blob: 3674fc47d369943a7756c13a56dfb42fb7c832d5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import org.apache.solr.SolrTestCaseJ4;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.MapSolrParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.ModifiableSolrParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.SolrParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.Utils;
import org.apache.solr.metrics.MetricsMap;
import org.apache.solr.metrics.SolrMetricManager;
import org.apache.solr.parser.QueryParser;
import org.apache.solr.query.FilterQuery;
import org.apache.solr.request.SolrQueryRequest;
import org.apache.solr.schema.IndexSchema;
import org.apache.solr.schema.NumberType;
import org.apache.solr.schema.SchemaField;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.hamcrest.core.StringContains.containsString;
public class TestSolrQueryParser extends SolrTestCaseJ4 {
public static void beforeClass() throws Exception {
System.setProperty("enable.update.log", "false"); // schema12 doesn't support _version_
System.setProperty("solr.max.booleanClauses", "42"); // lower for testing
initCore("solrconfig.xml", "schema12.xml");
private static final List<String> HAS_VAL_FIELDS = new ArrayList<String>(41);
private static final List<String> HAS_NAN_FIELDS = new ArrayList<String>(12);
public static void afterClass() throws Exception {
public static void createIndex() {
String v;
v = "how now brown cow";
assertU(adoc("id", "1", "text", v, "text_np", v, "foo_i","11"));
v = "now cow";
assertU(adoc("id", "2", "text", v, "text_np", v, "foo_i","12"));
assertU(adoc("id", "3", "foo_s", "a ' \" \\ {! ) } ( { z")); // A value filled with special chars
assertU(adoc("id", "10", "qqq_s", "X"));
assertU(adoc("id", "11", "www_s", "X"));
assertU(adoc("id", "12", "eee_s", "X"));
assertU(adoc("id", "13", "eee_s", "'balance'", "rrr_s", "/leading_slash"));
assertU(adoc("id", "20", "syn", "wifi ATM"));
{ // make a doc that has a value in *lots* of fields that no other doc has
SolrInputDocument doc = sdoc("id", "999");
// numbers...
for (String t : Arrays.asList("i", "l", "f", "d")) {
for (String s : Arrays.asList("", "s", "_dv", "s_dv", "_dvo", "_norms")) {
final String f = "has_val_" + t + s;
doc.addField(f, "42");
if (t.equals("f") || t.equals("d")) {
String nanField = "nan_val_" + t + s;
doc.addField(nanField, "NaN");
// Add a NaN & non-NaN value for multivalue fields, these should match :* and :[* TO *] equivalently
if (s.startsWith("s")) {
String bothField = "both_val_" + t + s;
doc.addField(bothField, "42");
doc.addField(bothField, "NaN");
// boolean...booleans
for (String s : Arrays.asList("", "s", "_dv", "_norms")) {
final String f = "has_val_b" + s;
doc.addField(f, "false");
// dates (and strings/text -- they don't care about the format)...
for (String s : Arrays.asList("dt", "s", "s1", "t", "t_on", "dt_norms", "s_norms", "dt_dv", "s_dv")) {
final String f = "has_val_" + s;
doc.addField(f, "2019-01-12T00:00:00Z");
assertU(adoc("id", "30", "shingle23", "A B X D E"));
public void testDocsWithValuesInField() throws Exception {
assertEquals("someone changed the test setup of HAS_VAL_FIELDS, w/o updating the sanity check",
41, HAS_VAL_FIELDS.size());
for (String f : HAS_VAL_FIELDS) {
// for all of these fields, these 2 syntaxes should be functionally equivilent
// in matching the one doc that contains these fields
for (String q : Arrays.asList( f + ":*", f + ":[* TO *]" )) {
assertJQ(req("q", q)
, "/response/numFound==1"
, "/response/docs/[0]/id=='999'"
// the same syntaxes should be valid even if no doc has the field...
assertJQ(req("q", "bogus___" + q)
, "/response/numFound==0"
public void testDocsWithNaNInField() throws Exception {
assertEquals("someone changed the test setup of HAS_NAN_FIELDS, w/o updating the sanity check",
12, HAS_NAN_FIELDS.size());
for (String f : HAS_NAN_FIELDS) {
// for all of these fields, field:* should NOT be equivalent to field:[* TO *]
assertJQ(req("q", f + ":*")
, "/response/numFound==1"
, "/response/docs/[0]/id=='999'"
assertJQ(req("q", f + ":[* TO *]")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("q", f + ":[-Infinity TO Infinity]")
, "/response/numFound==0"
for (String q : Arrays.asList( f + ":*", f + ":[* TO *]", f + ":[-Infinity TO Infinity]" )) {
// the same syntaxes should be valid even if no doc has the field...
assertJQ(req("q", "bogus___" + q)
, "/response/numFound==0"
public void testPhrase() {
// "text" field's type has WordDelimiterGraphFilter (WDGFF) and autoGeneratePhraseQueries=true
// should generate a phrase of "now cow" and match only one doc
assertQ(req("q", "text:now-cow", "indent", "true", "sow","true")
, "//*[@numFound='1']"
// When sow=false, autoGeneratePhraseQueries=true only works when a graph is produced
// (i.e. overlapping terms, e.g. if WDGFF's preserveOriginal=1 or concatenateWords=1).
// The WDGFF config on the "text" field doesn't produce a graph, so the generated query
// is not a phrase query. As a result, docs can match that don't match phrase query "now cow"
assertQ(req("q", "text:now-cow", "indent", "true", "sow","false")
, "//*[@numFound='2']"
assertQ(req("q", "text:now-cow", "indent", "true") // default sow=false
, "//*[@numFound='2']"
// "text_np" field's type has WDGFF and (default) autoGeneratePhraseQueries=false
// should generate a query of (now OR cow) and match both docs
assertQ(req("q", "text_np:now-cow", "indent", "true")
, "//*[@numFound='2']"
public void testLocalParamsInQP() throws Exception {
assertJQ(req("q", "qaz {!term f=text v=$qq} wsx", "qq", "now")
, "/response/numFound==2"
assertJQ(req("q", "qaz {!term f=text v=$qq} wsx", "qq", "nomatch")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("q", "qaz {!term f=text}now wsx", "qq", "now")
, "/response/numFound==2"
assertJQ(req("q", "qaz {!term f=foo_s v='a \\' \" \\\\ {! ) } ( { z'} wsx") // single quote escaping
, "/response/numFound==1"
assertJQ(req("q", "qaz {!term f=foo_s v=\"a ' \\\" \\\\ {! ) } ( { z\"} wsx") // double quote escaping
, "/response/numFound==1"
// double-join to test back-to-back local params
assertJQ(req("q", "qaz {!join from=www_s to=eee_s}{!join from=qqq_s to=www_s}id:10")
, "/response/docs/[0]/id=='12'"
public void testSolr4121() throws Exception {
// At one point, balanced quotes messed up the parser(SOLR-4121)
assertJQ(req("q", "eee_s:'balance'", "indent", "true")
, "/response/numFound==1"
public void testSyntax() throws Exception {
// a bare * should be treated as *:*
assertJQ(req("q", "*", "df", "doesnotexist_s")
, "/response/docs/[0]==" // make sure we get something...
assertJQ(req("q", "doesnotexist_s:*")
, "/response/numFound==0" // nothing should be found
assertJQ(req("q", "doesnotexist_s:( * * * )")
, "/response/numFound==0" // nothing should be found
// length of date math caused issues...
