blob: 570016cfeb1aefe470740eddd5b8bbcd6487962e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.lucene.dependencies;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPath;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory;
* An Ant task to generate a properties file containing maven dependency
* declarations, used to filter the maven POMs when copying them to
* maven-build/ via 'ant get-maven-poms', or to lucene/build/poms/
* via the '-filter-maven-poms' target, which is called from the
* 'generate-maven-artifacts' target.
public class GetMavenDependenciesTask extends Task {
private static final Pattern PROPERTY_PREFIX_FROM_IVY_XML_FILE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile
private static final Pattern COORDINATE_KEY_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("/([^/]+)/([^/]+)");
= Pattern.compile("(.*?)(\\.test)?\\.dependencies");
// lucene/build/core/classes/java
= Pattern.compile("(lucene|solr)/build/(?:contrib/)?(.*)/classes/(?:java|test)");
private static final String UNWANTED_INTERNAL_DEPENDENCIES
= "/(?:test-)?lib/|test-framework/classes/java|/test-files|/resources";
= Pattern.compile("((?:solr|lucene)/(?!test-framework).*)/((?:test-)?)lib/");
private static final String DEPENDENCY_MANAGEMENT_PROPERTY = "";
private static final String IVY_USER_DIR_PROPERTY = "ivy.default.ivy.user.dir";
private static final Properties allProperties = new Properties();
private static final Set<String> modulesWithSeparateCompileAndTestPOMs = new HashSet<>();
private static final Set<String> globalOptionalExternalDependencies = new HashSet<>();
private static final Map<String,Set<String>> perModuleOptionalExternalDependencies = new HashMap<>();
private static final Set<String> modulesWithTransitiveDependencies = new HashSet<>();
static {
// Add modules here that have split compile and test POMs
// - they need compile-scope deps to also be test-scope deps.
(Arrays.asList("lucene-core", "lucene-codecs", "solr-core", "solr-solrj"));
// Add external dependencies here that should be optional for all modules
// (i.e., not invoke Maven's transitive dependency mechanism).
// Format is "groupId:artifactId"
("org.slf4j:jul-to-slf4j", "org.slf4j:slf4j-log4j12"));
// Add modules here that should NOT have their dependencies
// excluded in the grandparent POM's dependencyManagement section,
// thus enabling their dependencies to be transitive.
private final XPath xpath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath();
private final SortedMap<String,SortedSet<String>> internalCompileScopeDependencies
= new TreeMap<>();
private final Set<String> nonJarDependencies = new HashSet<>();
private final Map<String,Set<String>> dependencyClassifiers = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<String,Set<String>> interModuleExternalCompileScopeDependencies = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<String,Set<String>> interModuleExternalTestScopeDependencies = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<String,SortedSet<ExternalDependency>> allExternalDependencies
= new HashMap<>();
private final DocumentBuilder documentBuilder;
private File ivyCacheDir;
private Pattern internalJarPattern;
private Map<String,String> ivyModuleInfo;
* All ivy.xml files to get external dependencies from.
private Resources ivyXmlResources = new Resources();
* Centralized Ivy versions properties file
private File centralizedVersionsFile;
* Module dependencies properties file, generated by task -append-module-dependencies-properties.
private File moduleDependenciesPropertiesFile;
* Where all properties are written, to be used to filter POM templates when copying them.
private File mavenDependenciesFiltersFile;
* A logging level associated with verbose logging.
private int verboseLevel = Project.MSG_VERBOSE;
* Adds a set of ivy.xml resources to check.
public void add(ResourceCollection rc) {
public void setVerbose(boolean verbose) {
verboseLevel = (verbose ? Project.MSG_VERBOSE : Project.MSG_INFO);
public void setCentralizedVersionsFile(File file) {
centralizedVersionsFile = file;
public void setModuleDependenciesPropertiesFile(File file) {
moduleDependenciesPropertiesFile = file;
public void setMavenDependenciesFiltersFile(File file) {
mavenDependenciesFiltersFile = file;
public GetMavenDependenciesTask() {
try {
documentBuilder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder();
} catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
throw new BuildException(e);
* Collect dependency information from Ant build.xml and ivy.xml files
* and from, then write out an Ant filters file
* to be used when copying POMs.
