blob: a12447d0543325416fa5f4768343cfd3e3a82175 [file] [log] [blame]
// -*- C++ -*-
* - test exercising
* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
* Copyright 1999-2008 Rogue Wave Software, Inc.
#include <rw_driver.h>
#include <rw/_defs.h>
// compile out all test code if extensions disabled
#ifndef _RWSTD_NO_EXT_CXX_0X
#include <type_traits>
template <class T, class U>
struct test_is_same
enum { value = 0 };
template <class T>
struct test_is_same<T,T>
enum { value = 1 };
void test_trait (int line, bool same,
const char* trait,
const char* typeT,
const char* typeU)
rw_assert (same, 0, line,
"%s<%s>::type is %{?}exactly%{:}not%{;} %s",
trait, typeT, same, typeU);
#define TEST(Trait,TypeT,TypeU) \
test_trait(__LINE__, \
std::is_same<Trait<TypeT>::type, TypeU>::value, \
#Trait, #TypeT, #TypeU)
#define C const
#define V volatile
#define CV const volatile
static void test_remove_const ()
TEST (std::remove_const, int, int);
TEST (std::remove_const, C int, int);
TEST (std::remove_const, V int, V int);
TEST (std::remove_const, CV int, V int);
TEST (std::remove_const, int*, int*);
TEST (std::remove_const, C int*, C int*);
TEST (std::remove_const, V int*, V int*);
TEST (std::remove_const, CV int*, CV int*);
TEST (std::remove_const, int* C , int* );
TEST (std::remove_const, int* V, int* V);
TEST (std::remove_const, int* CV, int* V);
TEST (std::remove_const, C int* C , C int* );
TEST (std::remove_const, C int* V, C int* V);
TEST (std::remove_const, C int* CV, C int* V);
TEST (std::remove_const, V int* C , V int* );
TEST (std::remove_const, V int* V, V int* V);
TEST (std::remove_const, V int* CV, V int* V);
TEST (std::remove_const, CV int* C , CV int* );
TEST (std::remove_const, CV int* V, CV int* V);
TEST (std::remove_const, CV int* CV, CV int* V);
static void test_remove_volatile ()
TEST (std::remove_volatile, int, int);
TEST (std::remove_volatile, C int, C int);
TEST (std::remove_volatile, V int, int);
TEST (std::remove_volatile, CV int, C int);
TEST (std::remove_volatile, int*, int*);
TEST (std::remove_volatile, C int*, C int*);
TEST (std::remove_volatile, V int*, V int*);
TEST (std::remove_volatile, CV int*, CV int*);
TEST (std::remove_volatile, int* C , int* C);
TEST (std::remove_volatile, int* V, int* );
TEST (std::remove_volatile, int* CV, int* C);
TEST (std::remove_volatile, C int* C , C int* C);
TEST (std::remove_volatile, C int* V, C int* );
TEST (std::remove_volatile, C int* CV, C int* C);
TEST (std::remove_volatile, V int* C , V int* C);
TEST (std::remove_volatile, V int* V, V int* );
TEST (std::remove_volatile, V int* CV, V int* C);
TEST (std::remove_volatile, CV int* C , CV int* C);
TEST (std::remove_volatile, CV int* V, CV int* );
TEST (std::remove_volatile, CV int* CV, CV int* C);
static void test_remove_cv ()
TEST (std::remove_cv, int, int);
TEST (std::remove_cv, C int, int);
TEST (std::remove_cv, V int, int);
TEST (std::remove_cv, CV int, int);
TEST (std::remove_cv, int*, int*);
TEST (std::remove_cv, C int*, C int*);
TEST (std::remove_cv, V int*, V int*);
TEST (std::remove_cv, CV int*, CV int*);
TEST (std::remove_cv, int* C , int*);
TEST (std::remove_cv, int* V, int*);
TEST (std::remove_cv, int* CV, int*);
TEST (std::remove_cv, C int* C , C int*);
TEST (std::remove_cv, C int* V, C int*);
TEST (std::remove_cv, C int* CV, C int*);
TEST (std::remove_cv, V int* C , V int*);
TEST (std::remove_cv, V int* V, V int*);
TEST (std::remove_cv, V int* CV, V int*);
TEST (std::remove_cv, CV int* C , CV int*);
TEST (std::remove_cv, CV int* V, CV int*);
TEST (std::remove_cv, CV int* CV, CV int*);
static void test_add_const ()
TEST (std::add_const, int, C int);
TEST (std::add_const, C int, C int);
TEST (std::add_const, V int, CV int);
TEST (std::add_const, CV int, CV int);
TEST (std::add_const, int*, int* C);
TEST (std::add_const, C int*, C int* C);
TEST (std::add_const, V int*, V int* C);
