iterator"
"<%s>, bool, ios_base, %s, long double)",
cname, cname, cname);
rw_info (0, 0, 0, "std::money_put<%s>::put(ostreambuf_iterator"
"<%s>, bool, ios_base, %s, "
"const basic_string<%s>&))",
cname, cname, cname, cname);
// exercise put (..., long double) overload
int nfail = 0; // number of failed assertions
// unless 0, or unless it starts with '%', the `format' argument
// is treated as a money_base::pattern string; otherwise the
// default pattern is used
// default format as in locale ("C")
const char *fmt_pat = !format || *format == '%' ? "\2\3\4\0" : format;
if (!grouping) {
// default grouping as in locale ("C")
grouping = "";
const Punct<charT, false> pun;
// take care to initialize Punct static data before installing
// the facet in case locale or the base facet calls the overridden
// virtuals early to cache the results
pun.grouping_ = grouping;
pun.frac_digits_ = frac_digits;
if (val < 0.0) {
pun.neg_format_ = set_pattern (fmt_pat);
pun.pos_format_ = std::money_base::pattern ();
else if (val > 0.0) {
pun.neg_format_ = std::money_base::pattern ();
pun.pos_format_ = set_pattern (fmt_pat);
else {
// 0.0 and -0.0
pun.neg_format_ = set_pattern (fmt_pat);
pun.pos_format_ = pun.neg_format_;
// ios-derived object to pass to the facet
Ios<charT> ios;
// money_put-derived object
const MoneyPut<charT> mp;
// install the moneypunct facet in a locale and imbue the latter
// in the ios-derived object used by money_put
std::locale loc (ios.getloc (), (const std::moneypunct<charT>*)&pun);
ios.imbue (loc);
// set the formatting flags and the width
ios.flags (std::ios_base::fmtflags (flags));
ios.width (std::streamsize (width));
bool success;
charT buf [256] = { 0 };
if (rw_enabled ("long double")) {
// exercise, long double overload
*mp.put (buf, false, ios, charT (fill), val) = charT ();
rw_assert (0 == ios.width (), __FILE__, lineno,
"money_put<%s>::put (%#p, false, const ios_base&, "
"%{#c}, %LfL) reset width from %d",
cname, buf, fill, val, width);
success = 0 == rw_strncmp (buf, str);
if (!success)
rw_assert (success, __FILE__, lineno,
"money_put<%s>::put (%#p, false, "
"const ios_base&, %{#c}, %LfL) == %{#s} got %{#s}; "
"flags = %{If}, grouping = %{#s}",
cname, buf,
fill, val, str, buf,
flags, grouping);
else {
static int msg_issued;
rw_note (msg_issued++, __FILE__, 0, "long double test disabled");
// exercise put (..., const basic_string&) overload
if (frac_digits < 0) {
// do not perform string test(s) for negative values of frac_digits
// (extension implemented only for the long double overload of put())
return nfail;
if (no_basic_string) {
rw_note (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_string<%s> test on line %d disabled", lineno, cname);
return nfail;
// zero out buffer
std::char_traits<charT>::assign (buf, sizeof buf / sizeof *buf, charT ());
// if the format string starts with a '%',
