Apache Sling SAML2 Handler (NOT FOR PRODUCTION)

This project is intended to be a contribution to the Apache Sling project; it has a SAML2 Service Provider Authentication Handler and the associated SAML2 servlets and utilities. It is a work in progress and not production ready!



  • The SAMLRequest uses HTTP Redirect Binding, and the contained Authn Request object instructs the IDP to use HTTP Post Binding.


Sling applications to authenticate users against Identity Providers (idp) such as Keycloak or Shibboleth using SAML2 protocols.

Synchronize user management based on the SAML2 Assertion and OSGi bundle configs

  • Create the user upon successful IDP authentication
  • Sync user membership of groups as defined in the OSGi configs (Pending)

sp is the package for service provider classes
Helpers hold static utility methods used with the OpenSAML V3 library
The parent saml2 package has interface definitions, the bundle Activator

OSGI Requirements

It is assumed the Sling environment provides certain bundles. The SAML2 bundle will not activate without:

  • org.apache.jackrabbit.oak-auth-external

JKS Options

Just as Jetty requires a JKS to enable https, the SAML2 SP bundle requires a JKS to hold the IDP's signing certificate and to hold the SAML2 Service providers encryption key-pair. One suggestion is to locate these under the sling folder...

$ cd sling
$ mkdir keys
$ cd keys

Enable Jetty HTTPS

Create KeyStore & Generate Self Signed Cert (not for prod). While https on Jetty is technically not required, it serves a few purposes here: provides better security for direct access, and confirms the Java Keystore is configured properly and accessible by the sling system user.

Make a JKS to hold a SSL (self-signed) Certificate

$ keytool -genkeypair -keyalg RSA -validity 365 -alias sslstore -keystore sslKeystore.jks -keypass jettykeypass -storepass JKSPassord -dname "CN=localhost, OU=LSA Technology Services, O=University of Michigan,L=Ann Arbor, S=MI, C=US"

Note: Make note of the JKS filename and path, storepass, keypass, and cert alias.

Configure https on Jetty

The following are based on the example sslKeystore contained under resources.
org.apache.felix.https.keystore.key.password=“jettykeypass” org.apache.felix.https.truststore.password=“JKSPassord”

Note: To use the example sslKeystore.jks, copy it to your Sling folder ./sling/keys/sslKeystore.jks
After enabling Jetty to use https over port 2443, you will need to accept the browser security warning when accessing https://localhost:2443/ due to the use of a self-signed certificate.

IDP Test Setup

Run an IDP locally.

  1. Assuming Sling runs on 8080, use the docker commnd to run Keycloak on port 8088 sign into the IDP using admin:admin
    1.1. docker run -p 8088:8080 -e KEYCLOAK_USER=admin -e KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD=admin quay.io/keycloak/keycloak:9.0.2
    or run it in standalone https://www.keycloak.org/docs/latest/getting_started/
    1.2. Configure the IDP manually with some basic settings such as the one described below;
  2. Create a User & a Group
    • Username = saml2-example
    • Password = password
    • Group: pcms-authors
    • Assign the user to the group
    • Configure the IDP to release the group
    • Decide or set an attribute to for the User ID
    • Add an other user attributes desired to be released
    • Intercept the SAML Response and verify the content

References https://www.keycloak.org/getting-started/getting-started-docker

admin:admin log-in http://localhost:8088/auth/admin
localhost realm http://localhost:8088/auth/admin/master/console/#/realms/localhost/clients

Put your Service Provider KeyPair into a JKS

Option 1: Generate using Keytool
$ keytool -genkey -alias samlKeys -keyalg RSA -keystore samlKeystore.jks
Make note of the storepass, alias, filename, and key password.
These will all be needed to configure SP encryption.
The generated JKS should be imported into your Keycloak localhost Client “SAML Keys”

Option 2: Import Existing into jks
$ keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore serviceProviderKeys.p12 -destkeystore samlKeystore.jks -srcstoretype pkcs12 -alias spKeysAlias

Put your Identity Provider's Signing Certificate into SAML JKS

Get the cert.pem from Realm Setting > Keys Copy pem cert and paste into a text file


$ keytool -import -file idp-signing.pem -keystore samlKeystore.jks -alias IDPSigningAlias

SAML2 Service Provider Configurations

Apache Felix JAAS Configuration Factory Configuration (OSGI)


SAML2 SP Service User Mapper (OSGI and ACL)

Configure a Service User to handle the User Management.

Grant the system user saml2-user-mgt sufficient ACL's to create and write to users home.

SAML2 SP Configuration Example (OSGI)

idpCertAlias=localhost spKeysAlias=slingSP spKeysPassword=encPassword

Note: After configuring the SAML2 authentication handler, the Sling Form login can still be accessed directly http://localhost:8080/system/sling/form/login?resource=%2F

Optionally, configure Keycloak to release a group to the Sling Client and create that group within Sling. Add the group ID (from the assetion) to the OSGI configuration.


Visit https://localhost:2443 and observe login takes place on the http://localhost:8088 Keycloak Identity Provider.

Enter the credentials saml2-example:password, and observe user is granted access to the system.