blob: b6a9d27113c5f96bea6ed9a91f119c7dee5c22b5 [file] [log] [blame]
* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
* Copyright 2001-2006 Rogue Wave Software.
#include <ios>
#include <locale>
#include <cstdio> // for sscanf()
#include <cmdopt.h> // for rw_enabled()
#include <driver.h> // for rw_assert(), rw_test(), ...
#include <rw_char.h> // for rw_expand()
#include <valcmp.h> // for rw_ldblcmp()
# define LongDouble long double
# define LongDouble double
# define rw_ldblcmp rw_dblcmp
// set to non-zero value when the basic_string overloads
// of moneY-put::put() shouldn't be exercised
static int no_basic_string;
// replacement ctype facet
template <class charT>
struct Ctype: std::ctype<charT>
typedef std::ctype<charT> Base;
typedef typename Base::char_type char_type;
static int n_widen_;
Ctype (): Base (0, 0, 1) { }
virtual char_type do_widen (char c) const {
switch (c) {
case '0': c = '9'; break;
case '1': c = '8'; break;
case '2': c = '7'; break;
case '3': c = '6'; break;
case '4': c = '5'; break;
case '5': c = '4'; break;
case '6': c = '3'; break;
case '7': c = '2'; break;
case '8': c = '1'; break;
case '9': c = '0'; break;
default: break;
return char_type (c);
virtual const char_type*
do_widen (const char *lo, const char *hi, char_type *dst) const {
return Base::do_widen (lo, hi, dst);
template <class charT>
int Ctype<charT>::n_widen_;
int foo ()
static int i;
return ++i;
template <class charT>
struct PunctData
static charT decimal_point_ [2];
static charT thousands_sep_ [2];
static const char *grouping_ [2];
static const charT *curr_symbol_ [2];
static const charT *positive_sign_ [2];
static const charT *negative_sign_ [2];
static std::money_base::pattern format_ [2][2];
static int frac_digits_ [2];
template <class charT>
const char*
PunctData<charT>::grouping_ [2] = { "", "" };
template <class charT>
PunctData<charT>::decimal_point_ [2] = { '.', '.' };
template <class charT>
PunctData<charT>::thousands_sep_ [2] = { ',', ',' };
template <class charT>
const charT*
PunctData<charT>::curr_symbol_ [2];
template <class charT>
const charT*
PunctData<charT>::positive_sign_ [2];
template <class charT>
const charT*
PunctData<charT>::negative_sign_ [2];
template <class charT>
std::money_base::pattern PunctData<charT>::format_ [2][2] = {
{ // local
{ { // positive
std::money_base::symbol, std::money_base::sign,
std::money_base::none, std::money_base::value
} },
{ { // negative
std::money_base::symbol, std::money_base::sign,
std::money_base::none, std::money_base::value
} }
{ // international
{ { // positive
std::money_base::symbol, std::money_base::sign,
std::money_base::none, std::money_base::value
} },
{ { // negative
std::money_base::symbol, std::money_base::sign,
std::money_base::none, std::money_base::value
} }
template <class charT>
int PunctData<charT>::frac_digits_ [2];
template <class charT, bool Intl>
struct Punct: std::moneypunct<charT, Intl>, PunctData<charT>
typedef std::moneypunct<charT, Intl> Base;
typedef typename Base::char_type char_type;
typedef typename Base::string_type string_type;
static int n_thousands_sep_; // number of calls to do_thousands_sep()
Punct (std::size_t ref): Base (ref) { }
char_type do_decimal_point () const {
return this->decimal_point_ [Intl];
int do_frac_digits () const {
return this->frac_digits_ [Intl];
virtual string_type do_curr_symbol () const {
foo ();
return this->curr_symbol_ [Intl] ?
this->curr_symbol_ [Intl] : string_type ();
virtual std::string do_grouping () const {
return this->grouping_ [Intl] ? this->grouping_ [Intl] : "";
virtual char_type do_thousands_sep () const {
return this->thousands_sep_ [Intl];
virtual string_type do_positive_sign () const {
return this->positive_sign_ [Intl] ?
this->positive_sign_ [Intl] : string_type ();
virtual string_type do_negative_sign () const {
return this->negative_sign_ [Intl] ?
this->negative_sign_ [Intl] : string_type ();
virtual std::money_base::pattern do_pos_format () const {
return this->format_ [Intl][0];
virtual std::money_base::pattern do_neg_format () const {
return this->format_ [Intl][1];
template <class charT, bool Intl>
int Punct<charT, Intl>::n_thousands_sep_;
template <class charT>
struct Ios: std::basic_ios<charT>
Ios () { this->init (0); }
template <class charT>
struct MoneyGet: std::money_get<charT, const charT*> { };
set_pattern (const char *format)
std::money_base::pattern pat;
for (unsigned i = 0; i != sizeof pat.field / sizeof *pat.field; ++i) {
switch (format [i]) {
case '\0': case '@': pat.field [i] = std::money_base::none; break;
case '\1': case ' ': pat.field [i] = std::money_base::space; break;
case '\2': case '$': pat.field [i] = std::money_base::symbol; break;
case '\3': case '-': pat.field [i] = std::money_base::sign; break;
case '\4': case '1': pat.field [i] = std::money_base::value; break;
_RWSTD_ASSERT (!!"bad format specifier");
return pat;
template <class charT>
void do_test (bool intl, // international?
