blob: eb285db9ddfadcb5c330e8e5d1360893b35a330f [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package sql
import (
proto ""
// ResultCollector receives a stream of result rows
type ResultCollector interface {
// WriteRow receives a single row from the data frame
WriteRow(values []any)
// DataFrame is a wrapper for data frame, representing a distributed collection of data row.
type DataFrame interface {
// WriteResult streams the data frames to a result collector
WriteResult(ctx context.Context, collector ResultCollector, numRows int, truncate bool) error
// Show uses WriteResult to write the data frames to the console output.
Show(ctx context.Context, numRows int, truncate bool) error
// Schema returns the schema for the current data frame.
Schema(ctx context.Context) (*types.StructType, error)
// Collect returns the data rows of the current data frame.
Collect(ctx context.Context) ([]Row, error)
// Writer returns a data frame writer, which could be used to save data frame to supported storage.
Writer() DataFrameWriter
// Write is an alias for Writer
// Deprecated: Use Writer
Write() DataFrameWriter
// CreateTempView creates or replaces a temporary view.
CreateTempView(ctx context.Context, viewName string, replace, global bool) error
// Repartition re-partitions a data frame.
Repartition(numPartitions int, columns []string) (DataFrame, error)
// RepartitionByRange re-partitions a data frame by range partition.
RepartitionByRange(numPartitions int, columns []RangePartitionColumn) (DataFrame, error)
// Filter filters the data frame by a column condition.
Filter(condition column.Column) (DataFrame, error)
// FilterByString filters the data frame by a string condition.
FilterByString(condition string) (DataFrame, error)
// Col returns a column by name.
Col(name string) (column.Column, error)
// Select projects a list of columns from the DataFrame
Select(columns ...column.Column) (DataFrame, error)
// SelectExpr projects a list of columns from the DataFrame by string expressions
SelectExpr(exprs ...string) (DataFrame, error)
// Alias creates a new DataFrame with the specified subquery alias
Alias(alias string) DataFrame
// CrossJoin joins the current DataFrame with another DataFrame using the cross product
CrossJoin(other DataFrame) DataFrame
type RangePartitionColumn struct {
Name string
Descending bool
// dataFrameImpl is an implementation of DataFrame interface.
type dataFrameImpl struct {
session *sparkSessionImpl
relation *proto.Relation // TODO change to proto.Plan?
func (df *dataFrameImpl) SelectExpr(exprs ...string) (DataFrame, error) {
expressions := make([]*proto.Expression, 0, len(exprs))
for _, expr := range exprs {
col := functions.Expr(expr)
f, e := col.ToPlan()
if e != nil {
return nil, e
expressions = append(expressions, f)
rel := &proto.Relation{
Common: &proto.RelationCommon{
PlanId: newPlanId(),
RelType: &proto.Relation_Project{
Project: &proto.Project{
Input: df.relation,
Expressions: expressions,
return NewDataFrame(df.session, rel), nil
func (df *dataFrameImpl) Alias(alias string) DataFrame {
rel := &proto.Relation{
Common: &proto.RelationCommon{
PlanId: newPlanId(),
RelType: &proto.Relation_SubqueryAlias{
SubqueryAlias: &proto.SubqueryAlias{
Input: df.relation,
Alias: alias,
return NewDataFrame(df.session, rel)
func (df *dataFrameImpl) CrossJoin(other DataFrame) DataFrame {
otherDf := other.(*dataFrameImpl)
rel := &proto.Relation{
Common: &proto.RelationCommon{
PlanId: newPlanId(),
RelType: &proto.Relation_Join{
Join: &proto.Join{
Left: df.relation,
Right: otherDf.relation,
JoinType: proto.Join_JOIN_TYPE_CROSS,
return NewDataFrame(df.session, rel)
// NewDataFrame creates a new DataFrame
func NewDataFrame(session *sparkSessionImpl, relation *proto.Relation) DataFrame {
return &dataFrameImpl{
session: session,
relation: relation,
type consoleCollector struct{}
func (c consoleCollector) WriteRow(values []any) {
func (df *dataFrameImpl) Show(ctx context.Context, numRows int, truncate bool) error {
return df.WriteResult(ctx, &consoleCollector{}, numRows, truncate)
func (df *dataFrameImpl) WriteResult(ctx context.Context, collector ResultCollector, numRows int, truncate bool) error {
truncateValue := 0
if truncate {
truncateValue = 20
vertical := false
plan := &proto.Plan{
OpType: &proto.Plan_Root{
Root: &proto.Relation{
Common: &proto.RelationCommon{
PlanId: newPlanId(),
RelType: &proto.Relation_ShowString{
ShowString: &proto.ShowString{
Input: df.relation,
NumRows: int32(numRows),
Truncate: int32(truncateValue),
Vertical: vertical,
responseClient, err := df.session.client.ExecutePlan(ctx, plan)
if err != nil {
return sparkerrors.WithType(fmt.Errorf("failed to show dataframe: %w", err), sparkerrors.ExecutionError)
schema, table, err := responseClient.ToTable()
if err != nil {
return err
rows := make([]Row, table.NumRows())
values, err := types.ReadArrowTable(table)
if err != nil {
return err
for idx, v := range values {
row := NewRowWithSchema(v, schema)
rows[idx] = row
for _, row := range rows {
values, err := row.Values()
if err != nil {
return sparkerrors.WithType(fmt.Errorf(
"failed to get values in the row: %w", err), sparkerrors.ReadError)
