blob: 938b1e26c39d45d56037e7cc5ae6d5752726be38 [file] [log] [blame]
* cmdopt.cpp - Definitions of the option parsing subsystem
* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* permissions and limitations under the License.
/* disable Compaq/HP C++ pure libc headers to allow POSIX symbols
such as SIGALRM or SIGKILL to be defined.*/
#undef __PURE_CNAME
#include <assert.h> /* for assert() */
#include <ctype.h> /* for isspace */
#include <errno.h> /* for errno */
#include <signal.h> /* for raise, signal, SIG_IGN */
#include <stdio.h> /* for *printf, fputs */
#include <stdlib.h> /* for exit */
#include <string.h> /* for str* */
#if !defined (_WIN32) && !defined (_WIN64)
# include <unistd.h> /* for sleep */
# if defined (_XOPEN_UNIX)
# include <sys/resource.h> /* for struct rlimit, RLIMIT_CORE, ... */
# endif
# include <windows.h> /* for Sleep */
#endif /* _WIN{32,64} */
#include "exec.h"
#include "target.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "cmdopt.h"
const char* exe_name; /**< Alias for process argv [0]. */
#if !defined (_WIN32) && !defined (_WIN64)
const char escape_code = '\\';
const char default_path_sep = '/';
const char suffix_sep = '.';
const size_t exe_suffix_len = 0;
#if defined (_SC_CLK_TCK)
const float TICKS_PER_SEC = sysconf (_SC_CLK_TCK);
#elif defined (CLK_TCK)
const float TICKS_PER_SEC = CLK_TCK;
#elif defined (CLOCKS_PER_SEC)
# error Unable to determine number of clock ticks in a second.
const char escape_code = '^';
const char default_path_sep = '\\';
const char suffix_sep = '.';
const size_t exe_suffix_len = 4; /* strlen(".exe") == 4 */
const float TICKS_PER_SEC = 10000000; /* 100 nanosecond units in a second */
static const char
usage_text[] = {
"Usage: %s [OPTIONS] [targets]\n"
" Treats each token in targets as the path to an executable. Each target\n"
" enumerated is executed, and the output is processed after termination.\n"
" If the execution takes longer than a certain (configurable) amount of\n"
" time, the process is killed.\n"
" -d dir Specify root directory for output reference files.\n"
" -h, -? Display usage information and exit.\n"
" -t seconds Set timeout before killing target (default is 10\n"
" seconds).\n"
" -x opts Specify command line options to pass to targets.\n"
" -- Terminate option processing and treat all arguments\n"
" that follow as targets.\n"
" --compat Use compatability mode test output parsing.\n"
" --nocompat Use standard test output parsing (default).\n"
" --help Display usage information and exit.\n"
" --exit=val Exit immediately with the specified return code.\n"
" --sleep=sec Sleep for the specified number of seconds.\n"
" --signal=sig Send itself the specified signal.\n"
" --ignore=sig Ignore the specified signal.\n"
" --ulimit=lim Set child process usage limits (see below).\n"
" --warn=alias Set compiler log warning pattern (see below).\n"
" All short (single dash) options must be specified seperately.\n"
" If a short option takes a value, it may either be provided like\n"
" '-sval' or '-s val'.\n"
" If a long option take a value, it may either be provided like\n"
" '--option=value' or '--option value'.\n"
" --ulimit sets limits on how much of a given resource or resorces\n"
" child processes are allowed to utilize. These limits take on two\n"
" forms, 'soft' and 'hard' limits. Options are specified in the form\n"
" 'resource:limit', where resource is a resource named below, and and\n"
" limit is a number, with value specifing the limit for the named\n"
" resource. If multiple limits are to be set, they can be specified\n"
" either in multiple instances of the --ulimit switch, or by specifying\n"
" additional limits in the same call by seperating the pairs with\n"
" commas. 'Soft' limits are specified by providing the resource name\n"
" in lowercase letters, while 'hard' limits are specified by providing\n"
" the resource name in uppercase letters. To set both limits, specify\n"
" the resource name in title case.\n"
" --ulimit modes:\n"
" core Maximum size of core file, in bytes.\n"
" cpu Maximum CPU time, in seconds.\n"
" data Maximum data segment size, in bytes.\n"
" fsize Maximum size of generated files, in bytes.\n"
" nofile Maximum number of open file descriptors.\n"
" stack Maximum size of initial thread's stack, in bytes.\n"
" as Maximum size of available memory, in bytes.\n"
" Note: Some operating systems lack support for some or all of the\n"
" ulimit modes. If a system is unable to limit a given property, a\n"
" warning message will be produced.\n"
" --warn set the string used to parse compile and link logs. Rather\n"
" than specifying a search string, an alias code is provided,\n"
" coresponding to the output of a compiler and linker. Alias codes\n"
" are case sensitive.\n"
" --warn modes:\n"
" acc HP aCC\n"
" cxx Compaq C++\n"
" eccp EDG eccp\n"
" gcc GNU gcc\n"
" icc Intel icc for Linux\n"
" mipspro SGI MIPSpro\n"
" sunpro Sun C++\n"
" vacpp IBM VisualAge C++\n"
" xlc IBM XLC++\n"
#if !defined (_WIN32) && !defined (_WIN64)
static void
rw_sleep (int seconds)
sleep (seconds);
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */
static int
rw_signal (int signo, void (*func)(int))
struct sigaction act;
memset (&act, 0, sizeof act);
/* avoid extern "C"/"C++" mismatch due to an HP aCC 6 bug
(see STDCXX-291) */
if (func)
memcpy (&act.sa_handler, &func, sizeof func);
act.sa_handler = 0;
return 0 > sigaction (signo, &act, 0);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#else /* if defined (_WIN32) || defined (_WIN64) */
static void
rw_sleep (int seconds)
Sleep (seconds * 1000);
static int
rw_signal (int signo, void (*func)(int))
return SIG_ERR == signal (signo, func);
#endif /* _WIN{32,64}*/
Display command line switches for program and terminate.