charT which, // which overload to exercise
const char *cname, // the name of the charT type
const char *tname, // the name of the floating point type
int lineno, // line number
LongDouble val, // the expected extracted value
const char *str, // the sequence to extract from
int consumed = -1, // expected number extractions
int flags = 0, // initial ios flags
int err_expect = -1, // expected final state
int frac_digits = 0, // fractional digits
const char *fmat = 0, // money_base::pattern
const char *cursym = 0, // currency symbol
const char *grouping = "") // grouping string
if (!rw_enabled (lineno)) {
rw_note (0, __FILE__, __LINE__, "test on line %d disabled", lineno);
if (!fmat) {
// if fmat isn't set, use the default pattern
static const std::money_base::pattern pat = { {
std::money_base::symbol, std::money_base::sign,
std::money_base::none, std::money_base::value
} };
fmat = pat.field;
fmat = set_pattern (fmat).field;
// local format? (the opposite of interantional)
const bool locl = !intl;
// take care to initialize Punct static data before installing
// the facet in case locale or the base facet calls the overridden
// virtuals early to cache the results
PunctData<charT>::format_ [intl][1].field [0] = fmat [0];
PunctData<charT>::format_ [intl][1].field [1] = fmat [1];
PunctData<charT>::format_ [intl][1].field [2] = fmat [2];
PunctData<charT>::format_ [intl][1].field [3] = fmat [3];
PunctData<charT>::format_ [locl][1].field [0] = fmat [3];
PunctData<charT>::format_ [locl][1].field [1] = fmat [2];
PunctData<charT>::format_ [locl][1].field [2] = fmat [1];
PunctData<charT>::format_ [locl][1].field [3] = fmat [0];
// zero out positive format (not used by money_get)
PunctData<charT>::format_ [intl][0] = std::money_base::pattern ();
PunctData<charT>::format_ [locl][0] = std::money_base::pattern ();
// expand (widen) currency symbol
PunctData<charT>::curr_symbol_ [intl] = rw_expand ((charT*)0, cursym);
PunctData<charT>::curr_symbol_ [locl] = 0;
PunctData<charT>::grouping_ [intl] = grouping;
PunctData<charT>::grouping_ [locl] = 0;
PunctData<charT>::frac_digits_ [intl] = frac_digits;
PunctData<charT>::frac_digits_ [locl] = frac_digits + 1;
Ios<charT> io;
MoneyGet<charT> mg;
// create distinct punctuation facets for each iteration to make sure
// any data cached in between successive calls to the facet's public
// member functions are flushed
if (intl) {
const std::moneypunct<charT, true> *pf = new Punct<charT, true>(0);
io.imbue (std::locale (io.getloc (), pf));
else {
const std::moneypunct<charT, false> *pf = new Punct<charT, false>(0);
io.imbue (std::locale (io.getloc (), pf));
io.flags (std::ios_base::fmtflags (flags));
// expand (widen) input sequence
const charT* const next = rw_expand ((charT*)0, str);
std::ios_base::iostate err = std::ios_base::goodbit;
const charT *last;
if (0 == which) { // exercise get (..., long double)
last = next + std::char_traits<charT>::length (next);
LongDouble x = 0;
last = mg.get (next, last, intl, io, err, x);
if (-1 == err_expect)
err_expect = err;
const int success =
!(-1 != consumed && last - next != consumed || err != err_expect);
rw_assert (success, __FILE__, lineno,
"money_get<%s>::get (%{*Ac}, ..., %b, ..., %s&), "
"ate %d, expected %d, frac_digits = %d, "
"flags = %{If}, grouping = %#s, pattern = %{LM}, "
"state = %{Is}, expected %{Is}",
cname, int (sizeof *next), next, intl, tname,
last - next, consumed, frac_digits,
flags, grouping, fmat,
err, err_expect);
rw_assert (2 > rw_ldblcmp (x, val), __FILE__, lineno,
"money_get<%s>::get (%{*Ac}, ..., %b, ..., %s&), "
"got %Lg, expected %Lg, frac_digits = %d, "
"flags = %{If}s, grouping = %#s, pattern = %{LM}, "
"state = %{Is}, expected %{Is}",
cname, int (sizeof *next), next, intl, tname,
x, val, frac_digits,
flags, grouping, fmat,
err, err_expect);
else { // exercise get (..., string_type)
static const charT initial[] = { '*', '*', '*', '\0' };
typename std::money_get<charT, const charT*>::string_type bs (initial);
last = next + std::char_traits<charT>::length (next);
last = mg.get (next, last, intl, io, err, bs);
int success =
!(-1 != consumed && last - next != consumed || err != err_expect);
rw_assert (success, __FILE__, lineno,
"money_get<%s>::get (%{*Ac}, ..., %b, ..., "
