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  1. src/
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  3. pom.xml

HTTP Testing with Karate

This is a series of experiments using Karate ( for testing Sling HTTP APIs.

It is used as the basis of my adaptTo 2018 talk, Karate, the black belt of HTTP API testing?. A video recording of that presentation is available, as well as slides.

To run these tests, start a Sling trunk instance on port 8080 (separately for now - should be automated) and run mvn clean test.

The Karate HTML reports (target/surefire-reports/TEST-sling.*.html) then display detailed HTTP interactions if tests fail, it's very useful for troubleshooting.

The test scenarios are found *.feature files under src/test, like createContent.feature which should be self-explaining - that's the goal of all this.

See also which is a minimal demonstration of the Karate “test doubles” which allow for mocking HTTP services with a very similar syntax than the feature tests.

Running the tests

For now, the tests require a Sling instance to be started separately on port 8080. The simplest way to do that is to download the “Sling Starter Standalone” release 10 jar file from and start it with java -jar*.jar in an empty folder. To reset the state of that instance, if needed, stop it and delete the sling folder that's created when that jar file starts.

The karate “feature” test files are triggered by JUnit tests which have the @RunWith(Karate.class) annotation, like, so they run as part of the standard Maven unit or integration tests.

To run test features which have a specific tag, use for example

mvn clean test -Dcucumber.options="--tags @images"

And to run the Gatling performance tests, use

mvn -o clean test-compile gatling:test && open $(find target/gatling -name index.html)

Karate notes

The Karate UI is described at