layout: global title: INSERT INTO displayTitle: INSERT INTO license: | Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


The INSERT INTO statement inserts new rows into a table. The inserted rows can be specified by value expressions or result from a query.


INSERT INTO [ TABLE ] table_identifier [ partition_spec ]
    { VALUES ( { value | NULL } [ , ... ] ) [ , ( ... ) ] | query }


  • table_identifier

    Specifies a table name, which may be optionally qualified with a database name.

    Syntax: [ database_name. ] table_name

  • partition_spec

    An optional parameter that specifies a comma separated list of key and value pairs for partitions.

    Syntax: PARTITION ( partition_col_name = partition_col_val [ , ... ] )

  • VALUES ( { value | NULL } [ , ... ] ) [ , ( ... ) ]

    Specifies the values to be inserted. Either an explicitly specified value or a NULL can be inserted. A comma must be used to separate each value in the clause. More than one set of values can be specified to insert multiple rows.

  • query

    A query that produces the rows to be inserted. It can be in one of following formats:

    • a SELECT statement
    • a TABLE statement
    • a FROM statement


Single Row Insert Using a VALUES Clause

CREATE TABLE students (name VARCHAR(64), address VARCHAR(64), student_id INT)

    ('Amy Smith', '123 Park Ave, San Jose', 111111);

SELECT * FROM students;
|     name|              address|student_id|
|Amy Smith|123 Park Ave,San Jose|    111111|

Multi-Row Insert Using a VALUES Clause

    ('Bob Brown', '456 Taylor St, Cupertino', 222222),
    ('Cathy Johnson', '789 Race Ave, Palo Alto', 333333);

SELECT * FROM students;
|         name|                 address|student_id|
|    Amy Smith|  123 Park Ave, San Jose|    111111|
|    Bob Brown|456 Taylor St, Cupertino|    222222|
|Cathy Johnson| 789 Race Ave, Palo Alto|    333333|

Insert Using a SELECT Statement

-- Assuming the persons table has already been created and populated.
SELECT * FROM persons;
|         name|                  address|      ssn|
|Dora Williams|134 Forest Ave, Melo Park|123456789|
|  Eddie Davis|  245 Market St, Milpitas|345678901|

INSERT INTO students PARTITION (student_id = 444444)
    SELECT name, address FROM persons WHERE name = "Dora Williams";

SELECT * FROM students;
|         name|                  address|student_id|
|    Amy Smith|   123 Park Ave, San Jose|    111111|
|    Bob Brown| 456 Taylor St, Cupertino|    222222|
|Cathy Johnson|  789 Race Ave, Palo Alto|    333333|
|Dora Williams|134 Forest Ave, Melo Park|    444444|

Insert Using a TABLE Statement

-- Assuming the visiting_students table has already been created and populated.
SELECT * FROM visiting_students;
|         name|              address|student_id|
|Fleur Laurent|345 Copper St, London|    777777|
|Gordon Martin| 779 Lake Ave, Oxford|    888888|

INSERT INTO students TABLE visiting_students;

SELECT * FROM students;
|         name|                  address|student_id|
|    Amy Smith|    123 Park Ave,San Jose|    111111|
|    Bob Brown| 456 Taylor St, Cupertino|    222222|
|Cathy Johnson|  789 Race Ave, Palo Alto|    333333|
|Dora Williams|134 Forest Ave, Melo Park|    444444|
|Fleur Laurent|    345 Copper St, London|    777777|
|Gordon Martin|     779 Lake Ave, Oxford|    888888|

Insert Using a FROM Statement

-- Assuming the applicants table has already been created and populated.
SELECT * FROM applicants;
|       name|                   address|student_id|qualified|
|Helen Davis| 469 Mission St, San Diego|    999999|     true|
|   Ivy King|367 Leigh Ave, Santa Clara|    101010|    false|
| Jason Wang|     908 Bird St, Saratoga|    121212|     true|

INSERT INTO students
     FROM applicants SELECT name, address, id applicants WHERE qualified = true;

SELECT * FROM students;
|         name|                  address|student_id|
|    Amy Smith|   123 Park Ave, San Jose|    111111|
|    Bob Brown| 456 Taylor St, Cupertino|    222222|
|Cathy Johnson|  789 Race Ave, Palo Alto|    333333|
|Dora Williams|134 Forest Ave, Melo Park|    444444|
|Fleur Laurent|    345 Copper St, London|    777777|
|Gordon Martin|     779 Lake Ave, Oxford|    888888|
|  Helen Davis|469 Mission St, San Diego|    999999|
|   Jason Wang|    908 Bird St, Saratoga|    121212|

Related Statements