public void execute() throws BuildException {
// Local: lucene/build/analysis/common/lucene-analyzers-common-5.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
// Jenkins: lucene/build/analysis/common/lucene-analyzers-common-5.0-2013-10-31_18-52-24.jar
// Also support any custom version, which won't necessarily conform to any predefined pattern.
internalJarPattern = Pattern.compile(".*(lucene|solr)([^/]*?)-"
+ Pattern.quote(getProject().getProperty("version")) + "\\.jar");
ivyModuleInfo = getIvyModuleInfo(ivyXmlResources, documentBuilder, xpath);
setInternalDependencyProperties(); // side-effect: all modules' internal deps are recorded
setExternalDependencyProperties(); // side-effect: all modules' external deps are recorded
setGrandparentDependencyManagementProperty(); // uses deps recorded in above two methods
* Write out an Ant filters file to be used when copying POMs.
private void writeFiltersFile() {
Writer writer = null;
try {
FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(mavenDependenciesFiltersFile);
writer = new OutputStreamWriter(outputStream, StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1);, null);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
throw new BuildException("Can't find file: '" + mavenDependenciesFiltersFile.getPath() + "'", e);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new BuildException("Exception writing out '" + mavenDependenciesFiltersFile.getPath() + "'", e);
} finally {
if (null != writer) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// ignore
* Visits all ivy.xml files and collects module and organisation attributes into a map.
private static Map<String,String> getIvyModuleInfo(Resources ivyXmlResources,
DocumentBuilder documentBuilder, XPath xpath) {
Map<String,String> ivyInfoModuleToOrganisation = new HashMap<String,String>();
traverseIvyXmlResources(ivyXmlResources, new Consumer<File>() {
public void accept(File f) {
try {
Document document = documentBuilder.parse(f);
String infoPath = "/ivy-module/info";
NodeList infos = (NodeList)xpath.evaluate(infoPath, document, XPathConstants.NODESET);
for (int infoNum = 0 ; infoNum < infos.getLength() ; ++infoNum) {
Element infoElement = (Element)infos.item(infoNum);
String infoOrg = infoElement.getAttribute("organisation");
String infoOrgSuffix = infoOrg.substring(infoOrg.lastIndexOf('.')+1);
String infoModule = infoElement.getAttribute("module");
String module = infoOrgSuffix+"-"+infoModule;
ivyInfoModuleToOrganisation.put(module, infoOrg);
} catch (XPathExpressionException | IOException | SAXException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return ivyInfoModuleToOrganisation;
* Collects external dependencies from each ivy.xml file and sets
* external dependency properties to be inserted into modules' POMs.
private void setExternalDependencyProperties() {
traverseIvyXmlResources(ivyXmlResources, new Consumer<File>() {
public void accept(File f) {
try {
} catch (XPathExpressionException | IOException | SAXException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private static void traverseIvyXmlResources(Resources ivyXmlResources, Consumer<File> ivyXmlFileConsumer) {
Iterator<Resource> iter = (Iterator<Resource>)ivyXmlResources.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
final Resource resource =;
if ( ! resource.isExists()) {
throw new BuildException("Resource does not exist: " + resource.getName());
if ( ! (resource instanceof FileResource)) {
throw new BuildException("Only filesystem resources are supported: "
+ resource.getName() + ", was: " + resource.getClass().getName());
File ivyXmlFile = ((FileResource)resource).getFile();
try {
} catch (BuildException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new BuildException("Exception reading file " + ivyXmlFile.getPath() + ": " + e, e);
* For each module that includes other modules' external dependencies via
* including all files under their ".../lib/" dirs in their (test.)classpath,
* add the other modules' dependencies to its set of external dependencies.
private void addSharedExternalDependencies() {
// Delay adding shared compile-scope dependencies until after all have been processed,
// so dependency sharing is limited to a depth of one.
