blob: fe535db80db4a208cbd91cc5d284a457a1f3f4e7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.engines.keywordextraction.impl;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.engines.keywordextraction.linking.EntitySearcher;
import org.apache.stanbol.entityhub.servicesapi.model.Representation;
import org.apache.stanbol.entityhub.servicesapi.model.Text;
import org.apache.stanbol.entityhub.servicesapi.model.rdf.RdfResourceEnum;
* A suggestion of an entity in the {@link EntitySearcher} for a part of the
* text. This class does not include the actual position within the Text,
* because it is intended to be used in combination with {@link LinkedEntity}.<p>
* This class also manages redirected entities and a state if redirects where
* already processed for this suggestion.<p>
* In addition this class also defines a set of {@link Comparator}s that are
* used to sort suggestions base on how well the fit the text.
* @author Rupert Westenthaler
public class Suggestion implements Comparable<Suggestion>{
private MATCH match = MATCH.NONE;
private int start = 0;
private int span = 0;
private int matchCount = 0;
private Text label;
private int labelTokenCount = 0;
private final Representation result;
private Representation redirectsTo;
private boolean redirectProcessed;
private double score;
* The score of the matches (e.g. when a match is based on stemming or some
* oder kind of fuzziness, than matchers might assign a match score than
* 1.0.
private float matchScore;
public static enum MATCH {
* No match (to less tokens, wrong oder ...)
* Not all tokens but sufficient to suggest (with lower score)
* All requested Tokens match, but it is no exact match e.g. because
* the label defines some additional tokens
* The label of the suggested Entity is exactly the requested string
protected Suggestion(Representation result){
if(result == null){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The parsed Result MUST NOT be NULL!");
this.result = result;
//TODO Do no longer use the resultScore as the score. We need to provide an
//own algorithm to calculate scores!
// this.resultScore = result.getFirst(RdfResourceEnum.resultScore.getUri(), Float.class);
* Updates this suggestion
* @param match the math type
* @param start the start position of this suggestion
* @param span the number of token this suggestion spans
* @param count the number of token that match with the suggestion within the span
* @param matchScore the score of the match. MUST BE in the range between
* <code>[0..1]</code>. For {@link MATCH#EXACT} and {@link MATCH#NONE} this
* parameter is ignored and the value is set to <code>1</code>, <code>0</code>
* respectively.
* @param label the label that matches the tokens
* @param labelTokenCount the number of tokens of the label
protected void updateMatch(MATCH match,int start, int span,int count,float matchScore,Text label,int labelTokenCount){
this.match = match;
//check the validity of the parameters to avoid later errors that are
//than hard to debug
if(match == MATCH.NONE){
this.span = 0;
this.matchCount = 0;
this.matchScore = 0f;
this.label = null;
} else {
if(span < 1 || count < 1){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("For "+match+" matches the token span and count MUST BE > 0");
if(match == MATCH.PARTIAL){
if(span <= count && labelTokenCount <= count){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("For "+match+" matches the (token span OR label token count) MUST BE > than the token count!");
} else {
if(span != count){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("For "+match+" matches the token span '"
+span+"' MUST BE equals to the token count '"+count+"' (label: '"
this.start = start;
this.span = span;
this.label = label;
if(match == MATCH.EXACT){ //for exact matches the matchScore needs to be
this.matchScore = 1f; // ignored and set to 1.0f
this.matchCount = span; //and the match count needs to be equals to the span
this.labelTokenCount = span;
} else {
if(matchScore > 1f){
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The matchScore MUST NOT be greater than one (parsed value = "+matchScore+")");
this.matchScore = matchScore;
this.matchCount = count;
this.labelTokenCount = labelTokenCount;
* Getter for the number of Tokens of the label. Usually needed to calculate
* the score (how good the label matches)
* @return the labelTokenCount
public final int getLabelTokenCount() {
return labelTokenCount;
* Setter for the {@link MATCH} type of this suggestion
* @param match the match type
protected void setMatch(MATCH match) {
this.match = match;
* Getter for the the type of the match
* @return The type of the match
public final MATCH getMatch() {
return match;
* Getter for the matching score. This is a modifier in the range
* between [0..1] that tells about the quality of the matches for the
* {@link #getMatchCount() matched} tokens. <p>
* As an example if a match is based on stemming a word a label matcher
* implementation might want to assign a matching score below <code>1</code>.
* Score calculations that use the {@link #getMatchCount()} should use
* <code>{@link #getMatchCount()} * {@link #getMatchScore()}</code> as a
* bases.
* @return the matchScore
public final float getMatchScore() {
return matchScore;
* Getter for the start index of this Suggestion
* @return the start token index for this suggestion
public int getStart() {
return start;
* Getter for the number of the token matched by this suggestion
* @return The number of the token matched by this suggestion
public final int getSpan() {
return span;
* Getter for the he number of matching tokens.
* @return The number of matching tokens.
public final int getMatchCount(){
return matchCount;
* The actual label of the {@link #getResult() result} that produced the
* based match for the given search tokens.
* @return the label
public final Text getMatchedLabel() {
return label;
protected final void setMatchedLabel(Text label){
this.label = label;
* Getter for the best label in the given language
* @param suggestion the suggestion
* @param nameField the field used to search for labels
* @param language the language
* @return the best match or {@link Suggestion#getMatchedLabel()} if non is found
public Text getBestLabel(String nameField, String language){
Representation rep = getRepresentation();
//start with the matched label -> so if we do not find a better one
//we will use the matched!
Text label = this.label;
// 1. check if the returned Entity does has a label -> if not return null
// add labels (set only a single label. Use "en" if available!
