tree: 43560b34421fa96e83f74d44701a890aa0a18383 [path history] [tgz]
  1. crds/
  2. templates/
  3. .helmignore
  4. Chart.yaml
  8. values.yaml

Solr Operator

The Solr Operator is designed to allow easy deployment Solr Clouds and other Solr Resources to Kubernetes.

Documentation around using the Solr Operator can be found at it's official site or source repo.

Tutorials have been provided for both basic and advanced usage of the Solr Operator.

Upgrade Notes

Before upgrading your Solr Operator to a newer version, please refer to the Upgrade Notes. There may be breaking changes between the version you are running and the version you want to upgrade to.

Using the Helm Chart

Installing the Zookeeper Operator

Before installing the Solr Operator, we need to install the Zookeeper Operator. This is because the Solr Operator, in most instances, relies on the Zookeeper Operator to create the Zookeeper clusters that Solr coordinates through.

The Solr Operator helm chart has a conditional dependency on the official Zookeeper Operator helm chart, which is enabled by default.

If you wish to manage the installation of the Zookeeper Operator yourself, set:

  • zookeeper-operator.install: false
  • zookeeper-operator.use: true

If you do not wish to use the Zookeeper Operator, set:

  • zookeeper-operator.install: false
  • zookeeper-operator.use: false

Adding the Solr Operator Helm Chart Repository

You should only need to add the solr operator helm chart repository once, by running the following command:

helm repo add apache-solr

Installing the Chart

To install the Solr Operator for the first time in your cluster, you can use the latest version or a specific version, run with the following commands:

kubectl create -f
helm install solr-operator apache-solr/solr-operator --version 0.6.1-prerelease

The command deploys the solr-operator on the Kubernetes cluster with the default configuration. The configuration section lists the parameters that can be configured during installation.

Note that the Helm chart version does not contain a v prefix, which the downloads version does. The Helm chart version is the only part of the Solr Operator release that does not use the v prefix.

Upgrading the Solr Operator

If you are upgrading your Solr Operator deployment, you should always use a specific version of the chart and pre-install the Solr CRDS:

kubectl replace -f
helm upgrade solr-operator apache-solr/solr-operator --version 0.6.1-prerelease


If you want to specify the namespace for the installation, use the --namespace flag. All resources will be deployed to the given namespace.

helm install solr-operator apache-solr/solr-operator --namespace solr

If you want to only watch that namespace, or others, then you will have to provide the watchNamespaces option.

# Watch the namespace where the operator is deployed to (just pass the boolean true)
helm install solr-operator apache-solr/solr-operator --namespace solr --set watchNamespaces=true
# Watch a single namespace different than the one being deployed to
helm install solr-operator apache-solr/solr-operator --namespace solr --set watchNamespaces=other
# Watch multiple namespaces (commmas must be escaped in the set string)
helm install solr-operator apache-solr/solr-operator --namespace solr --set watchNamespaces="team1\,team2\,team3"

Note: Passing false or "" to the watchNamespaces variable will both result in the operator watchting all namespaces in the Kube cluster.

Managing CRDs

Helm 3 automatically installs the Solr CRDs in the /crds directory, so no further action is needed when first installing the Operator.

If you have solr operator installations in multiple namespaces that are managed separately, you will likely want to skip installing CRDs when installing the chart. This can be done with the --skip-crds helm option.

helm install solr-operator apache-solr/solr-operator --skip-crds --namespace solr

Helm will not upgrade CRDs once they have been installed. Therefore, if you are upgrading from a previous Solr Operator version, be sure to install the most recent CRDs first.

You can update the released Solr CRDs with the following URL:

kubectl replace -f "<version>/<name>.yaml"


    Includes all Solr CRDs in the v0.3.0 release
    Includes all Solr CRDs and dependency CRDs in the v0.2.7 release
    Just the SolrCloud CRD in the v0.2.8 release

The ZookeeperCluster CRD

If you use the provided Zookeeper Cluster in the SolrCloud Spec, it is important to make sure you have the correct ZookeeperCluster CRD installed as well.

The Zookeeper Operator Helm chart includes its CRDs when installing, however the way the CRDs are managed can be considered risky. If we let the Zookeeper Operator Helm chart manage the Zookeeper CRDs, then users could see outages when uninstalling the chart. Therefore, by default, we tell the Zookeeper Operator to not install the Zookeeper CRDs. You can override this, assuming the risks, by setting zookeeper-operator.crd.create: true.

