tree: 2c18684cff034ccddde9e06cb23bf89f5f855785 [path history] [tgz]
  1. src/
  2. build.xml

Apache Stanbol Semantic Booksmarks Demo v0.1

This is a Mozilla Firefox extension that supports semantic bookmarks. In this early version you can ‘like’ or ‘dislike’ web pages.

  • Supported Firefox versions : 3.0 - 8.x
  • Tested on Ubuntu with Firefox : 3.6.22, 8.0


Open your Firefox browser and install a new extension. Choose the created or downloaded *.xpi file and proceed with the installation. Normally, a Firefox restart is required after install.

You can also just use File->Open in Firefox and select the *.xpi file.


Just re-install the plugin. No prior de-installation required.


Make sure you have a running Stanbol server with activated FactStore and EntityHub.

You will see a small Stanbol icon in the status bar (aka addon bar) after installing the plugin in your Mozilla Firefox browser. If you don't see this icon make sure the status bar is visible (newer versions of Firefox hide it by default). Click on the icon to see its context menu.

First you need to setup your running Stanbol instance via the ‘Settings’ menu. You have to configure the Stanbol base URI which is normally ‘http://localhost:8080’. Then you click the ‘Initialize Stanbol’ button. Next step is to create your user entity by filling name and an URI identifying your person. Then click ‘Create User’. Now everything is set up. (See Known Bugs!)

After the setup you can ‘like’ and ‘dislike’ pages by clicking on the menu entries. The page that is currently visible in the main window will be liked/disliked. To see all your liked and disliked pages select ‘Show Pages’ from the menu.

Known Bugs

  • When using the settings dialog and changing the Stanbol base URI you have to click OK after changing the URI. Otherwise this change will have no effect.

  • Some links on the overview page with all liked and disliked pages will not work and result in an internal server error. This is because of a missing feature of Stanbol's EntityHub.

Build from Source

The packaging is done via Apache Ant script ‘build.xml’. Execute via:

$ ant package

The resulting *.xpi file will be located in the ‘target’ folder. To clean the target folder use

$ ant clean

To clean a previous packaged version and package a new one in one step use

$ ant clean package