@param status status code to exit with.
static void
show_usage (int status)
FILE* const where = status ? stderr : stdout;
assert (0 != exe_name);
fprintf (where, usage_text, exe_name);
exit (status);
Helper function to read the value for a short option
@param argv argument array
@param idx reference to index for option
static char*
get_short_val (char* const* argv, int* idx)
assert (0 != argv);
assert (0 != idx);
if ('\0' == argv [*idx][2])
return argv [++(*idx)];
return argv [*idx] + 2;
Helper function to read the value for a long option
@param argv argument array
@param idx reference to index for option
@param offset length of option name (including leading --)
static char*
get_long_val (char* const* argv, int* idx, unsigned offset)
assert (0 != argv);
assert (0 != idx);
if ('\0' == argv [*idx][offset])
return argv [++(*idx)];
else if ('=' == argv [*idx][offset])
return argv [*idx] + offset + 1;
return (char*)0;
Helper function to parse a ulimit value string
@param opts ulimit value string to pares
@see child_limits
static bool
parse_limit_opts (const char* opts, struct target_opts* defaults)
static const struct {
rw_rlimit** limit;
const char* name;
const char* caps;
const char* mixd;
size_t len;
} limits[] = {
#endif /* RLIMIT_CORE */
"core", "CORE", "Core", 4 },
#endif /* RLIMIT_CPU */
"cpu", "CPU", "Cpu", 3 },
#endif /* RLIMIT_DATA */
"data", "DATA", "Data", 4 },
#endif /* RLIMIT_FSIZE */
"fsize", "FSIZE", "Fsize", 5 },
#endif /* RLIMIT_NOFILE */
"nofile", "NOFILE", "Nofile", 6 },
#endif /* RLIMIT_STACK */
"stack", "STACK", "Stack", 5 },
#ifdef RLIMIT_AS
#endif /* RLIMIT_AS */
"as", "AS", "As", 2 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
const char* arg = opts;
assert (0 != opts);
while (arg && *arg) {
const size_t arglen = strlen (arg);
for (size_t i = 0; limits [i].name; ++i) {
if ( limits [i].len < arglen
&& ( 0 == memcmp (limits [i].name, arg, limits [i].len)
|| 0 == memcmp (limits [i].caps, arg, limits [i].len)
|| 0 == memcmp (limits [i].mixd, arg, limits [i].len))
&& ':' == arg [limits [i].len]) {
/* determine whether the hard limit and/or the soft limit
should be set. */
const bool hard = isupper (arg [0]);
const bool soft = islower (arg [1]);
arg += limits [i].len + 1;
if (!isdigit (*arg)) {
return 1;
char *end;
const long lim = strtol (arg, &end, 10);
arg = end;
if ('\0' != *arg && ',' != *arg)
if (limits [i].limit) {
if (!*limits [i].limit) {
(*limits [i].limit) =
(rw_rlimit*)RW_MALLOC (sizeof (rw_rlimit));
(*limits [i].limit)->rlim_cur = RLIM_SAVED_CUR;
(*limits [i].limit)->rlim_max = RLIM_SAVED_MAX;
if (soft)
(*limits [i].limit)->rlim_cur = lim;
if (hard)
(*limits [i].limit)->rlim_max = lim;
warn ("Unable to process %s limit: Not supported\n",
limits [i].name);
if (',' == *arg) {
else if ('\0' != *arg) {
return 1;
return 0;
Helper function to parse a warning value string
@param opts ulimit value string to pares
@see child_limits
static bool
parse_warn_opts (const char* arg, struct target_opts* defaults)
static const struct {
const char* name;
const char* pat;
} warn_set [] = {
{ "acc", "Warning " },
{ "cds", "UNKNOWN"},
{ "como", "UNKNOWN"},
{ "cxx", "Warning:"},
{ "eccp", "warning:"},
{ "gcc", "warning:"},
{ "icc", "warning #"},
{ "mipspro", "CC: WARNING"},
{ "sunpro", "Warning:"},
{ "vacpp", ": (W) "},
{ "xlc", ": (W) "}, /* xlc and vacpp are synonyms. */
{ 0, 0 }
assert (0 != arg);
assert (0 != defaults);
for (size_t i = 0; warn_set [i].name; ++i) {
if (0 == strcmp (warn_set [i].name, arg)) {
/* Set both compiler and linker warning string. */
defaults->c_warn = warn_set [i].pat;
defaults->l_warn = warn_set [i].pat;
return 0;
return 1;
Helper function to produce 'Bad argument' error message.