SchemaField foo_dt = h.getCore().getLatestSchema().getField("foo_dt");
String expected = "foo_dt:2013-09-11T00:00:00Z";
if (foo_dt.getType().isPointField()) {
expected = "(foo_dt:[1378857600000 TO 1378857600000])";
if (foo_dt.hasDocValues() && foo_dt.indexed()) {
expected = "IndexOrDocValuesQuery"+expected ;
assertJQ(req("q", "foo_dt:\"2013-03-08T00:46:15Z/DAY+000MILLISECONDS+00SECONDS+00MINUTES+00HOURS+0000000000YEARS+6MONTHS+3DAYS\"", "debug", "query")
, "/debug/parsedquery=='"+expected+"'");
public void testNestedQueryModifiers() throws Exception {
// One previous error was that for nested queries, outer parameters overrode nested parameters.
// For example _query_:"\"a b\"~2" was parsed as "a b"
String subqq = "_query_:\"{!v=$qq}\"";
assertJQ(req("q", "_query_:\"\\\"how brown\\\"~2\""
, "debug", "query"
, "/response/docs/[0]/id=='1'"
assertJQ(req("q", subqq, "qq", "\"how brown\"~2"
, "debug", "query"
, "/response/docs/[0]/id=='1'"
// Should explicit slop override? It currently does not, but that could be considered a bug.
assertJQ(req("q", subqq + "~1", "qq", "\"how brown\"~2"
, "debug", "query"
, "/response/docs/[0]/id=='1'"
// Should explicit slop override? It currently does not, but that could be considered a bug.
assertJQ(req("q", " {!v=$qq}~1", "qq", "\"how brown\"~2"
, "debug", "query"
, "/response/docs/[0]/id=='1'"
assertJQ(req("fq", "id:1", "fl", "id,score", "q", subqq + "^3", "qq", "text:x^2"
, "debug", "query"
, "/debug/parsedquery_toString=='((text:x)^2.0)^3.0'"
assertJQ(req("fq", "id:1", "fl", "id,score", "q", " {!v=$qq}^3", "qq", "text:x^2"
, "debug", "query"
, "/debug/parsedquery_toString=='((text:x)^2.0)^3.0'"
public void testCSQ() throws Exception {
SolrQueryRequest req = req();
QParser qParser = QParser.getParser("text:x^=3", req);
Query q = qParser.getQuery();
assertTrue(q instanceof BoostQuery);
assertTrue(((BoostQuery) q).getQuery() instanceof ConstantScoreQuery);
assertEquals(3.0, ((BoostQuery) q).getBoost(), 0.0f);
// automatically use TermsQuery when appropriate
public void testAutoTerms() throws Exception {
SolrQueryRequest req = req();
QParser qParser;
Query q,qq;
Map<String, String> sowFalseParamsMap = new HashMap<>();
sowFalseParamsMap.put("sow", "false");
Map<String, String> sowTrueParamsMap = new HashMap<>();
sowTrueParamsMap.put("sow", "true");
List<MapSolrParams> paramMaps = Arrays.asList
(new MapSolrParams(Collections.emptyMap()), // no sow param (i.e. the default sow value)
new MapSolrParams(sowFalseParamsMap),
new MapSolrParams(sowTrueParamsMap));
for (MapSolrParams params : paramMaps) {
// relevance query should not be a filter
qParser = QParser.getParser("foo_s:(a b c)", req);
q = qParser.getQuery();
assertEquals(3, ((BooleanQuery) q).clauses().size());
// small filter query should still use BooleanQuery
if (QueryParser.TERMS_QUERY_THRESHOLD > 3) {
qParser = QParser.getParser("foo_s:(a b c)", req);
qParser.setIsFilter(true); // this may change in the future
q = qParser.getQuery();
assertEquals(3, ((BooleanQuery) q).clauses().size());
// large relevancy query should use BooleanQuery
// TODO: we may decide that string fields shouldn't have relevance in the future... change to a text field w/o a stop filter if so
qParser = QParser.getParser("foo_s:(a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z)", req);
q = qParser.getQuery();
assertEquals(26, ((BooleanQuery)q).clauses().size());
// large filter query should use TermsQuery
qParser = QParser.getParser("foo_s:(a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z)", req);
qParser.setIsFilter(true); // this may change in the future
q = qParser.getQuery();
assertEquals(26, ((TermInSetQuery)q).getTermData().size());
// large numeric filter query should use TermsQuery
qParser = QParser.getParser("foo_ti:(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11)", req);
qParser.setIsFilter(true); // this may change in the future
q = qParser.getQuery();
if (Boolean.getBoolean(NUMERIC_POINTS_SYSPROP)) {
assertEquals(20, ((PointInSetQuery)q).getPackedPoints().size());
} else {
assertEquals(20, ((TermInSetQuery)q).getTermData().size());
// for point fields large filter query should use PointInSetQuery
qParser = QParser.getParser("foo_pi:(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11)", req);
qParser.setIsFilter(true); // this may change in the future
q = qParser.getQuery();
assertTrue(q instanceof PointInSetQuery);
assertEquals(20, ((PointInSetQuery)q).getPackedPoints().size());
// a filter() clause inside a relevancy query should be able to use a TermsQuery
qParser = QParser.getParser("foo_s:aaa filter(foo_s:(a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z))", req);
q = qParser.getQuery();
assertEquals(2, ((BooleanQuery)q).clauses().size());
qq = ((BooleanQuery)q).clauses().get(0).getQuery();
if (qq instanceof TermQuery) {
qq = ((BooleanQuery)q).clauses().get(1).getQuery();
if (qq instanceof FilterQuery) {
qq = ((FilterQuery)qq).getQuery();
assertEquals(26, ((TermInSetQuery) qq).getTermData().size());
// test mixed boolean query, including quotes (which shouldn't matter)
qParser = QParser.getParser("foo_s:(a +aaa b -bbb c d e f bar_s:(qqq www) g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z)", req);
qParser.setIsFilter(true); // this may change in the future
q = qParser.getQuery();
assertEquals(4, ((BooleanQuery)q).clauses().size());
qq = null;
for (BooleanClause clause : ((BooleanQuery)q).clauses()) {
qq = clause.getQuery();
if (qq instanceof TermInSetQuery) break;
assertEquals(26, ((TermInSetQuery)qq).getTermData().size());
// test terms queries of two different fields (LUCENE-7637 changed to require all terms be in the same field)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i=0; i<17; i++) {
char letter = (char)('a'+i);
sb.append("foo_s:" + letter + " bar_s:" + letter + " ");
qParser = QParser.getParser(sb.toString(), req);
qParser.setIsFilter(true); // this may change in the future
q = qParser.getQuery();
assertEquals(2, ((BooleanQuery)q).clauses().size());
for (BooleanClause clause : ((BooleanQuery)q).clauses()) {
qq = clause.getQuery();
assertEquals(17, ((TermInSetQuery)qq).getTermData().size());
public void testManyClauses_Solr() throws Exception {
final String a = "1 a 2 b 3 c 10 d 11 12 "; // 10 terms
// this should exceed our solrconfig.xml level (solr specific) maxBooleanClauses limit
// even though it's not long enough to trip the Lucene level (global) limit
final String too_long = "id:(" + a + a + a + a + a + ")";
final String expectedMsg = "Too many clauses";
SolrException e = expectThrows(SolrException.class, "expected SolrException",
() -> assertJQ(req("q", too_long), "/response/numFound==6"));
assertThat(e.getMessage(), containsString(expectedMsg));
// but should still work as a filter query since TermsQuery can be used...