"basic_string<%s>&), ate %d, expected %d, "
"frac_digits = %d, flags = %{If}, grouping = %#s"
", format = %{LM}, state = %{Is}, expected %{Is}",
cname, int (sizeof *next), next, intl,
cname, last - next, consumed,
frac_digits, flags, grouping,
fmat, err, err_expect);
if (success) {
char narrow_buf [4096];
rw_narrow (narrow_buf, bs.c_str ());
LongDouble x = 0;
// prevent gcc warning: ANSI C does not support
// the `L' length modifier
const char fmt[] = "%" _RWSTD_LDBL_PRINTF_PREFIX "g";
int n = std::sscanf (narrow_buf, fmt, &x);
success =
!( err_expect & std::ios::failbit && !*grouping
&& (1 == n || bs != initial)
|| !(err_expect & std::ios::failbit)
&& 1 < rw_ldblcmp (x, val));
rw_assert (success, __FILE__, lineno,
"money_get<%s>::get (%{*Ac}, ..., %b, ..., "
"basic_string<%s>&), got %s, expected %Lg, "
"frac_digits = %d, flags = %{If}, grouping = %#s,"
" pattern = %{LM}, iostate = %{Is}, expected %{Is}",
cname, int (sizeof *next), next, intl,
cname, bs.c_str (), val,
frac_digits, flags, grouping,
fmat, err, err_expect);
delete[] PunctData<charT>::curr_symbol_ [intl];
delete[] next;
// for convenience
#define boolalpha std::ios_base::boolalpha
#define dec std::ios_base::dec
#define fixed std::ios_base::fixed
#define hex std::ios_base::hex
#define internal std::ios_base::internal
#define left std::ios_base::left
#define oct std::ios_base::oct
#define right std::ios_base::right
#define scientific std::ios_base::scientific
#define showbase std::ios_base::showbase
#define showpoint std::ios_base::showpoint
#define showpos std::ios_base::showpos
#define skipws std::ios_base::skipws
#define unitbuf std::ios_base::unitbuf
#define uppercase std::ios_base::uppercase
#define bin std::ios_base::bin
#define adjustfield std::ios_base::adjustfield
#define basefield std::ios_base::basefield
#define floatfield std::ios_base::floatfield
#define nolock std::ios_base::nolock
#define nolockbuf std::ios_base::nolockbuf
#define badbit std::ios_base::badbit
#define eofbit std::ios_base::eofbit
#define failbit std::ios_base::failbit
#define goodbit std::ios_base::goodbit
template <class charT>
void test_get (charT opt, const char *cname, const char *tname, bool intl)
#define T intl, opt, cname, tname, __LINE__
#define TEST do_test
const bool locl = !intl;
rw_info (0, 0, 0,
"money_get<%s, istreambuf_iterator<%s> >::get "
"(..., %s&) const", cname, cname, tname);
//, p3:
// The format of the numeric monetary value is a decimal number:
// value ::= units [ decimalpoint [ digits ]] | decimalpoint digits
// If frac_digits() returns a positive value, or
// value ::= units
// otherwise. The symbol decimalpoint indicates the character returned
// by decimal_point(). The other symbols are defined as follows:
// units ::= digits [ thousandssep units ] digits ::= adigit [ digits ]
PunctData<charT>::positive_sign_ [intl] = 0;
PunctData<charT>::positive_sign_ [locl] = 0;
PunctData<charT>::negative_sign_ [intl] = 0;
PunctData<charT>::negative_sign_ [locl] = 0;
PunctData<charT>::thousands_sep_ [intl] = '\0';
PunctData<charT>::thousands_sep_ [locl] = '\0';
// parsing zero, no curr_symbol or sign, default pattern, 0 frac_digits
TEST (T, 0.0, "0", 1, 0, eofbit);
TEST (T, 0.0, "0 ", 1, 0, goodbit);
TEST (T, 0.0, "00", 2, 0, eofbit);
TEST (T, 0.0, "000", 3, 0, eofbit);
// optional whitespace is consumed where none or space appears
TEST (T, 0.0, " 0", 2, 0, eofbit);
TEST (T, 0.0, " 0 ", 3, 0, goodbit);
// verify that decimal point isn't extracted (frac_digits == 0)
TEST (T, 0.0, "0.", 1, 0, goodbit);
TEST (T, 0.0, "0.0", 1, 0, goodbit);
TEST (T, 0.0, "0.00", 1, 0, goodbit);
TEST (T, 0.0, "00.0", 2, 0, goodbit);
TEST (T, 0.0, "000.0", 3, 0, goodbit);
// parsing zero, non-zero frac_digits
TEST (T, 0.0, "0.", 2, 0, eofbit, 1);
TEST (T, 0.0, "0. ", 2, 0, goodbit, 2);
TEST (T, 0.0, ".0", 2, 0, eofbit, 3);
TEST (T, 0.0, "0.0", 3, 0, eofbit, 4);
TEST (T, 0.0, "0.00", 4, 0, eofbit, 5);
TEST (T, 0.0, "00.0", 4, 0, eofbit, 6);
TEST (T, 0.0, "00.00", 5, 0, eofbit, 7);
// parsing zero, bad format
TEST (T, 0.0, "$0", 0, 0, failbit);
TEST (T, 0.0, "+0", 0, 0, failbit);
TEST (T, 0.0, "-0", 0, 0, failbit);
TEST (T, 0.0, ".0", 0, 0, failbit);
TEST (T, 0.0, ".1", 0, 0, failbit);
TEST (T, 0.0, ".", 0, 0, failbit);