// use it to format the floating point value
if (!format || *format != '%')
format = "%.0" _RWSTD_LDBL_PRINTF_PREFIX "f";
char valbuf [256] = "";
const int valbuflen = std::sprintf (valbuf, format, val);
RW_ASSERT (0 < valbuflen && valbuflen < int (sizeof valbuf));
typedef std::char_traits<charT> Traits;
typedef std::allocator<charT> Allocator;
const std::basic_string<charT, Traits, Allocator>
valstr (valbuf, valbuf + valbuflen);
// set width (reset by a previous call)
ios.width (std::streamsize (width));
// exercise, basic_string overload
*mp.put (buf, false, ios, charT (fill), valstr) = charT ();
success = 0 == rw_strncmp (buf, str);
if (!success)
rw_assert (success, __FILE__, lineno,
"money_put<%s>::put (%#p, false, "
"const ios_base&, %{#S}) == %{#s} got %{#s}; "
"flags = %{If}, grouping = %{#s}",
cname, fill, &valstr, buf, str,
flags, grouping);
return nfail;
// for convenience
#define Boolalpha std::ios_base::boolalpha
#define Dec std::ios_base::dec
#define Fixed std::ios_base::fixed
#define Hex std::ios_base::hex
#define Internal std::ios_base::internal
#define Left std::ios_base::left
#define Oct std::ios_base::oct
#define Right std::ios_base::right
#define Scientific std::ios_base::scientific
#define Showbase std::ios_base::showbase
#define Showpoint std::ios_base::showpoint
#define Showpos std::ios_base::showpos
#define Skipws std::ios_base::skipws
#define Unitbuf std::ios_base::unitbuf
#define Uppercase std::ios_base::uppercase
#define Bin std::ios_base::bin
#define Adjustfield std::ios_base::adjustfield
#define Basefield std::ios_base::basefield
#define Floatfield std::ios_base::floatfield
#define Nolock std::ios_base::nolock
#define Nolockbuf std::ios_base::nolockbuf
#define Eofbit std::ios_base::eofbit
#define Failbit std::ios_base::failbit
#define Goodbit std::ios_base::goodbit
template <class charT>
void ldbl_test (charT)
static const charT curr_symbol1 [8] = { '$', '\0' };
Punct<charT, false>::curr_symbol_ = curr_symbol1;
Punct<charT, false>::decimal_point_ = ':';
Punct<charT, false>::thousands_sep_ = ';';
static const charT signs1[][4] = {
// negative positive
{ '~', '\0' }, { '\0', },
Punct<charT, false>::negative_sign_ = signs1 [0];
Punct<charT, false>::positive_sign_ = signs1 [1];
int ntried = 0;
int nfailed = 0;
#define T __LINE__, charT ()
#define TEST ++ntried, nfailed += type_test
// enum part { none, space, symbol, sign, value };
// no symbol, empty sign, default format
TEST (T, 0., "0", ' ');
TEST (T, 1., "1", ' ');
TEST (T, 12., "12", ' ');
TEST (T, 123., "123", ' ');
TEST (T, 1234., "1234", ' ');
TEST (T, 12345., "12345", ' ');
TEST (T, 123456., "123456", ' ');
TEST (T, 1234567., "1234567", ' ');
TEST (T, 12345678., "12345678", ' ');
TEST (T, 123456789., "123456789", ' ');
TEST (T, 12345678.9, "12345679", ' ');
TEST (T, 1234567.89, "1234568", ' ');
TEST (T, 123456.789, "123457", ' ');