assertJQ(req("q","*:*", "fq", too_long)
assertJQ(req("q","*:*", "fq", too_long, "sow", "false")
assertJQ(req("q","*:*", "fq", too_long, "sow", "true")
public void testManyClauses_Lucene() throws Exception {
final int numZ = BooleanQuery.getMaxClauseCount();
final String a = "1 a 2 b 3 c 10 d 11 12 "; // 10 terms
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("id:(");
for (int i = 0; i < numZ; i++) {
sb.append('z').append(i).append(' ');
// this should trip the lucene level global BooleanQuery.getMaxClauseCount() limit,
// causing a parsing error, before Solr even get's a chance to enforce it's lower level limit
final String way_too_long = sb.toString();
final String expectedMsg = "too many boolean clauses";
SolrException e = expectThrows(SolrException.class, "expected SolrException",
() -> assertJQ(req("q", way_too_long), "/response/numFound==6"));
assertThat(e.getMessage(), containsString(expectedMsg));
assertEquals(SyntaxError.class, e.getCause().getClass());
assertEquals(BooleanQuery.TooManyClauses.class, e.getCause().getCause().getClass());
// but should still work as a filter query since TermsQuery can be used...
assertJQ(req("q","*:*", "fq", way_too_long)
assertJQ(req("q","*:*", "fq", way_too_long, "sow", "false")
assertJQ(req("q","*:*", "fq", way_too_long, "sow", "true")
public void testComments() throws Exception {
assertJQ(req("q", "id:1 id:2 /* *:* */ id:3")
, "/response/numFound==3"
assertJQ(req("q", "id:1 /**.*/")
, "/response/numFound==1" // if it matches more than one, it's being treated as a regex.
// don't match comment start in string
assertJQ(req("q", " \"/*\" id:1 id:2 \"*/\" id:3")
, "/response/numFound==3"
// don't match an end of comment within a string
// assertJQ(req("q","id:1 id:2 /* \"*/\" *:* */ id:3")
// ,"/response/numFound==3"
// );
// removed this functionality - there's more of a danger to thinking we're in a string.
// can't do it */ ......... '
// nested comments
assertJQ(req("q", "id:1 /* id:2 /* */ /* /**/ id:3 */ id:10 */ id:11")
, "/response/numFound==2"
public void testFilter() throws Exception {
// normal test "solrconfig.xml" has autowarm set to 2...
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
assertJQ(req("q", "*:* " + i, "fq", "filter(just_to_clear_the_cache) filter(id:10000" + i + ") filter(id:10001" + i + ")")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertU(adoc("id", "777"));
assertU(commit()); // arg... commit no longer "commits" unless there has been a change.
final MetricsMap filterCacheStats = (MetricsMap)((SolrMetricManager.GaugeWrapper)h.getCore().getCoreMetricManager().getRegistry()
final MetricsMap queryCacheStats = (MetricsMap)((SolrMetricManager.GaugeWrapper)h.getCore().getCoreMetricManager().getRegistry()
long inserts = (Long) filterCacheStats.getValue().get("inserts");
long hits = (Long) filterCacheStats.getValue().get("hits");
assertJQ(req("q", "doesnotexist filter(id:1) filter(qqq_s:X) filter(abcdefg)")
, "/response/numFound==2"
inserts += 3;
assertEquals(inserts, ((Long) filterCacheStats.getValue().get("inserts")).longValue());
assertEquals(hits, ((Long) filterCacheStats.getValue().get("hits")).longValue());
assertJQ(req("q", "doesnotexist2 filter(id:1) filter(qqq_s:X) filter(abcdefg)")
, "/response/numFound==2"
hits += 3;
assertEquals(inserts, ((Long) filterCacheStats.getValue().get("inserts")).longValue());
assertEquals(hits, ((Long) filterCacheStats.getValue().get("hits")).longValue());
// make sure normal "fq" parameters also hit the cache the same way
assertJQ(req("q", "doesnotexist3", "fq", "id:1", "fq", "qqq_s:X", "fq", "abcdefg")
, "/response/numFound==0"
hits += 3;
assertEquals(inserts, ((Long) filterCacheStats.getValue().get("inserts")).longValue());
assertEquals(hits, ((Long) filterCacheStats.getValue().get("hits")).longValue());
// try a query deeply nested in a FQ
assertJQ(req("q", "*:* doesnotexist4", "fq", "(id:* +(filter(id:1) filter(qqq_s:X) filter(abcdefg)) )")
, "/response/numFound==2"
inserts += 1; // +1 for top level fq
hits += 3;
assertEquals(inserts, ((Long) filterCacheStats.getValue().get("inserts")).longValue());
assertEquals(hits, ((Long) filterCacheStats.getValue().get("hits")).longValue());
// retry the complex FQ and make sure hashCode/equals works as expected w/ filter queries
assertJQ(req("q", "*:* doesnotexist5", "fq", "(id:* +(filter(id:1) filter(qqq_s:X) filter(abcdefg)) )")
, "/response/numFound==2"
hits += 1; // top-level fq should have been found.
assertEquals(inserts, ((Long) filterCacheStats.getValue().get("inserts")).longValue());
assertEquals(hits, ((Long) filterCacheStats.getValue().get("hits")).longValue());
// try nested filter with multiple top-level args (i.e. a boolean query)
assertJQ(req("q", "*:* +filter(id:1 filter(qqq_s:X) abcdefg)")
, "/response/numFound==2"
hits += 1; // the inner filter
inserts += 1; // the outer filter
assertEquals(inserts, ((Long) filterCacheStats.getValue().get("inserts")).longValue());
assertEquals(hits, ((Long) filterCacheStats.getValue().get("hits")).longValue());
// test the score for a filter, and that default score is 0
assertJQ(req("q", "+filter(*:*) +filter(id:1)", "fl", "id,score", "sort", "id asc")
, "/response/docs/[0]/score==0.0"
assertJQ(req("q", "+filter(*:*)^=10 +filter(id:1)", "fl", "id,score", "sort", "id asc")
, "/response/docs/[0]/score==10.0"
assertU(adoc("id", "40", "wdf_nocase", "just some text, don't want NPE"));
// See SOLR-11555. If wdff removes all the characters, an NPE occurs.