TEST (T, 0.0, "", 0, 0, eofbit | failbit);
// parsing non-zero, no curr_symbol or sign, default pattern, 0 frac_digits
TEST (T, 1.0, "1", 1, 0, eofbit);
TEST (T, 2.0, "2", 1, 0, eofbit);
TEST (T, 3.0, "3", 1, 0, eofbit);
TEST (T, 4.0, "4", 1, 0, eofbit);
TEST (T, 5.0, "5.1", 1, 0, goodbit);
TEST (T, 6.0, "6.23", 1, 0, goodbit);
TEST (T, 73.0, "73.4", 2, 0, goodbit);
TEST (T, 845.0, "845.", 3, 0, goodbit);
// parsing non-zero, frac_digits == 1
TEST (T, 100.0, "10", 2, 0, eofbit, 1);
TEST (T, 90.0, "9", 1, 0, eofbit, 1);
TEST (T, 80.0, "8.", 2, 0, eofbit, 1);
TEST (T, 7.0, "0.7", 3, 0, eofbit, 1);
TEST (T, 6.0, ".6", 2, 0, eofbit, 1);
TEST (T, 0.0, ".05", 3, 0, eofbit, 1);
// parsing non-zero, frac_digits > 1
TEST (T, 4.0, ".04", 3, 0, eofbit, 2);
TEST (T, 32.0, ".32", 3, 0, eofbit, 2);
TEST (T, 210.0, "2.10", 4, 0, eofbit, 2);
TEST (T, 1098.0, "10.98", 5, 0, eofbit, 2);
TEST (T, 987.0, "09.876", 6, 0, eofbit, 2);
TEST (T, 9876.0, "98.765", 6, 0, eofbit, 2);
TEST (T, 87654.0, "876.5432", 8, 0, eofbit, 2);
TEST (T, 765432.0, "765.4321", 8, 0, eofbit, 3);
TEST (T, 6543210.0, "654.32109", 9, 0, eofbit, 4);
TEST (T, 54321098.0, "5432.1098", 9, 0, eofbit, 4);
TEST (T, 432109870.0, "43210.987", 9, 0, eofbit, 4);
PunctData<charT>::thousands_sep_ [intl] = ',';
PunctData<charT>::thousands_sep_ [locl] = ';';
// parsing with thousands_sep and/or grouping
TEST (T, 0.0, "0", 1, 0, eofbit, 0, 0, "", "\1");
TEST (T, 0.0, "0,0", 3, 0, eofbit, 0, 0, "", "\1");
TEST (T, 0.0, "0,", 1, 0, goodbit, 0, 0, "", "\0");
TEST (T, 0.0, "0,0,0", 5, 0, eofbit, 0, 0, "", "\1");
TEST (T, 1.0, "0,0,1", 5, 0, eofbit, 0, 0, "", "\1");
TEST (T, 2.0, "0,0,2.", 5, 0, goodbit, 0, 0, "", "\1");
TEST (T, 30.0, "0,0,3.", 6, 0, eofbit, 1, 0, "", "\1");
TEST (T, 4.0, "0,0.4", 5, 0, eofbit, 1, 0, "", "\1");
TEST (T, 5670.0, "5,67.0", 6, 0, eofbit, 1, 0, "", "\2");
TEST (T, 6789.0, "678.9", 5, 0, eofbit, 1, 0, "", "\3");
TEST (T, 789012.0, "7,890.12", 8, 0, eofbit, 2, 0, "", "\3");
//, p1: thousands_sep-arators are optional
TEST (T, 890123.0, "890.123", 7, 0, eofbit, 3, 0, "", "\1");
TEST (T, 901234.0, "901.234", 7, 0, eofbit, 3, 0, "", "\2");
TEST (T, 123450.0, "0123.45", 7, 0, eofbit, 3, 0, "", "\3");
// invalid use of thousands_sep with empty grouping
// the first thousands_sep terminates parsing in grouping is empty
TEST (T, 0.0, ",", 0, 0, failbit, 0, 0, "", "\0");
TEST (T, 0.0, ",0", 0, 0, failbit, 0, 0, "", "\0");
// invalid grouping
TEST (T, 1.0, ",1", 2, 0, eofbit | failbit, 0, 0, "", "\1");
TEST (T, 2.0, "2,", 2, 0, eofbit | failbit, 0, 0, "", "\1");
TEST (T, 3.0, ",3,", 3, 0, eofbit | failbit, 0, 0, "", "\1");
TEST (T, 4.0, ",,4", 3, 0, eofbit | failbit, 0, 0, "", "\1");
TEST (T, 5.0, "5,,", 3, 0, eofbit | failbit, 0, 0, "", "\1");
TEST (T, 6.0, ",6,,", 4, 0, eofbit | failbit, 0, 0, "", "\2");
TEST (T, 7.0, ",,7,", 4, 0, eofbit | failbit, 0, 0, "", "\2");
TEST (T, 8.0, "0,,8", 4, 0, eofbit | failbit, 0, 0, "", "\2");
TEST (T, 9.0, "0,0,9", 5, 0, eofbit | failbit, 0, 0, "", "\2");
TEST (T, 10.0, "0,10,", 5, 0, eofbit | failbit, 0, 0, "", "\2");
// default pattern: { symbol sign none value }, e.g., "$-1"
// parsing with a required curr_symbol, no sign, and default pattern
TEST (T, 0.0, "$0", 2, showbase, eofbit, 0, 0, "$");
TEST (T, 1.0, "$1", 2, showbase, eofbit, 0, 0, "$");
TEST (T, 2.0, "$ 2", 3, showbase, eofbit, 0, 0, "$");
TEST (T, 3.0, "$ 3", 4, showbase, eofbit, 0, 0, "$");
TEST (T, 456.0, "$456", 4, showbase, eofbit, 0, 0, "$");
TEST (T, 56.0, "$56$", 3, showbase, goodbit, 0, 0, "$");
TEST (T, 6.0, "$6$7", 2, showbase, goodbit, 0, 0, "$");
TEST (T, 7.0, "L7", 2, showbase, eofbit, 0, 0, "L");
TEST (T, 8.0, "DM 8", 5, showbase, eofbit, 0, 0, "DM");
TEST (T, 9.0, "USD9", 4, showbase, eofbit, 0, 0, "USD");
TEST (T, 10.0, "YEN 10", 6, showbase, eofbit, 0, 0, "YEN");
TEST (T, 11.0, "$CAN11$", 6, showbase, goodbit, 0, 0, "$CAN");
TEST (T, 121.0, "kr12.1", 6, showbase, eofbit, 1, 0, "kr");
TEST (T, 132.0, "FT13.21", 7, showbase, eofbit, 1, 0, "FT");
// invalid input with a required (showbase set) curr_symbol
TEST (T, 0.0, "FLU", 3, showbase, eofbit | failbit, 0, 0, "FLUX");
TEST (T, 0.0, "Fr. +1", 4, showbase, failbit, 0, 0, "Fr.");
TEST (T, 0.0, "Pts1", 3, showbase, failbit, 0, 0, "Pts.");
