tree: 56f587a1b2eef1c49c7d99757a72d4ccf42cb21d [path history] [tgz]
  1. src/
  2. nbactions.xml
  3. pom.xml

User Management

A user manager for Stanbol. It provides a Felix Web Console plugin as well as various HTTP-accessible resources to manage users, roles and permissions. Data is persisted in the system graph, and access control is managed by existing structures in that graph. Server-side the data is accessed through JAX-RS methods (JSR 311,


Functional tests are available under stanbol/integration-tests (package See that documentation for further details, but in short, with a running system: cd stanbol/integration-tests mvn -o test -Dtest.server.url=http://localhost:8080 -Dtest=UserManagement*Test

Access Modes

Three different kinds of access are available:


Primarily used by the Felix Web Console plugin running in a browser. Server-side the JAX-RS methods typically delegate to RdfViewable objects which provide HTML serializations, created from combinations of resources in the graph and FreeMarker templates (augmented with RDF view components).

Client-side, regular HTML + Javascript is used, helped by jQuery (mostly Ajax methods) and jQueryAPI (mostly dialogues).


Endpoint-style access is provided to modify data using custom Turtle format messages.


Direct access is provided to modify data associated with named resources (URIs).

User Model


Note that users are uniquely identified by their cz:userName (= login) but may also have a foaf:name (= full name).

URI Schemes

The following assumes your Stanbol instance is running on localhost port 8080.

Primary Resources

@@TODO media types

http://localhost:8080/user-management/users/{username} http://localhost:8080/user-management/roles/{username}

API Endpoints

http://localhost:8080/user-management/add-user http://localhost:8080/user-management/delete-user

HTML Helper Resources

curl --user admin:admin http://localhost:8080/user-management/users/anonymous/permissionsCheckboxes

API Examples

The following HTTP services are described in terms of curl-commands and assume Stanbol to be running on localhost.

The following assumes your Stanbol instance is running on localhost port 8080.

Add user:

curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/turtle" \
    --user admin:admin \
    --data \
     ' @prefix rdf: <> . 
     @prefix foaf: <> . 
     @prefix cz: <> . 
      [] a foaf:Agent ; 
         cz:userName "hugob" . ' \

Delete user:

curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/turtle" \
     --user admin:admin \
     --data \
     ' @prefix rdf: <> . 
     @prefix foaf: <> . 
     @prefix cz: <> . 

      [] a foaf:Agent ; 
         cz:userName "tristant" . ' \

[TODO: also add password, maybe showing 2 options one setting encryed password (as its stored) and other transmitting clear text password]

Change user details. Multiple change blocks may appear in a message. If old value isn‘t specified, the corresponding triple won’t be removed from the system.

e.g. change user name:

curl -i -v -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/turtle" --user admin:admin \
     --data " @prefix rdf: <> . \
              @prefix cz: <> . \
              @prefix : <>. \
                [] a :Change;  \
                   cz:userName 'hugob'; \
                   :predicate cz:userName; \
                   :oldValue 'hugob'; \
                   :newValue 'tristant' . " \

e.g. add email (replacing a previous address if any):

curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/turtle" --user admin:admin \
    --data " @prefix rdf: <> . \
             @prefix foaf: <> . \
             @prefix cz: <> . \
             @prefix : <>. \
             [] a :Change;  \
                cz:userName 'hugob'; \
                :predicate foaf:mbox; \
                :newValue <> . " \

REST Access Examples

Get user Turtle :

curl --user admin:admin -H "Accept:text/turtle" http://localhost:8080/user-management/users/anonymous

Note: Other formats are supported, e.g. you may use -H “Accept: application/rdf+xml”

Get user roles :

curl --user admin:admin -H “Accept:text/turtle” http://localhost:8080/user-management/roles/anonymous