blob: 6d7dcb5c2bab54b7393b40cedfb9b0c90f44317c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.IntFunction;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.apache.lucene.queries.function.FunctionValues;
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.ShardParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.SolrParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.NamedList;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.SimpleOrderedMap;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* An aggregation function designed to be nested under other (possibly deeply nested) facets for
* the purposes of computing the "relatedness" of facet buckets relative to
* "foreground" and "background" sets -- primarily for the purpose of building "Semantic Knowledge Graphs"
* @see <a href="">The Semantic Knowledge Graph:
* A compact, auto-generated model for real-time traversal and ranking of any relationship
* within a domain</a>
public class RelatednessAgg extends AggValueSource {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MethodHandles.lookup().lookupClass());
// end user values
private static final String RELATEDNESS = "relatedness";
private static final String FG_POP = "foreground_popularity";
private static final String BG_POP = "background_popularity";
public static final String SWEEP_COLLECTION = "sweep_collection";
// needed for distrib calculation
private static final String FG_SIZE = "foreground_size";
private static final String FG_COUNT = "foreground_count";
private static final String BG_SIZE = "background_size";
private static final String BG_COUNT = "background_count";
final protected Query fgQ;
final protected Query bgQ;
protected double min_pop = 0.0D;
private Boolean useSweep;
public static final String NAME = RELATEDNESS;
private static final boolean DEFAULT_SWEEP_COLLECTION = true;
public RelatednessAgg(Query fgQ, Query bgQ) {
// NOTE: ideally we don't want to assume any defaults *yet* if fgQ/bgQ are null
// keep them null until it's time to created a SlotAcc, at which point we might inherit values
// from an ancestor facet context w/same key -- see comments in createSlotAcc
this.fgQ = fgQ;
this.bgQ = bgQ;
// TODO: defaults not supported yet -- see comments in createSlotAcc
if (null == fgQ || null == bgQ) {
throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,
NAME + " aggregate function requires both foreground & background " +
"to be real (non-null) queries");
public void setOpts(QParser parser) {
final boolean isShard = parser.getReq().getParams().getBool(ShardParams.IS_SHARD, false);
SolrParams opts = parser.getLocalParams();
if (null == opts) {
} else {
if (!isShard) { // ignore min_pop if this is a shard request
this.min_pop = opts.getDouble("min_popularity", 0.0D);
public String description() {
// TODO: need better output processing when we start supporting null fgQ/bgQ in constructor
return name +"(fgQ=" + fgQ + ",bgQ=" + bgQ + ",min_pop="+min_pop + ",useSweep="+useSweep+")";
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (! Objects.equals(this.getClass(), o.getClass())) {
return false;
RelatednessAgg that = (RelatednessAgg) o;
return Objects.equals(fgQ, that.fgQ)
&& Objects.equals(bgQ, that.bgQ)
&& Objects.equals(min_pop, that.min_pop);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(getClass(), fgQ, bgQ, min_pop);
public FunctionValues getValues(@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Map context, LeafReaderContext readerContext) throws IOException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("NOT IMPLEMENTED " + name + " " + this);
public SlotAcc createSlotAcc(FacetContext fcontext, int numDocs, int numSlots) throws IOException {
// TODO: Ideally this is where we should check fgQ/bgQ for 'null' and apply defaults...
// we want to walk up the fcontext and inherit the queries from any ancestor SKGAgg
// with the same "key" that we have in our own context -- and as a last resort use
// "$q" for the foreground and "*:*" for the bgQ (if no ancestors)
// (Hmmm... or maybe we should use the "Domain" of our FacetRequest as the default bg?)
// How do we find our what key we have in the current context?
// loop over all the stats in the current context until we find one that's '==' to this???
List<Query> fgFilters = new ArrayList<Query>(3);
for (FacetContext ctx = fcontext; ctx != null; ctx = ctx.parent) {
if (null != ctx.filter) {
} else {
// sanity check...
