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  1. src/
  2. pom.xml

Apache Stanbol Commons Solr defaults

This artifacts provides the default configuration for Stanbol Commons Solr. It depends on the


to be available as this module is used to actually load the provided configuration.

This STANBOL-529 for more details.

Default ManagedSolrServer configuration

This includes a configuration for a ManagedSolrServer with the name “default” and a “service.ranking” of Integer.MAX_VALUE. This ensures that this instance is used as default ManagedSolrServer.

The included configuration also enables the publishing of the RESTful interface by the SolrPublishingComponnt. This means that the RESTful API of all Solr cores running on the default ManagedSolrServer will be published at


Sling logger configuration for Apache Solr

As Apache Solr provides a lot og INFO level logging this includes a configuration for the Apache Sling LogManager that sets the default log level for Apache Solr to WARN.

Users that do not run Apache Stanbol with an Sling Launcher will need to provide there own logger configuration. This configuration will be ignored in such cases.