// try q and fq
assertJQ(req("q", "filter(wdf_nocase:&)", "fl", "id", "debug", "query")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("fq", "filter(wdf_nocase:.,)", "fl", "id", "debug", "query")
, "/response/numFound==0"
// Insure the same behavior as with bare clause, just not filter
assertJQ(req("q", "wdf_nocase:&", "fl", "id", "debug", "query")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("fq", "wdf_nocase:.,", "fl", "id", "debug", "query")
, "/response/numFound==0"
public void testRegex() throws Exception {
// leading slash in a regex fixed by SOLR-8605
assertJQ(req("q", "rrr_s:/\\/lead.*/", "fl","id")
, "/response/docs==[{id:'13'}]"
// parsing performance test
// Run from command line with ant test -Dtestcase=TestSolrQueryParser -Dtestmethod=testParsingPerformance -Dtests.asserts=false 2>/dev/null | grep QPS
public void testParsingPerformance() throws Exception {
String[] args = {"-queries","100" ,"-iter","1000", "-clauses","100", "-format","term%d", "-seed","0"};
args = new String[] {"-queries","1000" ,"-iter","2000", "-clauses","10", "-format","term%d", "-seed","0"};
// args = new String[] {"-queries","1000" ,"-iter","1000000000", "-clauses","10", "-format","term%d", "-seed","0"};
boolean assertOn = false;
assert assertOn = true;
if (assertOn) {
// System.out.println("WARNING! Assertions are enabled!!!! Will only execute small run. Change with -Dtests.asserts=false");
args = new String[]{"-queries","10" ,"-iter","2", "-clauses","20", "-format","term%d", "-seed","0"};
int iter = 1000;
int numQueries = 100;
int maxClauses = 5;
int maxTerm = 10000000;
String format = "term%d";
String field = "foo_s";
long seed = 0;
boolean isFilter = true;
boolean rewrite = false;
String otherStuff = "";
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
String a = args[i];
if ("-queries".equals(a)) {
numQueries = Integer.parseInt(args[++i]);
} else if ("-iter".equals(a)) {
iter = Integer.parseInt(args[++i]);
} else if ("-clauses".equals(a)) {
maxClauses = Integer.parseInt(args[++i]);
} else if ("-format".equals(a)) {
format = args[++i];
} else if ("-seed".equals(a)) {
seed = Long.parseLong(args[++i]);
} else {
otherStuff = otherStuff + " " + a;
Random r = new Random(seed);
String[] queries = new String[numQueries];
for (int i = 0; i < queries.length; i++) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
boolean explicitField = r.nextInt(5) == 0;
if (!explicitField) {
sb.append(field + ":(");
sb.append(otherStuff).append(" ");
int nClauses = r.nextInt(maxClauses) + 1; // TODO: query parse can't parse () for some reason???
for (int c = 0; c<nClauses; c++) {
String termString = String.format(Locale.US, format, r.nextInt(maxTerm));
if (explicitField) {
sb.append(' ');
if (!explicitField) {
queries[i] = sb.toString();
// System.out.println(queries[i]);
SolrQueryRequest req = req();
long start = System.nanoTime();
int ret = 0;
for (int i=0; i<iter; i++) {
for (String qStr : queries) {
QParser parser = QParser.getParser(qStr,req);
Query q = parser.getQuery();
if (rewrite) {
// TODO: do rewrite
ret += q.getClass().hashCode(); // use the query somehow
long end = System.nanoTime();
System.out.println((assertOn ? "WARNING, assertions enabled. " : "") + "ret=" + ret + " Parser QPS:" + ((long)numQueries * iter)*1000000000/(end-start));
public void testSplitOnWhitespace_Basic() throws Exception {
// The "syn" field has synonyms loaded from synonyms.txt
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "wifi", "sow", "true") // retrieve the single document containing literal "wifi"
, "/response/numFound==1"
, "/response/docs/[0]/id=='20'"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "wi fi", "sow", "false") // trigger the "wi fi => wifi" synonym
, "/response/numFound==1"
, "/response/docs/[0]/id=='20'"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "wi fi", "sow", "true")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "wi fi") // default sow=false
, "/response/numFound==1"
, "/response/docs/[0]/id=='20'"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "{!lucene sow=false}wi fi")
, "/response/numFound==1"
, "/response/docs/[0]/id=='20'"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "{!lucene sow=true}wi fi")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "{!lucene}wi fi") // default sow=false
, "/response/numFound==1"
, "/response/docs/[0]/id=='20'"
public void testSplitOnWhitespace_Comments() throws Exception {
// The "syn" field has synonyms loaded from synonyms.txt
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "wifi", "sow", "true") // retrieve the single document containing literal "wifi"
, "/response/numFound==1"
, "/response/docs/[0]/id=='20'"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "wi fi", "sow", "false") // trigger the "wi fi => wifi" synonym
, "/response/numFound==1"
, "/response/docs/[0]/id=='20'"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "wi /* foo */ fi", "sow", "false") // trigger the "wi fi => wifi" synonym
, "/response/numFound==1"
, "/response/docs/[0]/id=='20'"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "wi /* foo */ /* bar */ fi", "sow", "false") // trigger the "wi fi => wifi" synonym
, "/response/numFound==1"
, "/response/docs/[0]/id=='20'"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", " /* foo */ wi fi /* bar */", "sow", "false") // trigger the "wi fi => wifi" synonym
, "/response/numFound==1"
, "/response/docs/[0]/id=='20'"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", " /* foo */ wi /* bar */ fi /* baz */", "sow", "false") // trigger the "wi fi => wifi" synonym
, "/response/numFound==1"
, "/response/docs/[0]/id=='20'"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "wi fi", "sow", "true")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "wi /* foo */ fi", "sow", "true")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "wi /* foo */ /* bar */ fi", "sow", "true")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "/* foo */ wi fi /* bar */", "sow", "true")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "/* foo */ wi /* bar */ fi /* baz */", "sow", "true")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "wi fi") // default sow=false
, "/response/numFound==1"
, "/response/docs/[0]/id=='20'"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "wi /* foo */ fi") // default sow=false
, "/response/numFound==1"
, "/response/docs/[0]/id=='20'"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "wi /* foo */ /* bar */ fi") // default sow=false
, "/response/numFound==1"
, "/response/docs/[0]/id=='20'"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", " /* foo */ wi fi /* bar */") // default sow=false
, "/response/numFound==1"
, "/response/docs/[0]/id=='20'"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", " /* foo */ wi /* bar */ fi /* baz */") // default sow=false
, "/response/numFound==1"
, "/response/docs/[0]/id=='20'"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "{!lucene sow=false}wi fi")
, "/response/numFound==1"
, "/response/docs/[0]/id=='20'"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "{!lucene sow=false}wi /* foo */ fi")
, "/response/numFound==1"
, "/response/docs/[0]/id=='20'"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "{!lucene sow=false}wi /* foo */ /* bar */ fi")
, "/response/numFound==1"
, "/response/docs/[0]/id=='20'"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "{!lucene sow=false}/* foo */ wi fi /* bar */")
, "/response/numFound==1"
, "/response/docs/[0]/id=='20'"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "{!lucene sow=false}/* foo */ wi /* bar */ fi /* baz */")
, "/response/numFound==1"
, "/response/docs/[0]/id=='20'"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "{!lucene sow=true}wi fi")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "{!lucene sow=true}wi /* foo */ fi")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "{!lucene sow=true}wi /* foo */ /* bar */ fi")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "{!lucene sow=true}/* foo */ wi fi /* bar */")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "{!lucene sow=true}/* foo */ wi /* bar */ fi /* baz */")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "{!lucene}wi fi") // default sow=false
, "/response/numFound==1"
, "/response/docs/[0]/id=='20'"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "{!lucene}wi /* foo */ fi") // default sow=false
, "/response/numFound==1"
, "/response/docs/[0]/id=='20'"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "{!lucene}wi /* foo */ /* bar */ fi") // default sow=false
, "/response/numFound==1"
, "/response/docs/[0]/id=='20'"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "{!lucene}/* foo */ wi fi /* bar */") // default sow=false
, "/response/numFound==1"
, "/response/docs/[0]/id=='20'"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "{!lucene}/* foo */ wi /* bar */ fi /* baz */") // default sow=false
, "/response/numFound==1"
, "/response/docs/[0]/id=='20'"
public void testOperatorsAndMultiWordSynonyms() throws Exception {
// The "syn" field has synonyms loaded from synonyms.txt
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "wifi", "sow", "true") // retrieve the single document containing literal "wifi"