Map<String,SortedSet<ExternalDependency>> sharedDependencies = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> entry : interModuleExternalCompileScopeDependencies.entrySet()) {
TreeSet<ExternalDependency> deps = new TreeSet<>();
sharedDependencies.put(entry.getKey(), deps);
Set<String> moduleDependencies = entry.getValue();
if (null != moduleDependencies) {
for (String otherArtifactId : moduleDependencies) {
SortedSet<ExternalDependency> otherExtDeps = allExternalDependencies.get(otherArtifactId);
if (null != otherExtDeps) {
for (ExternalDependency otherDep : otherExtDeps) {
if ( ! otherDep.isTestDependency) {
for (Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> entry : interModuleExternalTestScopeDependencies.entrySet()) {
String module = entry.getKey();
SortedSet<ExternalDependency> deps = sharedDependencies.get(module);
if (null == deps) {
deps = new TreeSet<>();
sharedDependencies.put(module, deps);
Set<String> moduleDependencies = entry.getValue();
if (null != moduleDependencies) {
for (String otherArtifactId : moduleDependencies) {
int testScopePos = otherArtifactId.indexOf(":test");
boolean isTestScope = false;
if (-1 != testScopePos) {
otherArtifactId = otherArtifactId.substring(0, testScopePos);
isTestScope = true;
SortedSet<ExternalDependency> otherExtDeps = allExternalDependencies.get(otherArtifactId);
if (null != otherExtDeps) {
for (ExternalDependency otherDep : otherExtDeps) {
if (otherDep.isTestDependency == isTestScope) {
if ( ! deps.contains(otherDep)
&& ( null == allExternalDependencies.get(module)
|| ! allExternalDependencies.get(module).contains(otherDep))) {
// Add test-scope clone only if it's not already a compile-scope dependency.
ExternalDependency otherDepTestScope = new ExternalDependency
(otherDep.groupId, otherDep.artifactId, otherDep.classifier, true, otherDep.isOptional);
for (Map.Entry<String, SortedSet<ExternalDependency>> entry : sharedDependencies.entrySet()) {
String module = entry.getKey();
SortedSet<ExternalDependency> deps = allExternalDependencies.get(module);
if (null == deps) {
deps = new TreeSet<>();
allExternalDependencies.put(module, deps);
for (ExternalDependency dep : entry.getValue()) {
String dependencyCoordinate = dep.groupId + ":" + dep.artifactId;
if (globalOptionalExternalDependencies.contains(dependencyCoordinate)
|| (perModuleOptionalExternalDependencies.containsKey(module)
&& perModuleOptionalExternalDependencies.get(module).contains(dependencyCoordinate))) {
// make a copy of the dep and set optional=true
dep = new ExternalDependency(dep.groupId, dep.artifactId, dep.classifier, dep.isTestDependency, true);
* For each module, sets a compile-scope and a test-scope property
* with values that contain the appropriate &lt;dependency&gt;
* snippets.
private void setExternalDependencyXmlProperties() {
for (String module : internalCompileScopeDependencies.keySet()) { // get full module list
StringBuilder compileScopeBuilder = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder testScopeBuilder = new StringBuilder();
SortedSet<ExternalDependency> extDeps = allExternalDependencies.get(module);
if (null != extDeps) {
for (ExternalDependency dep : extDeps) {
StringBuilder builder = dep.isTestDependency ? testScopeBuilder : compileScopeBuilder;
appendDependencyXml(builder, dep.groupId, dep.artifactId, " ", null,
dep.isTestDependency, dep.isOptional, dep.classifier, null);
// Test POMs for solrj, solr-core, lucene-codecs and lucene-core modules
// need to include all compile-scope dependencies as test-scope dependencies
// since we've turned off transitive dependency resolution.
