This module stores content as JSON blobs validated by JSON schemas.
The integration tests (*.feature
files) use Karate and demonstrate how to use the API.
Install the following bundles, which you can get by running mvn dependency:copy-dependencies
in this folder:
jackson-core-2.13.0.jar jackson-annotations-2.13.0.jar jackson-databind-2.13.0.jar json-schema-validator-1.0.63.jar
Install this bundle and verify that it is active.
http://localhost:8080/system/sling/openapi/openapi-browser.html provides an OpenAPI browser. Make sure to set the admin:admin credentials on that page for the requests to work correctly. That UI provides examples that should help explore the API use cases: store a schema, store a document, push the document to a readonly branch and retrieve all those things.
The integration tests start their own Sling instance, but you can also run them against an existing one if desired, as follows:
mvn verify -Dexternal.test.server.port=8080
or, to run just the Karate tests:
mvn test -Dtest=KarateIT -Dexternal.test.server.port=8080