blob: 633fa42b0f2cf5660ad88ca9bb2b1625cd19514d [file] [log] [blame]
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<#import "/imports/common.ftl" as common>
<#import "/imports/enhancersparql.ftl" as sparql>
<#escape x as x?html>
< title="SPARQL Endpoint for the Stanbol Enhancer Configuration" hasrestapi=false>
<p>This allows to query the configuration of the Stanbol Enhancer for
active Enhancement Engines and EnhancementChains.</p>
<p><a href="">SPARQL</a> is the
standard query language the most commonly used to provide interactive
access to semantic knowledge bases.</p>
<p>A SPARQL endpoint is a standardized HTTP access to perform SPARQL queries.
Developers of REST clients will find all the necessary documentation in the
official <a href="">W3C
page for the RDF SPARQL protocol</a>.</p>
<p>The Stanbol enhancer SPARQL endpoint gives access to the Configuration
of the Stanbol Enhancer. It does NOT allow to auery enhancement results.
Users that want to query/search for ContentItems based on extracted
knowledge should use instead:<ul>
<li> the <b><a href="${it.rootUrl}contenthub">Contenthub</a></b>: Supports
semantic search based on configurable semantic indexes.</li>
<li> <b><a href="${it.rootUrl}sparql">Sparql Endpoint</a></b>: Supports
SPARQL querys over the RDF graph containing the metadata of all enhanced
ContentItmes. </li>