if ( ! dep.isTestDependency && modulesWithSeparateCompileAndTestPOMs.contains(module)) {
appendDependencyXml(testScopeBuilder, dep.groupId, dep.artifactId, " ", null,
true, dep.isOptional, dep.classifier, null);
if (compileScopeBuilder.length() > 0) {
compileScopeBuilder.setLength(compileScopeBuilder.length() - 1); // drop trailing newline
if (testScopeBuilder.length() > 0) {
testScopeBuilder.setLength(testScopeBuilder.length() - 1); // drop trailing newline
allProperties.setProperty(module + ".external.dependencies", compileScopeBuilder.toString());
allProperties.setProperty(module + ".external.test.dependencies", testScopeBuilder.toString());
* Sets the property to be inserted into the grandparent POM's
* &lt;dependencyManagement&gt; section.
private void setGrandparentDependencyManagementProperty() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
Map<String,String> versionsMap = new HashMap<>();
appendAllExternalDependencies(builder, versionsMap);
builder.setLength(builder.length() - 1); // drop trailing newline
allProperties.setProperty(DEPENDENCY_MANAGEMENT_PROPERTY, builder.toString());
for (Map.Entry<String,String> entry : versionsMap.entrySet()) {
allProperties.setProperty(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
* For each artifact in the project, append a dependency with version
* ${project.version} to the grandparent POM's &lt;dependencyManagement&gt;
* section. An &lt;exclusion&gt; is added for each of the artifact's
* dependencies.
private void appendAllInternalDependencies(StringBuilder builder) {
for (Map.Entry<String, SortedSet<String>> entry : internalCompileScopeDependencies.entrySet()) {
String artifactId = entry.getKey();
List<String> exclusions = new ArrayList<>(entry.getValue());
SortedSet<ExternalDependency> extDeps = allExternalDependencies.get(artifactId);
if (null != extDeps) {
for (ExternalDependency externalDependency : extDeps) {
if ( ! externalDependency.isTestDependency && ! externalDependency.isOptional) {
exclusions.add(externalDependency.groupId + ':' + externalDependency.artifactId);
String groupId = ivyModuleInfo.get(artifactId);
appendDependencyXml(builder, groupId, artifactId, " ", "${project.version}", false, false, null, exclusions);
* Sets the ivyCacheDir field, to either the ${ivy.default.ivy.user.dir}
* property, or if that's not set, to the default ~/.ivy2/.
private File getIvyCacheDir() {
String ivyUserDirName = getProject().getUserProperty(IVY_USER_DIR_PROPERTY);
if (null == ivyUserDirName) {
ivyUserDirName = getProject().getProperty(IVY_USER_DIR_PROPERTY);
if (null == ivyUserDirName) {
ivyUserDirName = System.getProperty("user.home") + System.getProperty("file.separator") + ".ivy2";
File ivyUserDir = new File(ivyUserDirName);
if ( ! ivyUserDir.exists()) {
throw new BuildException("Ivy user dir does not exist: '" + ivyUserDir.getPath() + "'");
File dir = new File(ivyUserDir, "cache");
if ( ! dir.exists()) {
throw new BuildException("Ivy cache dir does not exist: '" + ivyCacheDir.getPath() + "'");
return dir;
* Append each dependency listed in the centralized Ivy versions file
* to the grandparent POM's &lt;dependencyManagement&gt; section.
* An &lt;exclusion&gt; is added for each of the artifact's dependencies,
* which are collected from the artifact's ivy.xml from the Ivy cache.
* Also add a version property for each dependency.