TEST (T, 12345.6789, "12346", ' ');
TEST (T, 1234.56789, "1235", ' ');
TEST (T, 123.456789, "123", ' ');
TEST (T, 12.3456789, "12", ' ');
TEST (T, 1.23456789, "1", ' ');
TEST (T, .123456789, "0", ' ');
// exercise correct handling of frac_digits
TEST (T, 9876543210., "987654321:0", ' ', 0, 1);
TEST (T, 876543210., "8765432:10", ' ', 0, 2);
TEST (T, 76543210., "76543:210", ' ', 0, 3);
TEST (T, 6543210., "654:3210", ' ', 0, 4);
TEST (T, 543210., "5:43210", ' ', 0, 5);
TEST (T, 43210., "0:043210", ' ', 0, 6);
TEST (T, 3210., "0:0003210", ' ', 0, 7);
TEST (T, 210., "0:00000210", ' ', 0, 8);
TEST (T, 10., "0:000000010", ' ', 0, 9);
TEST (T, 1., "0:000000001", ' ', 0, 9);
TEST (T, 0., "0:000000000", ' ', 0, 9);
TEST (T, 200., "0:000000200", ' ', 0, 9);
TEST (T, 3000., "0:000003000", ' ', 0, 9);
TEST (T, 40000., "0:000040000", ' ', 0, 9);
TEST (T, 500000., "0:000500000", ' ', 0, 9);
TEST (T, 6000000., "0:006000000", ' ', 0, 9);
TEST (T, 70000000., "0:070000000", ' ', 0, 9);
TEST (T, 800000000., "0:800000000", ' ', 0, 9);
TEST (T, -900000000., "~0:900000000", ' ', 0, 9);
TEST (T, -80000000., "~0:080000000", ' ', 0, 9);
TEST (T, -7000000., "~0:007000000", ' ', 0, 9);
TEST (T, -600000., "~0:000600000", ' ', 0, 9);
TEST (T, -50000., "~0:000050000", ' ', 0, 9);
TEST (T, -4000., "~0:000004000", ' ', 0, 9);
TEST (T, -300., "~0:000000300", ' ', 0, 9);
TEST (T, -20., "~0:000000020", ' ', 0, 9);
TEST (T, -1., "~0:000000001", ' ', 0, 9);
if (test_neg_zero)
TEST (T, -0., "~0:000000000", ' ', 0, 9);
// extension: fixed and negative frac_digits
TEST (T, 1.0, "1:0", ' ', Fixed, -1);
TEST (T, 2.0, "2:00", ' ', Fixed, -2);
TEST (T, 3.0, "3:000", ' ', Fixed, -3);
TEST (T, 4.1, "4:1000", ' ', Fixed, -4);
TEST (T, 52.34, "52:34000", ' ', Fixed, -5);
TEST (T, 634.56789, "634:5679", ' ', Fixed, -4);
// exhaustively exercise valid permutations of format patterns
// (`none' allowed in all but the first position by, p1)
TEST (T, 12, "12", '\0', 0, 0, 0, "\3\0\4\2", "");
TEST (T, 123, "123", '\0', 0, 0, 0, "\3\0\2\4", "");
TEST (T, 1234, "1234", '\0', 0, 0, 0, "\3\2\4\0", "");
TEST (T, 2345, "2345", '\0', 0, 0, 0, "\3\4\2\0", "");
TEST (T, 3456, "3456", '\0', 0, 0, 0, "\3\4\0\2", "");
TEST (T, 4567, "4567", '\0', 0, 0, 0, "\4\0\2\3", "");
TEST (T, 5678, "5678", '\0', 0, 0, 0, "\4\2\0\3", "");
TEST (T, 6789, "6789", '\0', 0, 0, 0, "\4\2\3\0", "");
TEST (T, 7890, "7890", '\0', 0, 0, 0, "\4\0\3\2", "");
TEST (T, 8901, "8901", '\0', 0, 0, 0, "\2\4\0\3", "");
TEST (T, 9012, "9012", '\0', 0, 0, 0, "\2\0\4\3", "");
TEST (T, 123, "123", '\0', 0, 0, 0, "\2\0\3\4", "");
// format using `space' in valid positions (all but
// the first and last as specified by, p1)
// the actual space character (not the fill char)
// is required
TEST (T, 9, " 9", '*', 0, 0, 0, "\3\1\4\2", "");
TEST (T, 98, " 98", '*', 0, 0, 0, "\3\1\2\4", "");
TEST (T, 987, "987 ", '*', 0, 0, 0, "\3\4\1\2", "");