, "/response/numFound==1"
, "/response/docs/[0]/id=='20'"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "wi fi", "sow", "false") // trigger the "wi fi => wifi" synonym
, "/response/numFound==1"
, "/response/docs/[0]/id=='20'"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "+wi fi", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "-wi fi", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "!wi fi", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "wi* fi", "sow", "false") // matches because wi* matches wifi
, "/response/numFound==1"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "w? fi", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "wi~1 fi", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "wi^2 fi", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "wi^=2 fi", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "wi +fi", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "wi -fi", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "wi !fi", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "wi fi*", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "wi fi?", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "wi fi~1", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "wi fi^2", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "wi fi^=2", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "syn:wi fi", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "wi syn:fi", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "NOT wi fi", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "wi NOT fi", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "wi fi AND ATM", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "ATM AND wi fi", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "wi fi && ATM", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "ATM && wi fi", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "(wi fi) AND ATM", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==1"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "ATM AND (wi fi)", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==1"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "(wi fi) && ATM", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==1"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "ATM && (wi fi)", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==1"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "wi fi OR NotThereAtAll", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "NotThereAtAll OR wi fi", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "wi fi || NotThereAtAll", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "NotThereAtAll || wi fi", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "(wi fi) OR NotThereAtAll", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==1"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "NotThereAtAll OR (wi fi)", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==1"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "(wi fi) || NotThereAtAll", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==1"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "NotThereAtAll || (wi fi)", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==1"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "\"wi\" fi", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "wi \"fi\"", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "(wi) fi", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "wi (fi)", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "/wi/ fi", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "wi /fi/", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "(wi fi)", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==1"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "+(wi fi)", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==1"
Map all = (Map) Utils.fromJSONString(h.query(req("q", "*:*", "rows", "0", "wt", "json")));
int totalDocs = Integer.parseInt(((Map)all.get("response")).get("numFound").toString());
int allDocsExceptOne = totalDocs - 1;
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "-(wi fi)", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==" + allDocsExceptOne // one doc contains "wifi" in the syn field
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "!(wi fi)", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==" + allDocsExceptOne // one doc contains "wifi" in the syn field
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "NOT (wi fi)", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==" + allDocsExceptOne // one doc contains "wifi" in the syn field
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "(wi fi)^2", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==1"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "(wi fi)^=2", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==1"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "syn:(wi fi)", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==1"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "+ATM wi fi", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==1"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "-ATM wi fi", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "-NotThereAtAll wi fi", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==1"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "!ATM wi fi", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "!NotThereAtAll wi fi", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==1"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "NOT ATM wi fi", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "NOT NotThereAtAll wi fi", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==1"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "AT* wi fi", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==1"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "AT? wi fi", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==1"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "\"ATM\" wi fi", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==1"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "wi fi +ATM", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==1"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "wi fi -ATM", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "wi fi -NotThereAtAll", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==1"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "wi fi !ATM", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "wi fi !NotThereAtAll", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==1"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "wi fi NOT ATM", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==0"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "wi fi NOT NotThereAtAll", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==1"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "wi fi AT*", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==1"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "wi fi AT?", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==1"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "wi fi \"ATM\"", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==1"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "\"wi fi\"~2", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==1"
assertJQ(req("df", "syn", "q", "syn:\"wi fi\"", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==1"
public void testAutoGeneratePhraseQueries() throws Exception {
ModifiableSolrParams noSowParams = new ModifiableSolrParams();
ModifiableSolrParams sowFalseParams = new ModifiableSolrParams();
sowFalseParams.add("sow", "false");
ModifiableSolrParams sowTrueParams = new ModifiableSolrParams();
sowTrueParams.add("sow", "true");
// From synonyms.txt:
// crow blackbird, grackle
try (SolrQueryRequest req = req()) {
for (SolrParams params : Arrays.asList(noSowParams, sowFalseParams)) {
QParser qParser = QParser.getParser("text:grackle", req); // "text" has autoGeneratePhraseQueries="true"
Query q = qParser.getQuery();
assertEquals("(text:\"crow blackbird\" text:grackl)", q.toString());
QParser qParser = QParser.getParser("text:grackle", req);
Query q = qParser.getQuery();
assertEquals("spanOr([spanNear([text:crow, text:blackbird], 0, true), text:grackl])", q.toString());
for (SolrParams params : Arrays.asList(noSowParams, sowTrueParams, sowFalseParams)) {
qParser = QParser.getParser("text_sw:grackle", req); // "text_sw" doesn't specify autoGeneratePhraseQueries => default false
q = qParser.getQuery();
assertEquals("((+text_sw:crow +text_sw:blackbird) text_sw:grackl)", q.toString());
public void testShingleQueries() throws Exception {
ModifiableSolrParams sowFalseParams = new ModifiableSolrParams();
sowFalseParams.add("sow", "false");
try (SolrQueryRequest req = req(sowFalseParams)) {
QParser qParser = QParser.getParser("shingle23:(A B C)", req);
Query q = qParser.getQuery();
assertEquals("Synonym(shingle23:A_B shingle23:A_B_C) shingle23:B_C", q.toString());
assertJQ(req("df", "shingle23", "q", "A B C", "sow", "false")
, "/response/numFound==1"
public void testSynonymQueryStyle() throws Exception {
