Apache Sling RepoInit Maven Plugin Usage

Basic Example

Parse, verify and convert repoinit text files into JSON OSGi configuration files and then build a content package containing the configurations.

Note that you must include the executions for the plugin to work.

                <!-- Parses the RepoInit scripts -->
                <!-- Verify the scripts by loading them in a Mock JCR instance -->
                <!-- Convert the RepoInit scripts into JSON OSGi Configurations -->
                            This must be in the jcr_root directory and filter.

                            The filevault-maven-plugin creates the package from the src directory by default.
                            If you wanted this file to not be in source control, you could add the pattern:
                            to your .gitignore
                        <!-- Note: this contains the conversion outputDir -->

Configuring Dependency Versions

To specify a different version of one of the dependencies, set the dependency within the plugin as such:

                <!-- Execution Config Here -->
            <!-- Use older dependency versions -->