blob: 47802f51a103a6b099d4549dbd1f451376bcfb3a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.engines.celi;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.nlp.model.tag.Tag;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.nlp.model.tag.TagSet;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.nlp.morpho.Case;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.nlp.morpho.CaseTag;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.nlp.morpho.Definitness;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.nlp.morpho.Gender;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.nlp.morpho.GenderTag;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.nlp.morpho.NumberFeature;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.nlp.morpho.NumberTag;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.nlp.morpho.Person;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.nlp.morpho.Tense;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.nlp.morpho.TenseTag;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.nlp.morpho.VerbMood;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.nlp.morpho.VerbMoodTag;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.nlp.pos.LexicalCategory;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.nlp.pos.Pos;
import org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.nlp.pos.PosTag;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* {@link TagSet}s for known CELI ( POS and morphological features models.
* <p>
* @author Rupert Westenthaler
* @author Alessio Bosca
public final class CeliTagSetRegistry {
private final static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CeliTagSetRegistry.class);
private static CeliTagSetRegistry instance = new CeliTagSetRegistry();
private CeliTagSetRegistry() {}
private final Map<String,TagSet<PosTag>> posMappingsByLanguage = new HashMap<String,TagSet<PosTag>>();
private final Map<String,Map<String,PosTag>> unmappedPosTagsByLanguage = new HashMap<String,Map<String,PosTag>>();
private final Map<String,TagSet<GenderTag>> genderMappingsByLanguage = new HashMap<String,TagSet<GenderTag>>();
private final Map<String,Map<String,GenderTag>> unmappedGenderTagsByLanguage = new HashMap<String,Map<String,GenderTag>>();
private final Map<String,TagSet<NumberTag>> numberMappingsByLanguage = new HashMap<String,TagSet<NumberTag>>();
private final Map<String,Map<String,NumberTag>> unmappedNumberTagsByLanguage = new HashMap<String,Map<String,NumberTag>>();
private final Map<String,Map<String,Person>> personMappingsByLanguage = new HashMap<String,Map<String,Person>>();
private final Map<String,TagSet<CaseTag>> caseMappingsByLanguage = new HashMap<String,TagSet<CaseTag>>();
private final Map<String,Map<String,CaseTag>> unmappedCaseTagsByLanguage = new HashMap<String,Map<String,CaseTag>>();
private final Map<String,Map<String,Definitness>> definitenessMappingsByLanguage = new HashMap<String,Map<String,Definitness>>();
private final Map<String,TagSet<VerbMoodTag>> verbFormMappingsByLanguage = new HashMap<String,TagSet<VerbMoodTag>>();
private final Map<String,Map<String,VerbMoodTag>> unmappedVerbMoodTagsByLanguage = new HashMap<String,Map<String,VerbMoodTag>>();
private final Map<String,TagSet<TenseTag>> tenseMappingsByLanguage = new HashMap<String,TagSet<TenseTag>>();
private final Map<String,Map<String,TenseTag>> unmappedTenseTagsByLanguage = new HashMap<String,Map<String,TenseTag>>();
public static CeliTagSetRegistry getInstance() {
return instance;
* Setter for the mappings of {@link TagSet} by language.
* @param mappings
* expressed with a {@link TagSet}
private void addPosTagset(TagSet<PosTag> model) {
for (String lang : model.getLanguages()) {
if (posMappingsByLanguage.put(lang, model) != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Multiple Models for Language '" + lang
+ "'! This is an error in the static confituration of "
+ "this class. Please report this to the stanbol-dev mailing"
+ "list!");
* Getter for a {@link PosTag} based on the Registry configuration
* @param language
* the language
* @param tag
* the {@link String} tag as returned by CELI
* @return the {@link PosTag}
public PosTag getPosTag(String language, String tag) {
return getTag(posMappingsByLanguage, unmappedPosTagsByLanguage, PosTag.class, language, tag);
* Setter for the mappings of {@link TagSet} by language.
* @param mappings
* expressed with a {@link TagSet}
private void addGenderTagset(TagSet<GenderTag> model) {
for (String lang : model.getLanguages()) {
if (genderMappingsByLanguage.put(lang, model) != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Multiple Models for Language '" + lang
+ "'! This is an error in the static confituration of "
+ "this class. Please report this to the stanbol-dev mailing"
+ "list!");
* Getter for a {@link GenderTag} based on the Registry configuration
* @param language
* the language
* @param tag
* the {@link String} tag as returned by CELI
* @return the {@link GenderTag}
public GenderTag getGenderTag(String language, String tag) {
return getTag(genderMappingsByLanguage, unmappedGenderTagsByLanguage, GenderTag.class, language, tag);
* Setter for the mappings of {@link TagSet} by language.