Iterator<Text> labels = rep.getText(nameField);
boolean matchFound = false;
while (labels.hasNext() && !matchFound) {
Text actLabel =;
if (label == null) { //take any label at first
label = actLabel;
//now we have already a label check the language
String actLang = actLabel.getLanguage();
//use startWith to match also en-GB and en-US ...
if (actLang != null && actLang.startsWith(language)) {
//prefer labels with the correct language
label = actLabel;
//found label in that language that exactly matches the
//label used to match the text
matchFound = true;
if (label == null) { //if no label was found ... return the one used for the match
label = getMatchedLabel();
return label;
public final Representation getResult(){
return result;
public String toString() {
return label+"[m="+match+(match != MATCH.NONE ? ",c="+matchCount+",s="+span+']':"]");
* The {@link RdfResourceEnum#entityRank entity rank} of the {@link #getResult() result}.
* The entity rank is the relative importance of an entity within an
* Collection of Entities (ReferencedSite, Thesaurus, Taxonomy ...).<p>
* This method returns the rank of the entity returned by
* {@link #getRepresentation()}. Therefore if an redirect is active it will
* be the rank of the redirected entity and not of the suggested result.
* @return the rank of the entity or <code>null</code> if not available
public Float getEntityRank() {
return getRepresentation().getFirst(RdfResourceEnum.entityRank.getUri(), Float.class);
* @param score the score to set
public void setScore(double score) {
this.score = score;
* @return the score
public double getScore() {
return score;
* Returns <code>true</code> if the result has a registered redirect
* @return <code>true</code> if a redirect is present. Otherwise <code>false</code>
public boolean isRedirect(){
return redirectsTo != null;
* Setter for Entity the {@link #getResult() result} of this match redirects
* to. Also sets {@link #setRedirectProcessed(boolean)} to <code>true</code>
* @param redirect the redirected entity or <code>null</code> if no redirect
* is present
protected void setRedirect(Representation redirect){
this.redirectsTo = redirect;
* Setter for the state if the redirects for this resultMatch where already
* processed. Calling {@link #setRedirect(Representation)} will set this
* automatically to <code>true</code>
* @param state the state.
protected void setRedirectProcessed(boolean state){
this.redirectProcessed = state;
* Getter for the state if the redirect was processed for this ResultMatch
* @return the state
protected boolean isRedirectedProcessed(){
return redirectProcessed;
* Getter for the Entity the {@link #getResult()} of this Entity redirects
* to. Returns <code>null</code> if there is no redirect.
* @return the entity the {@link #getResult()} redirects to or <code>null</code>
* if there is no redirect
public Representation getRedirect(){
return redirectsTo;
* getter for the Representation of this result. In case of
* <code>{@link #isRedirect()} == true</code> it returns the the
* {@link #getRedirect()} otherwise it returns the {@link #getResult()}.<p>
* To check explicitly for the result of the redirect one needs to use
* {@link #getRedirect()} and {@link #getRedirect()} instead.
* @return The representation for this match. might be directly the
* {@link #getResult() result} or if present the
* {@link #getRedirect() redirected} resource.
public final Representation getRepresentation(){
return redirectsTo == null ? result : redirectsTo;
* Compares {@link Suggestion} first based on the {@link Suggestion#getMatch()} value
* and secondly based on the {@link RdfResourceEnum#entityRank}.
public static final Comparator<Suggestion> MATCH_TYPE_SUGGESTION_COMPARATOR = new Comparator<Suggestion>() {
public int compare(Suggestion arg0, Suggestion arg1) {
if(arg0.match != arg1.match){
return arg1.match.ordinal() - arg0.match.ordinal(); //higher ordinal first
} else if(arg0.match == MATCH.NONE){
return 0; //do not further sort entries that do not match
} else {
Float arg0Rank = arg0.getEntityRank();
if(arg0Rank == null){
arg0Rank = Float.valueOf(0);
Float arg1Rank = arg1.getEntityRank();
if(arg1Rank == null){
arg1Rank = Float.valueOf(0);
return arg1Rank.compareTo(arg0Rank); //higher ranks first
* Compares {@link Suggestion}s based on the {@link Suggestion#getScore()}.
* In case the scores are equals the call is forwarded to the
* This is NOT the default {@link Comparator} because score values are
* usually only calculated relative to the best matching suggestions and
* therefore only available later.
public static final Comparator<Suggestion> SCORE_COMPARATOR = new Comparator<Suggestion>() {
public int compare(Suggestion arg0, Suggestion arg1) {
return arg0.getScore() > arg1.getScore() ? -1 : //bigger score first
arg0.getScore() < arg1.getScore() ? 1 :, arg1);
* Compares {@link Suggestion} first based on the {@link Suggestion#getMatchCount()}
* number of matched tokens. If the number of the matched tokens is equals or
* any of the parsed {@link Suggestion} instances has {@link MATCH#NONE} it
* forwards the request to the {@link #MATCH_TYPE_SUGGESTION_COMPARATOR}.
public static final Comparator<Suggestion> DEFAULT_SUGGESTION_COMPARATOR = new Comparator<Suggestion>() {
public int compare(Suggestion arg0, Suggestion arg1) {
if(arg0.match == MATCH.NONE || arg1.match == MATCH.NONE ||
arg0.matchCount == arg1.matchCount){
return, arg1);
} else {
return arg1.matchCount - arg0.matchCount; //bigger should be first
* Implementation of the {@link Comparable} interface using
public int compareTo(Suggestion other) {
return, other);