TEST (T, 876, "876 ", '*', 0, 0, 0, "\4\1\2\3", "");
TEST (T, 765, "765 ", '*', 0, 0, 0, "\4\2\1\3", "");
TEST (T, 654, "654 ", '*', 0, 0, 0, "\4\1\3\2", "");
TEST (T, 543, "543 ", '*', 0, 0, 0, "\2\4\1\3", "");
TEST (T, 432, " 432", '*', 0, 0, 0, "\2\1\4\3", "");
TEST (T, 321, " 321", '*', 0, 0, 0, "\2\1\3\4", "");
TEST (T, 0, "$0", '\0', Showbase, 0, 0, "\2\3\4\0", "");
TEST (T, 1, "$1", '\0', Showbase, 0, 0, "\2\3\4\0", "");
TEST (T, 12, "$12", '\0', Showbase, 0, 0, "\2\3\4\0", "");
TEST (T, 123, "$123", '\0', Showbase, 0, 0, "\2\3\4\0", "");
TEST (T, 1234, "$1234", '\0', Showbase, 0, 0, "\2\3\4\0", "");
TEST (T, 12345, "$12345", '\0', Showbase, 0, 0, "\2\3\4\0", "");
TEST (T, 123456, "$123456", '\0', Showbase, 0, 0, "\2\3\4\0", "");
TEST (T, 1234567, "$1234567", '\0', Showbase, 0, 0, "\2\3\4\0", "");
TEST (T, 12345678, "$12345678", '\0', Showbase, 0, 0, "\2\3\4\0", "");
TEST (T, 0, "$0", '\0', Showbase, 0, 0, 0, "\2");
TEST (T, 1, "$1", '\0', Showbase, 0, 0, 0, "\2\2");
TEST (T, 12, "$12", '\0', Showbase, 0, 0, 0, "\2");
TEST (T, 123, "$1;23", '\0', Showbase, 0, 0, 0, "\2\2");
TEST (T, 1234, "$12;34", '\0', Showbase, 0, 0, 0, "\2");
TEST (T, 12345, "$1;23;45", '\0', Showbase, 0, 0, 0, "\2\2");
TEST (T, 123456, "$12;34;56", '\0', Showbase, 0, 0, 0, "\2");
TEST (T, 1234567, "$1;23;45;67", '\0', Showbase, 0, 0, 0, "\2\2");
TEST (T, 12345678, "$12;34;56;78", '\0', Showbase, 0, 0, 0, "\2");
TEST (T, 123456789, "$1;23;45;67;89", '\0', Showbase, 0, 0, 0, "\2\2");
if (test_neg_zero)
TEST (T, -0.0, "$~0", '\0', Showbase, 0, 0, 0, "\3\3");
TEST (T, -1, "$~1", '\0', Showbase, 0, 0, 0, "\3");
TEST (T, -12, "$~12", '\0', Showbase, 0, 0, 0, "\3\3");
TEST (T, -123, "$~123", '\0', Showbase, 0, 0, 0, "\3");
TEST (T, -1234, "$~1;234", '\0', Showbase, 0, 0, 0, "\3\3");
TEST (T, -12345, "$~12;345", '\0', Showbase, 0, 0, 0, "\3");
TEST (T, -123456, "$~123;456", '\0', Showbase, 0, 0, 0, "\3\3");
TEST (T, -1234567, "$~1;234;567", '\0', Showbase, 0, 0, 0, "\3");
TEST (T, -12345678, "$~12;345;678", '\0', Showbase, 0, 0, 0, "\3\3");
TEST (T, -123456789, "$~123;456;789", '\0', Showbase, 0, 0, 0, "\3");
// for convenience
const char *f = "\3\2\4\0"; // { sign, symbol, value, none }
TEST (T, -321, "~$32;1", '\0', Showbase, 0, 0, f, "\1\2");
TEST (T, -4322, "~$432;2", '\0', Showbase, 0, 0, f, "\1\3");
TEST (T, -54323, "~$5;4;3;2;3", '\0', Showbase, 0, 0, f, "\1\1");
TEST (T, -654324, "~$6;5;4;3;2;4", '\0', Showbase, 0, 0, f, "\1\1");
TEST (T, -7654325, "~$765;432;5", '\0', Showbase, 0, 0, f, "\1\3");
TEST (T, -87654326, "~$8;7;6;5;4;3;26", '\0', Showbase, 0, 0, f, "\2\1");
TEST (T, -987654327, "~$98;76;54;32;7", '\0', Showbase, 0, 0, f, "\1\2");
static const charT curr_symbol2 [8] = { 'X', 'Y', '\0' };
Punct<charT, false>::curr_symbol_ = curr_symbol2;
static const charT signs2[][8] = {
// negative positive
{ '(', ')', '\0' }, { '{', '}', '\0' }
