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  1. src/
  2. pom.xml

DataFileProvider for OSGI Bundles

Implemenation of a DataFileProvider that allows to load DataFiles from OSGI Bundles.

Apache Sling OSGI Installer

The OSGi installer is a central service for handling installs, updates and uninstall of “artifacts”. By default, the installer supports bundles and configurations for the OSGi configuration admin. Apache Stanbol extends this by the possibility to install Solr indexes (see “org.apache.stanbol.commons.solr.install” for details).

Note: While the Sling OSGI Installer by default supports the installation of Bundles this extension allows to install resources provided by bundles.


This implementation tracks all Bundles of the OSGI Environment that define the “Data-Files” key. The value is interpreted as a comma separated list of paths to the folders that contain the data files.

For each Bundle that provides Data-Files an own DataFileProvider instance is registered if the Bundle is STARTED and ungegisterd as soon as the Bundle is STOPPED. The MainDataFileProvider keeps track of all active DataFileProviders.

In addition to the “Data-Files” key an optional “Data-Files-Priority” can be used to spefify the service-ranking for the DataFileProvider created for the configured folders within a Bundle. If a data file is provided by more than one DataFileProvider the one provided by the DataFileProvider with the higest Ranking will be returned. The default ranking is “0”.

Data file names parsed to this DataFileProvider are interpreted as relative to all configured data file paths.

Defining Manifest keys with Maven

When using the maven-bundle-plugin the “Install-Path” header can be defined like this:


This would install all data files located within


and will register them with a priority of “-100”.