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Indexer for the DBLP dataset.

This tool creates a full cache for DBLP based on the RDF Dump available at


If not yet build by the built process of the entityhub call

mvn install

to build the jar with all the dependencies used later for indexing.

If the build succeeds go to the /target directory and copy the


to the directory you would like to start the indexing.


(1) Initialize the configuration

The default configuration is initialized by calling

java -jar org.apache.stanbol.entityhub.indexing.dblp-*.jar init

This will create a sub-folder with the name indexing in the current directory. Within this folder all the

  • configurations (indexing/config)
  • source files (indexing/resources)
  • created files (indexing/destination)
  • distribution files (indexing/distribution)

will be located.

(2) Download the Source File

Download the DBLP RDF dump from to “indexing/resources/rdfdata” and rename it to “dblp.nt.gz” (because this file does not use rdf/xml but N-Triples). You can use the following two commands to accomplish this step

curl -C - -O
mv dblp.rdf.gz indexing/resources/rdfdata/dblp.rdf.gz

(3) Start the indexing by calling

java -Xmx1024m -jar org.apache.stanbol.entityhub.indexing.dblp-*.jar index

Note that calling the utility with the option -h will print the help.

Indexing took about 3h on a normal hard disk and about 40min on a SSD (on a 2010 MacBook Pro).

(4) Using the precomputed Index

After the indexing completes the distribution folder


will contain two files

  1. This is the ZIP archive with the indexed data. This file will be requested by the Apache Stanbol Data File Provider after installing the Bundle described above. To install the data you need copy this file to the “/sling/datafiles” folder within the working directory of your Stanbol Server.

  2.{version}.jar: This is a Bundle that can be installed to any OSGI environment running the Apache Stanbol Entityhub (for instance using the Apache Felix web console under http://server:port/system/console - with account admin / admin by default).

    When started it will create and configure:

    • a “ReferencedSite” accessible at “http://{host}/{root}/entityhub/site/dblp
    • a “Cache” used to connect the ReferencedSite with your Data and
    • a “SolrYard” that managed the data indexed by this utility.

In case you install the bundle before copying the “” to “/sling/datafiles” you will need to restart the dblp “SolrYard” instance.

Using DBLP as Referenced Site of the Entityhub

The necessary configurations needed to use DBLP as referenced site for the Apache Stanbol Entityhub are provided by the “Apache Stanbol Data: DBLP” bundle.

See {stanbol}/data/sites/dblp

The README of this Bundle provides details about the installation process. During the installation the “” created by this utility is needed.