* @param mappings
* expressed with a {@link TagSet}
private void addNumberTagset(TagSet<NumberTag> model) {
for (String lang : model.getLanguages()) {
if (numberMappingsByLanguage.put(lang, model) != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Multiple Models for Language '" + lang
+ "'! This is an error in the static confituration of "
+ "this class. Please report this to the stanbol-dev mailing"
+ "list!");
* Getter for a {@link NumberTag} based on the Registry configuration
* @param language
* the language
* @param tag
* the {@link String} tag as returned by CELI
* @return the {@link NumberTag}
public NumberTag getNumber(String language, String tag) {
return getTag(numberMappingsByLanguage, unmappedNumberTagsByLanguage, NumberTag.class, language, tag);
* Setter for the mappings of {@link TagSet} by language.
* @param mappings
* expressed with a {@link TagSet}
private void addPersonMappings(Map<String,Person> model, String...langs) {
for (String lang : langs) {
if (personMappingsByLanguage.put(lang, model) != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Multiple Models for Language '" + lang
+ "'! This is an error in the static confituration of "
+ "this class. Please report this to the stanbol-dev mailing"
+ "list!");
* Getter for a {@link PersonTag} based on the Registry configuration
* @param language
* the language
* @param tag
* the {@link String} tag as returned by CELI
* @return the {@link PersonTag}
public Person getPerson(String language, String tag) {
Map<String,Person> langMappings = personMappingsByLanguage.get(language);
return langMappings == null ? null : langMappings.get(tag);
* Setter for the mappings of {@link TagSet} by language.
* @param mappings
* expressed with a {@link TagSet}
private void addCaseTagset(TagSet<CaseTag> model) {
for (String lang : model.getLanguages()) {
if (caseMappingsByLanguage.put(lang, model) != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Multiple Models for Language '" + lang
+ "'! This is an error in the static confituration of "
+ "this class. Please report this to the stanbol-dev mailing"
+ "list!");
* Getter for a {@link CaseTag} based on the Registry configuration
* @param language
* the language
* @param tag
* the {@link String} tag as returned by CELI
* @return the {@link PersonTag}
public CaseTag getCaseTag(String language, String tag) {
return getTag(caseMappingsByLanguage, unmappedCaseTagsByLanguage, CaseTag.class, language, tag);
* Setter for the mappings of {@link TagSet} by language.
* @param mappings
* expressed with a {@link TagSet}
private void addDefinitnessTagset(Map<String,Definitness> model,String...langs) {
for (String lang : langs) {
if (definitenessMappingsByLanguage.put(lang, model) != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Multiple Models for Language '" + lang
+ "'! This is an error in the static confituration of "
+ "this class. Please report this to the stanbol-dev mailing"
+ "list!");
* Getter for a {@link DefinitnessTag} based on the Registry configuration
* @param language
* the language
* @param tag
* the {@link String} tag as returned by CELI
* @return the {@link DefinitnessTag}
public Definitness getDefinitnessTag(String language, String tag) {
Map<String,Definitness> langMappings = definitenessMappingsByLanguage.get(language);
return langMappings == null ? null : langMappings.get(tag);
* Setter for the mappings of {@link TagSet} by language.
* @param mappings
* expressed with a {@link TagSet}
private void addVerbFormTagset(TagSet<VerbMoodTag> model) {
for (String lang : model.getLanguages()) {
if (verbFormMappingsByLanguage.put(lang, model) != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Multiple Models for Language '" + lang
+ "'! This is an error in the static confituration of "
+ "this class. Please report this to the stanbol-dev mailing"
+ "list!");
* Getter for a {@link VerbMoodTag} based on the Registry configuration
* @param language
* the language
* @param tag
* the {@link String} tag as returned by CELI
* @return the {@link VerbMoodTag}
public VerbMoodTag getVerbMoodTag(String language, String tag) {
return getTag(verbFormMappingsByLanguage, unmappedVerbMoodTagsByLanguage, VerbMoodTag.class,
language, tag);
* Setter for the mappings of {@link TagSet} by language.
* @param mappings
* expressed with a {@link TagSet}
private void addTenseTagset(TagSet<TenseTag> model) {
for (String lang : model.getLanguages()) {
if (tenseMappingsByLanguage.put(lang, model) != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Multiple Models for Language '" + lang
+ "'! This is an error in the static confituration of "
+ "this class. Please report this to the stanbol-dev mailing"
+ "list!");
* Getter for a {@link TenseTag} based on the Registry configuration
* @param language
* the language
* @param tag
* the {@link String} tag as returned by CELI
* @return the {@link TenseTag}
public TenseTag getTenseTag(String language, String tag) {
return getTag(tenseMappingsByLanguage, unmappedTenseTagsByLanguage, TenseTag.class, language, tag);
* Utility that uses generics and reflection to
* <ul>
* <li>lookup mapped {@link Tag}s
* <li>lookup already created unmapped {@link Tag}s
* <li>create unmapped {@link Tag}s for {@link String} tags that are encountered the first time
* </ul>
* @param tagSets
* the {@link TagSet} with the mapped Tags. The key represents the language
* @param unmapped
* unmapped {@link Tag}s. The key of the outer map is the language. The key of the inner map is
* the {@link String} tag.