return nil
func (df *dataFrameImpl) Schema(ctx context.Context) (*types.StructType, error) {
response, err := df.session.client.AnalyzePlan(ctx, df.createPlan())
if err != nil {
return nil, sparkerrors.WithType(fmt.Errorf("failed to analyze plan: %w", err), sparkerrors.ExecutionError)
responseSchema := response.GetSchema().Schema
return types.ConvertProtoDataTypeToStructType(responseSchema)
func (df *dataFrameImpl) Collect(ctx context.Context) ([]Row, error) {
responseClient, err := df.session.client.ExecutePlan(ctx, df.createPlan())
if err != nil {
return nil, sparkerrors.WithType(fmt.Errorf("failed to execute plan: %w", err), sparkerrors.ExecutionError)
var schema *types.StructType
schema, table, err := responseClient.ToTable()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rows := make([]Row, table.NumRows())
values, err := types.ReadArrowTable(table)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for idx, v := range values {
row := NewRowWithSchema(v, schema)
rows[idx] = row
return rows, nil
func (df *dataFrameImpl) Write() DataFrameWriter {
return df.Writer()
func (df *dataFrameImpl) Writer() DataFrameWriter {
return newDataFrameWriter(df.session, df.relation)
func (df *dataFrameImpl) CreateTempView(ctx context.Context, viewName string, replace, global bool) error {
plan := &proto.Plan{
OpType: &proto.Plan_Command{
Command: &proto.Command{
CommandType: &proto.Command_CreateDataframeView{
CreateDataframeView: &proto.CreateDataFrameViewCommand{
Input: df.relation,
Name: viewName,
Replace: replace,
IsGlobal: global,
responseClient, err := df.session.client.ExecutePlan(ctx, plan)
if err != nil {
return sparkerrors.WithType(fmt.Errorf("failed to create temp view %s: %w",
viewName, err), sparkerrors.ExecutionError)
_, _, err = responseClient.ToTable()
return err
func (df *dataFrameImpl) Repartition(numPartitions int, columns []string) (DataFrame, error) {
var partitionExpressions []*proto.Expression
if columns != nil {
partitionExpressions = make([]*proto.Expression, 0, len(columns))
for _, c := range columns {
expr := &proto.Expression{
ExprType: &proto.Expression_UnresolvedAttribute_{
UnresolvedAttribute: &proto.Expression_UnresolvedAttribute{
UnparsedIdentifier: c,
partitionExpressions = append(partitionExpressions, expr)
return df.repartitionByExpressions(numPartitions, partitionExpressions)
func (df *dataFrameImpl) RepartitionByRange(numPartitions int, columns []RangePartitionColumn) (DataFrame, error) {
var partitionExpressions []*proto.Expression
if columns != nil {
partitionExpressions = make([]*proto.Expression, 0, len(columns))
for _, c := range columns {
columnExpr := &proto.Expression{
ExprType: &proto.Expression_UnresolvedAttribute_{
UnresolvedAttribute: &proto.Expression_UnresolvedAttribute{
UnparsedIdentifier: c.Name,
direction := proto.Expression_SortOrder_SORT_DIRECTION_ASCENDING
if c.Descending {
direction = proto.Expression_SortOrder_SORT_DIRECTION_DESCENDING
sortExpr := &proto.Expression{
ExprType: &proto.Expression_SortOrder_{
SortOrder: &proto.Expression_SortOrder{
Child: columnExpr,
Direction: direction,
partitionExpressions = append(partitionExpressions, sortExpr)
return df.repartitionByExpressions(numPartitions, partitionExpressions)
func (df *dataFrameImpl) createPlan() *proto.Plan {
return &proto.Plan{
OpType: &proto.Plan_Root{
Root: df.relation,
func (df *dataFrameImpl) repartitionByExpressions(numPartitions int,
partitionExpressions []*proto.Expression,
) (DataFrame, error) {
var numPartitionsPointerValue *int32
if numPartitions != 0 {
int32Value := int32(numPartitions)
numPartitionsPointerValue = &int32Value
newRelation := &proto.Relation{
Common: &proto.RelationCommon{
PlanId: newPlanId(),
RelType: &proto.Relation_RepartitionByExpression{
RepartitionByExpression: &proto.RepartitionByExpression{
Input: df.relation,
NumPartitions: numPartitionsPointerValue,
PartitionExprs: partitionExpressions,
return NewDataFrame(df.session, newRelation), nil
func (df *dataFrameImpl) Filter(condition column.Column) (DataFrame, error) {
cnd, err := condition.ToPlan()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rel := &proto.Relation{
Common: &proto.RelationCommon{
PlanId: newPlanId(),
RelType: &proto.Relation_Filter{
Filter: &proto.Filter{
Input: df.relation,
Condition: cnd,
return NewDataFrame(df.session, rel), nil
func (df *dataFrameImpl) FilterByString(condition string) (DataFrame, error) {
return df.Filter(functions.Expr(condition))
func (df *dataFrameImpl) Col(name string) (column.Column, error) {
planId := df.relation.Common.GetPlanId()
return column.NewColumn(column.NewColumnReferenceWithPlanId(name, planId)), nil
func (df *dataFrameImpl) Select(columns ...column.Column) (DataFrame, error) {
exprs := make([]*proto.Expression, 0, len(columns))
for _, c := range columns {
expr, err := c.ToPlan()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
exprs = append(exprs, expr)
rel := &proto.Relation{
Common: &proto.RelationCommon{
PlanId: newPlanId(),
RelType: &proto.Relation_Project{
Project: &proto.Project{
Input: df.relation,
Expressions: exprs,
return NewDataFrame(df.session, rel), nil