// the only way the filter on the current context should be null is...
assert (// 1) it's the actual top most context,
// (ie: the func is directly used w/o being nested under a facet)
(null == ctx.parent && fcontext == ctx) ||
// 2) it's a child of the top most context
// (ie: the context of a top level facet)
(null == ctx.parent.parent && null == ctx.parent.filter));
// either way, no reason to keep looping up the (0 or 1) remaining ancestors
// (which is why #1 can assert '&& fcontext == ctx')
DocSet fgSet = fcontext.searcher.getDocSet(fgFilters);
DocSet bgSet = fcontext.searcher.getDocSet(bgQ);
return new SKGSlotAcc(this, fcontext, numSlots, fgSet, bgSet);
public FacetMerger createFacetMerger(Object prototype) {
return new Merger(this);
private static final class SweepSKGSlotAcc extends SlotAcc {
private final int minCount; // pre-calculate for a given min_popularity
private final long fgSize;
private final long bgSize;
private final ReadOnlyCountSlotAcc fgCount;
private final ReadOnlyCountSlotAcc bgCount;
private double[] relatedness;
private static final int NO_ALL_BUCKETS = -2;
private static final int ALL_BUCKETS_UNINITIALIZED = -1;
// we can't get the allBuckets info from the slotContext in collect(), b/c the whole point of
// sweep collection is that the "collect" methods aren't called.
// So this is the compromise: note in construction either that we're using a processor w/NO_ALL_BUCKETS
// or that we don't know the bucket yet (ALL_BUCKETS_UNINITIALIZED) and fill it in in getValues
// where we can check against the processor
private int allBucketsSlot;
public SweepSKGSlotAcc(double minPopularity, FacetContext fcontext, int numSlots, long fgSize, long bgSize, ReadOnlyCountSlotAcc fgCount, ReadOnlyCountSlotAcc bgCount) {
this.minCount = (int) Math.ceil(minPopularity * bgSize);
this.fgSize = fgSize;
this.bgSize = bgSize;
this.fgCount = fgCount;
this.bgCount = bgCount;
relatedness = new double[numSlots];
Arrays.fill(relatedness, 0, numSlots, Double.NaN);
// any processor that can (currently) result in the use of SweepSKGSlotAcc *should* be a
// FacetFieldProcessor -- but don't assume that will always be true...
this.allBucketsSlot = NO_ALL_BUCKETS;
if (fcontext.processor instanceof FacetFieldProcessor
// NOTE: if this instanceof/cast changes, getValues needs updated as well
&& ((FacetFieldProcessor)fcontext.processor).freq.allBuckets) {
public void collect(int perSegDocId, int slot, IntFunction<SlotContext> slotContext) throws IOException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("collect() not supported, this SlotAcc impl only usable for sweeping");
public int collect(DocSet docs, int slot, IntFunction<SlotContext> slotContext) throws IOException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("collect() not supported, this SlotAcc impl only usable for sweeping");
private double getRelatedness(int slot) {
final double cachedRelatedness = relatedness[slot];
if (Double.isNaN(cachedRelatedness)) {
final long fg_count = fgCount.getCount(slot);
final long bg_count = bgCount.getCount(slot);
if (minCount > 0) {
// if min_pop is configured, and either (fg|bg) popularity is lower then that value
// then "this.relatedness=-Infinity" so it sorts below any "valid" relatedness scores
if (fg_count < minCount || bg_count < minCount) {
return relatedness[slot] = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
return relatedness[slot] = computeRelatedness(fg_count, fgSize, bg_count, bgSize);
} else {
return cachedRelatedness;
public int compare(int slotA, int slotB) {
int r =, getRelatedness(slotB));
if (0 == r) {
r =, fgCount.getCount(slotB));
if (0 == r) {
r =, bgCount.getCount(slotB));
return r;
public Object getValue(int slotNum) {
final BucketData slotVal;
if (NO_ALL_BUCKETS != allBucketsSlot) {
// there's no reason why a processor should be resizing SlotAccs in the middle of getValue,
// but we're going to be vigilent against that possibility just in case...
|| allBucketsSlot == slotNum) {
assert fcontext.processor instanceof FacetFieldProcessor
: "code changed, non FacetFieldProcessor sweeping w/allBuckets?!?";
allBucketsSlot = ((FacetFieldProcessor)fcontext.processor).allBucketsAcc.collectAccSlot;
if (slotNum == allBucketsSlot) {
slotVal = new BucketData(null);
} else {
slotVal = new BucketData(fgCount.getCount(slotNum), fgSize, bgCount.getCount(slotNum), bgSize, getRelatedness(slotNum));
return slotVal.externalize(fcontext.isShard());
public void reset() throws IOException {
Arrays.fill(relatedness, Double.NaN);
if (allBucketsSlot != NO_ALL_BUCKETS) {
public void resize(Resizer resizer) {
relatedness = resizer.resize(relatedness, Double.NaN);
public void close() throws IOException {
relatedness = null;
private static final String IMPLIED_KEY = "implied";
private static final class SKGSlotAcc extends SlotAcc implements SweepableSlotAcc<SlotAcc> {
private final RelatednessAgg agg;
private BucketData[] slotvalues;
private final DocSet fgSet;
private final DocSet bgSet;
private final long fgSize;
private final long bgSize;
public SKGSlotAcc(final RelatednessAgg agg, final FacetContext fcontext, final int numSlots,
final DocSet fgSet, final DocSet bgSet) throws IOException {
this.agg = agg;
this.fgSet = fgSet;
this.bgSet = bgSet;
// cache the set sizes for frequent re-use on every slot
this.fgSize = fgSet.size();
this.bgSize = bgSet.size();
this.slotvalues = new BucketData[numSlots]; //TODO: avoid initializing array until we know we're not doing sweep collection?
