blob: a23cf1ca92a14b3ad073397e4ae9054bbb6c445e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.jersey.utils;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.clerezza.rdf.core.TripleCollection;
import org.apache.clerezza.rdf.core.UriRef;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.servicesapi.Blob;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.servicesapi.ContentItem;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.servicesapi.rdf.ExecutionMetadata;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.servicesapi.rdf.ExecutionPlan;
* Defines Constants and utilities for using EnhancementProperties
public final class EnhancementPropertiesHelper {
private EnhancementPropertiesHelper(){/* no instances allowed*/}
* URI used to register an {@link ContentItem#getPart(int, Class) contentPart}
* of the type {@link Map Map<String,Objext>} that contains properties
* for the enhancement process. <p>
* TODO: This might move to servicesapi and also accessible to enhancement
* engines
public static final UriRef ENHANCEMENT_PROPERTIES_URI = new UriRef(
* Boolean switch parsed as {@link QueryParam} tha allows to deactivate the
* inclusion of the {@link ContentItem#getMetadata()} in the Response
public static final String OMIT_METADATA = "stanbol.enhancer.web.omitMetadata";
* {@link Set Set&lt;String&gt;} containing all the URIs of the
* {@link ContentItem#getPart(UriRef, Class) ContentParts} representing
* RDF data (compatible to Clerezza {@link TripleCollection}). If the
* returned set contains '*' than all such content parts need to be returned.<p>
* NOTE: This can also be used to include the EnhancementProperties
* as "applciation/json" in the Response by adding this
* {@link EnhancementPropertiesHelper#ENHANCEMENT_PROPERTIES_URI uri}.
public static final String OUTPUT_CONTENT_PART = "stanbol.enhancer.web.outputContentPart";
* Allows to omit all parsed content parts regardless of the {@link #OUTPUT_CONTENT_PART}
* configuration
public static final String OMIT_PARSED_CONTENT = "stanbol.enhancer.web.omitParsed";
* {@link Collection Collection&lt;String&gt;} containing mime types. This
* allows to specify what versions of the parsed content to be included in
* the response. e.g. ["text/*","application/pdf"] would include all text
* formats and PDF.
public static final String OUTPUT_CONTENT = "stanbol.enhancer.web.outputContent";
* This allows to copy the {@link ExecutionMetadata} and {@link ExecutionPlan}
* data stored in a {@link ContentItem#getPart(UriRef, Class) contentPart} with
* the URI {@link ExecutionMetadata#CHAIN_EXECUTION} over to the
* {@link ContentItem#getMetadata() metadata} of the content item.<p>
* This feature is intended to allow users to retrieve such meta information
* without the need to use parse Multipart MIME responses.
public static final String INCLUDE_EXECUTION_METADATA = "stanbol.enhancer.web.executionmetadata";
* The used format to encode RDF graphs for "multipart/*" responses. This
* needs to be parsed separately, because the Accept header needs to be
* set to "multipart/from-data" in such cases
public static final String RDF_FORMAT = "stanbol.enhancer.web.rdfFormat";
* {@link Set Set&lt;String&gt;} containing all the {@link UriRef}s of
* {@link ContentItem#getPart(int, Class) ContentItem.getPart}(uri,{@link Blob})
* that where parsed with the request.
public static final String PARSED_CONTENT_URIS = "stanbol.enhancer.web.parsedContentURIs";
* Getter for the EnhancementProperties for an {@link ContentItem}. If they
* do not already exist they are created and added to the ContentItem as
* contentPart with the URI {@link #ENHANCEMENT_PROPERTIES_URI}
* @param ci the contentItem MUST NOT be NULL
* @return the enhancement properties
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>null</code> is parsed as {@link ContentItem}.
public static Map<String,Object> getEnhancementProperties(ContentItem ci){
if(ci == null){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The parsed ContentItem MUST NOT be NULL!");
Map<String,Object> enhancementProperties;
try {
enhancementProperties = ci.getPart(ENHANCEMENT_PROPERTIES_URI, Map.class);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
enhancementProperties = new HashMap<String,Object>();
ci.addPart(ENHANCEMENT_PROPERTIES_URI, enhancementProperties);
return enhancementProperties;
private static Object get(Map<String,Object> enhancementProperties,String key){
return enhancementProperties == null ? null : enhancementProperties.get(key);
* Getter for the value of the parsed type for a given key.
* @param enhancementProperties the enhancement properties
* @param key the key
* @param type the type MUST NOT be <code>null</code>
* @return the values
* @throws ClassCastException if the value is not compatible to the
* parsed type
public static <T> T get(Map<String,Object> enhancementProperties,String key,Class<T> type){
if(type == null){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The parsed type MUST NOT be NULL!");
Object value = get(enhancementProperties, key);
if(value == null){
return null;
} else if(type.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass())){
return (T)value;
} else {
throw new ClassCastException("EnhancementProperties value for key '"
+ key +"' is not of the expected type "+type+" but was"
+ value.getClass());
* Getter for the boolean state based on the value of the parsed key.
* If the value is not of type {@link Boolean} the
* {@link Boolean#parseBoolean(String)} is used on the {@link Object#toString()}
* method of the value.
* @param enhancementProperties the enhancementProperties
* @param key the key
* @return the state
public static boolean getState(Map<String,Object> enhancementProperties,String key){
Object state = get(enhancementProperties, key);
return state == null ? false :
state instanceof Boolean ? ((Boolean)state).booleanValue() :
public static boolean isOmitParsedContent(Map<String,Object> enhancementProperties){
return getState(enhancementProperties, OMIT_PARSED_CONTENT);
public static boolean isIncludeExecutionMetadata(Map<String,Object> enhancementProperties){
return getState(enhancementProperties, INCLUDE_EXECUTION_METADATA);
public static boolean isOmitMetadata(Map<String,Object> enhancementProperties){
return getState(enhancementProperties, OMIT_METADATA);
* @param enhancementProperties
* @return
* @throws ClassCastException if the value is not an Set
public static Collection<String> getParsedContentURIs(Map<String,Object> enhancementProperties){
return (Collection<String>)get(enhancementProperties, PARSED_CONTENT_URIS, Collection.class);
* @param enhancementProperties
* @return
* @throws ClassCastException if the value is not an {@link Set}
public static Collection<String> getOutputContentParts(Map<String,Object> enhancementProperties){
return (Collection<String>)get(enhancementProperties, OUTPUT_CONTENT_PART, Collection.class);
* @param enhancementProperties
* @return
* @throws ClassCastException if the value is not an {@link Collections}
public static Collection<String> getOutputContent(Map<String,Object> enhancementProperties){
return (Collection<String>)get(enhancementProperties, OUTPUT_CONTENT, Collection.class);
* @param enhancementProperties
* @return
* @throws ClassCastException if the value is not an {@link Collections}
public static String getRdfFormat(Map<String,Object> enhancementProperties){
return (String) get(enhancementProperties,RDF_FORMAT,String.class);