Punct<charT, false>::negative_sign_ = signs2 [0];
Punct<charT, false>::positive_sign_ = signs2 [1];
Punct<charT, false>::thousands_sep_ = '.';
Punct<charT, false>::decimal_point_ = '.';
f = "\3\4\1\2"; // { sign, value, space, symbol }
TEST (T, -1357911, "( XY)", '*', Showbase, 0, 0, f, "\1");
TEST (T, -2468012, "( XY)", '-', Showbase, 0, 0, f, "\2");
TEST (T, -3692513, "(3.692.513 XY)", ' ', Showbase, 0, 0, f, "\3");
TEST (T, -9999914, "(999.9914 XY)", '@', Showbase, 0, 0, f, "\4");
TEST (T, -1000015, "(10.00015 XY)", '#', Showbase, 0, 0, f, "\5");
TEST (T, -16, "(16 XY)", ')', Showbase, 0, 0, f, "\6");
TEST (T, +1357917, "{ XY}", ',', Showbase, 0, 0, f, "\1");
TEST (T, +2468018, "{ XY}", '+', Showbase, 0, 0, f, "\2");
TEST (T, +3692519, "{3.692.519 XY}", '0', Showbase, 0, 0, f, "\3");
TEST (T, +9999920, "{999.9920 XY}", '1', Showbase, 0, 0, f, "\4");
TEST (T, +1000021, "{10.00021 XY}", '\0', Showbase, 0, 0, f, "\5");
TEST (T, +22, "{22 XY}", '{', Showbase, 0, 0, f, "\6");
TEST (T, +123, "{123 }", '_', 0, 0, 0, f, "\6");
TEST (T, -224, "(224 )", '_', 0, 0, 0, f, "\7");
TEST (T, +325, "{ XY325}", ' ', Showbase, 0, 0, "\3\1\2\4", "\xa");
TEST (T, -426, "( XY426)", ' ', Showbase, 0, 0, "\3\1\2\4", "\xb");
TEST (T, +527, "{XY 527}", ' ', Showbase, 0, 0, "\3\2\1\4", "\xc");
TEST (T, -628, "(XY 628)", ' ', Showbase, 0, 0, "\3\2\1\4", "\xd");
TEST (T, +729, "{XY729}", ' ', Showbase, 0, 0, "\3\2\0\4", "\xe");
TEST (T, -830, "(XY830)", ' ', Showbase, 0, 0, "\3\2\0\4", "\xf");
TEST (T, +931, "{XY931}", ' ', Showbase, 0, 0, "\3\0\2\4", "\x10");
TEST (T, -1032, "(XY1032)", ' ', Showbase, 0, 0, "\3\0\2\4");
TEST (T, +1133, "1133{XY}", ' ', Showbase, 0, 0, "\4\3\2\0");
TEST (T, -1234, "1234XY()", ' ', Showbase, 0, 0, "\4\2\3\0");
TEST (T, +1335, "1335XY{}", ' ', Showbase, 0, 0, "\4\2\0\3");
TEST (T, -1436, "1436XY ()", ' ', Showbase, 0, 0, "\4\2\1\3");
TEST (T, +1537, "1537XY{}", ' ', Showbase, 0, 0, "\4\0\2\3");
TEST (T, -1638, "1638 XY()", ' ', Showbase, 0, 0, "\4\1\2\3");
TEST (T, +1739, "XY1739{}", ' ', Showbase, 0, 0, "\2\4\0\3");
TEST (T, -1840, "XY1840 ()", ' ', Showbase, 0, 0, "\2\4\1\3");
TEST (T, +1941, "XY1941{}", ' ', Showbase, 0, 0, "\2\0\4\3");
TEST (T, -2042, "XY 2042()", ' ', Showbase, 0, 0, "\2\1\4\3");
TEST (T, +2143, "XY{2143}", ' ', Showbase, 0, 0, "\2\3\4\0");
TEST (T, -2244, "XY(2244)", ' ', Showbase, 0, 0, "\2\3\0\4");
TEST (T, +2345, "XY{ 2345}", ' ', Showbase, 0, 0, "\2\3\1\4");
//, p2:
// ...copies of `fill' are inserted as necessary to pad to the
// specified width. For the value `af' equal to (str.flags()
// & str.adjustfield), if (af == str.internal) is true, the fill
// characters are placed where `none' or `space' appears in the
// formatting pattern; otherwise if (af == str.left) is true, they
// are placed after the other characters; otherwise, they are
// placed before the other characters.