For manual installation of the ZookeeperCluster CRD, you can find the file in the zookeeper-operator repo, for the correct release, or use the convenience download locations provided below. The Solr CRD releases have bundled the ZookeeperCluster CRD required in each version.

# Install all Solr CRDs as well as the dependency CRDS (ZookeeperCluster) for the given version of the Solr Operator
kubectl create -f "<solr operator version>/all-with-dependencies.yaml"

# Install *just* the ZookeeperCluster CRD used in the given version of the Solr Operator
kubectl create -f "<solr operator version>/zookeeperclusters.yaml"


    Includes all Solr CRDs and dependency CRDs, including ZookeeperCluster, in the v0.3.0 Solr Operator release
    Just the ZookeeperCluster CRD required in the v0.2.8 Solr Operator release

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the Solr Operator, run:

helm uninstall solr-operator

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release, except for the Solr CRDs.

NOTE: If you are using the Zookeeper Operator helm chart as a dependency and have set zookeeper-operator.crds.install: true, this will also delete the ZookeeperCluster CRD, thus deleting all Zookeeper instances in the Kubernetes Cluster.

Chart Values

Configuring the Solr Operator

watchNamespacesstring""A comma-separated list of namespaces that the solr operator should watch. If empty, the solr operator will watch all namespaces in the cluster. If set to true, this will be populated with the namespace that the operator is deployed to.
zookeeper-operator.installbooleantrueThis option installs the Zookeeper Operator as a helm dependency
zookeeper-operator.usebooleanfalseThis option enables the use of provided Zookeeper instances for SolrClouds via the Zookeeper Operator, without installing the Zookeeper Operator as a dependency. If zookeeper-operator.install=true, then this option is ignored.
leaderElection.enablebooleantrueEnable leader election for the Solr Operator. Will work across multiple watchNamespaces, as long as all deployments have the same list for watchNamespaces.
metrics.enablebooleantrueEnable metrics for the Solr Operator. Will be available via the “metrics”/8080 port on the solr operator pods under the “/metrics” path.
mTLS.clientCertSecretstring""Name of a Kubernetes TLS secret, in the same namespace, that contains a Client certificate to load into the operator. If provided, this is used when communicating with Solr.
mTLS.caCertSecretKeystring""Name of a Kubernetes secret, in the same namespace, that contains PEM encoded Root CA Certificate to use when connecting to Solr with Client Auth.
mTLS.caCertSecretstring""Name of the key in the caCertSecret that contains the Root CA Cert as a value.
mTLS.insecureSkipVerifybooleantrueSkip server certificate and hostname verification when connecting to Solr with ClientAuth.
mTLS.watchForUpdatesbooleantrueWatch for updates to the mTLS certificate to reload the HTTP client used to call Solr pods with an updated client certificate.

Running the Solr Operator

image.repositorystring"apache/solr-operator"The repository of the Solr Operator image
image.tagstring"v0.6.1-prerelease"The tag/version of the Solr Operator to run
fullnameOverridestring""A custom name for the Solr Operator Deployment
replicaCountint1The number of Solr Operator pods to run
rbac.createbooleantrueCreate the necessary RBAC rules, whether cluster-wide or namespaced, for the Solr Operator.
serviceAccount.createbooleantrueCreate a serviceAccount to be used for this operator. This serviceAccount will be given the permissions specified in the operator's RBAC rules.
serviceAccount.namestring""If serviceAccount.create is set to false, the name of an existing serviceAccount in the target namespace must be provided to run the Solr Operator with. This serviceAccount with be given the operator's RBAC rules.
resources.limitsmap[string]stringProvide Resource limits for the Solr Operator container
resources.requestsmap[string]stringProvide Resource requests for the Solr Operator container
labelsmap[string]stringCustom labels to add to the Solr Operator pod
annotationsmap[string]stringCustom annotations to add to the Solr Operator pod
nodeSelectormap[string]stringAdd a node selector for the Solr Operator pod, to specify where it can be scheduled
affinityobjectAdd Kubernetes affinity information for the Solr Operator pod
tolerations[]objectSpecify a list of Kubernetes tolerations for the Solr Operator pod
priorityClassNamestring""Give a priorityClassName for the Solr Operator pod
sidecarContainers[]objectAn optional list of additional containers to run along side the Solr Operator in its pod

Configuring the Zookeeper Operator

If you have zookeeper-operator.install set to true, which is the default behavior, then you can use the Zookeeper Operator Chart values. You must prefix every Zookeeper Operator configuration with zookeeper-operator., in order for it to be used.

For example:

    create: false
  watchNamespace: test-namespace