TEST (T, 0.0, " Kn1", 0, showbase, failbit, 0, 0, "Kn");
TEST (T, 0.0, "L.1", 2, showbase, failbit, 0, 0, "L. ");
TEST (T, 0.0, "1", 0, showbase, failbit, 0, 0, "TL");
// parsing with an optional (showbase clear) curr_symbol
TEST (T, 12.0, "12", 2, 0, eofbit, 0, 0, "mk");
TEST (T, 13.0, "din13", 5, 0, eofbit, 0, 0, "din");
TEST (T, 14.0, "Esc 14", 6, 0, eofbit, 0, 0, "Esc");
// parsing with a simple non-empty sign
static const charT plus[][2] = { { '+', '\0' }, { '\0' } };
static const charT minus[][2] = { { '-', '\0' }, { '\0' } };
PunctData<charT>::positive_sign_ [intl] = plus [0];
PunctData<charT>::negative_sign_ [intl] = minus [0];
PunctData<charT>::positive_sign_ [locl] = plus [1];
PunctData<charT>::negative_sign_ [locl] = minus [1];
TEST (T, 15.0, "+15", 3, 0, eofbit, 0, 0, "");
TEST (T, 16.0, "+ 16", 4, 0, eofbit, 0, 0, "");
TEST (T, 17.0, "+ 17.0", 5, 0, goodbit, 0, 0, "");
TEST (T, 18.0, "+ 18+", 5, 0, goodbit, 0, 0, "");
TEST (T, 19.0, "19+", 2, 0, goodbit, 0, 0, "");
TEST (T, -20.0, "-20", 3, 0, eofbit, 0, 0, "");
TEST (T, -21.0, "- 21", 4, 0, eofbit, 0, 0, "");
TEST (T, -22.0, "- 22.1", 5, 0, goodbit, 0, 0, "");
TEST (T, -23.0, "- 23-", 4, 0, goodbit, 0, 0, "");
TEST (T, 24.0, "24+", 2, 0, goodbit, 0, 0, "");
TEST (T, -25.0, "-25+", 3, 0, goodbit, 0, 0, "");
TEST (T, 26.0, "+26-", 3, 0, goodbit, 0, 0, "");
// invalid input
TEST (T, 0.0, "++1.23", 1, 0, failbit, 0, 0, "");
TEST (T, 0.0, "--2.34", 1, 0, failbit, 0, 0, "");
TEST (T, 0.0, "+-3.45", 1, 0, failbit, 0, 0, "");
TEST (T, 0.0, "-+4.56", 1, 0, failbit, 0, 0, "");
TEST (T, 0.0, "- +5.67", 2, 0, failbit, 0, 0, "");
TEST (T, 0.0, "+", 1, 0, eofbit | failbit, 0, 0, "");
TEST (T, 0.0, "-", 1, 0, eofbit | failbit, 0, 0, "");
// parsing with a multi-char non-empty sign
static const charT plus_plus[][3] = { { '+', '+', '\0' }, { '\0' } };
static const charT minus_minus[][3] = { { '-', '-', '\0' }, { '\0' } };
PunctData<charT>::positive_sign_ [intl] = plus_plus [0];
PunctData<charT>::negative_sign_ [intl] = minus_minus [0];
PunctData<charT>::positive_sign_ [locl] = plus_plus [1];
PunctData<charT>::negative_sign_ [locl] = minus_minus [1];
TEST (T, 27.0, "+27+", 4, 0, eofbit, 0, 0, "");
TEST (T, 28.0, "+ 28+", 6, 0, eofbit, 0, 0, "");
TEST (T, -29.0, "-2.99-", 6, 0, eofbit, 1, 0, "");
TEST (T, -30.0, "- 3.09-", 7, 0, eofbit, 1, 0, "");
// with a simple currency symbol
TEST (T, 31.0, "$+31+", 5, 0, eofbit, 0, 0, "$");
TEST (T, 32.0, "$+ 32+", 7, 0, eofbit, 0, 0, "$");
TEST (T, -33.0, "$-3.30-", 7, 0, eofbit, 1, 0, "$");
TEST (T, -34.0, "$- 3.41-", 8, 0, eofbit, 1, 0, "$");
// with a multi-char currency symbol
TEST (T, 35.0, "USD+35+", 7, 0, eofbit, 0, 0, "USD");
TEST (T, 36.0, "USD+ 36+", 9, 0, eofbit, 0, 0, "USD");
TEST (T, -37.0, "USD-3.70-", 9, 0, eofbit, 1, 0, "USD");
TEST (T, -38.0, "USD- 3.81-", 10, 0, eofbit, 1, 0, "USD");
// invalid input
TEST (T, 0.0, "+31 +", 3, 0, failbit, 0, 0, "");
TEST (T, 0.0, "+ 32 +", 5, 0, failbit, 0, 0, "");
TEST (T, 0.0, "-33.9 -", 3, 0, failbit, 0, 0, "");
TEST (T, 0.0, "- 3.49 -", 6, 0, failbit, 1, 0, "");
TEST (T, 0.0, "$+35 +", 4, 0, failbit, 0, 0, "$");
// the space below is read since the optional sign is considered missing
TEST (T, 0.0, "$ +36+", 2, 0, failbit, 0, 0, "$");
TEST (T, 0.0, "$+ 37 +", 6, 0, failbit, 0, 0, "$");
TEST (T, 0.0, "$-3.80 -", 3, 0, failbit, 0, 0, "$");
TEST (T, 0.0, "$- 3.91 -", 7, 0, failbit, 1, 0, "$");
static const charT plus_minus[][3] = { { '+', '-', '\0' }, { '\0' } };
PunctData<charT>::positive_sign_ [intl] = plus_plus [0];
PunctData<charT>::positive_sign_ [locl] = plus_plus [1];
PunctData<charT>::negative_sign_ [intl] = plus_minus [0];
PunctData<charT>::negative_sign_ [locl] = plus_minus [1];
//, p3: if the first character of positive
// and negative sign is the same, the result is positive
TEST (T, 40.0, "+40+", 4, 0, eofbit, 0, 0, "");
TEST (T, 41.0, "+41-", 4, 0, eofbit, 0, 0, "");
TEST (T, 42.0, "+42+ ", 4, 0, goodbit, 0, 0, "");
TEST (T, 43.0, "+43- ", 4, 0, goodbit, 0, 0, "");
TEST (T, 44.0, "+44 $+", 6, showbase, eofbit, 0, "-1@$", "$");
TEST (T, 45.0, "+45 $-", 6, showbase, eofbit, 0, "-1@$", "$");
TEST (T, 46.0, "+46$+ ", 5, showbase, goodbit, 0, "-1$@", "$");
TEST (T, 47.0, "+47$- ", 5, showbase, goodbit, 0, "-1$@", "$");