TEST (T, -2446, "___XY( 2446)", '_', Showbase, 0, 12, "\2\3\1\4");
TEST (T, +2547, "____XY{2547}", '_', Showbase, 0, 12, "\2\3\0\4");
TEST (T, -2648, "___XY( 2648)", '_', Showbase | Right, 0, 12, "\2\3\1\4");
TEST (T, +2749, "____XY{2749}", '_', Showbase | Right, 0, 12, "\2\3\0\4");
TEST (T, -2850, "XY( 2850)___", '_', Showbase | Left, 0, 12, "\2\3\1\4");
TEST (T, +2951, "XY{2951}____", '_', Showbase | Left, 0, 12, "\2\3\0\4");
TEST (T, -3052, "___XY( 3052)", '_',
Showbase | Left | Right, 0, 12, "\2\3\1\4");
TEST (T, +3153, "____XY{3153}", '_',
Showbase | Left | Right, 0, 12, "\2\3\0\4");
TEST (T, -3254, "___XY( 3254)", '_',
Showbase | Left | Right | Internal, 0, 12, "\2\3\1\4");
TEST (T, +3355, "____XY{3355}", '_',
Showbase | Left | Right | Internal, 0, 12, "\2\3\0\4");
TEST (T, -3456, "XY( ___3456)", '_',
Showbase | Internal, 0, 12, "\2\3\1\4");
TEST (T, +3557, "XY{____3557}", '_',
Showbase | Internal, 0, 12, "\2\3\0\4");
TEST (T, -3658, "XY____(3658)", '_',
Showbase | Internal, 0, 12, "\2\0\3\4");
TEST (T, +3759, "XY{3759____}", '_',
Showbase | Internal, 0, 12, "\2\3\4\0");
TEST (T, 3759, "XY{37.59}", '_',
Showbase | Internal, 0, 8, "\2\3\4\0", "\2");
TEST (T, 3760, "XY{ 37.60}", '_',
Showbase | Internal, 0, 8, "\2\3\1\4", "\2");
TEST (T, 12345678900000000000.0, "XY{ ........1.23.45678.9000.}",
'.', Showbase | Internal, 0, 40, "\2\3\1\4", "\2\1\3\2\4\5\2");
TEST (T, 1234567890000000000.0, "{ ...........1234.56789.0000.000.00.0XY}",
'.', Showbase | Internal, 0, 40, "\3\1\4\2", "\1\2\3\4\5\6");
// exercise justification with non-zero frac_digits
TEST (T, 1, "_____{0.1}", '_', 0, 1, 10, "-@1$");
TEST (T, 12, "_____{1.2}", '_', 0, 1, 10, "-@1$");
TEST (T, 123, "____{1.23}", '_', 0, 2, 10, "-@1$");
TEST (T, 1234, "_{12.34XY}", '_', Showbase, 2, 10, "-@1$");
TEST (T, 1235, "_{ 12.35XY}", '_', Showbase, 2, 11, "- 1$");
TEST (T, 2, "******{0.2}", '*', Right, 1, 11, "-@1$");
TEST (T, 23, "******{2.3}", '*', Right, 1, 11, "-@1$");
TEST (T, 234, "*****{2.34}", '*', Right, 2, 11, "-@1$");
TEST (T, 2345, "**{23.45XY}", '*', Right | Showbase, 2, 11, "-@1$");
TEST (T, 2346, "**{ 23.46XY}", '*', Right | Showbase, 2, 12, "- 1$");
TEST (T, 3, "{0.3}#######", '#', Left, 1, 12, "-@1$");
TEST (T, 34, "{3.4}#######", '#', Left, 1, 12, "-@1$");
TEST (T, 345, "{3.45}######", '#', Left, 2, 12, "-@1$");
TEST (T, 3456, "{34.56XY}###", '#', Left | Showbase, 2, 12, "-@1$");
TEST (T, 3457, "{ 34.57XY}###", '#', Left | Showbase, 2, 13, "- 1$");
TEST (T, 4, "{=====0.4}", '=', Internal, 1, 10, "-@1$");
TEST (T, 45, "{=====4.5}", '=', Internal, 1, 10, "-@1$");
TEST (T, 456, "{====4.56}", '=', Internal, 2, 10, "-@1$");
TEST (T, 4567, "{=45.67XY}", '=', Internal | Showbase, 2, 10, "-@1$");
TEST (T, 4568, "{ =45.68XY}", '=', Internal | Showbase, 2, 11, "- 1$");
Punct<charT, false>::thousands_sep_ = ',';