Query q = QParser.getParser("tabby", req(params("df", "t_pick_best_foo"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("(t_pick_best_foo:tabbi | t_pick_best_foo:cat | t_pick_best_foo:felin | t_pick_best_foo:anim)", q.toString());
q = QParser.getParser("tabby", req(params("df", "t_as_distinct_foo"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("t_as_distinct_foo:tabbi t_as_distinct_foo:cat t_as_distinct_foo:felin t_as_distinct_foo:anim", q.toString());
/*confirm autoGeneratePhraseQueries always builds OR queries*/
q = QParser.getParser("jeans", req(params("df", "t_as_distinct_foo", "sow", "false"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("(t_as_distinct_foo:\"denim pant\" t_as_distinct_foo:jean)", q.toString());
q = QParser.getParser("jeans", req(params("df", "t_pick_best_foo", "sow", "false"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("(t_pick_best_foo:\"denim pant\" | t_pick_best_foo:jean)", q.toString());
public void testSynonymsBoost_singleTermQuerySingleTermSynonyms_shouldParseBoostedQuery() throws Exception {
//tiger, tigre|0.9
Query q = QParser.getParser("tiger", req(params("df", "t_pick_best_boosted_foo"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("((t_pick_best_boosted_foo:tigre)^0.9 | t_pick_best_boosted_foo:tiger)", q.toString());
q = QParser.getParser("tiger", req(params("df", "t_as_distinct_boosted_foo"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("(t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:tigre)^0.9 t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:tiger", q.toString());
q = QParser.getParser("tiger", req(params("df", "t_as_same_term_boosted_foo"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("Synonym(t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:tiger t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:tigre^0.9)", q.toString());
//lynx => lince|0.8, lynx_canadensis|0.9
q = QParser.getParser("lynx", req(params("df", "t_pick_best_boosted_foo"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("((t_pick_best_boosted_foo:lince)^0.8 | (t_pick_best_boosted_foo:lynx_canadensis)^0.9)", q.toString());
q = QParser.getParser("lynx", req(params("df", "t_as_distinct_boosted_foo"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("(t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:lince)^0.8 (t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:lynx_canadensis)^0.9", q.toString());
q = QParser.getParser("lynx", req(params("df", "t_as_same_term_boosted_foo"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("Synonym(t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:lince^0.8 t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:lynx_canadensis^0.9)", q.toString());
public void testSynonymsBoost_singleTermQueryMultiTermSynonyms_shouldParseBoostedQuery() throws Exception {
//leopard, big cat|0.8, bagheera|0.9, panthera pardus|0.85
Query q = QParser.getParser("leopard", req(params("df", "t_pick_best_boosted_foo"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("((t_pick_best_boosted_foo:\"big cat\")^0.8 | (t_pick_best_boosted_foo:bagheera)^0.9 | (t_pick_best_boosted_foo:\"panthera pardus\")^0.85 | t_pick_best_boosted_foo:leopard)", q.toString());
q = QParser.getParser("leopard", req(params("df", "t_as_distinct_boosted_foo"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("((t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:\"big cat\")^0.8 (t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:bagheera)^0.9 (t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:\"panthera pardus\")^0.85 t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:leopard)", q.toString());
q = QParser.getParser("leopard", req(params("df", "t_as_same_term_boosted_foo"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("((t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:\"big cat\")^0.8 (t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:bagheera)^0.9 (t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:\"panthera pardus\")^0.85 t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:leopard)", q.toString());
//lion => panthera leo|0.9, simba leo|0.8, kimba|0.75
q = QParser.getParser("lion", req(params("df", "t_pick_best_boosted_foo"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("((t_pick_best_boosted_foo:\"panthera leo\")^0.9 | (t_pick_best_boosted_foo:\"simba leo\")^0.8 | (t_pick_best_boosted_foo:kimba)^0.75)", q.toString());
q = QParser.getParser("lion", req(params("df", "t_as_distinct_boosted_foo"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("((t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:\"panthera leo\")^0.9 (t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:\"simba leo\")^0.8 (t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:kimba)^0.75)", q.toString());
q = QParser.getParser("lion", req(params("df", "t_as_same_term_boosted_foo"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("((t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:\"panthera leo\")^0.9 (t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:\"simba leo\")^0.8 (t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:kimba)^0.75)", q.toString());
public void testSynonymsBoost_multiTermQuerySingleTermSynonyms_shouldParseBoostedQuery() throws Exception {
//tiger, tigre|0.9
//lynx => lince|0.8, lynx_canadensis|0.9
Query q = QParser.getParser("tiger lynx", req(params("df", "t_pick_best_boosted_foo"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("((t_pick_best_boosted_foo:tigre)^0.9 | t_pick_best_boosted_foo:tiger)" +
" ((t_pick_best_boosted_foo:lince)^0.8 | (t_pick_best_boosted_foo:lynx_canadensis)^0.9)", q.toString());
q = QParser.getParser("tiger lynx", req(params("df", "t_as_distinct_boosted_foo"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("((t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:tigre)^0.9 t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:tiger)" +
" ((t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:lince)^0.8 (t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:lynx_canadensis)^0.9)", q.toString());
q = QParser.getParser("tiger lynx", req(params("df", "t_as_same_term_boosted_foo"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("Synonym(t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:tiger t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:tigre^0.9)" +
" Synonym(t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:lince^0.8 t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:lynx_canadensis^0.9)", q.toString());
public void testSynonymsBoost_multiTermQueryMultiTermSynonyms_shouldParseBoostedQuery() throws Exception {
//leopard, big cat|0.8, bagheera|0.9, panthera pardus|0.85
//lion => panthera leo|0.9, simba leo|0.8, kimba|0.75
Query q = QParser.getParser("leopard lion", req(params("df", "t_pick_best_boosted_foo"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("((t_pick_best_boosted_foo:\"big cat\")^0.8 | (t_pick_best_boosted_foo:bagheera)^0.9 | (t_pick_best_boosted_foo:\"panthera pardus\")^0.85 | t_pick_best_boosted_foo:leopard)" +
" ((t_pick_best_boosted_foo:\"panthera leo\")^0.9 | (t_pick_best_boosted_foo:\"simba leo\")^0.8 | (t_pick_best_boosted_foo:kimba)^0.75)", q.toString());
q = QParser.getParser("leopard lion", req(params("df", "t_as_distinct_boosted_foo"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("((t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:\"big cat\")^0.8 (t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:bagheera)^0.9 (t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:\"panthera pardus\")^0.85 t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:leopard)" +
" ((t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:\"panthera leo\")^0.9 (t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:\"simba leo\")^0.8 (t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:kimba)^0.75)", q.toString());
q = QParser.getParser("leopard lion", req(params("df", "t_as_same_term_boosted_foo"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("((t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:\"big cat\")^0.8 (t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:bagheera)^0.9 (t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:\"panthera pardus\")^0.85 t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:leopard)" +
" ((t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:\"panthera leo\")^0.9 (t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:\"simba leo\")^0.8 (t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:kimba)^0.75)", q.toString());
public void testSynonymsBoost_singleConceptQuerySingleTermSynonym_shouldParseBoostedQuery() throws Exception {
//panthera pardus, leopard|0.6
Query q = QParser.getParser("panthera pardus story",req(params("df", "t_pick_best_boosted_foo","sow", "false"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("((t_pick_best_boosted_foo:leopard)^0.6 | t_pick_best_boosted_foo:\"panthera pardus\") t_pick_best_boosted_foo:story", q.toString());
q = QParser.getParser("panthera pardus story", req(params("df", "t_as_distinct_boosted_foo","sow", "false"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("((t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:leopard)^0.6 t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:\"panthera pardus\") t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:story", q.toString());