TEST (std::add_const, CV int*, CV int* C);
TEST (std::add_const, int* C , int* C);
TEST (std::add_const, int* V, int* CV);
TEST (std::add_const, int* CV, int* CV);
TEST (std::add_const, C int* C , C int* C );
TEST (std::add_const, C int* V, C int* CV);
TEST (std::add_const, C int* CV, C int* CV);
TEST (std::add_const, V int* C , V int* C );
TEST (std::add_const, V int* V, V int* CV);
TEST (std::add_const, V int* CV, V int* CV);
TEST (std::add_const, CV int* C , CV int* C );
TEST (std::add_const, CV int* V, CV int* CV);
TEST (std::add_const, CV int* CV, CV int* CV);
TEST (std::add_const, void (*)(), void (*C)());
// if T is a reference, then type shall be the same as T
TEST (std::add_const, int&, int&);
TEST (std::add_const, C int&, C int&);
TEST (std::add_const, V int&, V int&);
TEST (std::add_const, CV int&, CV int&);
TEST (std::add_const, void (&)(), void (&)());
// if T is a function, then type shall be the same as T
TEST (std::add_const, void (), void ());
static void test_add_volatile ()
TEST (std::add_volatile, int, V int);
TEST (std::add_volatile, C int, CV int);
TEST (std::add_volatile, V int, V int);
TEST (std::add_volatile, CV int, CV int);
TEST (std::add_volatile, int*, int* V);
TEST (std::add_volatile, C int*, C int* V);
TEST (std::add_volatile, V int*, V int* V);
TEST (std::add_volatile, CV int*, CV int* V);
TEST (std::add_volatile, int* C , int* CV);
TEST (std::add_volatile, int* V, int* V);
TEST (std::add_volatile, int* CV, int* CV);
TEST (std::add_volatile, C int* C , C int* CV);
TEST (std::add_volatile, C int* V, C int* V);
TEST (std::add_volatile, C int* CV, C int* CV);
TEST (std::add_volatile, V int* C , V int* CV);
TEST (std::add_volatile, V int* V, V int* V);
TEST (std::add_volatile, V int* CV, V int* CV);
TEST (std::add_volatile, CV int* C , CV int* CV);
TEST (std::add_volatile, CV int* V, CV int* V);
TEST (std::add_volatile, CV int* CV, CV int* CV);
TEST (std::add_volatile, void (*)(), void (*V)());
// if T is a reference, then type shall be the same as T
TEST (std::add_volatile, int&, int&);
TEST (std::add_volatile, C int&, C int&);
TEST (std::add_volatile, V int&, V int&);
TEST (std::add_volatile, CV int&, CV int&);
TEST (std::add_volatile, void (&)(), void (&)());
// if T is a function, then type shall be the same as T
TEST (std::add_volatile, void (), void ());
static void test_add_cv ()
TEST (std::add_cv, int, CV int);
TEST (std::add_cv, C int, CV int);
TEST (std::add_cv, V int, CV int);
TEST (std::add_cv, CV int, CV int);
TEST (std::add_cv, int*, int* CV);
TEST (std::add_cv, C int*, C int* CV);
TEST (std::add_cv, V int*, V int* CV);
TEST (std::add_cv, CV int*, CV int* CV);
TEST (std::add_cv, int* C , int* CV);
TEST (std::add_cv, int* V, int* CV);
TEST (std::add_cv, int* CV, int* CV);
TEST (std::add_cv, C int* C , C int* CV);
TEST (std::add_cv, C int* V, C int* CV);
TEST (std::add_cv, C int* CV, C int* CV);
TEST (std::add_cv, V int* C , V int* CV);
TEST (std::add_cv, V int* V, V int* CV);
TEST (std::add_cv, V int* CV, V int* CV);
TEST (std::add_cv, CV int* C , CV int* CV);
TEST (std::add_cv, CV int* V, CV int* CV);
TEST (std::add_cv, CV int* CV, CV int* CV);
TEST (std::add_cv, void (*)(), void (*CV)());
// if T is a reference, then type shall be the same as T
TEST (std::add_cv, int&, int&);
TEST (std::add_cv, C int&, C int&);
TEST (std::add_cv, V int&, V int&);
TEST (std::add_cv, CV int&, CV int&);
TEST (std::add_cv, void (&)(), void (&)());
// if T is a function, then type shall be the same as T
TEST (std::add_cv, void (), void ());
static int run_test (int, char*[])
return 0;
#else // _RWSTD_NO_EXT_CXX_0X
static int run_test (int, char*[])
rw_warn (0, 0, __LINE__,
"test disabled because _RWSTD_NO_EXT_CXX_0X is defined");
return 0;
#endif // !_RWSTD_NO_EXT_CXX_0X
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
return rw_test (argc, argv, __FILE__,
0 /* no comment */,