Punct<charT, false>::decimal_point_ = '.';
// justification with grouping
TEST (T, 105, "====={1,0.5}", '=', 0, 1, 12, "-@1$", "\1");
TEST (T, 1056, "===={1,05.6}", '=', 0, 1, 12, "-@1$", "\2");
TEST (T, 10567, "==={1,05.67}", '=', 0, 2, 12, "-@1$", "\2");
TEST (T, 105678, "=={10,56.78XY}", '=', Showbase, 2, 14, "-@1$", "\2");
TEST (T, 105679, "={ 10,56.79XY}", '=', Showbase, 2, 14, "- 1$", "\2");
TEST (T, 105680, "={ 1,056,80XY}", '=', Showbase, 0, 14, "- 1$", "\2\3");
int flags = Right | Showbase;
TEST (T, 106, ">>>>>{1,0.6}", '>', Right, 1, 12, "-@1$", "\1");
TEST (T, 1057, ">>>>{1,05.7}", '>', Right, 1, 12, "-@1$", "\2");
TEST (T, 10568, ">>>{1,05.68}", '>', Right, 2, 12, "-@1$", "\2");
TEST (T, 105679, ">>{10,56.79XY}", '>', flags, 2, 14, "-@1$", "\2");
TEST (T, 105680, ">{ 10,56.80XY}", '>', flags, 2, 14, "- 1$", "\2");
TEST (T, 105681, ">{ 1,056,81XY}", '>', flags, 0, 14, "- 1$", "\2\3");
flags = Left | Showbase;
TEST (T, 107, "{1,0.7}<<<<<", '<', Left, 1, 12, "-@1$", "\1");
TEST (T, 1058, "{1,05.8}<<<<", '<', Left, 1, 12, "-@1$", "\2");
TEST (T, 10569, "{1,05.69}<<<", '<', Left, 2, 12, "-@1$", "\2");
TEST (T, 105680, "{10,56.80XY}<<", '<', flags, 2, 14, "-@1$", "\2");
TEST (T, 105681, "{ 10,56.81XY}<", '<', flags, 2, 14, "- 1$", "\2");
TEST (T, 105682, "{ 1,056,82XY}<", '<', flags, 0, 14, "- 1$", "\2\3");
flags = Internal | Showbase;
TEST (T, 108, "{^^^^^1,0.8}", '^', Internal, 1, 12, "-@1$", "\1");
TEST (T, 1059, "{^^^^1,05.9}", '^', Internal, 1, 12, "-@1$", "\2");
TEST (T, 10570, "{^^^1,05.70}", '^', Internal, 2, 12, "-@1$", "\2");
TEST (T, 105681, "{^^10,56.81XY}", '^', flags, 2, 14, "-@1$", "\2");
TEST (T, 105682, "{ ^10,56.82XY}", '^', flags, 2, 14, "- 1$", "\2");
TEST (T, 105683, "{ ^1,056,83XY}", '^', flags, 0, 14, "- 1$", "\2\3");
flags = Left | Right | Showbase;
TEST (T, 109, "#####{1,0.9}", '#', Left | Right, 1, 12, "-@1$", "\1");
TEST (T, 1060, "####{1,06.0}", '#', Left | Right, 1, 12, "-@1$", "\2");
TEST (T, 10571, "###{1,05.71}", '#', Left | Right, 2, 12, "-@1$", "\2");
TEST (T, 105682, "##{10,56.82XY}", '#', flags, 2, 14, "-@1$", "\2");
TEST (T, 105683, "#{ 10,56.83XY}", '#', flags, 2, 14, "- 1$", "\2");
TEST (T, 105684, "#{ 10,56,84XY}", '#', flags, 0, 14, "- 1$", "\2");
// verify that mon_put (..., const basic_string&) ignores the part
// of the string starting with the first non-numeric character
#undef FMT
#define FMT(fmt) "%.0" _RWSTD_LDBL_PRINTF_PREFIX "f" fmt
// using default format "\2\3\4\0": {symbol, sign, value, none}
TEST (T, 10, "{1.0}", ' ', 0, 1, -1, FMT (" "));
TEST (T, 10, "{1.0}", ' ', 0, 1, -1, FMT ("."));
TEST (T, -11, "(1.1)", ' ', 0, 1, -1, FMT (" "));
TEST (T, -11, "(1.1)", ' ', 0, 1, -1, FMT ("."));
TEST (T, 101, "{1.01}", ' ', 0, 2, -1, FMT (" "));
TEST (T, 101, "{1.01}", ' ', 0, 2, -1, FMT ("."));
Punct<charT, false>::negative_sign_ = signs1 [0];
