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* codecvt.cpp - Example program of codecvt facet.
* $Id$
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
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* Copyright 1998-2006 Rogue Wave Software.
#include <iostream>
#include <codecvte.h>
#include <examples.h>
int main ()
// not used, must be zero-initialized and supplied to facet
std::mbstate_t state = std::mbstate_t ();
// three strings to use as buffers
std::string ins ("\xfc \xcc \xcd \x61 \xe1 \xd9 \xc6 \xe6 \xf5");
std::string ins2 (ins.size (), '.');
std::string outs (ins.size () / ex_codecvt ().encoding (), '.');
// Print initial contents of buffers
std::cout << "Before:\n"
<< ins << '\n'
<< ins2 << '\n'
<< outs << '\n' << '\n';
// Create a user defined codecvt fact
// This facet converts from ISO Latin Alphabet No. 1 (ISO 8859-1)
// to U.S. ASCII code page 437.
// Replace the default codecvt<char, char, mbstate_t>.
std::locale loc (std::cout.getloc (), new ex_codecvt);
// Retrieve the facet from the locale.
typedef std::codecvt<char, char, std::mbstate_t> CodeCvt;
const CodeCvt& cdcvt = std::use_facet<CodeCvt>(loc);
// unused, must be provided to codecvt<>::in/out
const char *const_out_next = 0;
const char *const_in_next = 0;
char *in_next = 0;
char *out_next = 0;
// convert the buffer (state, ins.c_str (), ins.c_str () + ins.length (), const_in_next,
&outs [0], &outs [0] + outs.length (), out_next);
std::cout << "After in:\n"
<< ins << '\n'
<< ins2 << '\n'
<< outs << "\n\n";
// zero-initialize (unused) state object
state = std::mbstate_t ();
// Finally, convert back to the original codeset
cdcvt.out (state, outs.c_str (), outs.c_str () + outs.length (),
const_out_next, &ins [0], &ins [0] + ins.length (), in_next);
std::cout << "After out:\n"
<< ins << '\n'
<< ins2 << '\n'
<< outs << '\n';
return 0;