private void appendAllExternalDependencies(StringBuilder dependenciesBuilder, Map<String,String> versionsMap) {
log("Loading centralized ivy versions from: " + centralizedVersionsFile, verboseLevel);
ivyCacheDir = getIvyCacheDir();
Properties versions = new InterpolatedProperties();
try (InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(centralizedVersionsFile);
Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(inputStream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new BuildException("Exception reading centralized versions file " + centralizedVersionsFile.getPath(), e);
SortedSet<Map.Entry<?,?>> sortedEntries = new TreeSet<>(new Comparator<Map.Entry<?,?>>() {
@Override public int compare(Map.Entry<?,?> o1, Map.Entry<?,?> o2) {
return ((String)o1.getKey()).compareTo((String)o2.getKey());
for (Map.Entry<?,?> entry : sortedEntries) {
String key = (String)entry.getKey();
Matcher matcher = COORDINATE_KEY_PATTERN.matcher(key);
if (matcher.lookingAt()) {
String groupId =;
String artifactId =;
String coordinate = groupId + ':' + artifactId;
String version = (String)entry.getValue();
versionsMap.put(coordinate + ".version", version);
if ( ! nonJarDependencies.contains(coordinate)) {
Set<String> classifiers = dependencyClassifiers.get(coordinate);
if (null != classifiers) {
for (String classifier : classifiers) {
Collection<String> exclusions = getTransitiveDependenciesFromIvyCache(groupId, artifactId, version);
(dependenciesBuilder, groupId, artifactId, " ", version, false, false, classifier, exclusions);
* Collect transitive compile-scope dependencies for the given artifact's
* ivy.xml from the Ivy cache, using the default ivy pattern
* "[organisation]/[module]/ivy-[revision].xml". See
* <a href=""
* >the Ivy cache documentation</a>.
private Collection<String> getTransitiveDependenciesFromIvyCache
(String groupId, String artifactId, String version) {
SortedSet<String> transitiveDependencies = new TreeSet<>();
// E.g. ~/.ivy2/cache/xerces/xercesImpl/ivy-2.9.1.xml
File ivyXmlFile = new File(new File(new File(ivyCacheDir, groupId), artifactId), "ivy-" + version + ".xml");
if ( ! ivyXmlFile.exists()) {
throw new BuildException("File not found: " + ivyXmlFile.getPath());
try {
Document document = documentBuilder.parse(ivyXmlFile);
String dependencyPath = "/ivy-module/dependencies/dependency"
+ "[ not(starts-with(@conf,'test->'))"
+ "and not(starts-with(@conf,'provided->'))"
+ "and not(starts-with(@conf,'optional->'))]";
NodeList dependencies = (NodeList)xpath.evaluate(dependencyPath, document, XPathConstants.NODESET);
for (int i = 0 ; i < dependencies.getLength() ; ++i) {
Element dependency = (Element)dependencies.item(i);
transitiveDependencies.add(dependency.getAttribute("org") + ':' + dependency.getAttribute("name"));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new BuildException( "Exception collecting transitive dependencies for "
+ groupId + ':' + artifactId + ':' + version + " from "
+ ivyXmlFile.getAbsolutePath(), e);
return transitiveDependencies;
* Sets the internal dependencies compile and test properties to be inserted
* into modules' POMs.
* Also collects shared external dependencies,
* e.g. solr-core wants all of solrj's external dependencies
private void setInternalDependencyProperties() {
log("Loading module dependencies from: " + moduleDependenciesPropertiesFile, verboseLevel);
Properties moduleDependencies = new Properties();
try (InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(moduleDependenciesPropertiesFile);
Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(inputStream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) {
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
throw new BuildException("Properties file does not exist: " + moduleDependenciesPropertiesFile.getPath());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new BuildException("Exception reading properties file " + moduleDependenciesPropertiesFile.getPath(), e);
Map<String,SortedSet<String>> testScopeDependencies = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, String> testScopePropertyKeys = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<?,?> entry : moduleDependencies.entrySet()) {