@param opt name of option encountered
@param val invalid value found
static void
bad_value (const char* opt, const char* val)
assert (0 != opt);
terminate (1, "Bad argument for %s: %s\n", opt, val);
Helper function to produce 'Missing argument' error message.
@param opt name of option missing argument
static void
missing_value (const char* opt)
assert (0 != opt);
terminate (1, "Missing argument for %s\n", opt);
Helper function to produce 'Unknown option' error message.
@param opt name of option encountered
static void
bad_option (const char* opt)
assert (0 != opt);
warn ("Unknown option: %s\n", opt);
show_usage (1);
eval_options (int argc, char **argv, struct target_opts* defaults,
const char** exe_opts)
const char opt_timeout[] = "-t";
const char opt_data_dir[] = "-d";
const char opt_t_flags[] = "-x";
const char opt_compat[] = "--compat";
const char opt_exit[] = "--exit";
const char opt_help[] = "--help";
const char opt_ignore[] = "--ignore";
const char opt_nocompat[] = "--nocompat";
const char opt_signal[] = "--signal";
const char opt_sleep[] = "--sleep";
const char opt_ulimit[] = "--ulimit";
const char opt_warn[] = "--warn";
int i;
assert (0 != argv);
/* The chain of preprocesor logic below initializes the defaults->c_warn
and defaults->l_warn values.
#ifdef __GNUG__
parse_warn_opts ("Gcc", defaults);
#elif defined (__HP_aCC)
parse_warn_opts ("Acc", defaults);
#elif defined (__IBMCPP__)
parse_warn_opts ("Xlc", defaults);
#elif defined (__SUNPRO_CC)
parse_warn_opts ("Sunpro", defaults);
#elif defined (SNI)
parse_warn_opts ("Cds", defaults);
#elif defined (__APOGEE__) /* EDG variant that doesn't define __EDG__. */
parse_warn_opts ("Como", defaults);
/* The following are EDG variants, that define __EDG__ */
#elif defined (__DECCXX)
parse_warn_opts ("Cxx", defaults);
#elif defined (_SGI_COMPILER_VERSION)
parse_warn_opts ("Mipspro", defaults);
#elif defined (__INTEL_COMPILER)
parse_warn_opts ("Icc", defaults);
/* So we need to check for __EDG__ after we check for them. */
#elif defined (__EDG__)
parse_warn_opts ("Eccp", defaults);
if (1 == argc || '-' != argv [1][0])
return 1;
for (i = 1; i < argc && '-' == argv [i][0]; ++i) {
/* the name of the option being processed */
const char* optname = argv [i];
/* the option's argument, if any */
const char* optarg = 0;
char* end = 0;
switch (argv [i][1]) {
case '?':
case 'h':
show_usage (0);
case 'r':
++i; /* Ignore -r option (makefile compat) */
case 't':
optname = opt_timeout;
optarg = get_short_val (argv, &i);
if (optarg) {
if (!isdigit (*optarg))
bad_value (optname, optarg);
errno = 0;
defaults->timeout = strtol (optarg, &end, 10);
if (*end || errno)
bad_value (optname, optarg);
missing_value (optname);
case 'd':
optname = opt_data_dir;
defaults->data_dir = get_short_val (argv, &i);
if (!defaults->data_dir)
missing_value (optname);
case 'x':
optname = opt_t_flags;
*exe_opts = get_short_val (argv, &i);
if (!*exe_opts)
missing_value (optname);
case '-':
const size_t arglen = strlen (argv [i]);
/* abort processing on --, eat token */
if ('\0' == argv [i][2])
return i+1;
if ( sizeof opt_compat - 1 == arglen
&& !memcmp (opt_compat, argv [i], sizeof opt_compat)) {
defaults->compat = 1;
else if ( sizeof opt_nocompat - 1 == arglen
&& !memcmp (opt_nocompat, argv [i], sizeof opt_nocompat)) {
defaults->compat = 0;
else if ( sizeof opt_exit - 1 <= arglen
&& !memcmp (opt_exit, argv [i], sizeof opt_exit - 1)) {
optname = opt_exit;
optarg = get_long_val (argv, &i, sizeof opt_exit - 1);
if (optarg && *optarg) {
if (!isdigit (*optarg))
