blob: b29cc86ce37c1ac6a0cbbdd8d37fb07644bd963e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.engines.keywordextraction.impl;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.clerezza.rdf.core.UriRef;
import org.apache.stanbol.commons.opennlp.TextAnalyzer.AnalysedText;
* The occurrence of an detected Entity within the content. <p>
* Note that this class already stores the information in a structure as needed
* to write Enhancements as defined by the upcoming 2nd version of the
* Apache Stanbol Enhancement Structure (EntityAnnotation, TextOccurrence and
* EntitySuggestion). However it can also be used to write
* TextAnnotations and EntityAnnotations as defined by the 1st version
* @author Rupert Westenthaler
public class LinkedEntity {
* An mention of an linked entity within the text
* @author Rupert Westenthaler
public class Occurrence {
* The maximum number of chars until that the current sentence is used
* as context for TextOcccurrences. If the sentence is longer a area of
* {@link #CONTEXT_TOKEN_COUNT} before and after the current selected
* text is used as context.<p>
* This is especially important in case no sentence detector is available
* for the current content. Because in this case the whole text is
* parsed as a single Sentence.
* TODO: Maybe find a more clever way to determine the context
public static final int MAX_CONTEXT_LENGTH = 200;
* The number of tokens surrounding the current selected text used to
* calculate the context if the current sentence is longer than
* {@link #MAX_CONTEXT_LENGTH} chars.<p>
* This is especially important in case no sentence detector is available
* for the current content. Because in this case the whole text is
* parsed as a single Sentence.
* TODO: Maybe find a more clever way to determine the context
public static final int CONTEXT_TOKEN_COUNT = 5;
private final int start;
private final int end;
private final String context;
private Occurrence(AnalysedText sentence,int token) {
private Occurrence(AnalysedText sentence,int startToken,int tokenSpan){
this.start = sentence.getOffset()+sentence.getTokens().get(startToken).getStart();
this.end = sentence.getOffset()+sentence.getTokens().get(startToken+tokenSpan-1).getEnd();
String context = sentence.getText();
if(context.length() > MAX_CONTEXT_LENGTH){
Span contextTokenSpan = new Span(
Math.max(0, startToken-CONTEXT_TOKEN_COUNT),
Math.min(startToken+tokenSpan+CONTEXT_TOKEN_COUNT, sentence.getTokens().size())-1);
context = context.substring(sentence.getTokens().get(contextTokenSpan.getStart()).getStart(),
this.context = context;
* The context (surrounding text) of the occurrence.
* @return
public String getContext() {
return context;
* The start index of the occurrence
* @return the start index relative to the start of the text
public int getStart() {
return start;
* the end index of the occurrence
* @return the end index relative to the start of the text
public int getEnd() {
return end;
* The selected text of this occurrence. Actually returns the value
* of {@link LinkedEntity#getSelectedText()}, because th
* @return
public String getSelectedText(){
return LinkedEntity.this.getSelectedText();
public String toString() {
return start+","+end;
public int hashCode() {
return context.hashCode()+start+end;
public boolean equals(Object arg0) {
return arg0 instanceof Occurrence &&
((Occurrence)arg0).start == start &&
((Occurrence)arg0).end == end &&
private final String selectedText;
private final Set<UriRef> types;
private final List<Suggestion> suggestions;
private final Collection<Occurrence> occurrences = new ArrayList<Occurrence>();
private final Collection<Occurrence> unmodOccurrences = Collections.unmodifiableCollection(occurrences);
* Creates a new LinkedEntity for the parsed parameters
* @param selectedText the selected text
* @param suggestions the entity suggestions
* @param types the types of the linked entity.
protected LinkedEntity(String selectedText, List<Suggestion> suggestions, Set<UriRef> types) {
this.suggestions = Collections.unmodifiableList(suggestions);
this.selectedText = selectedText;
this.types = Collections.unmodifiableSet(types);
* Creates a new Linked Entity including the first {@link Occurrence}
* @param sentence the sentence (context) for the occurrence.
* @param startToken the index of the start token
* @param tokenSpan the number of token included in this span
* @param suggestions the entity suggestions
* @param types the types of the linked entity.
protected LinkedEntity(AnalysedText sentence,int startToken,int tokenSpan,
List<Suggestion> suggestions, Set<UriRef> types) {
addOccurrence(sentence, startToken,tokenSpan);
* Getter for the selected text
* @return the selected text
public String getSelectedText() {
return selectedText;
* Getter for read only list of types
* @return the types
public Set<UriRef> getTypes() {
return types;
* Adds an new Occurrence
* @param sentence the analysed sentence
* @param startToken the start token
* @param tokenSpan the number of tokens included in this span
* @return the new Occurrence also added to {@link #getOccurrences()}
protected Occurrence addOccurrence(AnalysedText sentence,int startToken,int tokenSpan){
Occurrence o = new Occurrence(sentence, startToken, tokenSpan);
return o;
* Getter for the read only list of Occurrences
* @return the occurrences
public Collection<Occurrence> getOccurrences(){
return unmodOccurrences;
* Getter for the read only list of Suggestions
* @return the suggestions
public List<Suggestion> getSuggestions(){
return suggestions;
* Getter for the Score
* @return The score of the first element in {@link #getSuggestions()} or
* <code>0</code> if there are no suggestions
public double getScore(){
return suggestions.isEmpty() ? 0f : suggestions.get(0).getScore();
* Only considers the {@link #getSelectedText()}, because it is assumed that
* for the same selected text there MUST BE always the same suggestions with
* the same types and occurrences.
public int hashCode() {
return selectedText.hashCode();
* Only considers the {@link #getSelectedText()}, because it is assumed that
* for the same selected text there MUST BE always the same suggestions with
* the same types and occurrences.
public boolean equals(Object arg0) {
return arg0 instanceof LinkedEntity &&
public String toString() {
return selectedText+'@'+occurrences+"->"+suggestions;