[SPARK-48138][CONNECT][TESTS] Disable a flaky `SparkSessionE2ESuite.interrupt tag` test

### What changes were proposed in this pull request?

This PR aims to disable  a flaky test, `SparkSessionE2ESuite.interrupt tag`, temporarily.

To re-enable this, SPARK-48139 is created as a blocker issue for 4.0.0.

### Why are the changes needed?

This test case was added at `Apache Spark 3.5.0` but has been unstable unfortunately until now.
- #42009

We tried to stabilize this test case before `Apache Spark 4.0.0-preview`.
- #45173
- #46374

However, it's still flaky.

- https://github.com/apache/spark/actions/runs/8962353911/job/24611130573 (Master, 2024-05-05)
- https://github.com/apache/spark/actions/runs/8948176536/job/24581022674 (Master, 2024-05-04)

This PR aims to stablize CI first and to focus this flaky issue as a blocker level before going on `Spark Connect GA` in SPARK-48139 before Apache Spark 4.0.0.

### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?


### How was this patch tested?

Pass the CIs.

### Was this patch authored or co-authored using generative AI tooling?


Closes #46396 from dongjoon-hyun/SPARK-48138.

Authored-by: Dongjoon Hyun <dhyun@apple.com>
Signed-off-by: yangjie01 <yangjie01@baidu.com>
diff --git a/connector/connect/client/jvm/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/SparkSessionE2ESuite.scala b/connector/connect/client/jvm/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/SparkSessionE2ESuite.scala
index d1015d5..f560851 100644
--- a/connector/connect/client/jvm/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/SparkSessionE2ESuite.scala
+++ b/connector/connect/client/jvm/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/SparkSessionE2ESuite.scala
@@ -108,7 +108,8 @@
     assert(interrupted.length == 2, s"Interrupted operations: $interrupted.")
-  test("interrupt tag") {
+  // TODO(SPARK-48139): Re-enable `SparkSessionE2ESuite.interrupt tag`
+  ignore("interrupt tag") {
     val session = spark
     import session.implicits._