bad_value (optname, optarg);
errno = 0;
const long code = strtol (optarg, &end, 10);
if ('\0' == *end && !errno)
exit (code);
else if ( sizeof opt_help - 1 == arglen
&& !memcmp (opt_help, argv [i], sizeof opt_help - 1)) {
optname = opt_help;
show_usage (0);
else if ( sizeof opt_sleep - 1 <= arglen
&& !memcmp (opt_sleep, argv [i], sizeof opt_sleep - 1)) {
optname = opt_sleep;
optarg = get_long_val (argv, &i, sizeof opt_sleep - 1);
if (optarg && *optarg) {
if (!isdigit (*optarg))
bad_value (optname, optarg);
errno = 0;
const long nsec = strtol (optarg, &end, 10);
if ('\0' == *end && 0 <= nsec && !errno) {
rw_sleep (nsec);
else if ( sizeof opt_signal - 1 <= arglen
&& !memcmp (opt_signal, argv [i], sizeof opt_signal - 1)) {
optname = opt_signal;
optarg = get_long_val (argv, &i, sizeof opt_signal - 1);
if (optarg && *optarg) {
const int signo = get_signo (optarg);
if (0 <= signo) {
if (0 > raise (signo))
terminate (1, "raise(%s) failed: %s\n",
get_signame (signo), strerror (errno));
else if ( sizeof opt_ignore - 1 <= arglen
&& !memcmp (opt_ignore, argv [i], sizeof opt_ignore - 1)) {
optname = opt_ignore;
optarg = get_long_val (argv, &i, sizeof opt_ignore - 1);
if (optarg && *optarg) {
const int signo = get_signo (optarg);
if (0 <= signo) {
if (rw_signal (signo, 0 /* SIG_IGN */))
terminate (1, "rw_signal(%s, ...) failed: %s\n",
get_signame (signo), strerror (errno));
else if ( sizeof opt_ulimit - 1 <= arglen
&& !memcmp (opt_ulimit, argv [i], sizeof opt_ulimit - 1)) {
optname = opt_ulimit;
optarg = get_long_val (argv, &i, sizeof opt_ulimit - 1);
if (optarg && *optarg) {
if (!parse_limit_opts (optarg, defaults)) {
else if ( sizeof opt_warn - 1 <= arglen
&& !memcmp (opt_warn, argv [i], sizeof opt_warn - 1)) {
optname = opt_warn;
optarg = get_long_val (argv, &i, sizeof opt_warn - 1);
if (optarg && *optarg) {
if (!parse_warn_opts (optarg, defaults)) {
/* fall through */
if (optarg) {
if (*optarg)
bad_value (optname, optarg);
missing_value (optname);
if (argv [i])
bad_option (argv [i]);
missing_value (optname);
return i;
split_opt_string (const char* opts)
char in_quote = 0;
int in_escape = 0;
int in_token = 0;
const char *pos;
char *target, *last;
char **table_pos, **argv;
size_t optlen;
assert (0 != opts);
optlen = strlen (opts);
if (0 == optlen) {
/* Alloc a an index array to hold the program name */
argv = (char**)RW_MALLOC (sizeof (char*));
/* And tie the two together */
argv [0] = (char*)0;
return argv;
table_pos = argv = (char**)RW_MALLOC ((optlen + 3) * sizeof (char*) / 2);
/* (strlen (opts)+3)/2 is overkill for the most situations, but it is just
large enough to handle the worst case scenario. The worst case is a
string similar to 'x y' or 'x y z', requiring array lengths of 4 and 5
last = target = argv [0] = (char*)RW_MALLOC (optlen + 1);
/* Transcribe the contents, handling escaping and splitting */
for (pos = opts; *pos; ++pos) {
if (in_escape) {
*(target++) = *pos;
in_escape = 0;
if (isspace (*pos)) {
if (in_quote) {
*(target++) = *pos;
else {
if (in_token) {
*(target++) = '\0';
*(table_pos++) = last;
in_token = 0;
last = target;
in_token = 1;
switch (*pos) {
case escape_code:
in_escape = 1;
case '"':
case '\'':
if (*pos == in_quote) {
in_quote = 0;
else if (0 == in_quote) {
in_quote = *pos;
/* intentionally falling through (in a quote and quote didn't
match opening quote.
*(target++) = *pos;
if (in_token) { /* close and record the final token */
*(target++) = '\0';
*(table_pos++) = last;
*table_pos = (char*)0;/*And terminate the array*/
return argv;