* @param clazz
* the {@link Class} of the {@link Tag}. Used to create an instance via reflection.
* @param language
* the language
* @param tag
* the string tag
* @return the Tag
private static <T extends Tag<T>> T getTag(Map<String,TagSet<T>> tagSets,
Map<String,Map<String,T>> unmapped,
Class<T> clazz,
String language,
String tag) {
T t = null;
TagSet<T> tagSet = tagSets.get(language);
if (tagSet != null) {
t = tagSet.getTag(tag);
if (t == null) {
// warn about missing mappings for Tags to Olia!
Map<String,T> u = unmapped.get(language);
if (u == null) {
u = new HashMap<String,T>();
unmapped.put(language, u);
t = u.get(tag);
if (t == null) {
try {
t = clazz.getConstructor(String.class).newInstance(tag);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to instantiate " + clazz.getSimpleName()
+ " with String tag '" + tag + "'!", e);
} catch (SecurityException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to instantiate " + clazz.getSimpleName()
+ " with String tag '" + tag + "'!", e);
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to instantiate " + clazz.getSimpleName()
+ " with String tag '" + tag + "'!", e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to instantiate " + clazz.getSimpleName()
+ " with String tag '" + tag + "'!", e);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to instantiate " + clazz.getSimpleName()
+ " with String tag '" + tag + "'!", e);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to instantiate " + clazz.getSimpleName()
+ " with String tag '" + tag + "'!", e);
log.warn("added unrecognized {} '{}' for Language {}", new Object[] {clazz.getSimpleName(), tag,
u.put(tag, t);
return t;
public static final TagSet<PosTag> TAGSET = new TagSet<PosTag>("CELI POS tags","da", "de",
"it", "ro", "ru","sv");
static {
TAGSET.addTag(new PosTag("NOUN", LexicalCategory.Noun));
TAGSET.addTag(new PosTag("ADJ", LexicalCategory.Adjective));
TAGSET.addTag(new PosTag("ADV", LexicalCategory.Adverb));
TAGSET.addTag(new PosTag("PD", LexicalCategory.PronounOrDeterminer));
TAGSET.addTag(new PosTag("CONJ", LexicalCategory.Conjuction));
TAGSET.addTag(new PosTag("PREP", LexicalCategory.Adposition));
TAGSET.addTag(new PosTag("VERB", LexicalCategory.Verb));
TAGSET.addTag(new PosTag("INTERJ", LexicalCategory.Interjection));
TAGSET.addTag(new PosTag("NUM", Pos.Numeral));
TAGSET.addTag(new PosTag("SYMBOL", LexicalCategory.Residual));
TAGSET.addTag(new PosTag("PART", LexicalCategory.Unique));
TAGSET.addTag(new PosTag("PN", LexicalCategory.Noun));//ProperNoun));
TAGSET.addTag(new PosTag("CLI", LexicalCategory.Unique));
public static final TagSet<GenderTag> GENDER = new TagSet<GenderTag>("CELI GENDER tags", "da", "de",
"it", "ro", "ru","sv");
static {
GENDER.addTag(new GenderTag("F", Gender.Feminine));
GENDER.addTag(new GenderTag("FEM", Gender.Feminine));
GENDER.addTag(new GenderTag("M", Gender.Masculine));
GENDER.addTag(new GenderTag("MAS", Gender.Masculine));
GENDER.addTag(new GenderTag("MASC", Gender.Masculine));
GENDER.addTag(new GenderTag("NE", Gender.Neuter));
GENDER.addTag(new GenderTag("NEU", Gender.Neuter));
GENDER.addTag(new GenderTag("UTR", Gender.Common));
public static final TagSet<NumberTag> NUMBER = new TagSet<NumberTag>("CELI NUMBER tags", "da", "de",
"it", "ro", "ru","sv");
static {
NUMBER.addTag(new NumberTag("SGL", NumberFeature.Singular));
NUMBER.addTag(new NumberTag("SIN", NumberFeature.Singular));
NUMBER.addTag(new NumberTag("SING", NumberFeature.Singular));
NUMBER.addTag(new NumberTag("PLU", NumberFeature.Plural));
//add the person models
