layout: global title: UNPIVOT Clause displayTitle: UNPIVOT Clause license: | Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


The UNPIVOT clause transforms multiple columns into multiple rows used in SELECT clause. The UNPIVOT clause can be specified after the table name or subquery.


    { single_value_column_unpivot | multi_value_column_unpivot }
) [[AS] alias]

    FOR name_column
    IN (unpivot_column [[AS] alias] [, ...])

    (values_column [, ...])
    FOR name_column
    IN ((unpivot_column [, ...]) [[AS] alias] [, ...])


  • unpivot_column

    Contains columns in the FROM clause, which specifies the columns we want to unpivot.

  • name_column

    The name for the column that holds the names of the unpivoted columns.

  • values_column

    The name for the column that holds the values of the unpivoted columns.


CREATE TABLE sales_quarterly (year INT, q1 INT, q2 INT, q3 INT, q4 INT);
INSERT INTO sales_quarterly VALUES
    (2020, null, 1000, 2000, 2500),
    (2021, 2250, 3200, 4200, 5900),
    (2022, 4200, 3100, null, null);

-- column names are used as unpivot columns
SELECT * FROM sales_quarterly
        sales FOR quarter IN (q1, q2, q3, q4)
| year | quarter | sales |
| 2020 | q2      | 1000  |
| 2020 | q3      | 2000  |
| 2020 | q4      | 2500  |
| 2021 | q1      | 2250  |
| 2021 | q2      | 3200  |
| 2021 | q3      | 4200  |
| 2021 | q4      | 5900  |
| 2022 | q1      | 4200  |
| 2022 | q2      | 3100  |

-- NULL values are excluded by default, they can be included
-- unpivot columns can be alias
-- unpivot result can be referenced via its alias
SELECT up.* FROM sales_quarterly
        sales FOR quarter IN (q1 AS Q1, q2 AS Q2, q3 AS Q3, q4 AS Q4)
    ) AS up;
| year | quarter | sales |
| 2020 | Q1      | NULL  |
| 2020 | Q2      | 1000  |
| 2020 | Q3      | 2000  |
| 2020 | Q4      | 2500  |
| 2021 | Q1      | 2250  |
| 2021 | Q2      | 3200  |
| 2021 | Q3      | 4200  |
| 2021 | Q4      | 5900  |
| 2022 | Q1      | 4200  |
| 2022 | Q2      | 3100  |
| 2022 | Q3      | NULL  |
| 2022 | Q4      | NULL  |

-- multiple value columns can be unpivoted per row
SELECT * FROM sales_quarterly
        (first_quarter, second_quarter)
        FOR half_of_the_year IN (
            (q1, q2) AS H1,
            (q3, q4) AS H2
|  id  | half_of_the_year | first_quarter | second_quarter |
| 2020 | H1               | NULL          | 1000           |
| 2020 | H2               | 2000          | 2500           |
| 2021 | H1               | 2250          | 3200           |
| 2021 | H2               | 4200          | 5900           |
| 2022 | H1               | 4200          | 3100           |

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