* If called, may register SweepingAccs for fg and bg set based on whether
* user indicated sweeping should be used (default)
* @returns null if any SweepingAccs were registered since no other collection is needed for relatedness
public SKGSlotAcc registerSweepingAccs(SweepingCountSlotAcc baseSweepingAcc) {
if (!this.agg.useSweep) {
return this;
} else {
final ReadOnlyCountSlotAcc fgCount = baseSweepingAcc.add(key + "!fg", fgSet, slotvalues.length);
final ReadOnlyCountSlotAcc bgCount = baseSweepingAcc.add(key + "!bg", bgSet, slotvalues.length);
SweepSKGSlotAcc readOnlyReplacement = new SweepSKGSlotAcc(agg.min_pop, fcontext, slotvalues.length, fgSize, bgSize, fgCount, bgCount);
readOnlyReplacement.key = key;
baseSweepingAcc.registerMapping(this, readOnlyReplacement);
return null;
private void processSlot(int slot, IntFunction<SlotContext> slotContext) throws IOException {
assert null != slotContext;
final BucketData slotVal = new BucketData(agg);
slotvalues[slot] = slotVal;
final SlotContext ctx = slotContext.apply(slot);
if (ctx.isAllBuckets()) {
// relatedness is meaningless for allBuckets (see SOLR-14467)
// our current (implied & empty) BucketData is all we need
// NOTE: it might be temping to use 'slotvalues[slot] = null' in this case
// since getValue() will also ultimately generate an implied bucket in that case,
// but by using a non-null bucket we let collect(int,...) know it doesn't need to keep calling
// processSlot over and over.
Query slotQ = ctx.getSlotQuery();
if (null == slotQ) {
// extremeley special edge case...
// the only way this should be possible is if our relatedness() function is used as a "top level"
// stat w/o being nested under any facet, in which case it should be a FacetQuery w/no parent...
assert fcontext.processor.freq instanceof FacetQuery : fcontext.processor.freq;
assert null == fcontext.parent;
assert null == fcontext.filter;
// ...and in which case we should just use the current base
final DocSet slotSet;
if (null == slotQ) {
slotSet = fcontext.base;
} else {
slotSet = fcontext.searcher.getDocSet(slotQ);
slotVal.incSizes(fgSize, bgSize);
public void collect(int perSegDocId, int slot, IntFunction<SlotContext> slotContext) throws IOException {
// NOTE: we don't actaully care about the individual docs being collected
// (the only reason we even bother implementing this method is because it's needed for sorting
// buckets by a function)
// so we only worry about ensuring that every "slot" / bucket is processed the first time
// we're asked about it...
if (null == slotvalues[slot]) {
processSlot(slot, slotContext);
public int collect(DocSet docs, int slot, IntFunction<SlotContext> slotContext) throws IOException {
// NOTE: we don't actaully care about the doc set being collected for the bucket
// so we only worry about ensuring that every "slot" / bucket is processed exactly once
// if we're doing bulk collection, we better not be getting asked to re-use slots
assert null == slotvalues[slot];
processSlot(slot, slotContext);
// we don't do any filtering, we collect the whole docset, so return that as out collected count
// (as a stat, we're actually required to return this by assertions in FacetFieldProcessor.processStats)
return docs.size();
public int compare(int slotA, int slotB) {
final BucketData a = slotvalues[slotA];
final BucketData b = slotvalues[slotB];
// we initialize & reset() (unused) slotvalues elements to null
// but we should never be asked to compare a slot that hasn't been collected...