static {
Map<String,Person> model = new HashMap<String,Person>();
model.put("FIRST", Person.First);
model.put("SECOND", Person.Second);
model.put("THIRD", Person.Third);
"da", "de","it", "ro", "ru");
public static final TagSet<CaseTag> CASE = new TagSet<CaseTag>("CELI CASE tags", "da", "de",
"it", "ro", "ru","sv");
static {
CASE.addTag(new CaseTag("NOMORPH", Case.Uninflected));
CASE.addTag(new CaseTag("NOM", Case.Nominative));
CASE.addTag(new CaseTag("GEN", Case.Genitive));
CASE.addTag(new CaseTag("GEN2", Case.Genitive));
CASE.addTag(new CaseTag("ACC", Case.Accusative));
CASE.addTag(new CaseTag("ACCAN", Case.Accusative));
CASE.addTag(new CaseTag("ACCNAN", Case.Accusative));
CASE.addTag(new CaseTag("ACC2", Case.Accusative));
CASE.addTag(new CaseTag("DAT", Case.Dative));
CASE.addTag(new CaseTag("DAT22", Case.Dative));
CASE.addTag(new CaseTag("INS", Case.Instrumental));
CASE.addTag(new CaseTag("INS2", Case.Instrumental));
CASE.addTag(new CaseTag("LOC", Case.Locative));
//definitness models
static {
Map<String,Definitness> model = new HashMap<String,Definitness>();
model.put("DEF", Definitness.Definite);
model.put("INDEF", Definitness.Indefinite);
model.put("IND", Definitness.Indefinite);
"da", "de", "it", "ro", "ru","sv");
public static final TagSet<VerbMoodTag> VERB_FORM = new TagSet<VerbMoodTag>("CELI VERB FORM tags", "da", "de",
"it", "ro", "ru","sv");
static {
VERB_FORM.addTag(new VerbMoodTag("GERUND", VerbMood.Gerund));
VERB_FORM.addTag(new VerbMoodTag("GEROUNDPRS", VerbMood.Gerund));//
VERB_FORM.addTag(new VerbMoodTag("IMPERATIVE", VerbMood.ImperativeVerb));
VERB_FORM.addTag(new VerbMoodTag("IMP", VerbMood.ImperativeVerb));
VERB_FORM.addTag(new VerbMoodTag("INDIC", VerbMood.IndicativeVerb));
VERB_FORM.addTag(new VerbMoodTag("IND", VerbMood.IndicativeVerb));
VERB_FORM.addTag(new VerbMoodTag("CONGIUNT", VerbMood.SubjunctiveVerb));
VERB_FORM.addTag(new VerbMoodTag("SUBJ", VerbMood.SubjunctiveVerb));
VERB_FORM.addTag(new VerbMoodTag("SUB", VerbMood.SubjunctiveVerb));
VERB_FORM.addTag(new VerbMoodTag("INFIN", VerbMood.Infinitive));
VERB_FORM.addTag(new VerbMoodTag("INF", VerbMood.Infinitive));
VERB_FORM.addTag(new VerbMoodTag("PASTPART", VerbMood.Participle));
VERB_FORM.addTag(new VerbMoodTag("PASPART", VerbMood.Participle));
VERB_FORM.addTag(new VerbMoodTag("PCPRF", VerbMood.Participle));
VERB_FORM.addTag(new VerbMoodTag("PRESPART", VerbMood.Participle));
VERB_FORM.addTag(new VerbMoodTag("PRSPART", VerbMood.Participle));
VERB_FORM.addTag(new VerbMoodTag("PCPRS", VerbMood.Participle));
VERB_FORM.addTag(new VerbMoodTag("PART", VerbMood.Participle));
VERB_FORM.addTag(new VerbMoodTag("PTC", VerbMood.Participle));
VERB_FORM.addTag(new VerbMoodTag("CONDIZ", VerbMood.ConditionalVerb));
VERB_FORM.addTag(new VerbMoodTag("SUP", VerbMood.Supine));
public static final TagSet<TenseTag> TENSE = new TagSet<TenseTag>("CELI TENSE tags", "da", "de",
"it", "ro", "ru","sv");
static {
TENSE.addTag(new TenseTag("PRS", Tense.Present));
TENSE.addTag(new TenseTag("PRES", Tense.Present));
TENSE.addTag(new TenseTag("IMPER", Tense.Imperfect));
TENSE.addTag(new TenseTag("PER", Tense.Perfect));
TENSE.addTag(new TenseTag("PASSREM", Tense.RemotePast));
TENSE.addTag(new TenseTag("PSTPER", Tense.PastPerfect));
TENSE.addTag(new TenseTag("PST", Tense.Past));
TENSE.addTag(new TenseTag("FUT", Tense.Future));
TENSE.addTag(new TenseTag("PCPRF", Tense.Past));
TENSE.addTag(new TenseTag("PCPRS", Tense.Present));
TENSE.addTag(new TenseTag("PRT", Tense.Past));
TENSE.addTag(new TenseTag("PRSFUT", Tense.Present));