Apache Sling OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 support

Warning This bundle is under development, do not use in production.

This bundle adds support for Sling-based applications to function as a Open ID connect relying parties or OAuth 2.0 clients. Its main objective is to simplify access to user and access tokens in a secure manner. It currently supports the OIDC Authentication Code flow.


The bundle offers the following entry points

  • an OidcClient service that communicates with the remote Open ID connect provider
  • a TokenStore service that allows storage and retrieval of persisted tokens.

Basic usage is as follows

import org.apache.sling.extensions.oidc_rp.*; @Component(service = { Servlet.class }) @SlingServletPaths(value = "/bin/myservlet") public class MySlingServlet { @Reference private OidcTokenStore tokenStore; @Reference private OidcClient oidcClient; public void accessRemoteResource(SlingHttpServletRequest request, SlingHttpServletResponse response) { OidcConnection connection = getConnection(); OidcToken tokenResponse = tokenStore.getAccessToken(connection, request.getResourceResolver()); switch ( tokenResponse.getState() ) { case VALID: doStuffWithToken(tokenResponse.getValue()); break; case MISSING: response.sendRedirect(oidcClient.getOidcEntryPointUri(connection, request, "/bin/myservlet").toString()); break; case EXPIRED: OidcToken refreshToken = tokenStore.getRefreshToken(connection, request.getResourceResolver()); if ( refreshToken.getState() != OidcTokenState.VALID ) response.sendRedirect(oidcClient.getOidcEntryPointUri(connection, request, "/bin/myservlet").toString()); OidcTokens oidcTokens = oidcClient.refreshTokens(connection, refreshToken.getValue()); tokenStore.persistTokens(connection, request.getResourceResolver(), oidcTokens); doStuffWithToken(tokenResponse.getValue()); break; } } }

Client registration

Client registration is specific to each provider. When registering, note the following:

  • the redirect URL must be set to $HOST/system/sling/oidc/callback registered. For development this is typically http://localhost:8080/system/sling/oidc/callback
  • write down the client id, client secret obtained from the OIDC provider
  • you may need to provide in advance the set of scopes accessible to your client

Validated providers:


A set of dependencies required by this bundle, on top of the Sling Starter ones, is available at src/main/features/main.json. In addition, the following OSGi configuration must be added

"org.apache.sling.servlets.oidc_rp.impl.OidcConnectionImpl~provider": {
    "name": "provider",
    "baseUrl": "https://.example.com",
    "clientId": "$[secret:provider/clientId]",
    "clientSecret": "$[secret:provider/clientSecret]",
    "scopes": ["openid"]

At this point, the OIDC process can be kicked of by navigating to http://localhost:8080/system/sling/oidc/entry-point?c=provider

Token storage

The tokens are stored under the user's home, under the oidc-tokens/$PROVIDER_NAME node.

Whiteboard graduation TODO

  • allow use of refresh tokens
  • extract the token exchange code from the OidcCallbackServlet and move it to the OauthClientImpl
  • provide a sample content package
  • review security best practices
  • investigate whether the OIDC entry point servlet is really needed

Local development setup


  • run the keycloak container using the instructions for ‘use existing test files’
  • build the bundle once with mvn clean install
  • run Sling with mvn feature-launcher:start feature-launcher:stop -Dfeature-launcher.waitForInput
  • create OSGi config with
export CLIENT_SECRET=$(cat src/test/resources/keycloak-import/sling.json | jq --raw-output '.clients[] | select (.clientId == "oidc-test") | .secret')

$ curl -u admin:admin -X POST -d "apply=true" -d "propertylist=name,baseUrl,clientId,clientSecret,scopes" \
    -d "name=keycloak-dev" \
    -d "baseUrl=http://localhost:8081/realms/sling" \
    -d "clientId=oidc-test"\
    -d "clientSecret=$CLIENT_SECRET" \
    -d "scopes=openid" \
    -d "factoryPid=org.apache.sling.extensions.oidc_rp.impl.OidcConnectionImpl" \

Now you can


Use existing test files

Note that this imports the test setup with a single user with a redirect_uri set to http://localhost*, which can be a security issue.

$ docker run --rm  --volume $(pwd)/src/test/resources/keycloak-import:/opt/keycloak/data/import -p 8081:8080 -e KEYCLOAK_ADMIN=admin -e KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin quay.io/keycloak/keycloak:20.0.3 start-dev --import-realm

Manual setup

  1. Launch Keycloak locally
$ docker run --rm --volume $(pwd)/keycloak-data:/opt/keycloak/data -p 8081:8080 -e KEYCLOAK_ADMIN=admin -e KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin quay.io/keycloak/keycloak:20.0.3 start-dev
  1. Create test realm
  • access http://localhost:8081/
  • go to ‘Administration Console’
  • login with admin:admin
  • open dropdown from the top left and press ‘Create realm’
  • Select the name ‘sling’ and create it
  1. Create client
  • in the left navigation area, press ‘clients’
  • press ‘Create client’
  • Fill in ‘Client ID’ as ‘oidc-test’ and press ‘Next’
  • Enable ‘Client authentication’ and press ‘Save’
  1. Configure clients
  1. Add users
  • in the left navigation area, press ‘users’
  • press ‘create new user’
  • fill in username: test and press ‘create’
  • go to the ‘details’ tab, clear any required user actions and press ‘save’
  • go to the ‘credentials’ tab and press ‘set password’
  • in the dialog, use ‘test’ for the password and password confirmation fields and then press ‘save’
  • confirm by pressing ‘save password’ in the new dialog

Exporting the test realm

$ docker run --rm --volume (pwd)/keycloak-data:/opt/keycloak/data -p 8081:8080 -e KEYCLOAK_ADMIN=admin -e KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin quay.io/keycloak/keycloak:20.0.3 export --realm sling --users realm_file --file /opt/keycloak/data/export/sling.json