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<P><B>Library:</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="2-7.html">Containers</A></P>
<LI><A HREF="#sec1">Local Index</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="#sec2">Summary</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="#sec3">Synopsis</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="#sec4">See Also</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="#sec5">Standards Conformance</A></LI>
<A NAME="sec1"><H3>Local Index</H3></A>
No Entries
<A NAME="sec2"><H3>Summary</H3></A>
<P>The header <SAMP>&lt;map&gt;</SAMP> is part of the Containers library of the C++ Standard library. It defines the associative container class templates <B><I><A HREF="map.html">map</A></I></B> and <B><I><A HREF="multimap.html">multimap</A></I></B>, a set of relational operators that C++ programs may use to perform equality and inequality tests on specializations of <B><I>map</I></B> and <B><I>multimap</I></B>, and specializations of the <SAMP><A HREF="swap.html">swap()</A></SAMP> algorithm for <B><I>map</I></B> and <B><I>multimap</I></B>.</P>
<A NAME="sec3"><H3>Synopsis</H3></A>
<PRE>namespace std {
template &lt;class Key, class T, class Compare = less&lt;Key&gt;,
class Allocator = allocator&lt;pair&lt;const Key, T&gt; &gt; &gt;
class <SAMP><A HREF="map.html">map</A></SAMP>;
template &lt;class Key, class T, class Compare,
class Allocator&gt;
bool operator==(const map&lt;Key, T, Compare, Allocator&gt;&amp;,
const map&lt;Key, T, Compare, Allocator&gt;&amp;);
template &lt;class Key, class T, class Compare,
class Allocator&gt;
bool operator&lt;(const map&lt;Key, T, Compare, Allocator&gt;&amp;,
const map&lt;Key, T, Compare, Allocator&gt;&amp;);
template &lt;class Key, class T, class Compare,
class Allocator&gt;
bool operator!=(const map&lt;Key, T, Compare, Allocator&gt;&amp;,
const map&lt;Key, T, Compare, Allocator&gt;&amp;);
template &lt;class Key, class T, class Compare,
class Allocator&gt;
bool operator&gt;(const map&lt;Key, T, Compare, Allocator&gt;&amp;,
const map&lt;Key, T, Compare, Allocator&gt;&amp;);
template &lt;class Key, class T, class Compare,
class Allocator&gt;
bool operator&gt;=(const map&lt;Key, T, Compare, Allocator&gt;&amp;,
const map&lt;Key, T, Compare, Allocator&gt;&amp;);
template &lt;class Key, class T, class Compare,
class Allocator&gt;
bool operator&lt;=(const map&lt;Key, T, Compare, Allocator&gt;&amp;,
const map&lt;Key, T, Compare, Allocator&gt;&amp;);
template &lt;class Key, class T, class Compare,
class Allocator&gt;
void <SAMP><A HREF="swap.html">swap</A></SAMP>(map&lt;Key, T, Compare, Allocator&gt;&amp;,
map&lt;Key, T, Compare, Allocator&gt;&amp;);
template &lt;class Key, class T, class Compare = less&lt;Key&gt;,
class Allocator = allocator&lt;pair&lt;const Key, T&gt; &gt; &gt;
class <SAMP><A HREF="multimap.html">multimap</A></SAMP>;
template &lt;class Key, class T, class Compare,
class Allocator&gt;
bool operator==(const multimap&lt;Key, T, Compare, Allocator&gt;&amp;,
const multimap&lt;Key, T, Compare,
template &lt;class Key, class T, class Compare,
class Allocator&gt;
bool operator&lt;(const multimap&lt;Key, T, Compare, Allocator&gt;&amp;,
const multimap&lt;Key, T, Compare, Allocator&gt;&amp;);
template &lt;class Key, class T, class Compare,
class Allocator&gt;
bool operator!=(const multimap&lt;Key, T, Compare, Allocator&gt;&amp;,
const multimap&lt;Key, T, Compare,
template &lt;class Key, class T, class Compare,
class Allocator&gt;
bool operator&gt;(const multimap&lt;Key, T, Compare, Allocator&gt;&amp;,
const multimap&lt;Key, T, Compare, Allocator&gt;&amp;);
template &lt;class Key, class T, class Compare,
class Allocator&gt;
bool operator&gt;=(const multimap&lt;Key, T, Compare, Allocator&gt;&amp;,
const multimap&lt;Key, T, Compare,
template &lt;class Key, class T, class Compare,
class Allocator&gt;
bool operator&lt;=(const multimap&lt;Key, T, Compare, Allocator&gt;&amp;,
const multimap&lt;Key, T, Compare,
template &lt;class Key, class T, class Compare,
class Allocator&gt;
void <SAMP><A HREF="swap.html">swap</A></SAMP>(multimap&lt;Key, T, Compare, Allocator&gt;&amp;,
multimap&lt;Key, T, Compare, Allocator&gt;&amp;);
<A NAME="sec4"><H3>See Also</H3></A>
<P><B><I><A HREF="multimap.html">multimap</A></I></B>, <A HREF="containers.html">Containers</A>, <A HREF="associativecontainers.html">Associative Containers</A></P>
<A NAME="sec5"><H3>Standards Conformance</H3></A>
<P><I>ISO/IEC 14882:1998 -- International Standard for Information Systems --Programming Language C++, Section 23.3</I></P>
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