blob: 3d3a184b579d08933edfad83f251280bbaa9a32a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.apache.zookeeper.CreateMode;
import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException;
import org.apache.zookeeper.Op;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import static java.util.Collections.singletonList;
* This is a helper class that encapsulates various operations performed on the per-replica states
* Do not directly manipulate the per replica states as it can become difficult to debug them
public class PerReplicaStatesOps {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MethodHandles.lookup().lookupClass());
private PerReplicaStates rs;
List<PerReplicaStates.Operation> ops;
private boolean preOp = true;
final Function<PerReplicaStates, List<PerReplicaStates.Operation>> fun;
PerReplicaStatesOps(Function<PerReplicaStates, List<PerReplicaStates.Operation>> fun) { = fun;
* Persist a set of operations to Zookeeper
private void persist(List<PerReplicaStates.Operation> operations, String znode, SolrZkClient zkClient) throws KeeperException, InterruptedException {
if (operations == null || operations.isEmpty()) return;
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Per-replica state being persisted for : '{}', ops: {}", znode, operations);
List<Op> ops = new ArrayList<>(operations.size());
for (PerReplicaStates.Operation op : operations) {
// the state of the replica is being updated
String path = znode + "/" + op.state.asString;
ops.add(op.typ == PerReplicaStates.Operation.Type.ADD ?
Op.create(path, null, zkClient.getZkACLProvider().getACLsToAdd(path), CreateMode.PERSISTENT) :
Op.delete(path, -1));
try {
zkClient.multi(ops, true);
} catch (KeeperException e) {
log.error("multi op exception : " + e.getMessage() + zkClient.getChildren(znode, null, true));
throw e;
* There is a possibility that a replica may have some leftover entries. Delete them too.
private static List<PerReplicaStates.Operation> addDeleteStaleNodes(List<PerReplicaStates.Operation> ops, PerReplicaStates.State rs) {
while (rs != null) {
ops.add(new PerReplicaStates.Operation(PerReplicaStates.Operation.Type.DELETE, rs));
rs = rs.duplicate;
return ops;
* This is a persist operation with retry if a write fails due to stale state
public void persist(String znode, SolrZkClient zkClient) throws KeeperException, InterruptedException {
List<PerReplicaStates.Operation> operations = ops;
for (int i = 0; i < PerReplicaStates.MAX_RETRIES; i++) {
try {
persist(operations, znode, zkClient);
} catch (KeeperException.NodeExistsException | KeeperException.NoNodeException e) {
// state is stale
if(log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Stale state for {}, attempt: {}. retrying...", znode, i);
operations = refresh(PerReplicaStates.fetch(znode, zkClient, null));
public PerReplicaStates getPerReplicaStates() {
return rs;
* Change the state of a replica
* @param newState the new state
public static PerReplicaStatesOps flipState(String replica, Replica.State newState, PerReplicaStates rs) {
return new PerReplicaStatesOps(prs -> {
List<PerReplicaStates.Operation> operations = new ArrayList<>(2);
PerReplicaStates.State existing = prs.get(replica);
if (existing == null) {
operations.add(new PerReplicaStates.Operation(PerReplicaStates.Operation.Type.ADD, new PerReplicaStates.State(replica, newState, Boolean.FALSE, 0)));
} else {
operations.add(new PerReplicaStates.Operation(PerReplicaStates.Operation.Type.ADD, new PerReplicaStates.State(replica, newState, existing.isLeader, existing.version + 1)));
addDeleteStaleNodes(operations, existing);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("flipState on {}, {} -> {}, ops :{}", prs.path, replica, newState, operations);
return operations;
* Switch a collection from/to perReplicaState=true
public static PerReplicaStatesOps modifyCollection(DocCollection coll, boolean enable, PerReplicaStates rs) {
return new PerReplicaStatesOps(prs -> enable ? enable(coll) : disable(prs)).init(rs);
private static List<PerReplicaStates.Operation> enable(DocCollection coll) {
List<PerReplicaStates.Operation> result = new ArrayList<>();
coll.forEachReplica((s, r) -> result.add(new PerReplicaStates.Operation(PerReplicaStates.Operation.Type.ADD, new PerReplicaStates.State(r.getName(), r.getState(), r.isLeader(), 0))));
return result;
private static List<PerReplicaStates.Operation> disable(PerReplicaStates prs) {
List<PerReplicaStates.Operation> result = new ArrayList<>();
prs.states.forEachEntry((s, state) -> result.add(new PerReplicaStates.Operation(PerReplicaStates.Operation.Type.DELETE, state)));
return result;
* Flip the leader replica to a new one
* @param allReplicas allReplicas of the shard
* @param next next leader
public static PerReplicaStatesOps flipLeader(Set<String> allReplicas, String next, PerReplicaStates rs) {
return new PerReplicaStatesOps(prs -> {
List<PerReplicaStates.Operation> ops = new ArrayList<>();
if (next != null) {
PerReplicaStates.State st = prs.get(next);
if (st != null) {
if (!st.isLeader) {
ops.add(new PerReplicaStates.Operation(PerReplicaStates.Operation.Type.ADD, new PerReplicaStates.State(st.replica, Replica.State.ACTIVE, Boolean.TRUE, st.version + 1)));
ops.add(new PerReplicaStates.Operation(PerReplicaStates.Operation.Type.DELETE, st));
// else do not do anything, that node is the leader
} else {
// there is no entry for the new leader.
