Ignore producer URP (if disabled) in standalone mode (#79)

XDC really only makes sense in a SolrCloud context.  But all the same,
its nice to handle MirroringUpdateRequestProcessorFactory more
gracefully if someone does accidentally configure their standalone core
to use the XDC producer URP.

This commit tweaks MirroringUpdateRequestProcessorFactory's
initialization so that in standalone mode it emits a warning about the
misconfiguration if disabled, and fails core init/load entirely if the
Mirroring URP is 'enabled=true'.
3 files changed
tree: cd934e233fad263302fa879e9169ca97c76558c6
  1. .github/
  2. crossdc-commons/
  3. crossdc-consumer/
  4. crossdc-producer/
  5. encryption/
  6. gradle/
  7. .asf.yaml
  8. .gitattributes
  9. .gitignore
  10. build.gradle
  11. cluster-stop.sh
  12. cluster.sh
  13. CROSSDC.md
  15. gradlew
  16. gradlew.bat
  18. log4j2.xml
  19. manual-test.sh
  20. README.md
  21. settings.gradle
  22. SolrAndKafkaIntegrationTest.java
  23. version.props

Solr Sandbox

The solr sandbox repository serves as a place to host contributions that are not a part of core solr.

This allows for contributors to try out new ideas without affecting the main project.

The Lucene sandbox, which provides the same value for Lucene centric code, is currently a module within the main lucene-solr repository.