String newPropertyKey = (String)entry.getKey();
StringBuilder newPropertyValue = new StringBuilder();
String value = (String)entry.getValue();
Matcher matcher = MODULE_DEPENDENCIES_COORDINATE_KEY_PATTERN.matcher(newPropertyKey);
if ( ! matcher.matches()) {
throw new BuildException("Malformed module dependencies property key: '" + newPropertyKey + "'");
String antProjectName =;
boolean isTest = null !=;
String artifactName = antProjectToArtifactName(antProjectName);
newPropertyKey = artifactName + (isTest ? ".internal.test" : ".internal") + ".dependencies"; // Add ".internal"
if (isTest) {
testScopePropertyKeys.put(artifactName, newPropertyKey);
if (null == value || value.isEmpty()) {
allProperties.setProperty(newPropertyKey, "");
Map<String,SortedSet<String>> scopedDependencies
= isTest ? testScopeDependencies : internalCompileScopeDependencies;
scopedDependencies.put(artifactName, new TreeSet<String>());
} else {
// Lucene analysis modules' build dirs do not include hyphens, but Solr contribs' build dirs do
String origModuleDir = antProjectName.replace("analyzers-", "analysis/");
// Exclude the module's own build output, in addition to UNWANTED_INTERNAL_DEPENDENCIES
Pattern unwantedInternalDependencies = Pattern.compile
("(?:lucene/build/|solr/build/(?:contrib/)?)" + origModuleDir + "/" // require dir separator
SortedSet<String> sortedDeps = new TreeSet<>();
for (String dependency : value.split(",")) {
matcher = SHARED_EXTERNAL_DEPENDENCIES_PATTERN.matcher(dependency);
if (matcher.find()) {
String otherArtifactName =;
boolean isTestScope = null != && > 0;
otherArtifactName = otherArtifactName.replace('/', '-');
otherArtifactName = otherArtifactName.replace("lucene-analysis", "lucene-analyzers");
otherArtifactName = otherArtifactName.replace("solr-contrib-solr-", "solr-");
otherArtifactName = otherArtifactName.replace("solr-contrib-", "solr-");
if ( ! otherArtifactName.equals(artifactName)) {
Map<String,Set<String>> sharedDeps
= isTest ? interModuleExternalTestScopeDependencies : interModuleExternalCompileScopeDependencies;
Set<String> sharedSet = sharedDeps.get(artifactName);
if (null == sharedSet) {
sharedSet = new HashSet<>();
sharedDeps.put(artifactName, sharedSet);
if (isTestScope) {
otherArtifactName += ":test";
matcher = unwantedInternalDependencies.matcher(dependency);
if (matcher.find()) {
continue; // skip external (/(test-)lib/), and non-jar and unwanted (self) internal deps
String artifactId = dependencyToArtifactId(newPropertyKey, dependency);
String groupId = ivyModuleInfo.get(artifactId);
String coordinate = groupId + ':' + artifactId;
if (isTest) { // Don't set test-scope properties until all compile-scope deps have been seen
testScopeDependencies.put(artifactName, sortedDeps);
} else {
internalCompileScopeDependencies.put(artifactName, sortedDeps);
for (String dependency : sortedDeps) {
int splitPos = dependency.indexOf(':');
String groupId = dependency.substring(0, splitPos);
String artifactId = dependency.substring(splitPos + 1);
appendDependencyXml(newPropertyValue, groupId, artifactId, " ", null, false, false, null, null);
if (newPropertyValue.length() > 0) {
newPropertyValue.setLength(newPropertyValue.length() - 1); // drop trailing newline
allProperties.setProperty(newPropertyKey, newPropertyValue.toString());
// Now that all compile-scope dependencies have been seen, include only those test-scope
// dependencies that are not also compile-scope dependencies.
for (Map.Entry<String,SortedSet<String>> entry : testScopeDependencies.entrySet()) {
String module = entry.getKey();
SortedSet<String> testDeps = entry.getValue();
SortedSet<String> compileDeps = internalCompileScopeDependencies.get(module);
if (null == compileDeps) {
throw new BuildException("Can't find compile scope dependencies for module " + module);
StringBuilder newPropertyValue = new StringBuilder();
for (String dependency : testDeps) {
// modules with separate compile-scope and test-scope POMs need their compile-scope deps
// included in their test-scope deps.