// none = 0, space = 1, symbol = 2, sign = 3, value = 4
// test various patterns
PunctData<charT>::positive_sign_ [intl] = plus [0];
PunctData<charT>::positive_sign_ [locl] = plus [1];
PunctData<charT>::negative_sign_ [intl] = minus [0];
PunctData<charT>::negative_sign_ [locl] = minus [1];
TEST (T, -100.0, "$-1", 3, showbase, eofbit, 2, "$-1@", "$");
TEST (T, -200.0, "$-2 ", 3, showbase, goodbit, 2, "$-1@", "$");
// where none appears in the pattern, whitespace is optional
TEST (T, -300.0, "-3$", 3, showbase, eofbit, 2, "-1@$", "$");
TEST (T, -400.0, "-4 $", 4, showbase, eofbit, 2, "-1@$", "$");
// where space appears in the pattern, a whitespace character is required
TEST (T, 0.0, "-5$", 2, showbase, failbit, 2, "-1 $", "$");
TEST (T, -600.0, "-6 $", 4, showbase, eofbit, 2, "-1 $", "$");
TEST (T, -700.0, "-7\t$", 4, showbase, eofbit, 2, "-1 $", "$");
TEST (T, 0.0, "-8$", 1, showbase, failbit, 2, "- 1$", "$");
TEST (T, -900.0, "-\n9$", 4, showbase, eofbit, 2, "- 1$", "$");
TEST (T, -1000.0, "- 10$", 5, showbase, eofbit, 2, "- 1$", "$");
// white space is required even at the beginning of input
// (if the optional sign or symbol is missing)
TEST (T, 0.0, "11$", 0, showbase, failbit, 2, "- 1$", "$");
TEST (T, -1200.0, "12$-", 4, showbase, eofbit, 2, "1@$-", "$");
TEST (T, -1300.0, "13 $-", 5, showbase, eofbit, 2, "1@$-", "$");
TEST (T, 0.0, "14$-", 2, showbase, failbit, 2, "1 $-", "$");
TEST (T, -1500.0, "15 $-", 5, showbase, eofbit, 2, "1 $-", "$");
const charT parens[][3] = { { '(', ')', '\0' }, { '\0' } };
PunctData<charT>::negative_sign_ [intl] = parens [0];
PunctData<charT>::negative_sign_ [locl] = parens [1];
// { sign, space, value, symbol }, with symbol required
TEST (T, -90.0, "( 9$)", 5, showbase, eofbit, 1, "- 1$", "$");
TEST (T, -80.0, "( 8SIT)", 7, showbase, eofbit, 1, "- 1$", "SIT");
TEST (T, -81.0, "( 8.1Fr)", 8, showbase, eofbit, 1, "- 1$", "Fr");
TEST (T, 70.0, " 7Ptas", 6, showbase, eofbit, 1, "- 1$", "Ptas");
TEST (T, 61.0, " 6.1Lek", 7, showbase, eofbit, 1, "- 1$", "Lek");
// { sign, value, none, symbol }
TEST (T, 101.0, "101 ", 3, 0, goodbit, 0, "-1@$", "");
// trailing space not extracted since currency symbol is optional
TEST (T, 102.0, "102 ", 3, 0, goodbit, 0, "-1@$", " ");
// all spaces extracted since currency symbol (last) is mandatory
// verify that the facet doesn't extract too many optional spaces
// leaving none for the final required currency symbol
TEST (T, 103.0, "103 ", 4, showbase, eofbit, 0, "-1@$", " ");
//, p3: [Example: If showbase is off, then for
// a negative sign value of "()" and a currency symbol of "L",
// in "(100 L)" the "L" is consumed; but if negative sign is "­",
// the "L" in "­100 L" is not consumed. ]
TEST (T, -104.0, "(104 L)", 7, 0, eofbit, 0, "-1@$", "L");
TEST (T, -105.0, "(105 L)", 7, showbase, eofbit, 0, "-1@$", "L");
PunctData<charT>::positive_sign_ [intl] = plus [0];
PunctData<charT>::negative_sign_ [intl] = minus [0];
PunctData<charT>::positive_sign_ [locl] = plus [1];
PunctData<charT>::negative_sign_ [locl] = minus [1];
// { sign, value, none, symbol }
// trailing optional curr_symbol or whitespace preceding it (regardless
// of whether the latter is required or optional) is not consumed)
TEST (T, -101.0, "-101 $", 4, 0, goodbit, 0, "-1@$", "$");
TEST (T, -102.0, "-102 $", 6, showbase, eofbit, 0, "-1@$", "$");
TEST (T, -103.0, "-103 $", 4, 0, goodbit, 0, "-1 $", "$");
TEST (T, -104.0, "-104 $", 6, showbase, eofbit, 0, "-1 $", "$");
// { sign, value, symbol, none }
TEST (T, -105.0, "-105 $", 4, 0, goodbit, 0, "-1$@", "$");
TEST (T, -106.0, "-106$ ", 5, showbase, goodbit, 0, "-1$@", "$");
// { value, none, sign, symbol }
// trailing whitespace may need to be extracted if characters may
// be needed to complete the pattern (e.g., sign or symbol)
TEST (T, 107.0, "107 $", 4, 0, goodbit, 0, "1@-$", "$");
// trailing optional curr_symbol is not consumed
TEST (T, -108.0, "108-$", 4, 0, goodbit, 0, "1@-$", "$");
// trailing required curr_symbol is consumed
TEST (T, -109.0, "109-$", 5, showbase, eofbit, 0, "1@-$", "$");
const charT minus_space[][3] = { { '-', ' ', '\0' }, { '\0' } };
PunctData<charT>::negative_sign_ [intl] = minus_space [0];
PunctData<charT>::negative_sign_ [locl] = minus_space [1];