q = QParser.getParser("panthera pardus story", req(params("df", "t_as_same_term_boosted_foo","sow", "false"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("((t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:leopard)^0.6 t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:\"panthera pardus\") t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:story", q.toString());
//panthera tigris => tiger|0.99
q = QParser.getParser("panthera tigris story", req(params("df", "t_pick_best_boosted_foo","sow", "false"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("(t_pick_best_boosted_foo:tiger)^0.99 t_pick_best_boosted_foo:story", q.toString());
q = QParser.getParser("panthera tigris story", req(params("df", "t_as_distinct_boosted_foo","sow", "false"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("(t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:tiger)^0.99 t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:story", q.toString());
q = QParser.getParser("panthera tigris story", req(params("df", "t_as_same_term_boosted_foo","sow", "false"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("(t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:tiger)^0.99 t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:story", q.toString());
public void testSynonymsBoost_singleConceptQueryMultiTermSynonymWithMultipleBoost_shouldParseMultiplicativeBoostedQuery() throws Exception {
//panthera blytheae, oldest|0.5 ancient|0.9 panthera
Query q = QParser.getParser("panthera blytheae",req(params("df", "t_pick_best_boosted_foo","sow", "false"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("((t_pick_best_boosted_foo:\"oldest ancient panthera\")^0.45 | t_pick_best_boosted_foo:\"panthera blytheae\")", q.toString());
q = QParser.getParser("panthera blytheae", req(params("df", "t_as_distinct_boosted_foo","sow", "false"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("((t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:\"oldest ancient panthera\")^0.45 t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:\"panthera blytheae\")", q.toString());
q = QParser.getParser("panthera blytheae", req(params("df", "t_as_same_term_boosted_foo","sow", "false"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("((t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:\"oldest ancient panthera\")^0.45 t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:\"panthera blytheae\")", q.toString());
public void testSynonymsBoost_singleConceptQueryMultiTermSynonyms_shouldParseBoostedQuery() throws Exception {
//snow leopard, panthera uncia|0.9, big cat|0.8, white_leopard|0.6
Query q = QParser.getParser("snow leopard",req(params("df", "t_pick_best_boosted_foo","sow", "false"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("((t_pick_best_boosted_foo:\"panthera uncia\")^0.9 | (t_pick_best_boosted_foo:\"big cat\")^0.8 | (t_pick_best_boosted_foo:white_leopard)^0.6 | t_pick_best_boosted_foo:\"snow leopard\")", q.toString());
q = QParser.getParser("snow leopard", req(params("df", "t_as_distinct_boosted_foo","sow", "false"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("((t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:\"panthera uncia\")^0.9 (t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:\"big cat\")^0.8 (t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:white_leopard)^0.6 t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:\"snow leopard\")", q.toString());
q = QParser.getParser("snow leopard", req(params("df", "t_as_same_term_boosted_foo","sow", "false"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("((t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:\"panthera uncia\")^0.9 (t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:\"big cat\")^0.8 (t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:white_leopard)^0.6 t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:\"snow leopard\")", q.toString());
//panthera onca => jaguar|0.95, big cat|0.85, black panther|0.65
q = QParser.getParser("panthera onca", req(params("df", "t_pick_best_boosted_foo","sow", "false"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("((t_pick_best_boosted_foo:jaguar)^0.95 | (t_pick_best_boosted_foo:\"big cat\")^0.85 | (t_pick_best_boosted_foo:\"black panther\")^0.65)", q.toString());
q = QParser.getParser("panthera onca", req(params("df", "t_as_distinct_boosted_foo","sow", "false"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("((t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:jaguar)^0.95 (t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:\"big cat\")^0.85 (t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:\"black panther\")^0.65)", q.toString());
q = QParser.getParser("panthera onca", req(params("df", "t_as_same_term_boosted_foo","sow", "false"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("((t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:jaguar)^0.95 (t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:\"big cat\")^0.85 (t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:\"black panther\")^0.65)", q.toString());
public void testSynonymsBoost_multiConceptQuerySingleTermSynonym_shouldParseBoostedQuery() throws Exception {
//panthera pardus, leopard|0.6
//tiger, tigre|0.9
Query q = QParser.getParser("panthera pardus tiger",req(params("df", "t_pick_best_boosted_foo","sow", "false"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("((t_pick_best_boosted_foo:leopard)^0.6 | t_pick_best_boosted_foo:\"panthera pardus\") ((t_pick_best_boosted_foo:tigre)^0.9 | t_pick_best_boosted_foo:tiger)", q.toString());
q = QParser.getParser("panthera pardus tiger", req(params("df", "t_as_distinct_boosted_foo","sow", "false"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("((t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:leopard)^0.6 t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:\"panthera pardus\") ((t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:tigre)^0.9 t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:tiger)", q.toString());
q = QParser.getParser("panthera pardus tiger", req(params("df", "t_as_same_term_boosted_foo","sow", "false"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("((t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:leopard)^0.6 t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:\"panthera pardus\") Synonym(t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:tiger t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:tigre^0.9)", q.toString());
public void testSynonymsBoost_multiConceptsQueryMultiTermSynonyms_shouldParseBoostedQuery() throws Exception {
//snow leopard, panthera uncia|0.9, big cat|0.8, white_leopard|0.6
//panthera onca => jaguar|0.95, big cat|0.85, black panther|0.65
Query q = QParser.getParser("snow leopard panthera onca",req(params("df", "t_pick_best_boosted_foo","sow", "false"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("((t_pick_best_boosted_foo:\"panthera uncia\")^0.9 | (t_pick_best_boosted_foo:\"big cat\")^0.8 | (t_pick_best_boosted_foo:white_leopard)^0.6 | t_pick_best_boosted_foo:\"snow leopard\")" +
" ((t_pick_best_boosted_foo:jaguar)^0.95 | (t_pick_best_boosted_foo:\"big cat\")^0.85 | (t_pick_best_boosted_foo:\"black panther\")^0.65)", q.toString());
q = QParser.getParser("snow leopard panthera onca", req(params("df", "t_as_distinct_boosted_foo","sow", "false"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("((t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:\"panthera uncia\")^0.9 (t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:\"big cat\")^0.8 (t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:white_leopard)^0.6 t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:\"snow leopard\")" +
" ((t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:jaguar)^0.95 (t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:\"big cat\")^0.85 (t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:\"black panther\")^0.65)", q.toString());
q = QParser.getParser("snow leopard panthera onca", req(params("df", "t_as_same_term_boosted_foo","sow", "false"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("((t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:\"panthera uncia\")^0.9 (t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:\"big cat\")^0.8 (t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:white_leopard)^0.6 t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:\"snow leopard\")" +
" ((t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:jaguar)^0.95 (t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:\"big cat\")^0.85 (t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:\"black panther\")^0.65)", q.toString());
public void testSynonymsBoost_edismaxBoost_shouldParseBoostedPhraseQuery() throws Exception {
Query q = QParser.getParser("snow leopard lion","edismax",true, req(params("sow", "false","qf", "t_pick_best_boosted_foo^10"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("+(" +