if (modulesWithSeparateCompileAndTestPOMs.contains(module) || ! compileDeps.contains(dependency)) {
int splitPos = dependency.indexOf(':');
String groupId = dependency.substring(0, splitPos);
String artifactId = dependency.substring(splitPos + 1);
appendDependencyXml(newPropertyValue, groupId, artifactId, " ", null, true, false, null, null);
if (newPropertyValue.length() > 0) {
newPropertyValue.setLength(newPropertyValue.length() - 1); // drop trailing newline
allProperties.setProperty(testScopePropertyKeys.get(module), newPropertyValue.toString());
* Converts either a compile output directory or an internal jar
* dependency, taken from an Ant (test.)classpath, into an artifactId
private String dependencyToArtifactId(String newPropertyKey, String dependency) {
StringBuilder artifactId = new StringBuilder();
Matcher matcher = COMPILATION_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_PATTERN.matcher(dependency);
if (matcher.matches()) {
// Pattern.compile("(lucene|solr)/build/(.*)/classes/java");
String artifact =;
artifact = artifact.replace('/', '-');
artifact = artifact.replaceAll("(?<!solr-)analysis-", "analyzers-");
if ("lucene".equals( {
} else {
matcher = internalJarPattern.matcher(dependency);
if (matcher.matches()) {
// internalJarPattern is /.*(lucene|solr)([^/]*?)-<version>\.jar/,
// where <version> is the value of the Ant "version" property
} else {
throw new BuildException
("Malformed module dependency from '" + newPropertyKey + "': '" + dependency + "'");
return artifactId.toString();
* Convert Ant project names to artifact names: prepend "lucene-"
* to Lucene project names
private String antProjectToArtifactName(String origModule) {
String module = origModule;
if ( ! origModule.startsWith("solr-")) { // lucene modules names don't have "lucene-" prepended
module = "lucene-" + module;
return module;
* Collect external dependencies from the given ivy.xml file, constructing
* property values containing &lt;dependency&gt; snippets, which will be
* filtered (substituted) when copying the POM for the module corresponding
* to the given ivy.xml file.
private void collectExternalDependenciesFromIvyXmlFile(File ivyXmlFile)
throws XPathExpressionException, IOException, SAXException {
String module = getModuleName(ivyXmlFile);
log("Collecting external dependencies from: " + ivyXmlFile.getPath(), verboseLevel);
Document document = documentBuilder.parse(ivyXmlFile);
// Exclude the 'start' configuration in solr/server/ivy.xml
String dependencyPath = "/ivy-module/dependencies/dependency[not(starts-with(@conf,'start'))]";
NodeList dependencies = (NodeList)xpath.evaluate(dependencyPath, document, XPathConstants.NODESET);
for (int depNum = 0 ; depNum < dependencies.getLength() ; ++depNum) {
Element dependency = (Element)dependencies.item(depNum);
String groupId = dependency.getAttribute("org");
String artifactId = dependency.getAttribute("name");
String dependencyCoordinate = groupId + ':' + artifactId;
Set<String> classifiers = dependencyClassifiers.get(dependencyCoordinate);
if (null == classifiers) {
classifiers = new HashSet<>();
dependencyClassifiers.put(dependencyCoordinate, classifiers);
String conf = dependency.getAttribute("conf");
boolean confContainsTest = conf.contains("test");
boolean isOptional = globalOptionalExternalDependencies.contains(dependencyCoordinate)
|| ( perModuleOptionalExternalDependencies.containsKey(module)
&& perModuleOptionalExternalDependencies.get(module).contains(dependencyCoordinate));
SortedSet<ExternalDependency> deps = allExternalDependencies.get(module);
if (null == deps) {
deps = new TreeSet<>();
allExternalDependencies.put(module, deps);
NodeList artifacts = null;
if (dependency.hasChildNodes()) {
artifacts = (NodeList)xpath.evaluate("artifact", dependency, XPathConstants.NODESET);
if (null != artifacts && artifacts.getLength() > 0) {
for (int artifactNum = 0 ; artifactNum < artifacts.getLength() ; ++artifactNum) {
Element artifact = (Element)artifacts.item(artifactNum);
String type = artifact.getAttribute("type");
String ext = artifact.getAttribute("ext");
// When conf contains BOTH "test" and "compile", and type != "test", this is NOT a test dependency