// { sign, value, none, symbol }
// negative_sign is "- ", (note the single trailing space)
// verify that the extraction suceeds, i.e., that the money_base::none
// specifier that's last in the pattern doesn't confuse the facet into
// extracting all the optional whitespace, leaving none to complete
// the negative_sign
TEST (T, -109.1, "-109 ", 6, 0, eofbit, 0, "-1@$", "");
// verify that optional space after value and before currency
// symbol is treated correctly
PunctData<charT>::positive_sign_ [intl] = plus_plus [0];
PunctData<charT>::positive_sign_ [locl] = 0;
PunctData<charT>::negative_sign_ [intl] = 0;
PunctData<charT>::negative_sign_ [locl] = 0;
// { sign, value, none, symbol }
TEST (T, 1090.0, "1090 $", 6, showbase, eofbit, 0, "-1@$", "$");
TEST (T, 1091.0, "1091 $", 6, showbase, eofbit, 0, "-1@$", "$");
TEST (T, +1092.0, "+1092 $+", 8, showbase, eofbit, 0, "-1@$", "$");
PunctData<charT>::positive_sign_ [intl] = 0;
PunctData<charT>::positive_sign_ [locl] = 0;
PunctData<charT>::negative_sign_ [intl] = parens [0];
PunctData<charT>::negative_sign_ [locl] = 0;
TEST (T, 1093.0, "1093 $", 6, showbase, eofbit, 0, "-1@$", "$");
TEST (T, 1094.0, "1094 $", 6, showbase, eofbit, 0, "-1@$", "$");
TEST (T, -1095.0, "(1095 $)", 8, showbase, eofbit, 0, "-1@$", "$");
// verify a single-char sign with a multichar one (see bug #428)
PunctData<charT>::positive_sign_ [intl] = plus [0];
PunctData<charT>::positive_sign_ [locl] = 0;
PunctData<charT>::negative_sign_ [intl] = parens [0];
PunctData<charT>::negative_sign_ [locl] = 0;
// { sign, value, none, symbol }
TEST (T, 1096.0, "1096 $", 6, showbase, eofbit, 0, "-1@$", "$");
TEST (T, 1097.0, "1097 $", 6, showbase, eofbit, 0, "-1@$", "$");
TEST (T, +1098.0, "+1098 $", 7, showbase, eofbit, 0, "-1@$", "$");
TEST (T, -1099.0, "(1099 $)", 8, showbase, eofbit, 0, "-1@$", "$");
PunctData<charT>::positive_sign_ [intl] = 0;
PunctData<charT>::positive_sign_ [locl] = 0;
PunctData<charT>::negative_sign_ [intl] = 0;
PunctData<charT>::negative_sign_ [locl] = 0;
// { value, none, symbol, sign }
// trailing whitespace is not extracted (even if required by the format)
// if it can be determined that no other characters can possibly complete
// the format (e.g., if both signs and symbol are empty or if signs are
// empty and symbol is optional)
TEST (T, 110.0, "110 $", 3, 0, goodbit, 0, "1@-$", "$");
TEST (T, 111.0, "111 $", 3, 0, goodbit, 0, "1 -$", "$");
TEST (T, 112.0, "112$", 4, showbase, eofbit, 0, "1@-$", "$");
TEST (T, 113.0, "113$", 4, showbase, eofbit, 0, "1@-$", "$");
TEST (T, 114.0, "114 $", 5, showbase, eofbit, 0, "1 -$", "$");
TEST (T, 115.0, "115 $", 3, 0, goodbit, 0, "1@$-", "$");
TEST (T, 116.0, "116 $", 3, 0, goodbit, 0, "1 $-", "$");
TEST (T, 117.0, "117$", 4, showbase, eofbit, 0, "1@$-", "$");
TEST (T, 118.0, "118$", 4, showbase, eofbit, 0, "1@$-", "$");
TEST (T, 119.0, "119 $", 5, showbase, eofbit, 0, "1 $-", "$");
PunctData<charT>::positive_sign_ [intl] = plus [0];
PunctData<charT>::positive_sign_ [locl] = plus [1];
PunctData<charT>::negative_sign_ [intl] = minus [0];
PunctData<charT>::negative_sign_ [locl] = minus [1];
PunctData<charT>::thousands_sep_ [intl] = ';';
PunctData<charT>::thousands_sep_ [locl] = '*';
// test grouping, default pattern { symbol sign none value }
TEST (T, 0.0, "$0", 2, 0, eofbit, 0, 0, "$", "\1");
TEST (T, 0.0, "$0;0", 4, 0, eofbit, 0, 0, "$", "\1");
TEST (T, 0.0, "$0;0;0", 6, 0, eofbit, 0, 0, "$", "\1");
TEST (T, 0.0, "$+0", 3, 0, eofbit, 0, 0, "$", "\1");
TEST (T, 0.0, "$+0;0", 5, 0, eofbit, 0, 0, "$", "\1");
TEST (T, 0.0, "$+0;0;0", 7, 0, eofbit, 0, 0, "$", "\1");
TEST (T, 0.0, "$-0.0", 5, 0, eofbit, 1, 0, "$", "\1");
TEST (T, 0.0, "$-0;0.00", 8, 0, eofbit, 2, 0, "$", "\1");
TEST (T, 0.0, "$-0;0;0.000", 11, 0, eofbit, 3, 0, "$", "\1");
TEST (T, -10.0, "$-1.", 4, 0, eofbit, 1, 0, "$", "\1");
TEST (T, -2000.0, "$-2;0.0000", 10, 0, eofbit, 2, 0, "$", "\1");
TEST (T, -300000.0, "$-3;0;0.00000", 13, 0, eofbit, 3, 0, "$", "\1");
TEST (T, -300001.0, "$-3;0;0.00123", 13, 0, eofbit, 3, 0, "$", "\1");
// invalid grouping: store value and set failbit
TEST (T, 0.0, "$0;", 3, 0, eofbit | failbit, 0, 0, "$", "\1");
TEST (T, 0.0, "$;0;0", 5, 0, eofbit | failbit, 0, 0, "$", "\1");
