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* 25.for_each.cpp - test exercising 25.1.1 [lib.alg.foreach]
* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
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* Copyright 1994-2006 Rogue Wave Software.
#include <algorithm> // for for_each
#include <cstddef> // for ptrdiff_t
#include <alg_test.h>
#include <rw_value.h> // for UserClass
#include <driver.h> // for rw_test(), ...
struct FunctionBase
static std::size_t funcalls_;
static int sum_;
bool is_const_;
FunctionBase (bool is_const)
: is_const_ (is_const) {
funcalls_ = 0;
sum_ = 0;
void operator= (FunctionBase&); // not assignable
std::size_t FunctionBase::funcalls_;
int FunctionBase::sum_;
struct ConstFunction: FunctionBase
// dummy arguments provided to prevent the class
// from being default constructible
ConstFunction (int, int): FunctionBase (true) { }
void operator() (UserClass val) /* not const */ {
sum_ += val.data_.val_;
static const char* name () { return "ConstFunction"; }
struct MutableFunction: FunctionBase
// dummy arguments provided to prevent the class
// from being default constructible
MutableFunction (int, int): FunctionBase (false) { }
void operator() (UserClass &val) /* not const */ {
val.data_.val_ = -val.data_.val_;
static const char* name () { return "MutableFunction"; }
// exercises std::for_each()
template <class InputIterator, class T, class Function>
void test_for_each (std::size_t N, InputIterator dummy, T*, Function*)
static const char* const itname = type_name (dummy, (T*)0);
static const char* const fnname = Function::name ();
rw_info (0, 0, 0, "std::for_each (%s, %1$s, %s)", itname, fnname);
// generate sequential values for each default constructed UserClass
UserClass::gen_ = gen_seq;
UserClass *buf = new UserClass [N];
const int first_val = buf [0].data_.val_;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i != N; ++i) {
UserClass* const buf_end = buf + i;
const InputIterator first (buf, buf, buf_end);
const InputIterator last (buf_end, buf_end, buf_end);
// create a const function object and zero out all its counters
const Function fun (0, 0);
std::for_each (first, last, fun);
// compute the sum of elements in the sequence and check each
// element's value against the expected one
int sum = 0;
for (std::size_t j = 0; j != i; ++j) {
int expect;
if (fun.is_const_) {
// const function object doesn't modify the subject
// sequence; the expected value of the element is
// the same as the original value
expect = first_val + int (j);
else {
// non-const function object negates each argument
expect = -(first_val + int (j));
// compute the sum (computed by the const function object)
sum += buf [j].data_.val_;
// assert the element value as the same as the expected value
rw_assert (expect == buf [j].data_.val_, 0, __LINE__,
"for_each (%s, %1$s, %s); element [%zu] == %d, got %d",
itname, fnname, j, expect, buf [j].data_.val_);
if (expect != buf [j].data_.val_) {
// break out of both loops on failure
i = N;
// restore the original value of the element
buf [j].data_.val_ = first_val + int (j);
// assert that for_each invoked the function object's operator()
// exactly as many times as necessary and required
rw_assert (i == fun.funcalls_, 0, __LINE__,
"for_each (%s, %1$s, %s); expected %zu invocations of "
"Function::operator(), got %zu", itname, fnname,
i, fun.funcalls_);
if (fun.is_const_) {
rw_assert (sum == fun.sum_, 0, __LINE__,
"for_each (%s, %1$s, %s); sum of %zu elements == %d, "
"got %d", itname, fnname, sum, fun.sum_);
delete[] (buf);
static int rw_opt_nloops = 32; // --nloops=#
static int rw_opt_no_input_iter; // --no-InputIterator
static int rw_opt_no_fwd_iter; // --no-ForwardIterator
static int rw_opt_no_bidir_iter; // --no-BidirectionalIterator
static int rw_opt_no_rnd_iter; // --no-RandomAccessIterator
static int
run_test (int, char*[])
const std::size_t N = std::size_t (rw_opt_nloops);
rw_info (0, 0, 0,
"template <class %s, class %s> "
"%2$s std::for_each (%1$s, %1$s, %2$s)",
"InputIterator", "Function");
if (rw_opt_no_input_iter) {
rw_note (0, __FILE__, __LINE__, "InputIterator test disabled");
else {
test_for_each (N, InputIter<UserClass>(0, 0, 0), (UserClass*)0,
if (rw_opt_no_fwd_iter) {
rw_note (0, __FILE__, __LINE__, "ForwardIterator test disabled");
else {
test_for_each (N, ConstFwdIter<UserClass>(), (UserClass*)0,
test_for_each (N, FwdIter<UserClass>(), (UserClass*)0,
test_for_each (N, FwdIter<UserClass>(), (UserClass*)0,
if (rw_opt_no_bidir_iter) {
rw_note (0, __FILE__, __LINE__, "BidirectionalIterator test disabled");
else {
test_for_each (N, ConstBidirIter<UserClass>(), (UserClass*)0,
test_for_each (N, BidirIter<UserClass>(), (UserClass*)0,
test_for_each (N, BidirIter<UserClass>(), (UserClass*)0,
if (rw_opt_no_rnd_iter) {
rw_note (0, __FILE__, __LINE__, "RandomAccessIterator test disabled");
else {
test_for_each (N, ConstRandomAccessIter<UserClass>(), (UserClass*)0,
test_for_each (N, RandomAccessIter<UserClass>(), (UserClass*)0,
test_for_each (N, RandomAccessIter<UserClass>(), (UserClass*)0,
return 0;
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
return rw_test (argc, argv, __FILE__,
0 /* no comment */, run_test,
"|-nloops#0 " // must be non-negative
"|-no-InputIterator# "
"|-no-ForwardIterator# "
"|-no-BidirectionalIterator# "