Setup gradle for sandbox root (#2)

* Setup gradle for sandbox root

* Replace default gradle wrappers with the one from lucene-solr repo

* Remove the use of WrapperDownloader. We can add it if we really need it in the future.
8 files changed
tree: 8c6aa0fdebd846c6cd1950ff7d6521aca9c0bf70
  1. gradle/
  2. .asf.yaml
  3. .gitattributes
  4. .gitignore
  5. build.gradle
  6. gradlew
  7. gradlew.bat
  10. settings.gradle

Solr Sandbox

The solr sandbox repository serves as a place to host contributions that are not a part of core solr.

This allows for contributors to try out new ideas without affecting the main project.

The Lucene sandbox, which provides the same value for Lucene centric code, is currently a module within the main lucene-solr repository.