Apache Stanbol FactStore

The FactStore is a component that let‘s use store relations between entities identified by their URIs. A relation between two or more entities is called a fact. The FactStore let’s you store N-ary facts. In consequence you can store relations between N participating entities.


To get the latest documentation you should start your copy of Apache Stanbol and navigate your browser to http://localhost:8080/factstore. There you will find more information and the documentation of the FactStore's REST API.


Imagine you want to store the fact that the person named John Doe works for the company Winzigweich. John Doe is represented by the URI http://www.doe.com/john and the company by http://www.winzigweich.de. This fact is stored as a relation between the entity http://www.doe.com/john and http://www.winzigweich.de.

For this, we first need to create a so called fact schema that tells the FactStore what we would like to store. A fact schema has a unique name (often an URI is used) to identify it. To specify what kinds of entities we would like to store, we specify the type of the entities. Each type has an URI and should be defined by some ontology. For example, we can use the ontology specified by http://schema.org/.

According to http://schema.org/ a person is of type http://schema.org/Person and an organization is of type http://schema.org/Organization. We will use these type information to specify the fact schema http://factschema.org/worksFor. The specification of a fact schema is written in JSON-LD, like this:

  "@context" : {
    "#types"  : {
      "person"       : "http://schema.org/Person",
      "organization" : "http://schema.org/Organization"

To create this fact schema in the FactStore we have to store it in a *.json file, e.g. worksFor.json, and PUT it into the FactStore. The path to put the fact schema is /factstore/facts/{factSchemaName}. So for our example this would be /factstore/facts/http://factschema.org/worksFor. Unfortunately, this is not a valid URI so that we have to URL-encode the name of the fact schema. This leads to /factstore/facts/http%3A%2F%2Ffactschema.org%2FworksFor.

Note: If you want to avoid this URL-encoding step, you should chose another name for your fact schema that is not an URI by itself. You are free to do so!

Now to PUT the worksFor fact schema we can use this cURL command.

curl http://localhost:8080/factstore/facts/http%3A%2F%2Ffactschema.org%2FworksFor -T worksFor.json

After creating the fact schema we can store the fact that John Doe works for Winzigweich by POSTing it to the FactStore. The fact is specified in JSON-LD syntax. The @profile defines the fact schema where this fact belongs to.

  "@profile"     : "http://factschema.org/worksFor",
  "person"       : { "@iri" : "http://www.doe.com/john" },
  "organization" : { "@iri" : "http://www.winzigweich.de"}

Now we can POST this fact, e.g. stored in fact.json, to the FactStore at /factstore/facts. By using cURL it would be this command:

curl -d @fact.json -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8080/factstore/facts

On success this will return a 201 (Created) and the URI of the newly created fact in the location header of the response. To retrieve a fact you can GET it from the returned URI.