boolean isTestDependency = confContainsTest && (type.equals("test") || ! conf.contains("compile"));
if ((type.isEmpty() && ext.isEmpty()) || type.equals("jar") || ext.equals("jar")) {
String classifier = artifact.getAttribute("maven:classifier");
if (classifier.isEmpty()) {
classifier = null;
deps.add(new ExternalDependency(groupId, artifactId, classifier, isTestDependency, isOptional));
} else { // not a jar
} else {
deps.add(new ExternalDependency(groupId, artifactId, null, confContainsTest, isOptional));
* Stores information about an external dependency
private static class ExternalDependency implements Comparable<ExternalDependency> {
String groupId;
String artifactId;
boolean isTestDependency;
boolean isOptional;
String classifier;
public ExternalDependency
(String groupId, String artifactId, String classifier, boolean isTestDependency, boolean isOptional) {
this.groupId = groupId;
this.artifactId = artifactId;
this.classifier = classifier;
this.isTestDependency = isTestDependency;
this.isOptional = isOptional;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if ( ! (o instanceof ExternalDependency)) {
return false;
ExternalDependency other = (ExternalDependency)o;
return groupId.equals(other.groupId)
&& artifactId.equals(other.artifactId)
&& isTestDependency == other.isTestDependency
&& isOptional == other.isOptional
&& classifier.equals(other.classifier);
public int hashCode() {
return groupId.hashCode() * 31
+ artifactId.hashCode() * 31
+ (isTestDependency ? 31 : 0)
+ (isOptional ? 31 : 0)
+ classifier.hashCode();
public int compareTo(ExternalDependency other) {
int comparison = groupId.compareTo(other.groupId);
if (0 != comparison) {
return comparison;
comparison = artifactId.compareTo(other.artifactId);
if (0 != comparison) {
return comparison;
if (null == classifier) {
if (null != other.classifier) {
return -1;
} else if (null == other.classifier) { // classifier is not null
return 1;
} else { // neither classifier is null
if (0 != (comparison = classifier.compareTo(other.classifier))) {
return comparison;
// test and optional don't matter in this sort
return 0;
* Extract module name from ivy.xml path.
private String getModuleName(File ivyXmlFile) {
String path = ivyXmlFile.getAbsolutePath();
Matcher matcher = PROPERTY_PREFIX_FROM_IVY_XML_FILE_PATTERN.matcher(path);
if ( ! matcher.find()) {
throw new BuildException("Can't get module name from ivy.xml path: " + path);
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
if (null != { // "lucene/analysis/..."
} else if (null != { // "solr/example/..."
} else if (null != { // "solr/server/..."
return builder.toString().replace("solr-solr-", "solr-");
* Appends a &lt;dependency&gt; snippet to the given builder.
private void appendDependencyXml(StringBuilder builder, String groupId, String artifactId,
String indent, String version, boolean isTestDependency,
boolean isOptional, String classifier, Collection<String> exclusions) {
builder.append(indent).append(" <groupId>").append(groupId).append("</groupId>\n");
builder.append(indent).append(" <artifactId>").append(artifactId).append("</artifactId>\n");
if (null != version) {
builder.append(indent).append(" <version>").append(version).append("</version>\n");
if (isTestDependency) {
builder.append(indent).append(" <scope>test</scope>\n");
if (isOptional) {
builder.append(indent).append(" <optional>true</optional>\n");
if (null != classifier) {
builder.append(indent).append(" <classifier>").append(classifier).append("</classifier>\n");
if ( ! modulesWithTransitiveDependencies.contains(artifactId) && null != exclusions && ! exclusions.isEmpty()) {
builder.append(indent).append(" <exclusions>\n");
for (String dependency : exclusions) {
int splitPos = dependency.indexOf(':');
String excludedGroupId = dependency.substring(0, splitPos);
String excludedArtifactId = dependency.substring(splitPos + 1);
builder.append(indent).append(" <exclusion>\n");
builder.append(indent).append(" <groupId>").append(excludedGroupId).append("</groupId>\n");
builder.append(indent).append(" <artifactId>").append(excludedArtifactId).append("</artifactId>\n");
builder.append(indent).append(" </exclusion>\n");
builder.append(indent).append(" </exclusions>\n");