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* test exercising the thread safety of locale ctors
* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
#include <locale> // for locale
#include <cstring> // for strlen()
#include <rw_locale.h>
#include <rw_thread.h> // for rw_get_processors (), rw_thread_pool()
#include <driver.h>
// maximum number of threads allowed by the command line interface
#define MAX_THREADS 32
// default number of threads (will be adjusted to the number
// of processors/cores later)
int opt_nthreads = 1;
// the number of times each thread should iterate (unless specified
// otherwise on the command line)
int opt_nloops = 20000;
// tristate flag set in response to the --no-combine/--enable-combine
// command line option
int opt_combine;
// array of locale names to use for testing
static const char*
locales [MAX_THREADS];
// number of locale names in the array
static std::size_t
extern "C" {
static void*
test_ctors (void*)
static const std::locale::category cats[] = {
static const std::size_t ncats = sizeof cats / sizeof *cats;
// the next locale "advanced" in each iteration of the loop
std::locale next (locales [0]);
for (int i = 0; i != opt_nloops; ++i) {
// compute an index into the array of locales
const std::size_t linx = i % nlocales;
// create two locale objects from the same name and verify
// they are equal
const std::locale first ( ().c_str ());
const std::locale second ( ().c_str ());
RW_ASSERT (first == second);
// create another locale object as a copy of one of the two
// above and verify it's equal to the other
const std::locale third (first);
RW_ASSERT (second == third);
// compute the next index into the array of locales
const std::size_t ninx = (i + 1) % nlocales;
const char* const next_name = locales [ninx];
// create the next locale from a name
next = std::locale (next_name);
if (0 <= opt_combine) {
// compute an index into the array of categories
const std::size_t cinx = i % ncats;
const std::locale::category cat = cats [cinx];
// create a locale from another object and the name of yet
// another locale, combining some (none, one, or all) of their
// categories
const std::locale combined (first, next_name, cat);
// verify that the locales were created correctly
if (std::locale::none == cat || first == next)
RW_ASSERT (combined == first);
else if (std::locale::all == cat)
RW_ASSERT (combined == next);
RW_ASSERT (combined != first && combined != next);
// repeat the step above but with a locale object
const std::locale combined_2 (first, next, cat);
if (std::locale::none == cat || first == next)
RW_ASSERT (combined_2 == first);
else if (std::locale::all == cat)
RW_ASSERT (combined_2 == next);
RW_ASSERT (combined_2 != first && combined_2 != next);
return 0;
} // extern "C"
static int
run_test (int, char**)
// find all installed locales for which setlocale(LC_ALL) succeeds
const char* const locale_list =
rw_opt_locales ? rw_opt_locales : rw_locales (_RWSTD_LC_ALL);
const std::size_t maxinx = sizeof locales / sizeof *locales;
for (const char *name = locale_list; *name; name += std::strlen (name) +1) {
locales [nlocales++] = name;
if (nlocales == maxinx)
int result;
rw_info (0, 0, 0,
"testing std::locale ctors with %d thread%{?}s%{;}, "
"%zu iteration%{?}s%{;} each, in %zu locales { %{ .*A@} }",
opt_nthreads, 1 != opt_nthreads,
opt_nloops, 1 != opt_nloops,
nlocales, int (nlocales), "%#s", locales);
// create and start a pool of threads and wait for them to finish
result = rw_thread_pool (0, std::size_t (opt_nthreads), 0,
test_ctors, 0);
rw_error (result == 0, 0, __LINE__,
"rw_thread_pool(0, %d, 0, %{#f}, 0) failed",
opt_nthreads, test_ctors);
return result;
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
// set nthreads to the greater of the number of processors
// and 2 (for uniprocessor systems) by default
opt_nthreads = rw_get_cpus ();
if (opt_nthreads < 2)
opt_nthreads = 2;
return rw_test (argc, argv, __FILE__,
"thread safety", run_test,
"|-combine~ "
"|-nloops#0 " // must be non-negative
"|-nthreads#0-* " // must be in [0, MAX_THREADS]
"|-locales=", // must be provided