tree: d2b73b3029548c2e769efae92ef934ad3b99954a [path history] [tgz]
  1. example/
  2. scripts/
  3. templates/
  4. tests/
  5. build.gradle
  6. gradle-help.txt

Solr Docker

This Solr docker module creates both a local Docker image from the source as well as the official Solr Dockerfile. This allows for local images to be completely compatible with the official Solr images available on DockerHub.

In order to build/test/tag your Docker images using local Solr source code, please refer to ./gradlew helpDocker in a git checkout or a source-release download.

Please refer to the Solr Reference Guide for information on using the Solr Docker image.

Building from the Solr Binary Distribution

Officially-compliant Docker images can be built directly from the Solr binary distribution (i.e. solr-<version>.tgz). A Dockerfile is included in the binary distribution, under solr-<version>/docker/Dockerfile, and is the same one used when building a docker image via Gradle. The slim binary distribution can also be used by using solr-<version>-slim instead of solr-<version>.

To build the Docker image, pass the Solr TGZ as the Docker context and provide the path of the Dockerfile. Note, that Docker will accept either a URL or a local TGZ file, but each require slightly different syntax. Therefore custom Solr releases or official releases can be used to create custom Solr images.

docker build -f solr-X.Y.Z/docker/Dockerfile - < solr-X.Y.Z.tgz
docker build -f solr-X.Y.Z/docker/Dockerfile
docker build -f solr-X.Y.Z-slim/docker/Dockerfile

When building the image, Solr accepts arguments for customization. Currently only one argument is accepted:

  • BASE_IMAGE: Change the base java image for Solr. This can be used to change java versions, jvms, etc.
docker build --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=custom/jdk:17-slim -f solr-X.Y.Z/docker/Dockerfile

Official Image Management

Please refer to the dev-docs in apache/solr-docker for information on how the Official Solr Dockerfile is maintained & released.