Stanbol TLP graduation

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
tree: aa575e136a3336adcab4cbb9f39e23dcbe5e0076
  1. commons/
  2. conventions/
  3. defaultdata/
  4. enhancer/
  5. entityhub/
  6. frameworkfragment/
  7. kres/
  8. launchers/
  9. parent/
  10. PLAYGROUND.txt
  11. pom.xml

Apache Stanbol

Apache Stanbol is a modular set of components and HTTP services for semantic content management.

Building Stanbol

To build Stanbol you need a JDK 1.6 and Maven 2.2.1 installed. You probably need

$ export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx512M -XX:MaxPermSize=128M"

The Kres build is currently disabled by default.

If you want to include Kres in your build, activate the kres Maven profile (add -P kres to the mvn command line).

Then in the Stanbol source directory type

$ mvn install

If you want to skip the tests, add -DskipTests to the Maven command.

Launching the Stanbol server

Currently the recommended lanchers are packaged under enhancer/launchers. Please follow the README from those folders for further instructions.

It is planned to build toplevel folders that combine all the services (enhancer, entityhub and kres) into toplevel launchers once the Web interface has been refactored to be able to deploy them all at once in a consistent way.

Importing the source code as Eclipse projects

Eclipse is the most popular IDE among Stanbol developers. Here are instructions to get you started with this IDE. For other IDEs / editors, please refer to their documentation and maven integration plugins.

To generate the Eclipse project definition files, go to Stanbol source directory and type:

$ mvn eclipse:eclipse

If you want to recreate already existing Eclipse projects, you have to delete the old ones first by using eclipse:clean.

Then in Eclipse, right click on the Project Explorer panel and select your source folder from the following menu / import wizard:

> Import... > General > Import Existing Projects into Workspace

You will also need to setup the build path variable M2_REPO pointing to ~/.m2/repository (where ~ stands for the path to your home folder). To set up this variable go to:

> Window > Preferences > Java > Build Path > Classpath Variables > New...

If you plan to contribute patches to the project, please ensure that your style follow the official sun java guidelines with 4 space indents (no tabs). To ensure that your files follow the guidelines you can import the formatter definitions avaiable in the conventions/ folder:

> Window > Preferences > Java > Code Style > Formatter > Import...

You can then apply the formatter to a selected area of a Java source code files by pressing Shift+Ctrl+F.

Useful links