assert null != a;
assert null != b;
return a.compareTo(b);
public Object getValue(int slotNum) {
BucketData slotVal = slotvalues[slotNum];
if (null == slotVal) {
// since we haven't collected any docs for this slot, use am (implied) slot w/no counts,
// just the known fg/bg sizes. (this is most likely a refinement request for a bucket we dont have)
slotVal = new BucketData(agg);
slotVal.incSizes(fgSize, bgSize);
SimpleOrderedMap res = slotVal.externalize(fcontext.isShard());
return res;
public void reset() {
Arrays.fill(slotvalues, null);
public void resize(Resizer resizer) {
slotvalues = resizer.resize(slotvalues, null);
public void close() throws IOException {
slotvalues = null;
* Encapsulates all data needed for a single bucket/slot
* @see SKGSlotAcc
* @see Merger
private static class BucketData implements Comparable<BucketData> {
private RelatednessAgg agg;
private long fg_size = 0;
private long bg_size = 0;
private long fg_count = 0;
private long bg_count = 0;
* Buckets are implied until/unless counts are explicitly incremented (even if those counts are 0)
* An implied bucket means we have no real data for it -- it may be useful for a per-Shard request
* to return "size" info of a bucket that doesn't exist on the current shard, or it may represent
* the <code>allBuckets</code> bucket.
* @see #incCounts
private boolean implied;
* NaN indicates that <b>all</a> derived values need (re)-computed
* @see #computeDerivedValues
* @see #getRelatedness
private double relatedness = Double.NaN;
* @see #computeDerivedValues
* @see #getForegroundPopularity
private double fg_pop;
* @see #computeDerivedValues
* @see #getBackgroundPopularity
private double bg_pop;
public BucketData(final RelatednessAgg agg) {
this.agg = agg;
this.implied = true;
public BucketData(long fg_count, long fg_size, long bg_count, long bg_size, double relatedness) {
this.fg_count = fg_count;
this.fg_size = fg_size;
this.fg_pop = roundTo5Digits((double) fg_count / bg_size); // yes, BACKGROUND size is intentional
this.bg_count = bg_count;
this.bg_size = bg_size;
this.bg_pop = roundTo5Digits((double) bg_count / bg_size);
this.relatedness = relatedness;
* Increment both the foreground &amp; background <em>counts</em> for the current bucket, reseting any
* derived values that may be cached
public void incCounts(final long fgInc, final long bgInc) {
this.implied = false;
this.relatedness = Double.NaN;
fg_count += fgInc;
bg_count += bgInc;
* Increment both the foreground &amp; background <em>sizes</em> for the current bucket, reseting any
* derived values that may be cached
public void incSizes(final long fgInc, final long bgInc) {
this.relatedness = Double.NaN;
fg_size += fgInc;
bg_size += bgInc;
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(this.getClass(), implied, fg_count, bg_count, fg_size, bg_size, agg);
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (!Objects.equals(this.getClass(), other.getClass())) {
return false;
BucketData that = (BucketData)other;
// we will most certainly be compared to other buckets of the same Agg instance, so compare counts first
return Objects.equals(this.implied, that.implied)
&& Objects.equals(this.fg_count, that.fg_count)
&& Objects.equals(this.bg_count, that.bg_count)
&& Objects.equals(this.fg_size, that.fg_size)
&& Objects.equals(this.bg_size, that.bg_size)
&& Objects.equals(this.agg, that.agg);
* Computes (and caches) the derived relatedness &amp; popularity scores for this bucket if needed
private void computeDerivedValues() {
if (! Double.isNaN(this.relatedness)) {
return; // values already computed;
this.fg_pop = roundTo5Digits((double) fg_count / bg_size); // yes, BACKGROUND size is intentional
this.bg_pop = roundTo5Digits((double) bg_count / bg_size);
if (0.0D < agg.min_pop) {
// if min_pop is configured, and either (fg|bg) popularity is lower then that value
// then "this.relatedness=-Infinity" so it sorts below any "valid" relatedness scores
if (fg_pop < agg.min_pop || bg_pop < agg.min_pop) {
this.relatedness = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
this.relatedness = computeRelatedness(this.fg_count, this.fg_size,
this.bg_count, this.bg_size);
private double getRelatedness() {
return this.relatedness;
private double getForegroundPopularity() {
return this.fg_pop;
private double getBackgroundPopularity() {
return this.bg_pop;
public int compareTo(BucketData that) {
// TODO: add support for a "sort_val" option...
// default should be "relatedness" but also support "foreground" and "background" ...
// either of those should sort by the corrisponding ratio
// To do this, we should probably precommpute the ratios in incCounts
int r =, that.getRelatedness());
if (0 == r) {
r =, that.fg_count);
if (0 == r) {
r =, that.bg_count);
return r;
* @see SlotAcc#getValue
* @see Merger#getMergedResult
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"})
public SimpleOrderedMap externalize(final boolean isShardRequest) {
SimpleOrderedMap result = new SimpleOrderedMap<Number>();
// if counts are non-zero, then this bucket must not be implied
assert 0 == fg_count || ! implied : "Implied bucket has non-zero fg_count";
assert 0 == bg_count || ! implied : "Implied bucket has non-zero bg_count";
if (isShardRequest) {
// shard responses must include size info, but don't need the derived stats
// NOTE: sizes will be the same for every slot...