TEST (T, 0.0, "$0;;0", 5, 0, eofbit | failbit, 0, 0, "$", "\1");
TEST (T, 0.0, "$;.0", 4, 0, eofbit | failbit, 1, 0, "$", "\1");
TEST (T, 0.0, "$;;.0", 5, 0, eofbit | failbit, 1, 0, "$", "\1");
// decimal_point alone is not a valid number
TEST (T, 0.0, "$.;1", 2, 0, failbit, 1, 0, "$", "\1");
TEST (T, 0.0, "$;.;2", 3, 0, failbit, 1, 0, "$", "\1");
TEST (T, 0.0, "$+0;", 4, 0, eofbit | failbit, 0, 0, "$", "\1");
TEST (T, 0.0, "$+;0;0", 6, 0, eofbit | failbit, 0, 0, "$", "\1");
TEST (T, 0.0, "$+0;;0", 6, 0, eofbit | failbit, 0, 0, "$", "\1");
TEST (T, 0.0, "$+;.0;", 5, 0, failbit, 1, 0, "$", "\1");
TEST (T, -40.0, "$-4;. ", 5, 0, failbit, 1, 0, "$", "\1");
TEST (T, -5000.0, "$-;5;0.0000 ", 11, 0, failbit, 2, 0, "$", "\1");
TEST (T, -600000.0, "$-6;0;;0.00000 ", 14, 0, failbit, 3, 0, "$", "\1");
TEST (T, -700004.0, "$-7;;0;0.00456 ", 14, 0, failbit, 3, 0, "$", "\1");
# define LDBL(x) x ## L
# define LDBL(x) x
TEST (T, LDBL (1234567890.0),
"$1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;0", 20, 0, eofbit, 0, 0, "$", "\1");
TEST (T, LDBL (1234567890.0),
"$0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;0", 22, 0, eofbit, 0, 0, "$", "\1");
TEST (T, LDBL (1234567890.0),
"$0;0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;0", 24, 0, eofbit, 0, 0, "$", "\1");
TEST (T, LDBL (1234567890.0),
"$+1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;0", 21, 0, eofbit, 0, 0, "$", "\1");
TEST (T, LDBL (1234567890.0),
"$+0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;0", 23, 0, eofbit, 0, 0, "$", "\1");
TEST (T, LDBL (1234567890.0),
"$+0;0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;0", 25, 0, eofbit, 0, 0, "$", "\1");
TEST (T, LDBL (1234567890.0),
"$+0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;0", 23, 0, eofbit, 0, 0, "$", "\1");
TEST (T, -LDBL (1234567890.0),
"$-1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;0", 21, 0, eofbit, 0, 0, "$", "\1");
TEST (T, -LDBL (1234567890.0),
"$-0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;0", 23, 0, eofbit, 0, 0, "$", "\1");
TEST (T, -LDBL (1234567890.0),
"$-0;0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;0", 25, 0, eofbit, 0, 0, "$", "\1");
TEST (T, LDBL (1234567890.0),
"$12;34;56;78;90", 15, 0, eofbit, 0, 0, "$", "\2");
TEST (T, LDBL (1234567890.0),
"$+12;34;56;78;90", 16, 0, eofbit, 0, 0, "$", "\2");
TEST (T, -LDBL (1234567890.0),
"$-12;34;56;78;90", 16, 0, eofbit, 0, 0, "$", "\2");
#undef T
template <class charT>
test_get (charT opt, const char *cname, const char *tname)
// test local money format
test_get (opt, cname, tname, false);
// test international money format
test_get (opt, cname, tname, true);
template <class charT>
test_long_double (charT, const char *cname)
if (rw_enabled ("long double"))
test_get (charT (0 /* long double argument */),
cname, "long double");
rw_note (0, __FILE__, __LINE__, "long double test disabled");
template <class charT>
test_string (charT, const char *cname)
if (rw_enabled ("basic_string"))
test_get (charT (1 /* basic_string argument */),
cname, "basic_string");
rw_note (0, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"basic_string<%s> test disabled", cname);
static int
run_test (int, char*[])
// check the prescribed values of the required constants
rw_fatal ('\0' == std::money_base::none, 0, 0,
"'\\0' == money_base::none, got %d", std::money_base::none);
rw_fatal ('\1' == std::money_base::space, 0, 0,
"'\\1' == money_base::space, got %d", std::money_base::space);
rw_fatal ('\2' == std::money_base::symbol, 0, 0,
"'\\2' == money_base::symbol, got %d", std::money_base::symbol);
rw_fatal ('\3' == std::money_base::sign, 0, 0,
"'\\3' == money_base::sign, got %d", std::money_base::sign);
rw_fatal ('\4' == std::money_base::value, 0, 0,
"'\\4' == money_base::value, got %d", std::money_base::value);
if (rw_enabled ("char")) {
test_long_double (char (), "char");
test_string (char (), "char");
rw_note (0, __FILE__, __LINE__, "char test disabled");
if (rw_enabled ("wchar_t")) {
test_long_double (wchar_t (), "wchar_t");
test_string (wchar_t (), "wchar_t");
rw_note (0, __FILE__, __LINE__, "wchar_t test disabled");
#endif // _RWSTD_NO_WCHAR_T
return 0;
int main (int argc, char* argv [])
return rw_test (argc, argv, __FILE__,
0 /* no comment */, run_test,