"((((t_pick_best_boosted_foo:\"panthera uncia\")^0.9 | (t_pick_best_boosted_foo:\"big cat\")^0.8 | (t_pick_best_boosted_foo:white_leopard)^0.6 | t_pick_best_boosted_foo:\"snow leopard\"))^10.0)" +
" ((((t_pick_best_boosted_foo:\"panthera leo\")^0.9 | (t_pick_best_boosted_foo:\"simba leo\")^0.8 | (t_pick_best_boosted_foo:kimba)^0.75))^10.0)" +
")", q.toString());
q = QParser.getParser("snow leopard lion","edismax",true, req(params("sow", "false","qf", "t_as_distinct_boosted_foo^10"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("+(" +
"(((t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:\"panthera uncia\")^0.9 (t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:\"big cat\")^0.8 (t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:white_leopard)^0.6 t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:\"snow leopard\")^10.0)" +
" (((t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:\"panthera leo\")^0.9 (t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:\"simba leo\")^0.8 (t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:kimba)^0.75)^10.0))", q.toString());
q = QParser.getParser("snow leopard lion","edismax",true, req(params("sow", "false","qf", "t_as_same_term_boosted_foo^10"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("+(" +
"(((t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:\"panthera uncia\")^0.9 (t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:\"big cat\")^0.8 (t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:white_leopard)^0.6 t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:\"snow leopard\")^10.0)" +
" (((t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:\"panthera leo\")^0.9 (t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:\"simba leo\")^0.8 (t_as_same_term_boosted_foo:kimba)^0.75)^10.0))", q.toString());
public void testSynonymsBoost_phraseQueryMultiTermSynonymsBoost_shouldParseBoostedSpanQuery() throws Exception {
Query q = QParser.getParser("\"snow leopard lion\"", req(params("df", "t_pick_best_boosted_foo", "sow", "false"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("spanNear([" +
"spanOr([" +
"(spanNear([t_pick_best_boosted_foo:panthera, t_pick_best_boosted_foo:uncia], 0, true))^0.9," +
" (spanNear([t_pick_best_boosted_foo:big, t_pick_best_boosted_foo:cat], 0, true))^0.8," +
" (t_pick_best_boosted_foo:white_leopard)^0.6," +
" spanNear([t_pick_best_boosted_foo:snow, t_pick_best_boosted_foo:leopard], 0, true)])," +
" spanOr([" +
"(spanNear([t_pick_best_boosted_foo:panthera, t_pick_best_boosted_foo:leo], 0, true))^0.9," +
" (spanNear([t_pick_best_boosted_foo:simba, t_pick_best_boosted_foo:leo], 0, true))^0.8," +
" (t_pick_best_boosted_foo:kimba)^0.75])], 0, true)", q.toString());
public void testSynonymsBoost_phraseQueryMultiTermSynonymsMultipleBoost_shouldParseMultiplicativeBoostedSpanQuery() throws Exception {
Query q = QParser.getParser("\"panthera blytheae lion\"", req(params("df", "t_pick_best_boosted_foo", "sow", "false"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("spanNear([" +
"spanOr([" +
"(spanNear([t_pick_best_boosted_foo:oldest, t_pick_best_boosted_foo:ancient, t_pick_best_boosted_foo:panthera], 0, true))^0.45," +
" spanNear([t_pick_best_boosted_foo:panthera, t_pick_best_boosted_foo:blytheae], 0, true)])," +
" spanOr([" +
"(spanNear([t_pick_best_boosted_foo:panthera, t_pick_best_boosted_foo:leo], 0, true))^0.9," +
" (spanNear([t_pick_best_boosted_foo:simba, t_pick_best_boosted_foo:leo], 0, true))^0.8," +
" (t_pick_best_boosted_foo:kimba)^0.75])], 0, true)", q.toString());
public void testSynonymsBoost_BoostMissing_shouldAssignDefaultBoost() throws Exception {
//leopard, big cat|0.8, bagheera|0.9, panthera pardus|0.85
Query q = QParser.getParser("leopard", req(params("df", "t_pick_best_boosted_foo"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("((t_pick_best_boosted_foo:\"big cat\")^0.8 | (t_pick_best_boosted_foo:bagheera)^0.9 | (t_pick_best_boosted_foo:\"panthera pardus\")^0.85 | t_pick_best_boosted_foo:leopard)", q.toString());
q = QParser.getParser("leopard", req(params("df", "t_as_distinct_boosted_foo"))).getQuery();
assertEquals("((t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:\"big cat\")^0.8 (t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:bagheera)^0.9 (t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:\"panthera pardus\")^0.85 t_as_distinct_boosted_foo:leopard)", q.toString());
public void testBadRequestInSetQuery() throws SyntaxError {
SolrQueryRequest req = req();
QParser qParser;
String[] fieldSuffix = new String[] {
"ti", "tf", "td", "tl",
"i", "f", "d", "l",
"is", "fs", "ds", "ls",
"i_dv", "f_dv", "d_dv", "l_dv",
"is_dv", "fs_dv", "ds_dv", "ls_dv",
"i_dvo", "f_dvo", "d_dvo", "l_dvo",
for (String suffix:fieldSuffix) {
//Good queries
qParser = QParser.getParser("foo_" + suffix + ":(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 25)", req);
for (String suffix:fieldSuffix) {
qParser = QParser.getParser("foo_" + suffix + ":(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 NOT_A_NUMBER)", req);
qParser.setIsFilter(true); // this may change in the future
SolrException e = expectThrows(SolrException.class, "Expecting exception", qParser::getQuery);
assertEquals(SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST.code, e.code());
assertTrue("Unexpected exception: " + e.getMessage(), e.getMessage().contains("Invalid Number: NOT_A_NUMBER"));
public void testFieldExistsQueries() throws SyntaxError {
SolrQueryRequest req = req();
String[] fieldSuffix = new String[] {
"ti", "tf", "td", "tl", "tdt",
"pi", "pf", "pd", "pl", "pdt",
"i", "f", "d", "l", "dt", "s", "b",
"is", "fs", "ds", "ls", "dts", "ss", "bs",
"i_dv", "f_dv", "d_dv", "l_dv", "dt_dv", "s_dv", "b_dv",
"is_dv", "fs_dv", "ds_dv", "ls_dv", "dts_dv", "ss_dv", "bs_dv",
"i_dvo", "f_dvo", "d_dvo", "l_dvo", "dt_dvo",
"t_on", "b_norms", "s_norms", "dt_norms", "i_norms", "l_norms", "f_norms", "d_norms"
String[] existenceQueries = new String[] {
"*", "[* TO *]"
for (String existenceQuery : existenceQueries) {
for (String suffix : fieldSuffix) {
IndexSchema indexSchema = h.getCore().getLatestSchema();
String field = "foo_" + suffix;
String query = field + ":" + existenceQuery;
QParser qParser = QParser.getParser(query, req);
Query createdQuery = qParser.getQuery();
SchemaField schemaField = indexSchema.getField(field);
// Test float & double realNumber queries differently
if ("[* TO *]".equals(existenceQuery) && (schemaField.getType().getNumberType() == NumberType.DOUBLE || schemaField.getType().getNumberType() == NumberType.FLOAT)) {
assertFalse("For float and double fields \"" + query + "\" is not an existence query, so the query returned should not be a DocValuesFieldExistsQuery.", createdQuery instanceof DocValuesFieldExistsQuery);
assertFalse("For float and double fields \"" + query + "\" is not an existence query, so the query returned should not be a NormsFieldExistsQuery.", createdQuery instanceof NormsFieldExistsQuery);
assertFalse("For float and double fields \"" + query + "\" is not an existence query, so NaN should not be matched via a ConstantScoreQuery.", createdQuery instanceof ConstantScoreQuery);
assertFalse("For float and double fields\"" + query + "\" is not an existence query, so NaN should not be matched via a BooleanQuery (NaN and [* TO *]).", createdQuery instanceof BooleanQuery);
} else {
if (schemaField.hasDocValues()) {
assertTrue("Field has docValues, so existence query \"" + query + "\" should return DocValuesFieldExistsQuery", createdQuery instanceof DocValuesFieldExistsQuery);
} else if (!schemaField.omitNorms() && !schemaField.getType().isPointField()) { //TODO: Remove !isPointField() for SOLR-14199
assertTrue("Field has norms and no docValues, so existence query \"" + query + "\" should return NormsFieldExistsQuery", createdQuery instanceof NormsFieldExistsQuery);
} else if (schemaField.getType().getNumberType() == NumberType.DOUBLE || schemaField.getType().getNumberType() == NumberType.FLOAT) {
assertTrue("PointField with NaN values must include \"exists or NaN\" if the field doesn't have norms or docValues: \"" + query + "\".", createdQuery instanceof ConstantScoreQuery);
assertTrue("PointField with NaN values must include \"exists or NaN\" if the field doesn't have norms or docValues: \"" + query + "\".", ((ConstantScoreQuery)createdQuery).getQuery() instanceof BooleanQuery);
assertEquals("PointField with NaN values must include \"exists or NaN\" if the field doesn't have norms or docValues: \"" + query + "\". This boolean query must be an OR.", 1, ((BooleanQuery)((ConstantScoreQuery)createdQuery).getQuery()).getMinimumNumberShouldMatch());
assertEquals("PointField with NaN values must include \"exists or NaN\" if the field doesn't have norms or docValues: \"" + query + "\". This boolean query must have 2 clauses.", 2, ((BooleanQuery)((ConstantScoreQuery)createdQuery).getQuery()).clauses().size());
} else {
assertFalse("Field doesn't have docValues, so existence query \"" + query + "\" should not return DocValuesFieldExistsQuery", createdQuery instanceof DocValuesFieldExistsQuery);
assertFalse("Field doesn't have norms, so existence query \"" + query + "\" should not return NormsFieldExistsQuery", createdQuery instanceof NormsFieldExistsQuery);