// TODO: it would be nice to put them directly in the parent facet, instead of every bucket,
// in order to reduce the size of the response.
result.add(FG_SIZE, fg_size);
result.add(BG_SIZE, bg_size);
if (implied) {
// for an implied bucket on this shard, we don't need to bother returning the (empty)
// counts, just the flag explaining that this bucket is (locally) implied...
result.add(IMPLIED_KEY, Boolean.TRUE);
} else {
result.add(FG_COUNT, fg_count);
result.add(BG_COUNT, bg_count);
} else {
if (implied) {
// When returning results to an external client, any bucket still 'implied' shouldn't return
// any results at all.
// (practically speaking this should only happen for the 'allBuckets' bucket
return null;
// there's no need to bother computing these when returning results *to* a shard coordinator
// only useful to external clients
result.add(RELATEDNESS, this.getRelatedness());
result.add(FG_POP, this.getForegroundPopularity());
result.add(BG_POP, this.getBackgroundPopularity());
return result;
* Merges in the per shard {@link BucketData} output into a unified {@link BucketData}
private static final class Merger extends FacetModule.FacetSortableMerger {
private final BucketData mergedData;
public Merger(final RelatednessAgg agg) {
this.mergedData = new BucketData(agg);
public void merge(Object facetResult, Context mcontext) {
final NamedList<Object> shardData = (NamedList<Object>)facetResult;
final boolean shardImplied = Optional.ofNullable((Boolean)shardData.remove(IMPLIED_KEY)).orElse(false);
// regardless of wether this shard is implied, we want to know it's size info...
mergedData.incSizes((Long)shardData.remove(FG_SIZE), (Long)shardData.remove(BG_SIZE));
if (! shardImplied) {
// only merge in counts from non-implied shard buckets...
mergedData.incCounts((Long)shardData.remove(FG_COUNT), (Long)shardData.remove(BG_COUNT));
} else {
// if this shard is implied, we shouldn't have even gotten counts...
assert shardImplied;
assert null == shardData.remove(FG_COUNT);
assert null == shardData.remove(BG_COUNT);
public int compareTo(FacetModule.FacetSortableMerger other, FacetRequest.SortDirection direction) {
// NOTE: regardless of the SortDirection hint, we want normal comparison of the BucketData
assert other instanceof Merger;
Merger that = (Merger)other;
return mergedData.compareTo(that.mergedData);
public Object getMergedResult() {
return mergedData.externalize(false);
* This is an aproximated Z-Score, as described in the "Scoring Semantic Relationships"
* section of "<a href="">The Semantic Knowledge Graph:
* A compact, auto-generated model for real-time traversal and ranking of any relationship
* within a domain</a>"
* See Also:<ul>
* <li><a href="">java-user@lucene Message-ID:</a></li>
* <li><a href="">Phrase Extraction: Binomial Hypothesis Testing vs. Coding Loss</a></li>
* </ul>
// NOTE: javadoc linter freaks out if we try doing those links as '@see <a href=...' tags
public static double computeRelatedness(final long fg_count, final long fg_size,
final long bg_count, final long bg_size) {
final double fg_size_d = (double) fg_size;
final double bg_size_d = (double) bg_size;
final double bg_prob = (bg_count / bg_size_d);
final double num = fg_count - fg_size_d * bg_prob;
double denom = Math.sqrt(fg_size_d * bg_prob * (1 - bg_prob));
denom = (denom == 0) ? 1e-10 : denom;
final double z = num / denom;
final double result = 0.2 * sigmoidHelper(z, -80, 50)
+ 0.2 * sigmoidHelper(z, -30, 30)
+ 0.2 * sigmoidHelper(z, 0, 30)
+ 0.2 * sigmoidHelper(z, 30, 30)
+ 0.2 * sigmoidHelper(z, 80, 50);
return roundTo5Digits(result);
* Helper function for rounding/truncating relatedness &amp; popularity values to
* 5 decimal digits, since these values are all probabilistic more then 5 digits aren't really relevant
* and may give a missleading impression of added precision.
public static double roundTo5Digits(final double val) {
return Math.round(val * 1e5) / 1e5;
/** A helper function for scaling values */
private static double sigmoidHelper(final double x, final double offset, final double scale) {
return (x+offset) / (scale + Math.abs(x+offset));