Punct<charT, false>::positive_sign_ = signs1 [1];
TEST (T, 1012, "1,0.12", ' ', 0, 2, -1, FMT (" 0"), "\1");
TEST (T, 1013, "1,0.13", ' ', 0, 2, -1, FMT (".1"), "\1");
TEST (T, -1014, "~1,01.4", ' ', 0, 1, -1, FMT ("~2"), "\2");
TEST (T, -1015, "~1,01.5", ' ', 0, 1, -1, FMT (",3"), "\2");
void grouping_test ()
if (!rw_enabled ("char")) {
rw_note (0, __FILE__, __LINE__, "char test disabled");
rw_info (0, 0, 0, "std::money_put<%s>::put(ostreambuf_iterator"
"<%s>, bool, ios_base, %s, long double); correct use of "
"moneypunct<%s, false>::grouping() and thousands_sep()",
"char", "char", "char", "char");
typedef Punct<char, false> PunctT;
// construct a "replacement" moneypunct-derived facet
const PunctT pun;
// group after every digit
PunctT::grouping_ = "\1";
// reset the do_thousands_sep()-call counter
PunctT::thousands_sep_ = ';';
PunctT::decimal_point_ = ':';
PunctT::n_thousands_sep_ = 0;
// construct and initialize a basic_ios-derived object
struct Ios: std::basic_ios<char> { Ios () { this->init (0); } } ios;
// construct a money_put-derived facet to exercise
struct MoneyPut: std::money_put<char, char*> { } mp;
// imbue a stream object with a custom locale
// containing the replacement punctuation facet
std::locale l;
std::locale loc (l, (const std::moneypunct<char>*)&pun);
ios.imbue (loc);
// decimal output, no special formatting
ios.setf (std::ios::fmtflags ());
char buf [40] = "";
*mp.put (buf, false, ios, '\0', 123456789.0L) = '\0';
// verify that the number was formatted correctly
rw_assert (0 == rw_strncmp (buf, "1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9"), __FILE__, __LINE__,
"money_put<char, char*>::do_put(..., 123456789.0L) "
"== %#s, got %#s", "1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9", buf);
// verify that do_thousands_sep() was called at least once
// (but not necessarily for each thousands separator inserted
// into the output, since the value is allowed to be cached)
rw_assert (0 != PunctT::n_thousands_sep_, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"money_put<char, char*>::do_put(..., 123456789.0L) "
"called moneypunct<char>::do_thousands_sep()");
static int
run_test (int, char*[])
// check to see if we can test -0.0
static double d = -0.0;
test_neg_zero = 1.0 / d < d;
if (no_grouping)
rw_note (0, __FILE__, __LINE__, "grouping test disabled");
grouping_test ();
if (rw_enabled ("char"))
ldbl_test (char ());
rw_note (0, __FILE__, __LINE__, "char test disabled");
if (rw_enabled ("wchar_t"))
ldbl_test (wchar_t ());
rw_note (0, __FILE__, __LINE__, "wchar_t test disabled");
#endif // _RWSTD_NO_WCHAR_T
return 0;
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
return rw_test (argc, argv, __FILE__,
0 /* no comment */, run_test,
"|-no-grouping# |-no-basic_string#",
&no_grouping, &no_basic_string);