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Apache Solr - S3 Repository

This S3 repository is a backup repository implementation designed to provide backup/restore functionality to Amazon S3.

Getting Started

Add this to your solr.xml:

        <repository name="s3" class="org.apache.solr.s3.S3BackupRepository" default="false">
            <str name="">BUCKET_NAME</str>
            <str name="s3.region">us-west-2</str>

This plugin uses the default AWS credentials provider chain, so ensure that your credentials are set appropriately (e.g., via env var, or in ~/.aws/credentials, etc.).

Testing locally

To run / test locally, first spin up S3Mock:

mkdir /tmp/s3
docker run -p 9090:9090 --env initialBuckets=TEST_BUCKET -v /tmp/s3:/s3mockroot -t adobe/s3mock

Add this to your solr.xml:

        <repository name="s3" class="org.apache.solr.s3.S3BackupRepository" default="false">
            <str name="s3.endpoint">http://localhost:9090</str>
            <str name="">TEST_BUCKET</str>
            <str name="s3.region">us-east-1</str>

Start Solr, and create a collection (e.g., “foo”). Then hit the following URL, which will take a backup and persist it in S3Mock under the name test:


To restore from that backup, hit this URL, which will create a new collection bar with the contents of the backup test you just made:


Change the S3 Endpoint

If you are also running Solr in a docker image, and need to set the endpoint of S3Mock to be different than localhost, then add the following under <repository>:

        <repository name="s3" class="org.apache.solr.s3.S3BackupRepository" default="false">
            <str name="">TEST_BUCKET</str>
            <str name="s3.endpoint">http://host.docker.internal:9090</str>
            <str name="s3.region">us-east-1</str>

This works for the regular S3 backup repository as well (not mock). But the plugin only provides official support for AWS S3, not S3 compatible products. Use this plugin with S3 compatible products at your own risk. Certain options, such as Minio, are known to be incompatible with this plugin.