Spark Protobuf - Developer Documentation

Getting Started


./build/mvn clean package


./build/sbt clean package

Build with user-defined protoc

When the user cannot use the official protoc binary files to build the protobuf module in the compilation environment, for example, compiling protobuf module on CentOS 6 or CentOS 7 which the default glibc version is less than 2.14, we can try to compile and test by specifying the user-defined protoc binary files as follows:

export SPARK_PROTOC_EXEC_PATH=/path-to-protoc-exe
./build/mvn -Phive -Puser-defined-protoc clean package


export SPARK_PROTOC_EXEC_PATH=/path-to-protoc-exe
./build/sbt -Puser-defined-protoc clean package

The user-defined protoc binary files can be produced in the user's compilation environment by source code compilation, for compilation steps, please refer to protobuf.