// create one
ops.add(new PerReplicaStates.Operation(PerReplicaStates.Operation.Type.ADD, new PerReplicaStates.State(next, Replica.State.ACTIVE, Boolean.TRUE, 0)));
// now go through all other replicas and unset previous leader
for (String r : allReplicas) {
PerReplicaStates.State st = prs.get(r);
if (st == null) continue;//unlikely
if (!Objects.equals(r, next)) {
if (st.isLeader) {
//some other replica is the leader now. unset
ops.add(new PerReplicaStates.Operation(PerReplicaStates.Operation.Type.ADD, new PerReplicaStates.State(st.replica, st.state, Boolean.FALSE, st.version + 1)));
ops.add(new PerReplicaStates.Operation(PerReplicaStates.Operation.Type.DELETE, st));
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("flipLeader on:{}, {} -> {}, ops: {}", prs.path, allReplicas, next, ops);
return ops;
* Delete a replica entry from per-replica states
* @param replica name of the replica to be deleted
public static PerReplicaStatesOps deleteReplica(String replica, PerReplicaStates rs) {
return new PerReplicaStatesOps(prs -> {
List<PerReplicaStates.Operation> result;
if (prs == null) {
result = Collections.emptyList();
} else {
PerReplicaStates.State state = prs.get(replica);
result = addDeleteStaleNodes(new ArrayList<>(), state);
return result;
public static PerReplicaStatesOps addReplica(String replica, Replica.State state, boolean isLeader, PerReplicaStates rs) {
return new PerReplicaStatesOps(perReplicaStates -> singletonList(new PerReplicaStates.Operation(PerReplicaStates.Operation.Type.ADD,
new PerReplicaStates.State(replica, state, isLeader, 0)))).init(rs);
* Mark the given replicas as DOWN
public static PerReplicaStatesOps downReplicas(List<String> replicas, PerReplicaStates rs) {
return new PerReplicaStatesOps(prs -> {
List<PerReplicaStates.Operation> operations = new ArrayList<>();
for (String replica : replicas) {
PerReplicaStates.State r = prs.get(replica);
if (r != null) {
if (r.state == Replica.State.DOWN && !r.isLeader) continue;
operations.add(new PerReplicaStates.Operation(PerReplicaStates.Operation.Type.ADD, new PerReplicaStates.State(replica, Replica.State.DOWN, Boolean.FALSE, r.version + 1)));
addDeleteStaleNodes(operations, r);
} else {
operations.add(new PerReplicaStates.Operation(PerReplicaStates.Operation.Type.ADD, new PerReplicaStates.State(replica, Replica.State.DOWN, Boolean.FALSE, 0)));
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("for coll: {} down replicas {}, ops {}", prs, replicas, operations);
return operations;
* Just creates and deletes a dummy entry so that the {@link Stat#getCversion()} of state.json
* is updated
public static PerReplicaStatesOps touchChildren() {
PerReplicaStatesOps result = new PerReplicaStatesOps(prs -> {
List<PerReplicaStates.Operation> operations = new ArrayList<>(2);
PerReplicaStates.State st = new PerReplicaStates.State(".dummy." + System.nanoTime(), Replica.State.DOWN, Boolean.FALSE, 0);
operations.add(new PerReplicaStates.Operation(PerReplicaStates.Operation.Type.ADD, st));
operations.add(new PerReplicaStates.Operation(PerReplicaStates.Operation.Type.DELETE, st));
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("touchChildren {}", operations);
return operations;
result.preOp = false;
result.ops = result.refresh(null);
return result;
PerReplicaStatesOps init(PerReplicaStates rs) {
if (rs == null) return null;
return this;
public List<PerReplicaStates.Operation> get() {
return ops;
public List<PerReplicaStates.Operation> get(PerReplicaStates rs) {
ops = refresh(rs);
if (ops == null) ops = Collections.emptyList(); = rs;
return ops;
* To be executed before collection state.json is persisted
public boolean isPreOp() {
return preOp;
* This method should compute the set of ZK operations for a given action
* for instance, a state change may result in 2 operations on per-replica states (1 CREATE and 1 DELETE)
* if a multi operation fails because the state got modified from behind,
* refresh the operation and try again
* @param prs The latest state
List<PerReplicaStates.Operation> refresh(PerReplicaStates prs) {
if (fun != null) return fun.apply(prs);
return null;
public String toString() {
return ops.toString();